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> SpringlLearner: (at)geisterfurz007 hi
> geisterfurz007: (at)SpringLearner Please stop that :)

Golden comedy right there XD
> jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=Testing;instance=SQLExpress;
Wildfly: SQLServerDriver is not a valid driver for jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=TiefbauEntwicklung;instan‌​ce=SQLExpress;
@geisterfurz007 what is the question?
i wanna be a millionaire geis assistant!
Where does wildfly get that fcuking microsoft from
@Wietlol I know the problem. The IndexedDB of one of my firefox profiles is broken so Wildfly cannot read stuff from there.
It works on another profile so I am using that now.
then dont use firefox?
Don't use Wietlol as assistant?
Dang that sounds great! Because it's silent now.
the microsoft part prolly comes from the configuration :D
you know... the javax.persistence.xml ---noclue---
Maybe there is a sneaky configuration somewhere anyway, say in the standalone.xml or in a datasource descriptor file
fcuk off wiedlo
Why can't they just make their webinterface work? That would be way to easy?
why cant you just use spring?
it would have been so much easier
The company standard hasn't changed.
Also, may I ask what exactly Wietlol is supposed to mean?
then change i
@AMDG its an abbreviation for Karakirewiet
or a slang... sorta
or synonym
and the lol at the end is arbitrary...
no, the lol at the end is for the constant reminder of the thought that I once used to be funny
Haha, yeah, what a joke.
How do I remove a datasource?
Wietlol is Dutch for "weed is fun"
@Gimby that is not true
lol !=== is fun
I bet it is.
"Weed, lol"
ha ha :)
@kajibu Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
laughing out loud you sure do when something is fun
ohai, a kajit
or... kajibu
edit is a thing
@Gimby not necessarily
Semantics. General case, yes.
Imagine being on topic in #java
when laughing out loud, there sure has to be something funny
"But we're talking about semantics!"
@Gimby not the other way around
"Yes, but it's the semantics of laughing."
"Programmers are not supposed to have fun."
except when writing kotlin
I fail to see the difference, but at the same time the Dutch smoke weed because its a privilege, not because its fun. So I'm wrong no matter what I say. Which is something I just laugh out loud at.
Hate kotlin soz
> protected fun with(some: Person)
> fun with(some: Person): Optional<Child>
btw, kotlin is nsfw
Is that Kotlin? If so, I'm defecting again.
yes, yes that is kotlin
also known as coitus
Those method decls look u g l y
by William Marriager
@AMDG just because you are not used to them
HM! You cannot remove that driver. That datasource over there needs it.
> That datasource
problem between keyboard and chair
@geisterfurz007 which framework did you say you were working on?
Actually, I don't really care. I was just going to suggest making your own.
@Gimby Ey, listen. If you have a datasource that uses H2. Which is the Example one. Nothing else. Then please tell me, why I cannot remove the MSSQLDriver.
no, no, no, no, no
geis doesnt make things himself
that is my job
No, that's my job
in C#, Sep 13 '17 at 15:07, by Wietlol
i will most probably write my own
Let's throw some internal errors in there
d is undefined
I'm the one who apparently thinks he makes better frameworks than everyone else because everyone else thinks premature optimization is the root of all evil.
hell yes
because why the fcuk not
you dare to use JakartaScript in here?
Ah sweet! I can remove the driver
because I did nothing.
Of course. That makes 100% no sense.
@geisterfurz007 sounds like changes that were not persisted/reloaded yet then
@AMDG no, you are the one who thinks he makes better frameworks than everyone else because you have different priorities
Everyone's troubles come from ignorance.
And do you know what the best thing is?
I still have absolutely no clue what happens to that hibernate query
you still have javax.persistence.noclue?
@geisterfurz007 I think you don't know enough about hibernate to fix your problem. #constructive-criticism doon't aat mee.
No shit sherlock
Hibernate is one thing, Hibernate + JPA is another, Hibernate + JPA + Wildfly yet another
@AMDG that is why he is here
Good thing is: Noone here seems to know enough about it because I work on this garbage for 2 days straight now.
What is this madness???
Alright, lemme try, even though I know nothing.
What is Hibernate; What is JPA, and what is Wildfly?
> you know nothing AMDG
- Ygritte
everyone knows nothing
And this... thing accuses me of knowing not enough about hibernate.
Well, if you knew enough, you'd know how to solve the problem. That's a universally valid statement.
