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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

posted on November 27, 2017

So it's our anual JavaOne Debrief. After landing at the conference we got to take a look at what's brewing behind Oracle. With our special guest @edburns we dive into the big Red plans for EE, the answer from Oracle on Lambdas (hey everyone is jumping into that train), and more. Sure to please, never boring, take a listen to our latest episode of @OffHeap   DO follow us on twitter @offheap

3 hours later…
@Tavo shouldn't you be here right now?
I am just really curious, what Daemon Thread [Grizzly] is? It always keep showing when I do debug, so it floods other threads of interest.
Is this necessary or can I hide them on eclipse?
"People rise to the occasion without hesitation when they feel inspired and challenged." -Lorii Myers (source)
Morning o/
2 hours later…
can someone help me with Retrofit2 ..
@LalitVerma Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
So only java questions here?
is it possible to make a program in java that takes C programs as input?
@OakBot I sse, it's moanday today.
@eFox Type /help to see all my commands.
@LalitVerma correct
@eFox lol
@AceVez maybe with JNI
@Zoe so my Java program will accept C program as input and then analyze it.
Analyze? Then you don't need jni
@Zoe that's what i thought
If you wanted to run C programs, that's a different issue
It's been awhile since I use C and learning it again is a bit cumbersome
@AceVez what are you trying to achieve?
@Wietlol analyze a simple C program and then generate test cases for it
JNI seems to enable Java programs to interact with native programs
but nothing sort of analyzing them
I need more digging on this
you wrongly describe your problem
you probably dont want to have a C program as input
you either want to have source code of an irrelevant language as input
or an api, of which the source code is entirely irrelevant
if the input is source code, then my program is something like a compiler
i thought i could just use the program directly
"the program"
you cant pass a program
you must pass bytes
source code = bytes
compiled code = bytes
pardon me. i meant compiled code
why would it be easier to pass compiled code?
compiled code is not meant to be read by anything but the executing program or a different compiler
@Wietlol i didn't know that.
well... what else is it supposed to be read by?
i thought because it's compiled, it's easier to be analyzed by machine
it's one of my shower thoughts so i've yet to do enough research on it
still, how do you want to generate test cases based on the code?
tests are made to make sure that the code does what it is supposed to do
not that it does what it does
tests should be based on business rules or api contracts
@Wietlol code coverage?
Hallu eFox ^^
I spent the weekend building a cage for a bird. My everything hurts Q_Q
@AceVez and what does it cover?
does it cover bugs?
hiya @eFox :D
How can you be that happy on a monday morning ffs =-=
What's wrong with mondays?
inb4 "what's wrong with you" rant? :P
@geisterfurz007 She's 16
Personally toughTuesdays are my woe
I am only 2 years older... And 2 years ago I still hated monday morning...
I hate it for about 1 hour
I hate it for about a week...
There's a big difference between 16 and 18
Trust this old one
Which is?
@Wietlol Code Coverage testing is determining how much code is being tested. (tutorialspoint). It's a metric used on white box testing
"testing" but what does it test?
does it test wether it does what it is supposed to do or not?
or does it test that it does what it does?
tests are NOT made based on the code
tests are made based on the business rules or api contracts
@geisterfurz007 @eFox I don't hate mondays for more than the hour between I get up and get to school. There's no avoiding it, even though I'd rather get up 2 hours later :D It's a waste of time hating it because I can't get out of waking up
@Wietlol i can't explain it well. check this out softwaretestingfundamentals.com/white-box-testing
@Wietlol maybe you're referring to blackbox testing. it has nothing to do with the code, but the business rules
@Zoe those 2h gradually strech both backwards and forward in time. Soon you'll dread monday on sunday and all of monday until your workday is over
@AceVez interesting way of testing, but still requires testing rules
you want to read in the source code of your application, then break it up to an abstract syntax tree and up to a program instruction definition
then, you can "emulate" the program's behavior using that structure
then, you can tests the business rules or api contracts against that emulated program
afaik, that is what they mean with white box testing
reading from that article
@eFox naw
@Zoe Trust her.
