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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

"If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not." -Elon Musk (source)
2 hours later…
@Wietlol Twitch might be on a different port. Maybe you need to reset your router.
Also, the video probably buffers a few seconds ahead.
Mike Angstadt completed part 1 of day 4! \o/
Mike Angstadt completed part 2 of day 4! \o/
1 hour later…
@Wietlol its complicated
1 hour later…
Unihedron completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
Unihedron completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
null completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
null completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
@Wietlol UDP vs TCP
nsharmon completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
nsharmon completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
Wow, Eclipse says "Unlikely argument type String for get(Object) on a Map<DataFlavor,String>"
so what?
if it expects an Object, then it's not typed properly
nicktar completed part 1 of day 4! \o/
So eclipse finally gets a basic IDE feature...
Ah, it's because I had a Map<DataFlavor,String> where there should have been a Map<String,DataFlavor>
"It's flavor town!" -Guy Fieri
nicktar completed part 2 of day 4! \o/
Leaderboard owned by Mike Angstadt (http://adventofcode.com/2018/leaderboard/private/view/256093)
1. Unihedron - 120 (10 stars)
2. anonymous - 106 (10 stars)
3. nsharmon - 81 (10 stars)
4. Madara Uchiha - 80 (8 stars)
5. geisterfurz007 - 69 (8 stars)
6. Olivia Zoe - 57 (8 stars)
7. Mike Angstadt - 50 (8 stars)
8. hawkwietlol - 47 (8 stars)
9. nicktar - 32 (8 stars)
10. Patrick Stegmann - 0 (0 stars)
11. Neoares - 0 (0 stars)
12. Jenna Sloan - 0 (0 stars)
I somehow beat Madara
I've actually had to use the transient keyword for the first time today
@Neil It's a shame that I cannot really go for points this year. Always having group meetings or other stuff in the morning. No chance to get third or fourth place there.
@geisterfurz007 oh I'm no where near getting in the top 100
*in the private leaderboard
I'd have to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning if I wanted a shot at that
I think if you eventually did all the exercises, you wouldn't score lower than 4th
yesterday was a little more difficult than todays
Oh that's real good news.
but generally they're getting tougher
Yeah I ended up 5th last year on Uni's leaderboard.
yeah today's was pretty straightforward I think
@geisterfurz007 coool geisssss
What's the math behind the points?
well from what I read, you're given points based on your position from 1 to 100th place
1st place gets 100, 2nd gets 99, etc.
but after 100th place, I don't know how it's assigning points
maybe it's basing itself off of rank?
I don't think you get any points after that.
You have your next chance of getting 1-100 points the next day.
and that rankind is calculated based on?
Same idea for private leaderboards. First to get the first star gets <n> points with n being the amount of people on the leaderboard and same for second star.
@Nicktar time passed to submit a valid answer
last one's a rotten egg
ohhh, I get it
@geisterfurz007 no, that can't be true
otherwise with 4 days passed, #1 would have three hundred and something
Unihedron has 120
But then I have 81, so it can't be based on being in the top 100 (5 hours later, I was definitely not in the top 100 for today)
@Michael no, this exceeds the 1.4s buffer
websites stop working, cant open twitch in a new tab, youtube vids stop loading
but twitch stream doesnt need interwebz :D
@KarelG could be... but i have no clue what their difference is
nicktar completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
@Wietlol TCP needs acknowledgement from the receiver before transmitting the next message batch. IRC (twitch chat) uses pure TCP
the twitch video stream is based on UDP (actually a media variant on that) which is just "send away" without waiting for ack's.
@nickTar what'd you think about today's aoc? Not that terrible, right?
missing packages leads to a missing frame or two (or more). The video might be less fluid
the client starts to notify if a threshold of missing UDP's/period got reached.
what you were experiencing is an unstable connection. TCP does not work well here while UDP would.
i suppose it makes sense
but im still confused
UDP does better for streaming in general
but maybe with a sufficient enough bandwidth, it wouldn't matter either way
I can only say to learn networking principles. I am a CCNP so ... that helps. I assume...
I took a single course about networking
It's strange the kind of things which "stick" with you
But I recall my professor gave this idea that the signal being traversed through the wire, is in a real sense a sort of memory
In other words, the computer which sent the signal could have already forgotten about it, but the message isn't "lost" strictly speaking
When you consider how much data is being sent at any one time, the internet literally has petabytes of information "on the wire"
i dont want to learn about networking principles, I just want to have internet
1st world problem :P
you should be thinking about all those starving children in ethiopia, not your internet
My mom even dared me to call me on 5am in the morning when I was on holiday in Turkey (local time) because "the internet did not work" ....
do you think those starving children in ethiopia dont have internet?
or dont want internet
they have phones.
