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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

"building an information system is like building a building"
Does this make sense?
building a building system is probably better
building a building-building building?
building improvement team work positive growth
apply now
@JennaSloan constructing? developing?
developing a development system
constructing a construction system
I went with "creating an information system is like constructing a building"
creating an information system is like giving birth to a baby
a defective, retarded baby in most cases
"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." -Barack Obama (source)
what is this bot doing?
2 hours later…
@RaduStefanPopescu Every day at 4:00 AM UTC, OakBot posts a message containing a random quote to each room it is in.
1 hour later…
Hi everyone,
why do you think primefaces calendar pushes the date something like this?
Wed Mar 18 00:00:00 AWST 2020
I have the pattern set as pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"
@GokhanDilek can you make an MCVE?
@Tavo can you tell what error did i make? paste.ofcode.org/BTvjpr2keArHRSsRHtW59s
@GokhanDilek try to remove as many elements as possible leaving (preferably) only the calendar with the pattern and the value
<f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" type="date"/>
that is probably your problem
/8ball is this good coding: paste.ofcode.org/6JbRPdBHmKTDuQQJrDyvkK ?
@Wietlol Yes definitely
@Wietlol Removed that and still pushing the date as Wed Mar 18 00:00:00 AWST 2020 . I need yyyy-MM-dd from the client
did you remove everything except the value and pattern?
Cannot format given Object as a Date
if I remote convertdatetime
then iDunno
havent used primefaces yet
/javadoc Thread::suspend
@Wietlol Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
@Wietlol java.lang.Thread: A thread is a thread of execution in a program. The Java Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of execution running concurrently. @since JDK1.0 (1/15)
@Wietlol Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
/javadoc Thread#suspend
@MadaraUchiha void suspend(): Suspends this thread. (1/3)
@Hans1984 I heard that the Chinese eat cats
@MadaraUchiha ty
but why did you star my "morn"
@MadaraUchiha im not quite sure if I do this correctly though
Anyone good in #jsf2 and has 5 minutes to give me feedback on my applications architecture?

- Job that runs as Serverapplication all N seconds in background
- Job has parameters which are configured via a Facelet

My Approach:
- ConfigBean that holds all parameters, loads initial config on @PostConstruct from file, config.xhtml that represents the view.
- JobRunnable extends Runnable .. sheduled by Executors.newSingledThreadedScheduleExecutor()
- synchronized methods to change the jobs parameters via the gui.
2 stars
i thought they were eating dogs
(small edits that are completely irrelevant)
Threads are not really my forte :(
mine neither
but i feel im creating an abundance of deadlocks here
and most probably, those synchronized blocks arent required
as the thread can only be accessed by this class (as its private)
and resume/pause shouldnt mess things up
and the wait should neither
as its only being called inside that loop
The fact that Java still doesn't have decent async primitives somewhat vexes me
so only by one thread
why primitives?
Not primitives in the sense of int/bool
primitives in the sense of low level abstractions (like Task for C# or Promise for JS), upon which both userland abstractions and language abstractions (such as async/await) can be implemented.
Or Goroutines for Go or Clojure, for that matter, which takes a completely different approach to async
also, im always against catching "Throwable" or "Exception" at all cost, but would this make sense? paste.ofcode.org/PCVaz4Ef7Hui8NJ47QJR6R
basically, try everything, then throw everything that went wrong if something went wrong
@Wietlol you should make isPaused volatile
Q: Do you ever use the volatile keyword in Java?

RichardAt work today, I came across the volatile keyword in Java. Not being very familiar with it, I found this explanation: Java theory and practice: Managing volatility Given the detail in which that article explains the keyword in question, do you ever use it or could you ever see a case in wh...

