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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 23:00

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC (source)
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
Good morning my second favourite bunch of people!
which is third?
The coworkers in my office, probably.
posted on October 08, 2019

posted on October 15, 2019

Two at once *-*
I am currently trying to learn more about linux and found something called SUID and SGID. I don't understand a lot about file ownership and groups and stuff so I will just write what I think I understand here.
You can set the SUID bit in addition to the executable bit for the user. When that file is then executed by anyone else, the file runs under the user who owns that file?
And basically the same thing for SGID; if the SUID bit is not set, but the SGID one is, the file - when executed - will be run under the group that owns the file?
More stuff:
The number I put in when using chmod is the permissions for fileowner - filegroupowner - others with a 1 setting executable, 2 setting writeable and 4 setting readable.
chmod 777 somefile allows all users to read, write and execute somefile.
chmod 426 somefile allows the owner to read it, group members to write and others to read and write
What I didn't understand by now... What is the group? Can there be multiple groups or does it have to be one specifically?
Just realized that I have a pet peeve. If I handle one value I use the singular in naming my method. If I use multiple values, I use the plural
addBook vs addBooks
should we all not do it anyways?
how is that special?
Now I'm in the situation where the plural is wrong
addContent vs addContents.. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
also please fact check my linux rubbish up there
but they're strings
and before you say, "call it addContentStrings", consider that I'd have to rename all my methods in that case
Ah shit, you sniped me :c
I have addIgnorePath and addIgnorePaths
so then I'd have to rename those addIgnorePathString and addIgnorePathStrings..
but addIgnorePath does very similar things
I'd have to rename everything else.. AGH!
@geisterfurz007 could work..
I see you're a true java programmer now
is it possible to improve the ServiceLoader performance at the startup? like starting a new thread for it?
@gaurav for like what, a web application?
startup is slow due to ServiceLoader scanning in 500+ jars
well yes, but only and strictly only if the threads you spawn, you end before the end of your startup method
in other words, you can't spawn some threads to do some background work. at least I don't think that would be a good idea
spawn some threads and then in your main thread, wait for them to finish
or you could just, you know, not use 500+ jars
though if you have that many jars, you may need to write your own classloader instead
and I don't wish that on my worst enemy
if you're throwing threads into the mix, that's especially dangerous
I'm going mad.
The requirement changes everyday.
the only way to combat that is to make sure every feature is agreed upon and signed, with an additional note saying that any alterations with respect to this agreement will cost both extra time and money according to your discretion
when it isn't a client, but it's your boss changing your requirements, change jobs :P
At least you got requirements and don't come to work to see that your boss still didn't make the appointment he announced two weeks ago.
But yey! The data got in so I can finally make the fun manual work of supporting a ~1000 year old .NET application by polishing up the data and inserting stuff in the database.
They often want us to add new functions.
I hate this project.
at my old job, I was given this legacy project written in MFC and told, "read up on this project, but don't take too long. We need to add this change urgently"
The data I got also contains java object string representation thingies with the hash in there which makes it really easy to figure out the actual data I want.
Thank. Very help.
@Neil great advice.
Wait for BG threads to finish in startup-main thread.
several thousand urgent changes later, and the technical debt of that project was incredible
I did the best I could, but they never really seemed to care much that the project was well-maintained
rather it seemed they did everything in their power to prevent it from being well-maintained honestly
See, you don't have that when you fly airplanes.
