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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

"You defeated me But you won't defeat me again Because you have grown all you can grow.... but I am still growing (about Mount Everest)." -Edmund Hillary (source)
how's it going @JennaSloan?
@Tavo I'm bored
how so?
have you already coded everything there is to code?
in that case, it's the Steam sales
Right now I'm coding a minesweeper clone
I suppose I could play one of those 39 games on Steam that I have but haven't played yet.
2 hours later…
gaben got my wallet this year
Good morning
Good morning.
@ItachiUchiha is there any method I can use in an FXML Controller that is called when the scene is instatiated? There is initialize but the scene of all components is null at that point
@Zoe it was posted June 2nd. They have waited enough few days already :)
@geisterfurz007 , how are you ?
I am having tomcat crash issue .
Please help me .
1 hour later…
\o morn
@geisterfurz007 You can add a listener to the sceneProperty in the initialize() method.
Ooooh! That makes a lot of sense, thanks @ItachiUchiha :)
@IccheGuri Please don't use chat as fastlane for your questions. Instead, wait a few days before asking here to give the people on the main site some time. If we want to answer questions there, we will look for them on our own.
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@geisterfurz007 , thank you
did anyone alreaady haave experiences with the company "hire right"? :D
@geisterfurz007 =_-
will object be created when constructor throws Exception?
This is PHP example but question remains same
accepted answer has Yes but other says no
They don't only state "yes" and "no".
I am still searching for proper explanation of my question
Yes an object is created. No it is not assigned to the variable x if you have Object x = new A();
Reason: With the call to the constructor the object is created. The constructor itself allows you to set stuff in that object before anything else happens. If you throw an Exception from there, the object still exists in memory. Because the exception is thrown, the assignment operation is not executed.
Well... technically the value assigned to the variable is an incomplete object.
ohh! we can not access that object any how as it is not assigned to any variable?
it is garbage then..
@JennaSloan I am not really know about this function .. I am PHP guy.. just concept is same so I asked here..
thanks guys for help..bye..
@geisterfurz007 whoops ^^"
@geisterfurz007 :thumbs_up:
My brain suddenly suggested me to open team ten home page (i still have no idea why). Instinctly, I typed teamten[dot]com and I'm surprised.
I had that way too many times! Nice now I will learn for the exams next week!
Proceeds on opening games folder and launching League of Legends
It was when I was about to type my password in that I realized what happened.
me last night
except it was dota
btw i didn't found team ten on teamten[dot]com. Curious
Hallo Wunderb0lzen :)
Happy happy joy joy
How is your train coming along? :P
What train?
Your personal train so you can be a train driver :P
That would be a brilliant idea
> 1 out of 1 million train drivers think that selfmade trains should go on the same rails as all other trains.
I don't understand why, but after I had been working on Eclipse for along time, the undo button becomes disables, and I have to manually undo what I just did, close the program, and reopen it to get it to work again
@Nathan777 I think I had the same problem before. It was with run button I think.
Or was it on Netbeans? I can't remember.
I hate NetBeans
It's completely boring, dull, and not stimulating
I'm trying to come up with a plan and estimate of how much time it will take to learn the skills for at least an entry level career
I know how to create classes, objects, methods, and variables. I can do Swing applications and work with the layouts. I know how to read and write objects to txt files.
I still don't know databases, web applications, what frameworks even mean
Well, I did take an introductory database class awhile back. We used MySQL
May I ask your age?
Am I too old to get started or something?
@Nathan777 no
No definitely not!
age doesn't matter
unless we talk about physical activities
Were you just asking my age to see my maturity level then?
I have 2 degrees, but not in IT related
No I was asking out of curiosity :)
That's fine. I don't mind people knowing how old I am. I just thought you were going somewhere with it
@Nathan777 early this year, my neighbour when I was 6 got into the industry with a social engineering degree.
what is social engineering?
It just doesn't seem like there is a clear answer of what you need to know to get the first career though
@Nathan777 I guess that's what you call it in english. I'm not sure. But it's not related to IT.
oh, that seems like a sociology related concentration
Only slightly. If you said 16 or 17 (I am really bad assuming the age of people on the internet, that is why I asked) I would have told you that you definitely shouldn't worry.
Still with 31 you can do a lot. Depending on how well you learn I would suggest making it a game for yourself to understand something new every week. If you want, I can give you a link to a repository one of my lecturers used last semester to explain a lot of Software Engineering stuff and if you have questions you can just ask me (I passed the exam :D )
How much did your neighbor know about programming though?
