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"From now on we live in a world where man has walked on the Moon. It's not a miracle; we just decided to go." -Tom Hanks (source)
4 hours later…
posted on October 23, 2018

So you may have thought about using NoSQL or a Document Database for taking care of you needs. But do you know why that might be not be a good (or a pretty bad idea?). Or you may have a Database that have been running fine, but it seems that you can't work with it anymore? (Is it time to move to NoSql? Would it help?). We dive into the "Why" would you choose Databases vs NoSQL Data Stores, or

1 hour later…
Can anyone help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/52925805/…
@DarshanPatel Solving a question is difficult enough without having to wade through stacks of code and configuration files. Understandably, you want to provide more information rather than too little, but sometimes too much is bad too
Let me help you but telling you how to improve your question: Say what you do to reproduce the error, show only relevant parts of your configuration file pertaining to your error, then say, "Why does X happen when I expect Y to happen with this configuration?"
If more information is needed, they'll ask for it
Thanks for the revert.
will add more information, if possible, whole source code on github.
No, you misunderstand. Provide less information, not more. Information is only useful if it is relevant to your problem
@Neil +1
@dbl ola
how are you today guys
anybody attending the Paysafe global Hackaton?
still waiting for the effects of the coffee to kick in
just came in to the office, going to make a coffee :D
last night I was refreshing my memories over the Graph search algorithms
I studied that stuff years ago
I haven't used it since either :P
It was fun to learn though
I do a little refresher about tat stuff every now and then with some online courses... Still waiting for an oportunity to use it IRL
My favorite thing were state machines
We talked about all different types working our way up to more sophisticated until we hit Turing Machines
Taught like that, it was very fascinating
We also talked about problems which can't be solved with a Turing machine
I wonder about that.. if a program can't determine if another program halts, and if we can, does that make us something beyond Turing machines?
If so, that means we could never be simulated, and the universe isn't simulated
but that rabbit hole goes deep
Hi all, wanted to know if gzip compression is possible with chunked transfer encoding of data?
unable to find any example of compression in streamed response, browser displays "ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED"
@ApoorvSaxena That doesn't sound like Java to me...
am trying to implement this functionality in Java via streams, just trying to be sure about the possibility before sharing the code
Hello all
@Neil I just love discrete mathematics and it's so much fun
but was away for all of it for so long... Like it was 2012 my last year in the competative programming
just read this article hacks.mozilla.org/2015/11/… , and surely compression is possible in streams as well
And now I have debates with my colleagues about the colour and the size of a button...
@dbl I know that feel, sir. I know that feel.
this guy's profile says he's a team lead lool
Don't judge, he might be coming from Python or JS and isn't familiar with the concept of a build
PHP forever :)
tbf I'm still quite confused by ant/maven
@dbl u wot m8?
what's their responsibility/use?
is it like webpack, in that it uses underlying linking mechanisms to modify and link things that you write?
In some way, I think you could say that, yes. Maven at least (not sure about Ant) even has "npm" builtin so you can define dependencies which will be loaded from the central maven repository.
@dbl do you know what build does?
@geisterfurz007 through an already existing system (similarly to how ./node_modules/ is already in the require path), or does it internally handle linking that too, from almost scratch?
well IMPO both Ant and Maven are mostly used for defining a building/testing/packaging etc. group of tasks that automates the process of delivering the product.
I guess I'm confused by what is java, and what maven extends
@towc maven is like a combination of npm and webapck
Generally speaking: They are build tools. If you don't use an IDE and don't use Maven/Ant/Gradle, you can write a lot of commandline to compile, copy and pack your jar files (or whatever you are putting together).
Build tools allow you to define a complete build so you run it and everything is done for you. Maven has a section for plugins in which you can include plugins (woah who would've thought!). Each plugin can define goals which can be something like "compile dis" which you can run from the commandline.
but not sure if Ant has any possibility to attach 3rd party resources... By the time I've used Ant we had to provide all the externals
It fetches dependencies, but also runs and builds your project for both dev and prod
Psssssssssssssst. @Wietlol :') 'Member how you wanted to help me with Haskell? c:
so like an npm with default scripts for build/build-dev and similar?
which in our world would use some webpack commands
@MadaraUchiha what about Ant. Could it fetch externals?
@Wietlol I like the first version better :D
I've never used Ant and I don't know what it does :D
It probably isn't hard, I just cannot wrap my head around what I am doing wrong.
@towc Yes, it's more powerful than that, but that's the extent I've been using it to
It can do more fancy things too, if you know the correct XML incantation.
alright, thanks
@Wietlol do you know the answer of my Q?
what about Ant. Could it fetch externals?
iDunno, never used Ant :D
why do you ask me then...