Same goes for the rest of us
in that case, we are all shit
Either we can't help you, or... idk
Probably @Wietlol
"WIth our intellects combined, the answer we resolve to is... we don't know!"
Seriously, I'll do my best
(I'm just trying to make sure I'm not looking at the wrong stuff here.)
Don't waste any time with it. Worse enough that I am doing it. And pulled others into it. Including a coworker who wasted an hour with it.
lol. Don't care. Put me on the case.
Now, are the above the correct associations of Hibenate, JPA, and Wildfly?
The other question is: what are you trying to accomplish at work with these three frameworks (together)? Is there no alternative?
Long story short: I want to use hibernate (link outdated; I am using 5.2.10 but the domain/hibernate is correct) for JPA (link generally is somewhat correct) to get a User from mah database. I put a query together and bang, nothing happens.
@geisterfurz007 yeah trying to figure out what someone has been trying to get to work by just trying stuff without really understanding how or why (respect that you manage to do what you've done) and seeing what happens without having access to the environment to see what has been done is rather limiting
There is an alternative which would be either use another frame work which would be against company standard or use a standard jdbc connection which would be ugly.
Use what works for now, (jdbc) so at least you'll have something working. In your free time, then, try making hibernate work. When the system is fully functioning, you can switch the platform (supposing you can just "switch" the platform, if the platform is highly decoupled).
> Use what works for now, (jdbc) so at least you'll have something working.
what happened to "do it right the first time"?
When did I say tha- oh I see what you mean. Yeah, no, that's not the correct interpretation of "do it right the first time".
@AMDG hibernate has an API with a way of configuring it and a set of classes to use it. JPA adds a sort of standardised layer on top of it which Hibernate also implements; two ways to achieve the same result, so to say. Wildfly provides JPA support through Hibernate and takes up several tasks on top of it, such as transaction management. All layers of an onion.
what happened to the challenge of doing stuff without using something that works?
When you're an 18-yr-old like me who has more freetime than the man with the most vacation hours saved up, you can "Do it right the first time". If you're trying to push a product, or get a service working, and you need it done fast and ASAP, just get something working with the most optimal design you can come up with on the fly.
Hah! 18 years ol- Wait ._.
@wietlol it went away when I started to use Spring
Kind of boring, actually
JEE is interesting in its own way, many challenges. Also quite a bit of freedom to really muck it up
i see what you mean, but have you ever made a complex data structure in JPA?
(I thought these frameworks were made for convenience, no? If it becomes an inconvenience, then it should be revisted later, and we should use what we already know to build a solution.)
I don't know
what happebned
but I got a response
doesn't that belong in #spam...
@AMDG This ain't Discord
Oh shut up over there with all that freetime you can take it :D
@geisterfurz007 so what is that about being 18?
Yeah nothing.
geis is also 18
My birthday is May 6th, 2000
Hard times.
(In case you want to steal my credit card, I guess??)
(I don't have one)
No 90's kids will remember memes for you.
Ouch, 00's >.<
@AMDG I feel so old
Lookin at your name next to that statement makes your name sound old @Gimby XD
@Gimby how old might that be? 25?
"Old enough to drink straight alcohol"
@Wietlol ($age/5)^(10^10^100)
Oh man, five minutes again.
my age is the sqrt of all your ages combined
Also I have a business meeting today at 11 AM.
@AMDG So about 3 hours ago?
Oh nvm!
I'm meeting with a CPA to start a general retail business
Yeah, it's 7:56 AM over here.
@geisterfurz007 oh, great ... again
@Wietlol I wish, 25 was an amazing age. Try 37... inching closer to that magic 4-0.
This business world needs some morals anyways, so... I hope my business benefits thew world for more than just capitalistic and American "ideals"...
i love magic numbers
Christi Crucifixi, Inc.(r) "Deus vult!"
No kidding. Name and motto ^
In any case to answer your question, assuming it was directed at me, I worked on a marine insurance application that had this gruesome JPA model with bookings and booking lines where bookings had parent bookings and booking lines could refer to other types of booking lines, including those of parent bookings. It was such a mess of cross-wiring and cascaded persistence that I had to draw it all out just to be able to understand it each time I had to do tests with it
have you ever made an entity with just a primary key?
I cant' say that I have actually
@Gimby ah, I see now
Interesting system.
An ambigram is a word that looks the same from various orientations. For example, the word "swims" will be the same even when turned upside down. (source)
I could swear that we had that one already.