I'm sure they have access to internet if they really wanted it
but I don't think most particularly care
I do think internet is actually sort of important even for such countries, because it exposes them to how the world is elsewhere
"third world" countries have internet, but not like what we have.
they are using mobile networks to provide internet (3G) because a lot of people there cannot afford PC's but can get a cheap smartphone which is functional enough to be on the internet.
India is leading on that. They are already at 4G and are aiming for 5G already
then you have situations like in Australia (remote places) where they combine satellites with hotspot networks
(if you are interested in that, lookup for australia NBN)
I really hoped that data droughts would increase the popularity of short-range data broadcast options like bluetooth. To this day it suprises me, that I still use a general public internet and not some local NFS by my governing party. We're just not technocratic enough, it seems. So much more to do in that front, actually.
Oh god.
I can neither ping motaa nor Itachi.
Send help ._.
@MisterGeeky that must be a really short range...
unless you have an ideal setup with b4. That goes to 150+ meters AFAIK
bluetooth range should be variable
I mean, it should be context-specific.. if you have a smart tv with a bluetooth remote, it should work anywhere in the room
but headphones should be like 2 meter range
the fact that this isn't the case means that everything now works off of wi-fi
just adjust the power
really. I am not joking.
is that how it works?
yes. It has a large influence. but there are other factors like sensitivity of the receivers and obstacles between transmitter and receiver.
those are difficult to adjust
they definitely fudged up some aspects of bluetooth
I feel like had they gotten it right from the start, it'd be far more popular
@geisterfurz007 ugh, fine! If you insist...
Figured it out.
Madara Uchiha completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
@Neil Wasn't so hard but my solution (especially for part 2) is terribly slow
sounds fun
@Nicktar Oh I just slapped the 2nd part together in like 10 minutes
I'm sure there was a faster way to do it, but meh
@Neil cobbled it together in 4 lines but these take about 30 seks to run
nicktar completed part 2 of day 5! \o/
I managed to have a solution for day 3 part one that gave a wrong result after 15 minutes.
took me a bit to realize how to calculate the overlapping area
the second part was just keeping track of which ids had overlapping areas
after knowing how to figure out if they overlapped, the second part was sort of straighforward
day 3 was...
oh the overlapping areas
santa's fabric
there were 2 days with santas fabric
To represent the areas, I created a class called FabricUsage, and so my variable representing that was fu. *snicker*
i expected the second task to be "layout all claims in such a way that none overlap"
no, there was just one I thought
day 2 was locate santa's fabric
oh true, but that's just about finding the fabric
in any case, when I read the second task, I was like "for real? this is easy"
but on the other hand, I am not sure how the output of the task would have been if you had to layout the entire thing
task 2 day 2?
day 3 task 2
> i expected the second task to be "layout all claims in such a way that none overlap"
oh I'm sure we'll get there
but ofcourse, it would have multiple correct answers
But yeah, I was expecting that too
not if there is exactly one way to do it
we'll soon be at "santa can't fit all the gifts inside the mini universe that is his satchel.. find a configuration that would work.. and return the id in the bottom left-hand corner times the number of times santa curses under his breath"
day 4 task 2 was also easy
but that might have been because of how I solved task 1
yeah, really just a matter of removing some letters and then doing task 1
> Wietlol: yay
Zoe: Congrats, that's the easy one done!
Wietlol: the other one is also done
I misinterpreded the task for day4 and spend a good 2 hours hunting the bug in my code
oh that's day 5
i dont know day 5 yet, gonna give it a try tonight
at the cost of my score... but I blame the time when new tasks go live
task 2 is pretty easy
I messed up day 4 task 1, because turns out I was finding the guard which slept the most for one given night
and not the most for all nights
i messed up day 4 task 1 several times
so far I would argue that day 4 task 1 has been the hardest
considering I've already done day 5 too
i just misread the entire thing several times
you could also... just do it manually :D
i think day 3 I didnt fully automate
well I didn't automate entirely task 2 for today for instance
where I had both ids but I needed only the part where they were the same
that I did manually :D
I just listed the amounts for each letter of the alphabet and then picked the max by eye
no spoilers!
