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12:00 PM
Child safety seat manufacturers have begun to make bigger models after a recent study showed that over 250,000 U.S. children age 6 and under are too fat to use the standard models. (source)
good job america
good job world. I was waiting in an airport in the Netherlands not too long ago and what I saw stomping by was not exactly American, but still quite a lot heavier than is healthy. For most cultures, at least.
*There are other rooms, with 92 users currently talking in 49 rooms.*
At least 6 people are talking to themselves. Nice :)
@MwBakker wrong
12:05 PM
The dude already said bye long ago Zoe ;)
Native Android refers to C++. Either way, Java still isn't Android
Calm down Zoe.
throws cookie
Everything is going to be fine :)
Owo cookieeeeeeeee :3
throws another cookie
loads bag of cookies in baseball pitcher
That's not gonna keep me distracted for long you know x3
12:06 PM
No but knocked out.
Yeah either from a cookie to the head or a sugar overdose
@Gimby Good job America and that kid that Gimby sawe at an airport in the Netherlands not too long ago
@Wietlol more like 50% of the people stomping through
I don't get a 500 anymore
it was hard to ignore, that's for sure
12:07 PM
where did those people come from?
Don't ask me why
then they didnt come from the Netherlands
they might have come from America
I'm sure some of them were from the NL and the states.
how can you be from the NL ánd the states?
12:09 PM
it is possible to have two passports
depending on where you live
but you're right, I worded that very poorly. I admit it, recognise it and will work on it.
> Half way in the process of being born, we took off on an airplane to the states and my mother just waited until we were in the states where I could continue being born.
Good, good. Mister 500 is back.
12:10 PM
@geisterfurz007 no ú
Is there a way to have live logs of a remote wildfly?
Sure, if there is a logstash on top of it :)
English pl0x
í think we should continue putting this thing ón the very first character ín évery word strarting with á vocal.
@geisterfurz007 <insert triggering here>
12:11 PM
No u
Also write strarting instead of starting.
<(0 )
yeah, I strarted using that a while ago for the purpose of efficiency.
@unknown Why would someone be happy with such á silly thing?
12:12 PM
@únknown :D
áre you pinged by that?
looks like he ís
did you know that Í had to édit my message because í missed like 4 vocals?
missed vocals. So sad.
áctually just two
12:14 PM
@unknown dont what you mean with missing vocals, can you give ?
jesus christ Wietno
oh wait
Wietsay I'm retarded
And you failed
12:16 PM
why so?
Wietbot is bad bot
we leaving words starting with vocals now?
just wietol
@geisterfurz007 @unknown "missing" the vocals
12:18 PM
"missing" in terms of: I was aiming my ´´´´ gun towards the vocals, and missed some cuz I'm fucking terrible at counterstrike god dammit :'(
12:31 PM
Being terrible at Counterstrike is actually a compliment
"You suck at this game". "Thanks!"
being terrible at Fortnite is an achievement
thank you, this is absolutely useful
Doogilly dagilly tarla-rodad shenmi park-rrd shemunser
thank you, this is absolutely useful, but slightly less useful as the previous useful contribution
@geisterfurz007 :SeriousSloth:
12:41 PM
éllo állbreaker
ekki ekki ekki ekki ptang, zoom boing, z'nourrwring mm (ni)
What gives BallBrecher?
@Wietlol thats a beautiful song.. only if u can find
if I can't find it, will it be an ugly song?
12:42 PM
for u
lil late to work this morning because of accidents on the highway
but otherwise nadda
Meeting at 10
so killing some time before that
Got an official noise complaint notice yesterday so I wrote the most diplomatic, yet murderedbywords response I could possible come up with
Pretty proud of it
Who u r talking to?
Every one in this room seems silent
I was talking to geis
@ballBreaker do you dare to share?
12:47 PM
@ItachiUchiha Hey man! Long time no talk
It's long, but sure
Only Wheat Lol has right to talk here :P
Dear Laura,

In regards to the recent noise complaint against me on Sunday; I was playing music quietly and was on my own and not yelling. Is it possible that this was in fact on Saturday? There were people yelling at each other on their balcony. Afterwards, one of the associated parties left the balcony and was yelling through the door in the hallway (PH5). I even called it into Security myself on Saturday at 3:30PM. If there is a specific time at which this supposed incident occurred that would be great information to know. Also, is there any physical, audio, or second-hand witness proof
@USM damn you
I like the bottom part
U havent found the song yet/
How the fuck do you have so much time @ballBreaker
12:49 PM
> Regards,
I can't give away my name!
@USM it is still ugly huh?
just say "Best regards, BallBreaker"
@ballBreaker Pfff, it's clearly John Doe!!
12:50 PM
@unknown when bullshit is involved I have all the time in the world
BallBreaker or HeadBreaker
Or jawbreaker?
@Zoe That's only what the ladies call me
> I've been completely alone in my apartment for the past two weeks.
U can be US president.. u have lot of free tym
12:51 PM
poor soul
I've been completely alone in my apartment for the past two weeks.
I may or may not have stretched the truth a little
@ballBreaker :*
@unknown beat you to it
12:51 PM
Pretty sure living with a cat doesn't count as being alone
stop yelling at your cat
I suppose you werent yelling at your cat
and tell him to turn down the music
Here's the deal tho... because the music is so loud he has to yell. Then in that moment the cat lowers the volume, ballbreaker can be heard yelling, he is done, cat turns music on again.
Most Important question here -> If batman parents are died, Then how was he born.?
12:53 PM
Absolutely no way that can happen...
relevant out of context-quote from the javascript room from reddit:
in JavaScript, 24 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
> Oh no, the parent died. We need to make sure that we kill orphans reliably.
are you sure they are died? batman.parents.isDied = true;
Fortunately for me that message was written by a mod, so I hope that I am good regarding getting flagged :D
that'd be batman.parents.areDied
i just found out that java EE is now called jakarta ee
why on earth did they name it jakarta
12:55 PM
@DevTest28 Because people are schtrange
could'nt they find something a little bit more attractive
like sriously oracle
@ballBreaker yep, that's a new screw you write-up.
You can see it right here. There is someone called Wietlol here which I wouldn't consider a lot better.
Doesnt make difference we still refer it as J2EE
12:57 PM
@geisterfurz007 you what?
how dare you insult me!
this is outrageous
Yeah, yeah, blabla, green elephants, I know.
yep thats right try to google jakarta you only get a city
@geisterfurz007 dude r u srious? do'nt unsilt weedlol
by the way geisterfurz in german means "ghosts fart
I didn't even know xDDDDDD
12:58 PM
Today, I lost faith in the gesterburns of le Jaba chat.
@DevTest28 aye, on the island of Java.
@unknown Are you one of the monkeys that try to type shakespeare? That would explain the mistakes you made in there :P
@DevTest28 Does it matter? xd
@geisterfurz007 It's only been mentioned like 1000 times earlier
" Closing quote to stop the essay about the meaning of my username.
@Zoe what exactly?
12:59 PM
What my name means.

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