@AMDG that it was, after several years of patching it was pretty magical. You could feed it a "new truth" and the underlying model actually correctly did a tremendous amount of updates to the data model, including audit logging records.
but I feel sorry for the people who had to adopt that system after I left.
Maybe they deserved it :)
@Gimby how does this look?
It doesn't sound like a very good system, though, at first glance. It sounds like makeshift work. Then again, I don't know enough about those systems to comment. Usually when you have 3rd party software trying to work together, it's like trying to make a team of three, individually speaking Japanese, Swahili, and French, altogether.
easy to understand?
Anyways, time for prayers.
@Wietlol Disgusting
@AMDG Cya later
The most harrowing problem: 1-cent differences in calculations. Often stemming from currency conversions.
this on the other hand
the entity class is also a package private class since nowhere else in the application, it was useful
That first diagram is really low resolution for me
i suppose both are then
Yeah the second one is perfectly readable tho
but its mostly the connections
there is a 1 on many relation (from left to right)
yeah those look a lot cleaner
but the relations come from 3 tables and go to 3 tables
which will be a pain with linking tables
so, instead, I grouped the upper two via a single linked table (which only has an id (PK))
the other linking table has an id (PK) and an FK for the other linking table
since it is a 0/1 on 1 relation
and I prefer to have the 1 side have the link
so... yea... the table sounds pretty stupid
create table [name] ( id integer identity(1, 1) primary key not null )
^ most useful table evar
Sort of table-based key generation :)
Can I see the full (ie completed) query that hibernate actually issues to the database?
nvm; I can just log the parameter.
you can turn on sql logging on the sqlserver
We are getting closer to the fun stuff
@geisterfurz007 in the past I've also used a JDBC spy driver (log4jdbc) to get detail logging, but that might be tricky to setup in Wildfly
I have the correct permission returned from my method and the correct userobject and stuff.
Now the interesting question is: Why the fcuk doesn't my restclient see the response coming?
Because there is none, because my TokenCache thinks literally every single token already exists. Fancy.
Because the developer who wrote that method is a retard. Fancy!
If I have an ArrayList <Integer> x, then x points to some location in memory. Does that location actually store the integers or references to Integer objects?
I am close to crying :')
I've heard that before. Today.
I have 200 - OK for a correct username
I also have a 403 - Forbidden for an incorrect username
@Shubham It stores the reference to the ArrayList, and each entry in the ArrayList stores a reference to an Integer
@geisterfurz007 Sounds more like a 401 for an authorization failure, but this is not the time to discuss the finer details of REST API design :)
I did it again. Authentication failure.
@Gimby So, primitive types are treated as any other type in ArrayList <Type>.
I don't understand that question. There are no primitives involved
@Gimby 401 if the Active Directory login fails and 403 if they may not access the database.
@Gimby Can I say that x.add(1) is equivalent to x.add(new Integer(1)) (assuming ArrayList <Integer> x)?
@Shubham Yes, the concept you're referring to here is called "autoboxing".
@Gimby Thanks :)
Yoooo o/
How are you?
Good. After 2 days, something finally works and I don't know why but after that time I don't care :D
Also hometime in 8 minutes :o
pretends to be productive for the last 2 minutes of the day
I've experienced that feeling a few times
I wonder when I open the laptop tomorrow and this chat automatically appears in front of my eyes, what kind of tirade of not working things I am going to find and how hard the technology is blamed for it :)
@AMDG Welcome back!
So, @geisterfurz007 your problem is fixed?
@AMDG not understanding = not fixed
Oh. I didn't read that there at 8:52
"finally works and I don't know why..."
It is my personal opinion that the easiest thing to do is: start over with the whole darn thing and work your way through it again making sure you understand every single action and commit that you took.
A system made by "just working without understanding" is a fragile system bound to fall apart in the future.
yes, the moment of total recall :)
It gets worse the longer the system is in place too. The longer someone waits to rebuild the system, the worse it gets. The later it fails, the harder the failure. You forget things over time; and you don't even understand the system in the first place, so you have to start from scratch anyways.
I feel sorry for whoever would have to maintain the system that has been the discussion in this chat for the past two days after geis.
But when that system has cost several million to make and will take a team of several developers numerous years to rebuild, it just ain't happening.
The cost of rewriting the system is far less than the cost of catastrophic failure.
yes, but it is an easy assumption to make that hiring smarter people will solve the issues.
I don't see when assumptions are ever a good thing in the first place...
I'm starting a business. The only employees I will hire are those who can prove themselves.
