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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

"Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare...." -Japanese Proverb (source)
1 hour later…
Mike Angstadt completed part 1 of day 6! \o/
Dang that was a doozy.
Mike Angstadt completed part 2 of day 6! \o/
14 hours ago, by Neil
though today's task 1, that was a doozy
Gj :)
Love Oaks cap!
I kinda made a guess that felt like it might make sense.
@geisterfurz007 lol thanks!
I took the average of all the points from the input and worked outward.
For part two?
That sounds smart!
I ran over everything incrementing a counter each time the condition was met.
Why thank you! xD
Where did you start? At 0,0?
But how did you know that there weren't areas before that?
Like how do you know that -1,-1 wasn't an area?
I hoped. At least for part 2 I did because I wasted a whole lot of time on the first one.
I probably spent more time on part 2.
Can there even be a patch that far out?
If the "total distance" number is high enough, sure.
Like, in the example, they used "32". If that number were 1000, then the area would reach into the negative coordinates.
True. But I figured (and hoped) from the example that the area was in the middle of the grid.
Oh god.
I am out :D
Have a good night o/
3 hours later…
Unihedron completed part 1 of day 7! \o/
inb4 anybody else on the private leaderboard completes AoC 2018 day 7 part 2
null completed part 1 of day 7! \o/
null completed part 2 of day 7! \o/
Jenna Sloan completed part 1 of day 7! \o/
Jenna Sloan completed part 2 of day 7! \o/
Omg! It's @ItachiUchiha!
Unihedron completed part 2 of day 7! \o/
1 hour later…
oh bugger
I haven't even looked at the problem for the day
Good morning, is there a way to add a jar file to a Maven project...the jar file was created by Ant, has no Artifcat ID, group id and other Maven properties that are required?
I been following this maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-local.html but realized some parameters are missing in this custom jar
you can add a dependency to a local resource
A: How to add local jar files to a Maven project?

Alireza FattahiYou can add local dependencies directly (as mentioned in build maven project with propriatery libraries included) like this: <dependency> <groupId>com.sample</groupId> <artifactId>sample</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${project.basedir}/...

using the systemPath property
then, the others dont really matter
except when you have other resources that have a dependency that you use the id from
or when you have multiple with the same artifact id
or whatever, so just make sure it is unique
nsharmon completed part 1 of day 7! \o/
@Wietlol Okay, I have followed that example. In my project I can reference classes from this jar, however when compiling it throws an error 'dependencies.dependency.systemPath'.....should use a variable instead of a hard-coded path
And have realized that this installation method requires some other Maven properties for which my jar does not have
> ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/yourJar.jar
is a relative path
about the jar being weird, iDunno
but you could try this: stackoverflow.com/a/44918407/2764866
Or you could just install the jar into your local repo with any groupid and artifact id you'd like to have
or you could avoid dependencies that dont come from a maven repository
which is probably the best solution
@JWizard why don't you recreate it with maven?
then it is very easy to include in your project
Olivia Zoe completed part 1 of day 7! \o/
u got to love commits with name: dunno wtf
wtf hahahahahahaha
@Wietlol hahahahahahahhaahhah crying lmao
these guys make it fun. another one says: one million fixes
@Wietlol lmao
Leaderboard owned by Mike Angstadt (http://adventofcode.com/2018/leaderboard/private/view/256093)
1. Unihedron - 166 (14 stars)
2. anonymous - 149 (14 stars)
3. nsharmon - 119 (14 stars)
4. Madara Uchiha - 111 (12 stars)
5. geisterfurz007 - 99 (12 stars)
6. Olivia Zoe - 94 (13 stars)
7. Jenna Sloan - 69 (14 stars)
8. Mike Angstadt - 66 (12 stars)
9. hawkwietlol - 55 (10 stars)
10. nicktar - 50 (10 stars)
11. Patrick Stegmann - 0 (0 stars)
12. Neoares - 0 (0 stars)
> I have not failed, I've just found 10.000 ways that won't work.
- Thomas A. Edison
do you log todo's and activities around that todo's in the comment?
they shouldnt be todos though
the first one should be
but the second one answers it
so it is done
nsharmon completed part 2 of day 7! \o/
@KarelG Yeah, I will consider that as another option after exhausting others
@Wietlol Thanks let me check the link
correct me if im wrong, but it is useless to make this null check. there is no way as far as i know that the for loop will let sth null go in right? pastebin.com/RQfV66rQ
it should just skip it in any case scenario correct?
if your collection contains nulls, you will iterate over nulls
@Sir.Hedgehog Incorrect.
Got ninja'd by Wietlol
> Got Wietlol'd by ninja.
but i just tried it used as an example an String arrayList, and it didnt go through the nulls i added ins
Because there is a null check?
you know you're in for a bad time when it takes 15 minutes to download a project you're about to delve into
Have fun.
val list = Arrays.asList(null, "", null, "null");