i dont hate mondays
i like mondays
You are not normal. Go away Wietlol
i hate furz
i dont like furz
@Waqas Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I hate Wietlol
I dont like Wietlol
nah, you are lying
and you know it
java is android lol
I don't like mondays, but I don't hate them either
@Waqas No it isn't
Android != Java && Java != Android
you are not supposed to respond to that
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Hey, Oak's back :D
@Waqas Android looks like Java, but only because it has an "a" in it
yeah Android is bigger now with kotlin :D
The language is the same on the syntax level, but the SDK and runtime is completely different
Same with Kotlin
Kotlin is the same on Android as JVM on the syntax level, the SDK's are different and the runtime is different
@geisterfurz007 stars
Same with desktop vs android python, desktop vs android c++, c, c#, javascript (it's a possibility) and whatever other language you possibly can come up with that can be used on both android and desktop
pokes @geisterfurz007
Which one of these would I use for the jersey-bundle .jar?: mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.glassfish.jersey.core
@Zoe geisterfurz007.exe has stopped working.
The tutorial has outdated jars, and that could be the reason why the app doesn't work
glassfish uses a bundle package for the bundles
So if you want the bundle jar you have to go get it from the right package
I followed the link from the red box (on top of the page)
Because apparently, those are the latest ones
Guys would you be comfortable in working for a software house that has a very strict non disclosure policy where you are not even allowed to copy a single line of your own code outside the company?.
@Waqas Does it matter?
@CrashBandicoot probably
I would not however be ok with working at a company that claim ownership of the code I write when I'm clocked out on my own projects
well what about frameworks or customizations you build?
Wait, I think I misunderstood you; are you talking about code you're writing for the company or your own code written at your own time?
Code you are writing when you are working for the company
If you're writing code for the company they're paying you to own the code.
but isn't it unfair to not use my own code?, it's not harming anyone is it?
It's like asking if you can steal the recipe for the new coca cola flavor you made when working at coca-cola. They paid you to make it, they own it. Nothing strange about that
ok I understand
I'd make a framework on my own time and lobby for the company to use it if it's something I want to own.
Faackkkk.... Why does Java not have multiple inheritance :@
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Beacuse you only get to have one set of DNA?
@ItachiUchiha Woah!
ok but if the company doesn't ask to sign a non disclosure agreement would it then be morally ok to copy copy the code?
@ItachiUchiha because multiple inheritance sucks
and jaba... well... doesnt... sort of...
well ?
@ItachiUchiha ask the creators :D
Morally? It depends on how big it is. It's copyright infringement if you're stealing enough code for it to be significant. A for-loop isn't significant, a whole framework is.
So my moral is no, because I don't like stealing
Wasn't that something called the diamond problem or something?
ok I understand
Java can't make calls to specific methods in superclasses
Multiple interfaces is possible because it usually requires a custom implementation
@geisterfurz007 I know about those things. I am just fixed with a problem and it would have been great if there was multiple inheritance :P
@eFox Hey, do you remember helping me with that application I was working on?
@CrashBandicoot Yes
I think it could be fixed with lambda though
And that it's recommended that I use the org.glassfish ones
@ItachiUchiha please tell me
@ItachiUchiha you can have multiple interfaces at least :>
i want to see why it is a valid scenario, or how you messed up in a different part
@eFox I'm struggling to find the specific updated jars for these outdated ones: cdn.crunchify.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/…
jersey-core and jersey-server are fine
@ItachiUchiha I know that you know that stuff ^^ I just wanted to make sure I had the correct term for it in mind ^^
@CrashBandicoot Google them. You are not the first to have this issue
diamond problem is the least of your worries
Also, did you try the thing I taught you last time with the mavenrepository?