@dbl ant can do anything you want it to, like a bash script
though if you want it to specialize in downloading dependencies, ivy might be better suited for you
Well it can build and package java and c, that's what I had used it for :)
nah, maven is more then good for meh
yeah, ant is particlarly good for building mostly
you can write custom tasks which call java programs if you need something done which can't be easily done otherwise
though I would advise you to avoid those if you can help it
just because it would add a jar dependency to run properly
maven does all this too, but I find it is quite rigid
there's probably a ant plugin for maven, so I think that would be ideal
Ivy is a subproject of Ant
yeah it's built on top of ant
but it specializes in dependency management
packet manager by def
never used it though
well I don't see the need of Ant dep inside mvn lol
but maybe there could be a such case
not common with any case where mvn can't do what ant provides
@Neil you can call ant tasks from maven via a maven ant plugin and IIRC you can call maven goals from ant via another plugin building a complete and utter ping pong hell
but why would you do that :o
just cuz not want to refactor old ant projects?
In a living organization, mainly becuse someone could do it...
In an ideal world there are some tasks that are easier done using ant, some easier using maven, having your main toll call a delegate gives you the best of both worlds. Having the slave call the master should be punishable though...
Well I mean if you use maven, I'd think you should use it
Logically maven should call ant, and not the other way around
that said, I've done plenty of pure ant builds because maven pisses me off sometimes
never used ant... I like maven... It's like magic, you wiggle your fingers and it does something. If you wiggle your fingers long egnough, it usually does what you want done...
:D I agree that maven is a bit of pain in the ass sometimes but I would prefer it rather than ant. Not a fan of having multiple tools having the same purpose...
nevertheless Apache are providing so much of work for the community that I doubt there is non-apache project in the end
@Nicktar I like gradle better
Never used gradle but it's widely used tool as well
"Keep up the great work. Gradle is one of my very favorite tools, and finding a developer who doesn't yet use Gradle is like finding a movie fan who hasn't yet seen The Godfather—"Oh my God! Stop everything and watch this!"

– Martin Cron, Lead Developer at Wisercare
Hello, lets say i have a long list with over 300,000 records and i want to process them with multiple threads.Conceptually, how do java make sure that each list item is only processed once?
Black magic.
that's how coding works actually
it's your implementation that makes it run once and only once per object
when you write a for loop, how do you make sure you go through every object (or only the ones you want to iterate through)?
@Tavo Am talking of multiple threads all competing for objects in the list
you mean... parallel processing?
try using J8 streams
@Wietlol yes more like it...aamof yes
parallel streams have huge performance issues in Java8
they do?
not sure if it was fixed in later versions though
yup. I had to change all the parallel processing I had in my APIs in production
I have a JPA repo that returns a list of objects. I want to throw an exception if the list does not have 1 element. Does Java 8 streams have a nice way of doing this? So I want to return the single object if i find it, but if there are 0 and 2, throw an exception and log an error.
@Tavo what problems did you face to warrant a change
I can do an if (myList.size() != 1) throw exception
note that in many cases, non-parallel processing is much faster
But I hate the explicit if statement
@Wietlol No its not
not in Java :D
@TheCoder why do you not want the if statement?
@objectiveME yes, yes it is
It would be nice if the streaming of the list handled the >1 record in one line
if (list.size() == 1) throw new Exception();
here, one line
@objectiveME paralell streams in Java8 have quite an overhead and are only geared towards CPU-healy operations. Additionally they usually hit the default Application Threadpool and can starve your whole application (the last issue can be worked around)
@objectiveME that said 300 k entries are way within the realm where paralell streams should be faster than sequelntiall ones provided your operations on those entries use more CPU tan IO
@Nicktar doesnt it depend on the IO operation?
for example, calling a rest service could be 100 times faster, so a 1% cpu operation and 99% rest service+net traffic could still be 100 times faster... sorta
@Wietlol if the bottleneck is IO then having 10 Threads wait at that bottleneck will not improve performance
yes, but if the bottleneck is cpu, then more threads would improve performance
@objectiveME IIRC there was a talk at 2016 devoxx antwerp by Trisha Gee that covered much on that topic. If I don't mix it up with another talk, yo might find tis one interesting youtube.com/watch?v=NcetKbGayZY
even if the operations are more IO than CPU
@Wietlol It's a summary of the talk i linked above. If you have further questions, please ask the speaker. I don't feel qualified to answer or discuss detailed wordings on a talk I attended but didn't write (but happy to hear about the replies)
That would have solved my problem only I lose the ability to log my own exception message
@TheCoder Is it the case that this query is used only for populating this very "1 element list" ?
If so consider using findOneBy isntead of findBy -> stackoverflow.com/questions/45988295/…
BTW, since there are many Europeans in here... anyone going to attend JavaLand next year?