nah, that's no spoiler
you'll see when you do it.. that wasn't a help whatsoever :P
my superior over-designs should not be affected by such primitive thinking
the second tasks so far for me haven't required serious redesigns or afterthoughts
I try to keep all the information I can gather for the first task
Leaderboard owned by Mike Angstadt (http://adventofcode.com/2018/leaderboard/private/view/256093)
1. Unihedron - 120 (10 stars)
2. anonymous - 106 (10 stars)
3. Madara Uchiha - 88 (9 stars)
4. nsharmon - 81 (10 stars)
5. geisterfurz007 - 69 (8 stars)
6. Olivia Zoe - 57 (8 stars)
7. Mike Angstadt - 50 (8 stars)
8. nicktar - 50 (10 stars)
9. hawkwietlol - 47 (8 stars)
10. Patrick Stegmann - 0 (0 stars)
11. Neoares - 0 (0 stars)
12. Jenna Sloan - 0 (0 stars)
Good afternoon
We have been blessed!
@objectiveME I saw the talk by Stephen Wolfram
He had to inject a couple of shameless advertisements for Wolfram Alpha, didn't he? ^_^
though very interesting just the same
Indeed @geisterfurz007 ladies and gentlemen, appreciate yourselves for i am now here to allow myself be here. I thank myself
@Neil ahaha,adverts... he lost me on aliens in the digits of pi....i had a cold cider afterwards
@objectiveME I think as a public speaker, he has a bit to work on :P
I didn't really get that either
My closest guess is that if you could "create a universe" from digits, then an intelligent alien life could be hidden amongst the digits of PI
something like that
Since Pi supposedly contains every permutation of digits, it supposedly also contains the numeric proof of the existence of aliens
Pi doesn't have every permutation of digits
If it doesn't end and doesn't repeat, it has to
If it did, it would also have itself (and therefore be representable via fraction)
anything which repeats is rational
@Neil it can contain itself.... once from start to non-end
@Neil i think he meant the digits of pi created their own universe
@Nicktar If it contains itself, it is rational :P
1/7 is rational because it is 0.142857142857142857
if pi contained itself, it would simply repeat over and over
that would be a discovery in of itself if that were true
@Neil every stream of digits contains itself, as a whole that's the loophole between pi containing every permutation and pi not containing itself
@Nicktar no, by definition if it's irrational, it can't repeat
there's no pattern that emerges
@Neil yes
so the digits of an irrational number can never start listing itself (at least not entirely)
pi can contain itself in the way the string "Neil" contains the substring "Neil"
well ok, that's just silly though
and in exactly this way the permutation of pi can be contained in pi
without repreating
Whether or not it permutates, its not surely known since who can prove it. Those who have tried have all said its transcendental
well while we're at it, 1=1, true=true, 0+1=1 and every other identity axiom
not really saying much
just correcting your "Pi supposedly contains every permutation of digits"
what I was saying.... There is no contradiction between pi supposedly containing ever permutation of digits and pi not repeating
that's technically not true
if it contained every permutation, it would contain itself
It's not mine. It's the train of thought leading to the aliens-in-pi-claim that I know of
@Neil you're repeating yourself
so are you :)
I can explain it to you, I can't make you understand
let me put it this way.. you cannot find any and every combination of numbers in the digits of pi.. the combinations are incredibly varied, but the one combination which cannot ever happen is a repetition of all the digits before it
which is like saying, every permutation is possible, except the one that would make PI rational
I just almost died
@d0n.key don't do that
I was filtering through traffic with on my moto
@Neil strange pi
Then I hit some delivery truck's mirror with mine - cause they were at the same height...
So I pulled the brake and rolled back to say sorry & ask if everything was alright
And hit the mirror again while rolling back .-.
how fast were you moving? ’;‘
not fast
like 15km/h maybe
Giant armadillos as big as cars roamed the earth long before highways and freeways existed. These gigantic creatures died off 10,000 years ago. (source)
ouch, that's fast for a direct impact like that
It was just the tip of my mirror hitting the side of his
so my mirror clapped away
nothing really happened and everything was okay (no damage too)
you're fine?
of course I am lol
I mean you didn't hit your head or anything?
you can feel fine and then find out you got a concussion
Hitting my mirror against things is not uncommon the way I drive - but colliding again when rolling back xD
If you are in America, you just need to walk to an ER and find make insurance companies bottom line great again
I didn't crash or anything
shhh, dont mention you almost got ran over buddy
My mirror just rotated away a little
ok ok
you said you almost died is all
Died of shame when hitting the mirror the second time :'D
reminds me of that comedian that said that he ran into his ex the other day. He then put the car in reverse and ran into her a second time.
shit happens
guys anyone has a good idea for a game to play at the office all together, like u would at a christmas party or so?