I've seen or heard stories of people who are deemed "too old" that switch career to IT for whatever reason and succeed
What's the link?
@Nathan777 AFAIK, outside of basic html (pre HTML5 era), nothing
I wish I was still around 16 with the wisdom I have at 31
@Nathan777 while it's weird for me to say it, me too
There is a bit of stuff around there that is not super necessary but it gives a good insight as to what the idea of frameworks is, what agile development is, strategies and tricks in software development, etc.
Wait, he got a career in software engineering with no knowledge outside of basic HTML?
Are frameworks only used for web applications?
@Nathan777 well, i thought you asked prior to his current career
I don't really get what frameworks mean still
he finished a couple of training program and flash course
Are Swing and JavaFX frameworks?
I dropped out of graduate school for software engineering because I wasn't learning anything that way
Technically I think they are GUI frameworks, yes.
In JavaFX you can see a few other important and interesting things as well like Inversion of Control and Seperation of Concerns.
That being said: I wasn't a huge fan of the lecture. It gave a good insight but I am more the type of person that learns through practice.
We didn't really get lectures as they were online classes, but they were packing too much information into a small amount of time to learn it
Most of the grade came from bulimia learning 2 days before it.
Everything I was learning was from my own research, so I didn't see any point of paying for it anymore
As said: You can take a look into the repo (in the bottom there is a schedule where a few others are linked like a Spring Workshop and a Java8 workshop) and if you have questions, feel free to ask :)
Lunch time now :) Later o/
have a nice lunch
It's 5AM here
there are some concepts that you can learn better from lecture
@geisterfurz007 o\
me and my typing skill
"there is more to software engineering than programming"
as for the skill level to get into the entry level career, I don't think you need formal education to achieve it
What are the exact skills for java that you need though?
I don't think there is an exact skill or a skill set you need. It depends on what you have to do at work. Object Oriented Programming is probably one that is shared between all of those options though.
MVC for anything that has a GUI
And then it depends on the job you take on. Desktop applications? Know your JavaFX. JavaEE stuff? Know your JSF and tomcat. Spring stuff? Know the modules you require for your job (or at least have heard of them).
Model, View, Controller is a concept where you divide your application in those 3 sections. The Model is the data layer, the View the part of the program that makes the stuff displayable. The Controller acts as a layer in between those to manage when the view shows which model.
This can be used in desktop development (for example the FXML + a very simple FXML controller as View, a datatype as Model and a Controller that reads the data for the models from a database and then displays it in the view)
Then there is MVVM (model, view, viewmodel) which is the idea that the connection between view and model is not realized through a controller but through bindings (which is something that exists in JavaFX as well so you can bind a TextField's textProperty to a StringProperty and that StringProperty will always contain the String that is currently in the TextField.
Same bullshit just happened again. I have to exit out of eclipse and restart because the undo button stopped working
Either one of those approaches is common today however for webdevelopment MVC is probably the most used one because the direct update between server and client would require a lot of traffic.
Is JavaFX new?
Depends on your definition of new. According to wikipedia the first version was released 2008
okay. That makes sense
However together with the release of Java 8 there was another major version released which contained more new features.
Most GUI tutorials I find are all Swing related
Yeah I had the same issue. First when I started programming I only found Swing stuff and thought "Oh well guess this is the way to go then".
I don't really see what's wrong with Swing. It's worked well for what I needed it for
For me it gets incredibly messy when I have a larger application. Not knowing what I was doing I threw together the components in Eclipse Window Builder and ended up with a 2k line constructor.
In JavaFX 8 you can have a file in XML format that defines the layout and components so you don't have the mess inside your code.
I agree though that Swing is not incredibly bad and can get a lot of things done.
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Especially when getting into programming and GUI development Swing is a great starter but as I said for larger applications I highly prefer JavaFX
@USM We had that topic.
@ItachiUchiha If I have a TabPane and I want to have a help dialog that opens on the item of the tab I am currently on, how would I approach that? My main issue is that the scene appears to be the same for all the tabs.
Would it make sense to use the root pane for each tab?
@geisterfurz007 Isn't there a tab property on TabPane?
/javadoc TabPane#tabProperty
@ItachiUchiha Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
Yeah there is
At least there should be
I'm about finished with my Cabin Assigner Pro program. I included a way to generate medical and special needs reports with it as well, and an alert when a kid or counselor has a specific cabin related request
/javadoc TabPane#tabsProperty
The kind of programs available that do this cost thousands of dollars
There is no such property O-o
At least I cannot find it in the source. But it is an observable list.