Is it going to be in German?
hello everyone
Using SimpleJDBC for my project and I use this class for calling stored procedure. I use MapSQLParameterSource to pass the parameter and values.
My question is if the input parameters are in a specific order then do I have to pass the values to MapSQLParameterSource in the same order?
I understand that using NamedParameter, we have to pass the parameters in the same order as that is in stored procedure but for SimpleJdbc, I am not sure.
any idea guys?
Thanks for replying
since it's a Map<String, ?> it doens't make any sense to order them in any way
named params*
isn't there any fast way to make a POC of it
never used it sry just trying to think of it...
I did small code
will share the pastie link
Hi guys, a little off topic, but maybe somebody could help me with tomcat configuration in kubernetes behind nginx ingress stackoverflow.com/questions/52930199/…
Second day I'm trying to solve this issue
This is the input and output
and from the output, I guess that it maintains the order
Yes it does according to the output.
Still not sure if you should respect the order when creating the map... but now it think more or less yes
let me search a bit about that
The source code of MapSqlParameterSource
public class MapSqlParameterSource extends AbstractSqlParameterSource {
    private final Map<String, Object> values = new LinkedHashMap();
as it implements LinkedHashMap() so I guess the order is maintained
yes it is but the question is why
In all the examples I could find the in order respects the Procedure params ordering but no written prove of that :/
In my application, I changed the order and ran the application
I can see order change does not affect
so it doesn't matter in the end?
yes, it does not
usually since they are named(have an identifier) it should have no effect in changing the order...
looking at 12.5. atm
Because hieroglyphs have no vowels, we will never know for sure how the ancients pronounced their words. (source)
if we follow the logic here(which was my original logic as well) the order is insignificant
sorry did not understand you
What I mean is that if we follow the logic that in a JPA/JPQL query you can specify the name of a param and then the order of the passed params is not taken into account rather than the qualifier like @NamedQuery("select x from X where x.y = :y AND x.z = :z) myQuery(@Param(val = "z") int z, @Param(val = "y") int y);`
@dbl mainly I think
Thanks @Nicktar i shall have a look
you're welcome
if you take a look here
The parameters added by (Ancestor)WayBaseGraphWriteDaoImpl and (Child)WayGraphWriteDaoImpl are mixed in the order of usage...
but this isn't proving anything at all with calling a procedure...
Also in this SO question
Q: Spring SimpleJdbcCall default (optional) arguments

MK.I am trying to invoke a stored procedure which has default (optional) arguments without passing them and it is not working. Essentially the same problem as described here. My code: SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("ownname", "USER") .addValue("tab...

there are "Optional" params and then an issue is risen.
so have no idea in the end - just I am confused xD
I would stick to the order though just for clarity and readability :)
Thanks for your help
You are welcome. Also I will make a bit more testing, for instance passing a non-existing parameter name, or passing less params then required and observe,
Good morning, I gotta a question about java going on stackoverflow.com/questions/52949543/… If anyone has any idea of how to fix, any help is much appreciated!
hi guys i have one doubt
How to set up Google G-Suite as your SAML Identity Provider
Hi guys, (X) DOUBT
We are missing @ballBreaker today who is a WebSphere expert lol
actually there are a bunch of such threads around: google.com/…
@dbl I'll give it a look, thanks a lot!
I don't use WebSphere so I can't help with any personal exp but at least could give u a hint what to look after. GL
Yeah, i'm sure is something silly, thanks again!
What happend to "PLease don't use this chat to fastlane your querstions"?
oh but this chatroom is so fast!
@RaguvaranR Sorry can't help you with that but it's quite confusing to most (western) people, if you use "doubt". IIRC the indian(?) term can mean both, doubt and question but in english these have very different meanings.
@geisterfurz007 cleanup pls
OMG can a Map be instantiated in Scala -o-
Damn I love this site.
@dbl I love how he bothered with looking up how to do the ≥ symbol, but not with just looking up how lambdas work
That's why we have close votes
@MadaraUchiha Eh, probably got like a keyboard extension or a plugin that converts >= to that
@Zoe Good point
They've closed it just before I post the link so had to SS it before refreshing the other tab xD
@MadaraUchiha maybe he was interested in learning all the operators in Java :)
@dbl Including the ⟶ lambda operator?
but since the -> is not listed here I guess it isn't the case :D
That's why I don't read the Java tag anymore...
eh, if you think Java's bad, you've probably never seen JS or Android xd
Android gets like 15 NPE questions in a day, both are filled with LQ "Gimme the code"
I spend exactly a weekend developing an Android app and if wasn't SO it was about to be at least a week :D Had to create an app for a friend as a present.