@JennaSloan but it is only modified by the outer scope
@Wietlol That's practically your only way to continue iteration and dealing with the errors in the end
the private thread never modifies it
basically makes the underlaying memory visible on the fly as changes happen
it only reads it
so... in that sense, i should make every publicly settable field volatile
The problem with the exception model as a whole is that you have no way of properly handling this sort of situation
throw ex1, ex2, ex3;
For example, what do you do if you want to blow up and stop the loop early in production, but simply log the erroring elements of the iterator in production, and keep on ahead?
would that... somehow make sense?
You could check for the environment variable in the catch block, but that's leaky abstraction (high level logic in low-level layers)
Or you could pass a strategy (lambda, since J8) all the way down through your layers, but that violates the law of demeter
i dont understand the situation
But there's no actual elegant way of handling these situations
1 min ago, by Madara Uchiha
For example, what do you do if you want to blow up and stop the loop early in production, but simply log the erroring elements of the iterator in production, and keep on ahead?
you have a production program that processes stuff in a loop
and you want to stop the loop?
@Wietlol Only in dev
If it's a production env (say, determined by an environment variable), I want the loop to continue
uhm... ok
It's 4:00 AM here.. I guess I should go to sleep
@Wietlol The practical problem here is that an exception unwinds the call stack until it reaches a matching catch block
you mean in my paste?
If you want to handle things at the low level, (i.e. inside the loop), you have no access to higher-level decision making (like services and whatnot), if you want to handle things at the high level, you're already too late, the loop was broken, and you can't resume.
the stack trace would still exist in the inner exceptions
@Wietlol Do you know what the "stack" is in "stack trace"?
its the scope stack the a program goes through
but only of functions afaik
@Wietlol Yes, more commonly known as the "call stack"
function A called function B which called function C and so on
And you can't reverse this process
how do you mean "unwinding"
Crap aciddentally deleted
afaik, the stack trace goes from the root of the thread to the point where the exception is thrown
@Wietlol Yes, but that's only in case you don't handle it
(Or you examine the trace)
But if you do handle it, the stack unwinds, it means that the functions in the stack end from the inside out, until you hit a catch block
if we have A -> B -> C in the stack, and C throws, it will look for a matching catch block in C, if it doesn't find one, C ends and it looks for one in B, if it doesn't find one, B ends and it looks for one in A, and so on
But you can't return to C, no matter what you do, unless you handle the exception inside of C (and don't leave C to begin with)
Catch my drift?
ow wait
you arent talking about the trace
i get it
I'm talking about the actual stack
So there's a chicken-and-egg problem
You don't necessarily want to stop the loop
So you have to handle the exception inside the loop
But you can't decide whether you want to stop or continue at that level
You don't have the information required to make that decision
i want to continue
and throw the exceptions down further
or up
@Wietlol But what if you wanted to stop?
Say you're in dev, and you want to stop early because there's potentially millions of records, and you want to fix bugs quickly?
then, after the loop ends, the one that executed the loop will decide if something bad happened
if im in dev mode, i simply tell intellij that i want to stop looping
or maybe provide my code with a variable of how many iterations i want
probably much easier
and more useful
@Wietlol It's just an example
Sometimes you need to know the handling in the lower-level layer, based on higher-level decisions
And it's not easily possible with the general error handling model of Exceptions
(It's not a problem with Java specifically, by the way. C#, JS, PHP all have that problem as well)
so... you pass instructions from the higher level down to the lower level?
@Wietlol yes. Very good theoretical read on 'abstractions' in general: joelonsoftware.com/2002/11/11/the-law-of-leaky-abstractions
@MadaraUchiha @Gewure what would you think that could solve the problem of leaky abstractions?
or is passing instructions the solution?
@Wietlol nothing. As the TCP/IP example explains pretty well, its just not possible to guarantee that lets say a meteor doesn't destroy the wire between origin and destination. TCP/IP will look for other wires, but if there are non, the abstraction leaks and you will have to somehow handle the leakage. e.g. with persisting the current state untill there is no more leakage.

Exceptions do things like that, but often you have to work your way from top to bottom and very fine tune your exception (..or leakage) handling.
passing instructions is the solution if you want so, yes. if you handle every possible outcome (every possible abstraction leakage) than you are fine, though this might not be possible in an adequate timespan :)
@MadaraUchiha @Gewure another thing... paste.ofcode.org/Z7iVSvuKagmUerDZ7SsyHb
boolean equals(Object obj)
is that a correct implementation?
(anyway, lunch now, gonna be back soon)
I'm black!
and this room is still empty
@spakai depends a lot on the nature of you application
do you want the parts to know about each other, making them coupled?
do you want them to be independent, like microservices?
do you want to open a socket and have them talk through that socket?
surely not coupled , want them to be independent .
socket seems overkill
"coupled" != "dependent"
@Wietlol it looks ok, though i doubt that the instanceof part does trigger at all.
why so?
I am wondering myself
yeah it looks good
in any case, now consider this one: paste.ofcode.org/NXyK6ern2Z4Br3MasQhyWY
@Wietlol lolnevermind, it will trigger and its fine :) silly me should read more carefull before moaning around .. :)
especially those last 2 equals checks are quite bothering
a.equals(b) = true
b.equals(a) = false
what are a and b respectively?
so you want to compare different classes with each other and check if they have the same fieldvalues..?
not really
i want equals to work fine
question is, when do two object 'equal' to you? if they have the same ref, its obvious. But if they merely have the same values in some same fields, i think that is rather a own method than a classic equals.
A: Java - is there a "subclassof" like instanceof?