A diploma means nothing to me. A college paper means nothing to me. Your work and expertise is what I care about.
I wish there were more like you in the world.
Hah. I wish there were more Priests running everything.
The world would be a better place, and nearly everyone would be a saint.
now that is an oddly specific thing to say
It isn't so odd to me.
or a pedophile, but we shouldn't assume
Everything is for the greater glory of God, which is what AMDG means.
Priests are meant to save souls. They are hard workers. All the things you hear about pedophiles in the Vatican are Novus Ordo priests, but still (hopefully validly ordained) priests nonetheless. They are just as capable of change as the layman who is labeled a pedophile.
The job of a father is to teach. We call Priests, Father. It is because he is a teacher. There really is no purpose in anything without God. That is why I say everyone knows nothing, but I can also say about anyone who knows God, "I know nothing, and I know everything." because all worldly knowledge is vain--nothingness, but God is everything, and to know God is to know everything.
therefore, I am saying, there ought to be less of me and more of them in the world, because you said, "I wish there were more like you in the world."
I should also mention that my business model will be a departure from the modern(ist) ideas. "I am Catholic before I am anything else," so I will indeed be discriminating. You will not get paid by the hour; you will get paid by the work, and the quality of it. If you are a public sinner, you will not work in my buildings. It is only just.
Are university assignments difficult?
What now?
Are you asking me?
Why do you ask?
Difficulty only comes from a lack of understanding. There really is no "difficult" or "hard" in my book.
It feels daunting that I'll have them
Is there a major gap between the 1st and second year?
What about university assignments is daunting? They are not made to overwork you or make you do more than what you are capable of. They are meant for your benefit; that you may excel in learning, and receive a deeper understanding of what you are to study.
The fact that they count towards your final grade
Grades have meant nothing to me, and they never will. You should work to the best of your ability; the grading system is not a reflection of your intelligence or abilities.
Do the work as best you can, and the grades will reflect that.
Do you have any more scruples?
Or do I need to reassure you more?
If you perform your work sheepishly and worry yourself about grades throughout your years of university and you live by the letter grade, you will not survive a week.
Cool, thanks for the advice
You are welcome.
I should also tell you what really helps too.
If you have a question, ask. My mentor is a procrastinator.
He went through years of college, and failed.
He went again, but this time, he raised his hand to make certain that he knew what was being taught.
He passed with an above average final score.
If you went to kindergarten right now, you wouldn't worry about your final letter grade, you would say, "This is easy; I could do it in my sleep!" That's because it is elementary work which you have full understanding of. If you match your understanding in the course, then you would say the same, but with a pupil's attitude, saying, "I am confident that I know this; I will do my best." That's all I have to say.
I'll implement that
@AMDG Aye.
@AMDG is there... PHP?
what now about PHP?
@Wietlol NI!
everything about PHP
good god, a Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference doesn't land.
I didn't think it could happen
I would fart in your general direction, but I have javax.persistence.noclue what you mean with NI
@Gimby I didn't understand why it wouldn't work in the beginning. I understand how my stuff works in general and it still is the same code as before. I deleted and reinstalled the wildfly and reconfigured the datasource and now it works.
By now I am bot even sure if it really was hibernate blocking or some other rubbish I wrote. In theory there was a logging statement when hibernate was done doing stuff which was never printed but there also was an infinite loop I built after the logging statement
@Wietlol it is what the Knights who say NI (or Nee, depending on translation) say. Worth a Youtube.
So what now about PHP? I don't use PHP; I've never used it, so I can't say anything about it.
Other than the fact that, apart from what I've heard, the syntax makes the language look clean and elegant to me.
Is it worth doing the Oracle Java Certificate?
If it catches the eyes of employers, yes.
Also worthwhile if you get it before you get a degree.
Imagine being certified before a degree... it sounds more impressive I suppose
I've read online in quite a few places that employers don't really care
@CrashBandicoot In general: Nej. At least from my experience there shouldnt be anything that isn't covered from general assignments I know you had in the past. At least at my college, the classes are built so that someone without any programming experience can follow. Then again it depends on how much time you are willing to invest.
Then neither would I really. I would hire someone based on their performance, diligence, and quality of work. I don't judge by a piece of paper.
I would hope that many employers share the same attitude, but I'm not "many employers".
What I found annoying were the tasks where you are restricted to stuff that has way better alternatives. Best example is doing something with an array instead of using a list. Or using stuff without generics.

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