I should have just put my foot down and said this has to be done properly. Sorry for the wait
eh bad grammar in javadoc
> Atomically increments by one the current value.
it's written like an italian would write it
they don't like to separate phrases, even if it means throwing it at the end of the sentence
sounds better: "Atomically increments the current value by one."
it sounds like yoda
atomically increments by one, the current value does
A sorted list of data you create, hmm!
that's not the only method lol
check atomicinteger javadoc
/javadoc AtomicInteger
probably a stupid question, but why would you prefer AtomicInteger over simply using an Integer with volatile keyword?
is it because volatile prevents multiple reads from different threads whereas AtomicInteger allows that so long as it isn't being written to?
One is mutable while the other is not?
I would also like to punch someone or something
@Neil hmm
let's say
> atomicInteger.incrementAndGet()
> ++volatileInteger
do some calculations with either options in multi-thread context. I think that using the latter would lead to different results
testing time
@geisterfurz007 volatile is mutable
I mean you can reassign it
Yeah but that requires it to be an instance of some other object. You can pass an AtomicInteger around and make changes to it which are reflected everywhere else was what I meant.
well that's true, it's an object, meaning everything that comes with that
> atomic: 1000000
volatile: 514563
I might be doing something wrong here tho
but iDunno
I havent done much with volatile
@Wietlol wait wat?
reading this, it sounds like volatile is not concurrently mutable
it didn't increment sometimes?
it sure did
but what it does is:
It seems it only incremented half the time
1, load value
2, compute new value
3, set new value
it is not an atomic operation
so wtf does volatile do?
if 3 people load the value, then all compute the value, then all set the value... the value is 1
I bet you'd get the same results if you removed volatile keyword
that's how it would behave if there were no concurrency support whatsoever
volatile makes no difference here, indeed
I had always assumed volatile meant "only one thread can read or write this value at any given time"
sort of like synchronized, but always synchronized
> If we do not make the _instance variable volatile than the Thread which is creating instance of Singleton is not able to communicate other thread, that instance has been created until it comes out of the Singleton block, so if Thread A is creating Singleton instance and just after creation lost the CPU, all other thread will not be able to see value of _instance as not null and they will believe its still null.
> So if you want to share any variable in which read and write operation is atomic by implementation e.g. read and write in an int or a boolean variable then you can declare them as volatile variable.
ok, so if I understand correctly, it obliges the JVM to fetch from main memory rather than from cached memory
Fucking HR muppet managed to spell my last name wrong.
@geisterfurz007 F-U-R-Z.. how hard can it be? ;)
This entire collection of people is an absolute. Fucking. Joke. I don't understand how you can be retarded enough to NOT BE ABLE TO READ IT FROM THE GOD DAMN EMAIL ADDRESS
figure that they inserted my last name as my middle name and my middle name as my last name
but in their defense, italians don't have middle names
Oh I am in such a good mood to discuss how I am going to continue at this place with that lady.
I am literally shaking in anger. There has been too much buildup over the last two days again already.
@geisterfurz007 take a breather. If you still feel this way after a one hour break, then go for it
don't do anything hasty
She wants the meeting at 15
But no worries, there is enough stuff that keeps me heated :)
I have no clue what volatile means
@Wietlol there's cache also on the CPU, namely L1, and L2
volatile means, "don't assume the cached version is accurate.. always fetch from main memory"
at least that's what I've gathered
it doesn't prevent concurrency issues though
It was probably his absolutely annoying way of telling you that he doesn't use volatile
also, IJ yells at me for doing the, pretty clear now, non-atomic operation on a volatile field
now I have a silly problem
have a List<Interface> -> parallel stream -> merged returns -> crunch into one data set. Problem: not in order as the items in the list.
need to add a sorting feature :x
not necessarily
Q: Is .collect guaranteed to be ordered on parallel streams?