for (val item : list)
admittedly, a good portion seems related to documentation
nah i tried without a null check, but im dumb, ok yeah it passes through the nulls....
> null

amen @d0n.key
@Neil or when you add a dependency of 8GB
thats what happens when there is coffee shortage...
@Wietlol has that happened to you?
what'd you accidentally add the windows dependency?
stanford NLP
I like today's challenge :)
with a huge dictionary and parser settings
@geisterfurz007 what is today's challenge?
You get a list of todos and have to order their excution
oh... that is indeed easy
yesterday's task was also easy
just use a voronoi diagram :D
filter out the edges and order by the surface area (descending)
/wiki voronoi
You are so intelligent Wietlol!
I just know things
that is what I do
I drink and I know things
Is an enum with a constructor which sets its member thread safe?
immutable enums are thread safe by definition
constructors as well
is this thread safe then?
public enum Status {

private String status;

Status(String status) {
this.status = status;

public String val() {
return status;

how do you expect it to be non-thread-safe?
multiple threads execute the constructor one after another!
why would multiple threads execute the constructor?
@Wietlol: What about static methods modifying ThreadContext? Are they also thread safe?
e.g Log4j2 threadcontext
explaining why something is thread-safe is quite difficult
its much easier to explain why something is non-thread safe
i see no reason why these things should be non-thread safe
so im not sure where the thought comes from
so I cant really tell you what you are referring to
@gaurav enum constructors get intiated when it gets loaded
you don't even get a chance to create threads at that point
you can load from multiple threads
but the execution context will be synchronized
if you had setters, then that might make it not thread safe
but adding setters to an enum is bad code smell
@Wietlol I don't think that's how it works
the classloader would load the class or enum in this case exactly once even for multiple requests
you'd have to overload the classloader and do something stupid before you'd run into problems like that
Madara Uchiha completed part 1 of day 7! \o/
> application started
MyEnum initialized
application ended
it would load once
but it is requested multiple times
while it is loading, the other thread is waiting for it to load
this might make it more clear
> application started
Thread1 starting
Thread2 starting
MyEnum initializing
MyEnum initialized
Thread1 ending
Thread2 ending
application ended
both threads are waiting for the initialization
the execution is synchronized
anyway, lunch time
excellent insights @Wietlol and @Neil
Madara Uchiha completed part 2 of day 7! \o/
today's advent challenge was deceptively difficult
I thought it was going to be a quick exercise of priority queues
but it stumped me more than once
I wasn't really expecting multiple "starting" instructions either
Because Jupiter generates its own heat, it shrinks 2 cm every year. When it was first formed, it was about twice its current diameter, and it was much hotter. (source)
@Neil hah
you need to make a dependency tree
how difficult is that?
X depends on Y
X depends on Y, Y depends on Z
if you see, Z must be after X, check if X already depends on Z, if not, then add it as dependency
the only issue that would come up is, if there would be multiple ends (the ones which depend on everything else), you would need to keep track of the ones on the end