Yeah, the red box shows the latest ones
But that's the thing @eFox, this is the jersey-bundle outdated page: mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.jersey/jersey-bundle
I still would suggest that you pick another tutorial to follow sine you're this inexperienced with jar dependencies
When I click on the red box, it takes me to jersey-core
And then read an updated tutorial on jar dependencies
Note: Sometimes dependencies gets included in newer versions of other jars
I'll still come across the same problems in other tutorials
If that happens, you no longer need that old dependency
I've tried some other ones
Ask your coworkers if there's something wrong with your Eclipse settings
@eFox So basically, I can use the first option here, to replace the old jersey-bundle jar?: mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.glassfish.jersey.core
try using netbeans
works like a charm
I've been recommended that before
by me
But I've never used it, and so does nobody at work
Ah right
I probably need to use something everyone else can understand
You need to choose
Use something we can help you with
Or use something your coworkers can help you with, and ask them instead of us
Also, try it before you ask.
Experiment with it until it works
You're still not supplying the error messages or the pom so we have no clue what's wrong
The pom should be in the GitHub project
You think we all keep your gh project bookmarked?
Just, play around some more on your own, else you're gonna start looking like a help vampire
Okay sure.
I'll probably try another tutorial
Sounds good :)
@Wietlol aka the worst. Ide. Ever.
@Zoe Eclipse is way worse
ecliple < netbeans <> intellij
On the free end for JavaEE, Netbeans is the best still.
If you have IntelliJ Ultimate you've got it settled
intellij is like a battleship, its massive and powerfull and has "a shit ton" of people working on it
IntelliJ community is meh
@pluto20010 Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
what this regular expression /^[^.]+\..+/ means?
netbeans is like a shipyard with a battlecruiser in it, you get a powerful ide with enough tools to make it even more powerful and adjust to your own preferences
eclipse is like a rowing boat, just do everything yourself
@eFox i find any programming community meh
@Wietlol Is that a pun?
not intentionally
No, he is not funny enough for that
please tell?
That notation looks like Javascript...
Or something else. but definitely not Java
@pluto20010 regex101.com/r/Uziiaq/1 Check the right side for explanation
This is driving me nuts! I implement something, test it on my computer, it all works fine. I commit the code, I merge it and then it's borked on the test servers. Whyyyy
@eFox This tutorial seems the best one for creating REST services: crunchify.com/…
Windoof :3
that code isn't of java right?
it literally matches 'anything' + dot + 'anything'
What code isn't of Java? You pasted a regex here....
@CrashBandicoot I stronly disagree
@geisterfurz007 well... regex isnt java, so...
For Eclipse EE, Maven and tomcat
Visit Jersey's website and you'll see how outdated that is
@eFox It's only the jar files that are outdated, as I see it
@Wietlol 'anything but dots' + dot + 'anything'
I've had a go at other tutorials, but they don't seem to work, with a similar error
Well, if you insist that you know better than me, keep at it. I can't help you if you're better than me.
@geisterfurz007 but it isnt broken down to groups, so it matches anything that has a dot, leading by a non-dot and trailing by anything
I want to make one for "search for any filename that contains a '.'"
@geisterfurz007 that regex is for javascript right?
never seen a forward slash in use yet.
for java
@Wietlol Fair enough
@pluto20010 str.contains(".")
@eFox Didn't say I'm better xD
want to make a regex!
But why?
@CrashBandicoot No but your attitude does.
Either you take my advice or you ignore it. But don't be an askhole
askhole! Love it *-*
tell me?
@pluto20010 and I want to make a game engine so I can be cool when showing images to people rather than using paint
@geisterfurz007 I didn't make it up urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Askhole
you want something that works, not something that works in this particular way
@eFox I apologise
at least... that is what you are supposed to want
@eFox Where would you recommend I place my .war file?
@CrashBandicoot Depends on what you want to do with it
The tutorial doesn't mention any specific use of it, but it is required for the project to build successfully
So would it matter if I have multiple, in different locations?
@Wietlol lol I am learning regex right now that's why!
It only matters which one you deploy to your application server
i'd suggest getting a task that is actually recommended to do using regex
make a regex for dates :D
@eFox I see
and then the data type "date" rather than the one you take out for dinner
But I don't see why you want more than one of them laying about
I'm getting a Build Failure, stating: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.2:war (default-war) on project CrunchifyRESTJerseyExample: Error assembling WAR: webxml attribute is required (or pre-existing WEB-INF/web.xml if executing in update mode)
How does your maven file look like?