J_F_B_MGiven I have a list of Strings List<String> toProcess. The results have to be in the order the original lines were given. I want to utilize the new parallel streams. Does the following code guarantee that the results will be in the same order they were in the original list? // ["a", "b", "c"] List

var list = Stream.iterate(0, it -> it + 1)
peek(System.out::println) is out of order
list is ordered
or... what do you mean with "merged returns" ?
  .map //
  .filter // exclude empties
  .map // converts to String (crunch)
  .forEach(str -> myStringBuffer.append(str)) // used a method ref here tho
@Wietlol ^
then the string is just turned into a csv document.
but you do forEach
that is cheating
its quite easy to to use collect with a string builder tho...
string buffer shouldnt be difficult either
but you could also use forEachOrdered
thing is, the stringbuffer already has info before the stream
(those are just the csv headers)
	(StringBuffer) Stream.generate(() -> 0)
		.collect(StringBuffer::new, StringBuffer::append, StringBuffer::append)
odd that it requires the cast tho
anyway, either that or the forEachOrdered
dat cast? o.O
<R> R collect( ... )
afaik, this is impossible
no, String and StringBuffer are completely unrelated types
wtf for font are you using
be happy it isnt tengwar annatar
You can put sequential there again (:
Makes me wonder. Is there any performance benefit if I change a stream to a parallel one, do map and filter and stuff and then use sequential (I think that's the one) to make everything linear again?
that is impossible
What bit of that is?
your bit
I am already pissed and I am just trying to learn something
Don't annoy me
lemme google something
wietlol often likes to respond in a way that appears to be rude, as it is he's superior to us
I just ... accepted it. *shrugs*3
"appears to be"
A: Calling sequential on parallel stream makes all previous operations sequential

Tagir ValeevSwitching the stream from parallel() to sequential() worked in the initial Stream API design, but caused many problems and finally the implementation was changed, so it just turns the parallel flag on and off for the whole pipeline. The current documentation is indeed vague, but it was improved i...

^ true
> it just turns the parallel flag on and off for the whole pipeline
I see. Thank.
I was baffled at first. So went into jls and seems so.
you could however do a collect in between, then your first part can be parallel and after the collect can be sequential
but... you lose lazy processing
it is pretty difficult to do it nicely the way how Java Streams are implemented
move it outside a functionality
but I cant think of a better way myself
getList(fromList).stream // sequential