Leaderboard owned by Mike Angstadt (http://adventofcode.com/2018/leaderboard/private/view/256093)
1. Unihedron - 166 (14 stars)
2. anonymous - 149 (14 stars)
3. Madara Uchiha - 126 (14 stars)
4. nsharmon - 119 (14 stars)
5. geisterfurz007 - 99 (12 stars)
6. Olivia Zoe - 94 (13 stars)
7. Jenna Sloan - 69 (14 stars)
8. Mike Angstadt - 66 (12 stars)
9. hawkwietlol - 55 (10 stars)
10. nicktar - 50 (10 stars)
11. Patrick Stegmann - 0 (0 stars)
12. Neoares - 0 (0 stars)
There's still time owo
or you can just iterate through them and do the dependencies first
You could just use a Map<T, List<T>> for the dependencies
Why T?
could, but that gets messy
@Zoe because E is for scrubs
So you could use it for other things besides strings?
T for Type
You don't need generics though
yes, yes you do
why make a specific solution, if the generic solution is exactly the same?
I always put more parameters into a class so that it's easier to customize it for something else later on
That's also why one method I wrote has 8 parameters.
i love how the outputDir and ext arent final :D
@JennaSloan thats really bad for performance though, at least when dealing with big projects
@Sir.Hedgehog Get a better computer then
i would also split up that method into several ones
@JennaSloan hahahahahahaha its not about the computer.....
its about writing correct code. and code that affects performance is not good code
code that doesnt affect performance is code that doesnt do shit
dead code is not good code
and when doing that in a really big company project, that can end really bad on clients side
programs have to do work, work costs time, dont make programs because you want to be a performer
@Wietlol im talking about significant performance drop cause of some code. if its 1,2,3 methods its fine, but if the whole code is like that, its gonna be a problem.
when application performance is bad, then try to fix it where it needs it most
but mostly, we focus on maintainability of the code
even if that costs us some performance
being proactive is good for all of us. why write some code that could be better written, that you know that in future might be a problem for any reason?
because, lets be honest, our clients dont give a shit if they stuff gets done in 0.1 seconds or 0.5 seconds
yeah but when you dealing with bigger numbers that can be a problem.
@Sir.Hedgehog because "better" is subjective
code that I think is "better" is code that you think is "worse"
because we favor different things
true that
im taking in mind always all sides. correctness and performance. just think thats better for all working on the same project. cause in the future you might screw urself or someone else
"correctness" is also subjective
show me any "correct" code, and I will tell you why it isnt correct
hahahahahaha yeah ok
Here's some good code: link
Right now you're probably wondering why clicking on that link doesn't do anything.
@JennaSloan nope
looking for code smells is difficult
looking at code and not thinking its bad is even harder
@JennaSloan so by your saying there is no good code....
@Sir.Hedgehog That's not what I said
well in other words it is.
Strings are always Objects
Objects are always Strings
^ doesnt work
<EmptyText> is good code
all good code is <EmptyText>
^ doesnt work either
i cant even argue with that
posted on December 07, 2018

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousDecember 7th, 2018nextDecember 7th, 2018: TIME TRAVEL BANDANAS HAVE ARRIVED!!– Ryan