So open it based on the tabname. I see, thanks :)
I'm shooting for being able to get an entry level career by next fall
so in 15 months from now
/javadoc TabPane#getSelectionModel
^ @geisterfurz007
I thought of creating an accelerator to each tabs content, no?
Add an accelerator to the scene and take the tab
that makes even more sense.
Using a selection model will tell you which Tab is selected.
Le me is noob.
I might even see if one of those camper registration services wants to purchase my source code. Their way of assigning cabins sucks compared to min
Hurricane names are chosen from a list selected by the World Meteorological Organization. There are six separate lists for Atlantic hurricanes, with one list used each year. Each list is repeated every 7th year. However, officials retire names of hurricanes that have caused a great deal of damage or death. Retired names include Andrew, Camille, Bob, Fran, Katrina, and Hugo. (source)
Just like with humans. You worked for 50 years now and have destroyed too much. Retired.
morn :P
ooph! You again ._.
@Nathan777 I hear Swing -> shrugging
@Nathan777 well if you like writing TONS of boilerplate as well as tons of listeners and also like SwingWorker then there is nothing wrong :D
@geisterfurz007 ? want a piece of me? :P
Excuse me what?!
hehe :D
he want a ghost of you
@geisterfurz007 ironie :P
The only things I want is a plane and my license.
Miss me with that work shit.
you will get there @geisterfurz007 :D
Can't stand this place at all anymore
takes me literally a week of working and I am pissed 24/7
Cannot be healthy
don't like germany anymore @geisterfurz007? :D
I don't like this workplace anymore
change it?
@geisterfurz007 Your workplace?
How often do we have to go through this again @ColdFire =?
how long do you have to keep doing it until your studies are finished?
Yeah my workplace. Or to be more precise my educator.
Writing my bachelor paper next year.
is it the same that he has paid you education money something like that and you cant leave it?
at least that is what i can remember
Yes exactly that.
I just started writing my master thesis
They are still paying. I am between my third and fourth semester currently
cool stuff on what I am writing but mathematically heavy :D
@ItachiUchiha I think you found your tabProperty? :D
@geisterfurz007 bite through it and collect later
@geisterfurz007 see if they allow a "leave of absence" of 6 months or so (you don't get paid but you stay employed)
@MehdiB. Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
@motaa Haha yeah. I found something better ;)
I am currently also working on a gui for a console program
using JavaFX?
they all wanted Swing but my arguments for JFX put 'em to the ground :D
@MehdiB. I can technically leave whenever I want but I have to pay back a large sum I cannot afford so I have to stay.
so ye i am developing it in jfx
@motaa Yeah I hope that my mood will get better when flying starts again. I had to take a while off because of the exam week and last week the plane was broken and this weekend I am at my parents place so no flying either.
and I am a huge fan of PseudoClass :D
@motaa Haha. JavaFX fact: In reality PseudoClass perform better than styleclass ;)
@geisterfurz007 damn... take a look at moonlighting websites, the pay is usually pretty good (to save something correct then be able to make a decision)
(if you're into work at nights and weekends of course :D)
@ItachiUchiha ah that I didn't know!!!
Yeah I will do probably... At least a day on a weekend or a friday afternoon. Right now I am away from home for 12 hours a day so working during the night is hard :D
If you have:
.control.style {


.control:style {

The latter will have a better performance.
I like that!
I just implemented a TreeView that shows a database tree like: DB->Schema->Table->Column
Fiiiiiineee! throws cookie
Sorry, I had to.
with drag and drop features into a label and a tableview
I hope they will implement Labels that can be backed by an object
Cool ;)
@MehdiB. never heard of those moonlighting websites , freelancing sites?
as of now I had to implement it myself :D
@ItachiUchiha ye I know it sounds easy but in fact is was not so easy :D
DnDs are never easy :)
@ColdFire yeah but with limited hours commitments, usually to fill a void on the team with no more than 4h/d
Drag n Drop
Oh, yeah!
@MehdiB. i see
@ItachiUchiha ye if you want to be able to send an object to a label for example and only display a string from that object. But if you want your object to have any Properties there starts the problem
^ Exactly
@ColdFire such as moonlightwork.com
a StringProperty is not serializable so it has to be transient
so you start to rethink your objects design :D
@geisterfurz007 It clearly means Dungeons and Dragons ;)
@Zoe :D
@MehdiB. i see nice
I wanna play DnD
Do not Disturb ?