List<T> getList(List l) {
  return l.paralell......collect
I think parallel stream is fine and good if what you're after is not that complicated
that is how I went around that
@Wietlol that is just one of the Java's oddities.
but otherwise, I tend to prefer ThreadPoolExecutor
no executorservice?
it is an executor service
well... streams work with a few operations,
intermediate operations and terminal operations
intermediate operations simply build the pipeline further out
terminal operations pull values through the pipeline
those terminal operations can then choose to do it in parallel or not
what you really want to have is a lazy terminal operation
but... that is... a bit difficult
Wietlol, what for font is that ???
inb4 wietfont
I think
Consolas, less go
what makes it so different?
My @ looks like an @
my @ also looks like an @
ok that font is somewhat special. But it weirdens out others that does not use it if they are at your screen checking code.
but my @ looks better than yours
That's not an @
@KarelG that bothers me
I had to lookup what that dot= is
Yeah, good job :D
that bothers me too
it is on a white background
That's why I got no fancies in my IntelliJ. I can actually read it without having to look up characters.
.= sounds like string concat
== != <= >= === -> => are the things I use most
=> best thing
javascript arrow function <3
js also uses single line, no?
also no
what is it with you that you need that fancy stuff to read your code?
I would go nuts if all of a sudden my loops looked like they were missing some character because whatever compresses them to one.
what does the seismometer line mean?
also, the fancy down-to operator
oh wait
its www
(not that we use it often, but it still exists)
also known as the double-you-double-you-double-you-frigging-call-it-wee-wee-wee-damnit symbol
@geisterfurz007 "world wide web"
as if just "www" is not enough 🙄
Surely reads easier.
@Wietlol Berners-Lee has said someday that the double slash is a kinda "mistake"
i dont mind the http(s)://
I mind the www pronunciation
in english at least
its like a full sentence
and it is repetitive
in dutch, we say "wee wee wee"
it is just world wide web and an endpoint for public websites.
or... how you would pronounce it in english, "way way way"
all sub-domains should have a www endpoint
it is just a gentlemen agreement
Hey Gem! Long time no see :)
How are you?
Long time no see indeed
I, euh... <pleasantry answer required as noone actually wanna know the truth>
And you? What's going on in your spot of the world?
Where does the assumption come from that noone actually wants to know the truth?
from Gemtastic
It's not so much an observation as a common fact. I can't really lie and saying pleasantries is lying
The socially acceptable answer to "How are you?" is "Fine thank you, and you?"
@Gemtastic Mediocre. I have been steaming in the earlier hours (as can be seen somewhere around 10am in the transcript) but just had a very reassuring talk with my boss which calmed me down (I also listened to music.youtube.com/watch?v=1sioip9Uc4o 5 times).
Yeah, I don't quite give a shit about social norms at this point.
I both do and don't care
I don't mind oversharing when it's positive
Also, you stream @geisterfurz007 :O
No, I've been steaming 🤔
I read what I wanna read
I got so excited thinking you may have been streaming code
I think I streamed working on twitch oAuth authentication 2.5 years ago where I didn't know what a post request is. Never opened OBS since that day.
how cute
I could use some sanity check on what people who aren't like me code
I actually posted to CR today though
Jun 26 at 8:34, by geisterfurz007
Just found this in my code and I am terrified: Matcher m = Pattern.compile("^(?:.*?)(((\"[^\"]*?\"?)|([^ ]*?))\\\\?)$").matcher(input); //Dude, trust me.
Still better than the jQuery I had to look at this last year
@Gemtastic oof
You know how I used to be John Snow? I have proof now
what is this even used for?
It's the sound of bashing your head against the keyboard
Good question. Lemme find the code where that was used.
@Gemtastic I don't know, no
I feel so lonely with my memory sometimes
But good news! After I burned out I no longer have as easy of a time making memories so I have things I don't remember now, like a normal person :D
oh boy
Soooo @Wietlol I found a regex101.com link!!! regex101.com/r/cqi6A2/1
Still no clue what that does.
 * Returns the String which will be replaced with the next suggestion of the AutoCompletionSuggestionProvider.
 * There are three cases:
 * - One currently goes through the suggestions. In that case the current suggestion should be replaced.
 * - The input ends on a space. In that case there is no prefix and the first suggestion should be used,
 * hence the empty string shall be set as prefix.
 * - The input does not end on a space. In that case the input from the space shall be used as prefix.
I also found a Javadoc!
Still no clue what that does.
It's part of a JavaFX thing that looks like a console, doesn't behave like a console, sometimes feels like a console but isn't a console!
I feel like I'm reading a drunk person's speech
Thank you.
Really means a lot to me ._.
Still better than the jQuery I've been looking at for the past year
I think it says more about me than you though so don't worry
Was ist your jQuery?
I am inept at my job after all :D
Nope, not even my mess
When I make my pasta I at least put some bacon in it
See? All the stuff up there is what I did!
Global scoped variables used for different things in different pages. Ah, delicious pasta person who made that stuff
One of the application could have been a perfect examples of everything you shouldn't do in JavaScript
I was kinda thinking about making a talk about it but I never had the time to make a non client application with that trash
Or maybe it was genius and I am just a dofus.
I am sure that must be it /s
I almost forgot I don't know anything
Me with empty IDEA: How do you start this thing
green button
look for some green button
when in panic, search for a red button
Once you found the button of your choice, click it and hope for the best
Green button doesn't work so well when you forgot to make a class
I made a main function and wondered why it didn't show me the green arrow
just follow the error messages and look for the buttons described in the error messages
then click them
The only error it gave me was that I wasn't allowed to have a return type XD
btw... geist, can you do something for me?
I swear, JavaScript ruined me
Don't worry it works now
@Wietlol I am suspicious
you should be
nah, yesterday, I made a public repo
but it uses libs from my own hosted maven repository
can you fork my repo and see if it builds?
I clone it and try to get it to run?
or clone
ye, clone and see if you can push...
that should definitely not be allowed
but I have no clue if I set up the repo correctly
Gimme a second
I have a whiteboarding interview this afternoon. I don't know how to deal with the embarrassment
and a url to the repo
@geisterfurz007 you can also do pull requests on it ;)
I already got four :')
I wanna try it too :X
ugh it's not your language
its wietbot tho
mvn clean package?
test is sufficient
Do you have remote access to my computer now?
"Downloading from Wietlol-github" looks good.
so get this, so the client says they didn't receive our notification that a file has been processed. It runs every day at 2 o'clock. I see that it ran but it didn't process anything, so I feel I'm missing something.
So I ask, what time did you put the file in to be processed? Oh... 14,36..
Well freakin' duh.. So I tell them, well just put it in there for today and at 14 it'll run
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 23:00

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