@Wietlol Says the guy who has yet to complete today's challenge
true, I didnt find time to do it :D
Just telling you I thought it was going to be simple as well :P
I'm sure you can do it, but it was a little more difficult than anticipated
looking at the example input, I know exactly how my code will look like
im sure I misread the task :D
well hey, you should write the guys in advent of code and tell them to reward you the two stars.. the code is practically already up and working..
i should definitely do that :D
@Zoe you use gradle a lot, right?
pretty much exclusively, yeah
do you have the "auto import" enabled?
I tried gradle yesterday... because... well... shit happened
but editting it was horrendous
That's a crappy IntelliJ feature
whenever the file updates, Gradle re-imports
the ide kept re-running while I was editting it and un-focussed the text area
which is a problem because IntelliJ auto-saves the file, so it starts importing stuff half-way through typing
maven doesnt have this issue though
Random fact of the day: the color of perceived blackness when you close your eyes in a dark room isn't entirely black. It's called Eisengrau.
also... do you use groovy gradle or kotlin gradle?
The regular one
grooby then
compile 'group:artifact:version'
implementation "group:artifact:version" implementation group: "abcd" artifact: "efgh" version: "1234" (I think)
you can also use kotlin
for simple dependencies, it doesnt matter much
Gradle also works with Kotlin Native
you can write compile("group:artifact:version") in both languages
but when it comes to more advanced stuff...
compile is deprecated
use implementation
testImplementation for test dependencies
I had a list of dependencies based on the opertating system...
so i had a foreach loop and a when expression
and stuff
I eventually went back to Maven :D
OS-dependent dependencies in Gradle are really nice with Kotlin Native
these were also not that bad
ext.lwjglNatives = "natives-" + OperatingSystem.current().toString().toLowerCase(); // SON!
yea... how about no?
toString on everything except a CharSequence is considered toDebugString
I dont want to be dependent on debug stuff
yeah, don't do that. I was just kidding
though I guess you could make an argument with associating the enum with its respective native library, eliminating the need for a switch
well... I used kotlin eventually
which doesnt have a switch statement
instead, it has a when expression
@Wietlol Wut?
grable is just grooby
so you can do stuff like foreach and switch and whatnot
what is whatnot?
it returns a list of all libraries in maven central that are not yet added to your project
ah okay
@Wietlol unless it's the KOtlin DSL
then it returns all pieces of code that you havent used
Happy Friday, Jaba!
Oh lol it's Friday
I honestly didn't realise
Thank Talos, its Fredas!
@d0n.key <insert rebecca black link here>
@TyrantIst Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
anyone have any experience with HTMLUnit?
I sense an XY problem
I sense ham
/javadoc HTMLUnit
@Zoe Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
Oh, headless Java browser
i was looking at a question and the guy had a method returning Void. which means that he always does a return null; looked it up and didnt find anything solid in the net. i dont get it still though, why would someone want to return a null always? does this make sense to you?
you cant return anything else
yeah i read that. but why would someone use that in the first place
Void exists to be used by generic type parameters
"void exists"
it can be used in instances when the signature of the method must allow something to be returned
so since you must return something, you return Void
it's silly, but sometimes necessary
funny thing, some more modern languages also have another type, similar to Void
for example, in Kotlin, Nothing
Nothing? will always be null (and therefor be the equivalent of Void (almost))
Nothing will never have a value, so fun blabla(): Nothing < here, blabla must always throw an exception or never end (while(true) for example)
TIL that it would likely take 14 people to knock over an adult cow
I could do it myself
Also are you sure? because cow tipping is definitely a thing
I doubt 14 people are going around doin gthat
Cow tipping is the purported activity of sneaking up on any unsuspecting or sleeping upright cow and pushing it over for entertainment. The practice of cow tipping is generally considered an urban legend, and stories of such feats viewed as tall tales. The implication that rural citizens seek such entertainment due to lack of other alternatives is viewed as a stereotype. The concept of cow tipping apparently developed in the 1970s, though tales of animals that cannot rise if they fall has historical antecedents dating to the Roman Empire. Cows routinely lie down and can easily regain their footing...
basing myself on this article
though it does admit the possibility of 10 people knocking it over if the cow weren't resisting
Alright I'm going to try and knock over a cow on my way home - let's see if I'm able to do that on my own.
According to @Neil, it would just be a gentle massage for the cow, so no cow gets hurt, otherwise it's his fault.
Yes, blame me for any cows getting hurt, regardless of context
I think the sheer weight of a cow makes it difficult to knock one over
I doubt the cow would even have to do much to resist
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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