@Zoe No, I didn't... never did Android or JS only TS...
and for the JS, oh I had like a full year working with it and it was such a pain :S
I don't do that much JS, but I've stumbled over questions through SOBotics and SOCVR, it's really LQ
JS also happens to have the highest average amount of unwelcoming comments on posts like that xd (Not accurate stats, just mainly based on where I've seen most)
But TBH, I don't read much of SO at all anymore. And most of my Rep is from framework tags which has most of the LQ-askers filtered already
I think that Typescript is a good thing no?
talking about that summons the trolls
yup not the right room i guess
@dbl I like TypeScript, but yeah, probably not the right room for that
Let's just talk about how awful Java is instead :FD
@Zoe JS used to be much worse
When jQuery and PHP were at their prime
@MadaraUchiha where is Wietlol when you need him?
@MadaraUchiha yeah, but Android and JS are still (imo) the two lowest quality tags on the site
@Zoe PHP
Android and PHP
Looking aside the language?
Purely talking about tags
I'll go make a SEDE query later to check close rates and stuff like that, just for fun.
Good call
It's so hard to ask a question that hasn't been asked here yet... Most of them now are : <give me the solution(not the code)> just because any minimal research will probably give you the answer(enough hints)...
@dbl 1. No it isn't, it's just implies that you're doing well at researching your problems
2. Just writing down the question can often lead to the solution, or a lead
3. If you're past both of those stages, it's almost guaranteed that the question wasn't asked before, and that your question would be well received
or a lead pencil
sorry, I'll leave ._.
My 5 most recent questions got 4, 8, 4, 4, and 7 score, respectively
Mostly because I spent a significant amount of time researching before having asked.
Hi @MadaraUchiha
Off all of my 10 questions, the highest rating is 4, one is unanswered and for 4 of the others, the anser is by myself...
@objectiveME Hey, how are you?
I am fine thank you
@MadaraUchiha -> some kind of rubber duck debugging? I do often confront myself with the understanding of the problem I am facing by writing it down in the google search bar :D And it gives me the result all the times it was my last hope lol
I have this problem i wanted you to give your opnion on
@dbl Yes, forcing yourself to organize your thoughts enough to write a coherent question about it often helps immensely. I've almost-posted more such question than I have actually-posted ones.
@objectiveME Shoot
I have a list of objects that i am getting from mongodb. problem is the list keeps growing. I want to process the list as fast as possible without processing any object twice
I want to use multiple threads for this so that i process the list as fast as possible and at the same time avoiding processing a list twice
Sounds like a classic Fork/Join pool case
But JVM multithreading isn't really my forte
Oh okay
@objectiveME as mentioned before... you're well within the realms where just using paralell streams makes sense
have you processed long lists using python for instance
@Nicktar Oh i remember... i am just trying to establish how reliable they are and what guarantees there are that objects wont be processed twice
Something i can test
@objectiveME It's guaranteed
You just plug the parallelStream() and whoosh.
That's the main selling point of the parallelStream.
@MadaraUchiha I am processing a ideal queue ..some payments so, try and understand why i need some assurance..or some paper work detailing its reliabibility
@objectiveME you have this guarantee by using Collection.parallelStream()
Thanks people, i will look at it then
also take a look at Spliterators
@objectiveME never heared of item beeing processed twice
We have been using them, had our issues and stopped using them because of the issues but reliability wasn't one of them
@Nicktar I will create a program and see how theye work
We had perfomance issues because we were using them on datasets to small
He is confused just because has no idea how the parallel streams are going to split the collection members between them i guess
@Nicktar can i use my own custom threadpool with them
@dbl exactly, how does it do it though
BTW is anyone here doing iDeal payments
We were choking our DB because we wer hitting it from several paralell streams at once
Yesterday I've been on the track of using parallelStreams with custom Separator and it was saying that you should be really gentle there...
We had problems with the Default Thread pool
but tht's it
and every stream was exclusively locking your tables?
@objectiveME I once wrote a client for IDEALs webservice many years ago (still using PHP)
@motaa no but each stream ad 30 Threads and every thread needed a connection
ReadOnly conns?
@Nicktar Awesome, did it have b2c functionality then
@objectiveME don't know... I was working for a shop platform back then
@Nicktar I am going to have to write a parrallelstreams then test with at least 20 threads
oh nice they cooled a i9-9900k to -230°C using liquid helium :D
I would not call that nice but cool
How you doin'?
7.6 ghz on all cores Q.Q
@geisterfurz007 dude!
fine and a bit frustrated due to my incompetance in implementing a recursive cte :D
how are you?
I heard the moore law is reliably f**d
After you have super conductors at that temparature the furtherst you can go now is to think of qubits
At that temperature all quantum pecularities come into play,think of spooky action at a distance, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle et al
You can no longer tell why an error occured
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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