I exported a .war file and copy/pasted it into the Tomcat/webapps folder
@geisterfurz007 Maven File?
pom.xml = maven project build file
That thing, yeah ^ :D
@CrashBandicoot You have aduplicate of the Jersey server dependency
@eFox I see
Apologies, that was the older version
@CrashBandicoot Try to use / instead of `\`
Okay sure
*in the path to the webxml
@geisterfurz007 Same error
In that case I am out of creative ideas
what this means?
in regex?

RegEx - Regular Expressions

Discuss about Regular Expressions. Learn at: Regular-Expressio...
and/or read a regex tutorial :) That is basic stuff, really
I've managed to get the application working now :)
What fixed it?
@eFox This caused a 'BUILD SUCCESS': stackoverflow.com/questions/36727745/…
And I reverted back to using the old jars, to stop any confusion
Placed the .war file in the Tomcat/webapps folder
You just added the maven-war plugin?
Pretty much, yeah
I was gonna say something about the plugin you added but I wasn't sure if that would also work
Well, I'm glad the very basic works now
Now comes the difficult part of connecting that to an SQL Database
Yeah, that's great :)
See what you can do when you do things on your own
Yeah true. But I probably wouldn't have gone far without your help
Now commit it to your master branch and make a new branch from that
Does that mean GitHub?
Apologies, I'm not great with this stuff xD
@eFox Would I have to create a JDBC Connection on my application?
Afaik there are multiple ways of database connection in JavaEE. The usual JDBC would work but there is this thing called JPA which you might want to take a look at :)
Not entirely sure how it works but it basically send an Object to a sublayer which makes the connection to the database and updates, inserts or deletes it
You want to do JavaEE stuff, correct?
Have a look at the URL :P
Oh, my bad xD
tbh, my application should just interact with a database and filter out results
And as I said: Yes direct JDBC connection works. But if you really want to do JavaEE I think JPA is something that goes into that as well. I only had it in a training one year ago and am not really familiar with the methods and stuff but a little bit with the way it works
If you only need it for a small bit of interaction with the database JDBC should be fine tho
And in that case the linked tutorial on oracle.com will work just as good as (video-)tutorials ^^
Well great!
Does it make a difference that the database holds quite a lot of information? Also, javascript etc will be used
database is database :D
Don't quote me on that; it is wrong
But in the regard you can say that the fact that other applications use it will not make it better or worse
And you want to see how much interaction you need to choose your method
Thanks :P
Will try that out for more navigaion training later >.>
More flight theory <.<
@eFox (mobile and the message is too far back for me to reply to so I'll have to do this manually. When you said eclipse is worse in reply to me saying netbeans is the worst ide) I still think eclipse is ebtter than netbeans, but both get crushed compared to intellij
And I disagree, Eclipse is way worse than NetBeans
I never used NetBeans....
I use it a lot
I tried netbeans, it was awful
Worst UX I have ever seen in any IDE
I'd rather use notepad than netbeans and it'd still be better
It's Fugly, but it still works better than Eclipse
I'd rather use notepad over Eclipse
1 hour later…
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree ;)
@geisterfurz007 Will the JDBC Connection support Javascript/JQuery etc.?
@CrashBandicoot What has JDBC connection to do with JS/Jquery?
Oh never mind
Where would I put the JDBC Connection code?
@Zoe At least we agree on the most important thing; IntelliJ Ultimate über alles!
@CrashBandicoot where do you want to connect to the database?
I just want the application to connect, so I can query data and view on a webpage
@eFox Yup ^^
IntelliJ makes every other IDE look like a notepad
@Zoe And just as fugly XD
I'm glad I started using intellij, the other IDE's are terrible compared
Is it like $400 a year?
@Zoe netbeans still looks so nice though
its sooo simple
i love it
@CrashBandicoot its free
student license
But that limits what you can create though right? jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows
There's no SQL or JavaScript functionality in the free one
@Wietlol no. Just no
@CrashBandicoot community edition, no
@CrashBandicoot jetbrains.com/student
ultimate edition
+ every other product of them
Nice, thanks
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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