Impossible at my workplace
No chance to get into the tunnel.
thats what I call an air cooler :D
Yeah that looks like it would not let your CPU get too hot.
prime95 with stock after 1 hour of computing I had a maxtemp of 77°
with that cooler I had after 1 hour of prime 55° at the hottest core :D
Mine already starts frying when playing the elder scrolls online. (65°)
tbh it weights 1.2 kg
but the cool thing is that it is soo big that I had to remove the back cooler of the chassi
but that was not a prob :D
That thing looks like it would have more throughput anyway :D
as you can see here it flushes the air out :D
it covers all your RAM so you have to check the distances :D
What cooler is it?
Alpenföhn Olymp
you will only have to install a backplate
optionally you can also install anti shocker rods
I don't think that thing would fit into my casing :D
and if for some reason Intel thinks about releasing a new socket (ironie :P) they will send you a free backplate compatible with that socket
@geisterfurz007 I installed it into a midi case
In that case the only thing that could be in the way would be GPU and RAM :D I installed my GPU in the topmost slot.
mine is installed there too
thats how it looks from the back
and this on the left messy side :D
You call that messy? HA!
At least you have decent HDD rack in there.
I only have 2 plates to screw in the back of the case (like the two white ones for the small HDD's) but 3 drives :)
One currently resides on a comfy bed of cables :D
aw ye... I got you :)
I am planning to change my hardware from the ground up
like change motherboard, cpu, RAM
I just recently did. Got new old stuff from a friend of mine and got a new case from the CeBIT which I put together 2 weeks ago.
@geisterfurz007 the smaller devices won't need a spot in a hdd rrack in the future :D
Nothing insane but everything of that was better than my stuff and the price was insane.
16GB DDR 3, a 6-core CPU + boxed cooler, ASUS Mainboard and all together for 70 bucks.
For the RAM alone you'd usually pay more.
good price
The only issue is that I got his old case as well. Now I have 3 cases in my room. The one of the old computer, the new one from the CeBIT and his one.
I just bought another 8gig of ddr3 to the ones I already have for 10 years :D
It's insane, yeah
the ram is actually the same :D
the old one produced 2006
I had 4 GB until the upgrade :')
the new on 2017 :D
you got an AMD then I guess @geisterfurz007?
That is absolutely correct :D
I was about to buy an Intel 8700K
but then I got the news about the Z390 chipset
and their new 8 core cpu
so I am waiting right now and checking any news daily :D
same goes for the gpu
So JavaFX doesn't have event handlers and action listeners?
hello guys
@Nathan777 of course it does
@motaa All my wires are covered with dust
@Nathan777 think about aa label that shall only show a String of an object
normally you would have to add listeners and notify everyone who is listening that a specific string has changed so that the label can update its text
in jfx instead you can create a StringProperty and bind that to the textProperty of your label
and that StringProperty basically speaking is nothing else than a Wrapper for your String with Listeners and so on
this is a very basic example though :D
responsive guis have become way easier to build
!javadoc Node
/javadoc Node
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. javafx.scene.Node
2. javax.validation.Path.Node
3. javax.xml.soap.Node
4. org.jsoup.nodes.Node
5. org.testng.internal.Graph.Node
6. org.w3c.dom.Node
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@Michael FR: Have the selection list for a javadoc delete itself after a selection was made :)
@Nathan777 check out how many properties the base classs Node has :D
@Nathan777 and cooler even is the fact that you can bind lots of properties together
@geisterfurz007 Hmm good idea!
Happy Thursday @Michael!
I think its time for a little bf1
posted on July 05, 2018 by CommitStrip

Conferences aren't about the talks, they are mainly about networking.
Wacky talks like that are good because they spark conversation.
@JennaSloan "Multidimensional int array" or "X-Dimensional int array" works even better.
@Ungeheuer lies!
@Jenna but you gotta admit, that would be better output than some cryptic bracket bullshit. #FuckJava
@geisterfurz007 "apples beef milk" fucking gold lmfao
much shock so surprise
I vote to kick Ungeheuer for insulting Java and using expletives
@Ungeheuer Unless you interpret the X as a Roman numeral.
@JennaSloan Seconded.
are you guys familiar with OSGi?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

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