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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

~$unlearn talktoyourself
You tried
Notice how it doesn't listen to itself
That's a whole new level of shizophrenia
Talking to yourself, but ignoring it
It doesn't talk to itself, it just looks like it does
@d0n.key Today's Word of the Day is mens sana, n.. "OED Word of the Day: mens sana, n. A healthy mind"
Oh no, the Mexicans are taking over
It's obviously latin
It's not English, so it's gotta be Mexican
Oh yeah, because there's only 2 languages in the world
(Mexican is not even a language)
I'm reading a spring batch book, specifically about an implementation of the ItemProcessor interface. This takes an object, transforms and returns transformed object. The book says I should delegate the transformation business logic to it's own class because of 'separation of concerns'. This seems like an excessive following of this design principle. Does anyone agree?
@d0n.key Maybe not, but Mexican Spanish is a language
Probably, I just wanted to prove to you I was being sarcastic.
@JennaSloan Because apparently you take everything I say seriously
That's what is says for my at adventofcode.com/2017
Jun 14 '17 at 8:39, by Gemtastic
@GoJava You're dealing with programmers now. We will read your words as string literals
@geis you're such a naughty boy ;);;)
@ballBreaker Excuse me what?
@JennaSloan Very much appreciated :)
@ballBreaker lol
OwO @geis you're so nice
reboot geiss
plz ban coder
Uwu don't you make my stack overflow :>
i think it'd be fun. pull some folk out of their comfort zones
Hi, quick question since I don't seem to be able to understand it when reading documentation but how exactly does the merge function work in regards to a HashMap?
@geisterfurz007 There you go
/javadoc Map#merge
So um.. basically say I have:

map.merge(value, 1, bifunction)
Then if the key does not have a value, it's given a value of 1
If it does have a value already
It's updated?
I guess so, yeah
Hmm okay
@TheCoder lmao
@TheCoder I'm fine, i'd rather not have an orgy with a bunch of virgins
@Rivasa And it is updated with the result of whatever your bifunction does with the arguments map.get(key) and 1
@ballBreaker I don't understand the argument
@TheCoder Nope, they are right
Good evening people of this place
@d0n.key huh?
@ballBreaker I mean - why not
@ballBreaker lmao
hi quys I have a question
@d0n.key sounds awkward af
also I guarantee 95% of SO is men
so there's that as well
who will win the game of thrones?
I always win Game of Thrones
A ~45 year-old croatian coworker of mine just came into my office, and asked if I was a fan of The Big Bang Theory - I replied with "sure", so he turned around, shouted "BAZINGA!!" and left....
I don't believe you
I don't really care if you believe me, it's just something funny that just happened, and that I wanted to share.
My TBT favourite episode is 4x19 the zarneki incursion, I died with laughter
lol sorry
It just sounds so ridiculous to be true
But to be honest
Croatian people are strange, so, maybe not so unbelievable
@Michael Huh, that's interesting, I kind of follow. I parsed mine as an array, then went through each one. I felt like there was a better way to do it though.
@Michael you could ofcourse do sub-lists
sub-lists use the same source but use an offset of the indices
memory vs computation
at some point, you might want to re-create the list because 10 thousand redirections are also not that optimal, but only sub-lists for yesterday's task was fine
im wondering if anyone used a voronoi diagram for day 6
1 hour later…
@d0n.key pics or it didn't happen
@d0n.key TBBT was hilarious 10 years ago.
it was hilarious at some point?
Must be confusing "hilarious" with "relatable".
What does Oracle do besides Java?
Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Redwood Shores, California. The company specializes primarily in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software products — particularly its own brands of database management systems. In 2018, Oracle was the third-largest software maker by revenue, after Microsoft and Alphabet.The company also develops and builds tools for database development and systems of middle-tier software, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, customer relationship...
Doesn't Oracle own VirualBox too?
They do indeed!
Huh, look at that
Kotlin Native has interop with C
@Zoe That's cool, I had no idea. Kotlin is going to be my next language I learn..
Depends on which one you pick though. Kotlin JVM has interop with JVM languages, Kotlin JS interops with JS, and Kotlin Native interops with C. Native is still in beta though
Hmm, that makes sense. I was actually just looking at which one to download. I don't actually know Java, I actually joined this room just because I thought Kotlin would be similar enough to Java. I didn't even say anything until I saw your message about Kotlin haha
Syntax-wise, they're very different
But if you know Java, it's pretty easy to learn Kotlin. When it comes to learning other languages in general, it's (imo) easier learning new ones if you already know OOP and other programming principles
in a java linked list, when I add at zero index am I adding on the index of the object or the index of the linked list itself.
@Zoe I know PHP which is OOP but I have a feeling it's a lot different
@Alesana PHP and Java are very different, but as long as you know the major aspects (what's a var vs what's a function, what's a class, how do you use it, etc), you're already half-way to learning most languages
Feel the need to stress the "most" part. Esolangs are an exception
functional languages are different as well.
I haven't heard of that one. Hmm the only reason I have interest in Java/Kotlin is for Android programming, although I'm not even sure that I'd like to go down that route
I'll have to look more into it
Android is completely different again
Mainly because it follows a different flow (Desktop Java/Kotlin uses a main method, but android uses activities)
android is weird
no u
Ah, brainfuck. The future of programming
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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