@Sir.Hedgehog hmm
@Sir.Hedgehog There is skribbl.io - but it's not that great, depending on what people you work with. It's like draw&guess you know..?
Or do you mean something physical?
pretty much any party game made by jellyvision is a decent game
can take a lot of people and there are some which are online and free
I'd find you an example, but being behind a proxy at work doesn't help
could be anything , like the skribbl thing.
there was one game where you were given random 3 letters, and you have to "make up" the funniest acronym for that
and everyone else votes for it
can be played by many players
think of like we will be like 20 or so at our office
There's also this I suppose: escape-team.com
there's a little bit of work to be done beforehand, but really just printing the documents
@Sir.Hedgehog (dunno if skribbl supports that many players, but it's probably not going to be much fun then)
@d0n.key i would seperate them in teams in that case
@Neil that seems nice....
that strikes me as sarcastic
@Sir.Hedgehog Guessing the word is done through spamming random words in the chat - idk if you can really do that with teams ~ or the teamplayers are playing simultaneously in multiple games...
@Neil Save the treeeeees!
@Neil lol no
already proposed it as well. :D
oh ok :)
unless that in itself was meant to be sarcastic ._.
@d0n.key would put them like in teams of 5 with a white board, and each team takes turn
@Neil hell no
did you ever play that neil?
the first missions seems cool, the rest needs a lotof thinking :D
@Sir.Hedgehog Ugh real life
actually that escape team thing is pretty neat
I was looking at the first one (in theory the easiest)
some of the clues are on the other pages
yeap , 1 is easy as well, the rest is kinda harder
posted on December 05, 2018

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousDecember 5th, 2018nextDecember 5th, 2018: TIME TRAVEL BANDANAS HAVE ARRIVED!!– Ryan

What a shame...
My method throws out so many things already
And it still isn't enough.
try to throw out the correct thing
I just need to throw out more >.>
But it is correct to assume that the code points of the characters that are next to each other which I should delete is 32 apart, correct?
iDunno, didnt read the task yet
Oh in that case I didn't say anything
but I think, according to this chat, I can write the entire code to solve it
i still wont, because that code would be hideous
@d0n.key tsss
it is not hard to not hit others mirrors :|
It HAS to be the correct answer ._.
thing with the advent (did it last year) is that the text contains subtle info that you need
probably you forgot something or misunderstood it
at least 4 times per task, yes
@geisterfurz007 don't assume.. what you're talking about is 'A' - 'a'
but yeah, I think 32 is right
or no, 'a' - 'A' actually
Aa - ''''
I think I wrote the same code on my laptop again and I got a different (and correct) result.
geisterfurz007 completed part 1 of day 5! \o/
I think I forgot to remove the newline in the end.
AOC SPOILER IN LINK! paste.ofcode.org/NXuWzu3vryfHQZYNWbGBg6 This code also works with the string "I hate myself. Please hit me in the face as hard as you possibly can.".
@geisterfurz007 booo javascript
Shorter than Jaba.
cba to writing a full main method, and try/catch blocks only to read the file.
If it dies, it dies.
I'll bet it took longer to find the answer too
It was rather straight forward actually
I just got stuck because I didn't remove the newline at the end of the input.
@geisterfurz007 then dont use a try catch
ofc my stuff is also really long
well you gotta close the stream..
File(inputPath).readLines() ...
depends on how you read it Neil
but i still dont like the SLA of it
also makes it lazy
unlike how readLines reads the entire file and then gives back a List<String>
whereas a CharSequence is not required to be like that
and split would result in a lazy Sequence<CharSequence>
not that it matters for these purposes
no input they're going to give us is going to be so big that it exhausts your memory
but still
also no input they are going to give us has some trailing stuff that is irrelevant
but yeah, admittedly Files.readAllLines is more straightforward
wait... there is
I still think old school I suppose
the one of finding the box with santa's fabric didnt need the entire input
since you were just looking for two entries that were off by 1 char
File(path).readLines() is neater imho
the example they gave was off by 1 char
you didn't know how many characters would be off in the actual input
though it happened to be 1 just the same
because that was the task
find two entries that are off by 1 character and return the part of their id that is the same
oh that's true
it was just 1 character
so... you didnt need the entire input :D
I wasn't even really looking for an optimization
I just scanned the whole thing
me too, but still
for today's problem you do have to scan the whole thing
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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