AdrianWith the next code you can check if an object is a class that extends Event but isn't ab Event class instance itself. if(myObject instanceof Event && myObject.getClass() != Event.class) { // then I'm an instance of a subclass of Event, but not Event itself } By default instanceof check if ...

so yeah if you don't want to break the transitivity contract you can do it like above
i can solve it in 2 different ways afaik
change the PointFucked::equals to make it consider the new fields optional for checking purposes but required if the target has them
change the Point::equals to make it not equal subclasses of Point by definition
but one thing is sure... "yeah it looks good" i dont agree
or at least... it "looks" good, but I cant deal with looks
i deal with contracts
abstract class PointAbs {
public boolean equals(PointAbs p);
class Point extends PointAbs {... }
class FuckedPoint extends PointAbs { ... }

and then you can do instanceof PointAbs
and the one I want to have is a.equals(b) == b.equals(a)
@Gewure how does that do anything at all?
FuckedPoint extends Point
so, it already does have proper instanceof checks
see, again. i need to pay more attention ... ;D
one paste with all the code
Hi guys. Please any help on how to add link headers to implement pagination using dropwizard together with jdbi and elastic search?
You need to ask a bit more specific than that I'm afraid
@wonderb0lt Ok I need to add link headers like </v1/items/{item-id}/lines?after=XXX&count=50&...>; rel="next" so to return lets say 50 items for the pagination based on the header
where "after" would - Start at this line and return the items after this one (leave empty to get the first line)
Any help or guide please?
I'm back !
/8ball did you miss me ?
@Hans1984 Ask again later
/8ball will you miss me later ?
@Hans1984 Reply hazy try again
Ok, i thought it might never happen, but it happened now:

i need/shouldhave/wouldbeniceifihad a functional way of checking if a Obj is null
obj == null
public boolean isNull(List<Object> someObs) {
someObs.forEach(o -> {
if(o == null)
//ya, what?
return // :(
more like .. make this functional
lambdas don't take external vars, thats basically the point ... it keeps them functional, thus threadsafe
so i would like to have a threadsafe function that tells me if some obj in a list<obj> is null
Haskell ppl to the rescue
@Gewure @Gewure someObjs.stream().anyMatch(Objects::isNull)
woop woop, @fge purrfect thonks!
And by the way this approach being "functional" BY NO MEANS makes it thread safe, just so you know
This is a very common, and dangerous, misconception
but it is stateless, thus threadsafe, no?^
@Gewure boolean b = someObs.any(x -> x == null);
@Gewure this has nothing to do; what if in some other thread someone modifies your someObjs list?
As to stateless, it is... On the surface. Internally there is a lot of machinery behind a Stream
@fge sure thing, thats what synchronizedList and concurrentList are for i guess.
I hope this abstraction machinery doesn't leak, it really shouldn't.
No it doesn't; the API does not give you any access to it :p
But anyway; writing "functional" code in Java just for the sake of writing functional code is a mistake. In this example it certainly helps and can't hurt, but I have seen swathes of code written "functional" where simple, "crude" code using for loops etc was a better way (more readable) and performed better
Horrifying example I've seen recently: Optional.ofNullable(foo).ifPresent(...)
What is wrong with if (foo != null)?
na, im really not the fundamentalist type of guy. i use what works rather than stick to a programming paradigma for the sake of it.
@Gewure good, stick with that logic
Optional.ofNullable(foo).ifPresent(...) lol. One has to write a own SO question for proper comprehension ;)
@Gewure And you're in Java? :D
Sorry, couldn't resist.
i think im gonna refactor everything to functional now, good job @MadaraUchiha
@Gewure what about the optional?
Optional is one way of doing it. Never used it so far though.
Uses of Optional are rather rare tbh
@Gewure don't get me wrong, if your problem is consuming large XML files and outputting gigabytes of error stack trace files, Java is definitely the right tool for the job, and you should keep it up <3
It does make sense with .find{First,Any}() though
Optional has a pretty nice syntax with the map().orElse()
but a downside is that it doesnt return a value of your type
@MadaraUchiha stop it dude, you are making me depressed XD
it returns Optional<YourType>
Yeah, @MadaraUchiha hates Java but still lurks in there, go figure :p
@fge I lurk everywhere
Have you seen my room list?
I hate Java
No, I have more interesting books to read :p
im still here
I hate C#
<--- loves Java
im still there
I hate Javascript
im also there
I hate SQL
@Gewure Clojure: Delivar a JAR, no one has to know.
I hate C++
I hate Haskell
I hate Css, Html
@Wietlol is there any programming language you actually, uh, not hate? :p
uhm... my own :D
I love Haskell
Functional language without the pedantic syntax :p
but that is only because when I realize I dont like it, I change it so I like it
that is why I like it most of all
Everything is crap
^ true dat
How long do you think it took us (as a species) to get written language to a presentable level?
my crap just hides its true nature
/8ball do you like java ?
@Hans1984 Reply hazy try again
...except for Perl 5. ducksaway
stupid bot
/8ball do i need to talk to Michael again ?
@Hans1984 Outlook not so good
How long did computer programming exist?
100 years?
There simply hasn't passed enough time for it to develop to a decent enough level
Well, Ada lLovelace lived ~1850
Look at the other sciences, the ones we have for a thousand or more years. They're far more developed and still very much lacking.
i guess she was the first programmer
so... soon to be 200 years birthday of computer programming
@MadaraUchiha a thousand? None of our current scientific endeavours is that long, except maybe philosophy
*programming, not rly computer programming
or doesnt stuff like that count?
Well, OK, maths is that old, yes
Euclid's elements is more than 2000 years old
And so would be engineering, but that is not really a "hard science"
iDunno which is older actually
May be worlds oldest computer, strictly mechanical.
Anyway; we live in 2017, we have work to do, we have tools to use, were we to analyze/improve those tools, we would be researchers, not blue collar workers :p
that is what I constantly tell people who use the command prompt
we live in 2017, you dont have to hurt your eyes
The command line is a tool at our disposal
same for when people are programming in frigging Notepad(++)
And an extremely powerful one at that
get yourself an IDE and a good one
I do have an IDE and use it
nothing wrong with cmd itself
just that you have to write out all the commands
for example, git
And I use Linux, so I don't have to make do with cmd :p
I don't mind that, quite the opposite
i commit, update, push my stuff by clicking on a button
This way I know what I'm doing :p
this way, I know i dont make mistakes
Neither do I
ow, and i dont have to remember all the frigging commands i could possibly need
Moreover I can perform tasks which git GUIs cannot
Like, rebase -i
then get yourself a better GUI
There is a difference between convenience and laziness
i bet there are a few different programs
I'm not a lazy person :)
im convenient :D
i want my stuff to be convenient as well
And no git GUI has ever fit the bill for me
I can't git add -i using a GUI
I can using the command line
just a quick recap, what does "git add -i" do?
Interactive add; select the modifications you want for your next commit, including editing diff hunks
that is literally the only thing I use
i think i first saw it in sourcetree
you get all modifications listed
then, for each modification, you can choose in which commit you want to commit it
if the modification must be split into different commits, you select the parts that have to go in commit a, then commit them to a, and then select which have to go in b and commit them to b
And can you modify modifications? (ie, editing diff hunks)
those modifications are shows in text areas where you can edit them too
same with conflicts
Well, OK, I believe you... But I'm more comfortable with the CLI anyway :)
Especially since I can use vim (and so can I in IDEA)
@Wietlol woa dude, ... most of the times GUIs hurt my eyes, not the command line!
Let's not go there; tastes are not a matter of discussion since they are, by definition, subjective
I now regret to have issued that discussion :p
Was wondering if anyone can suggest some advice outside of increasing the heap size for an issue I'm having with large string concatination. Using stringbuilder to concatinate two string that are a few hundred characters long, but keep running into out of memory exceptions. Is there a more efficient way to combine large strings?
@canadiancreed this looks like an XY problem, so why don't you explain what you want to do instead?
@canadiancreed sounds like you are using Schlemiel-the-Painter Algorithm..^
well that's literally it. I have a method that takes in two strings that are a few hundred characters in length. I want it to combine them, and then return the combined string. On their own, the strings are fine, but when I attempt to append them to a new StringBuilder option, that's when the heap size issue arrives. Not the first first append, but always the second. Read somewhere that it's because it has to make a copy of the String object being appended?
concatenating large strings is simply not viable. consider streaming them before usage or simply not use large strings to begin with
if you absolutely must, however, use a divide-and-conquer algorithm
@canadiancreed research tells me StringBuilder is the fastest way to go. What do you mean by "append them to a new StringBuilder option"? a few hundred chars isn't really much. are you doing some embedded developement or why do you have such limited memory available?
+1 @Unihedron
@Gewure what are you trying to say? also don't pollute the starboard
unfortunately not using large strings isn't an option for this (wish it was). I'm sadly not familiar with strems to understand what you mean, are you saying to put the large string in a stream object before concatination?

As for why memory is that low, I don't know, it's the architects decision on that. It's not embedded development
@canadiancreed how many such long strings do you have that memory is a concern at all?
You have two options: 1. throw around a group of char-like data as strings, and craft your own string-like divide-and-conquer function specialized for large string-like data to combine them, work out the details yourself, it's your job; 2. change the contract and use something more sensible
at most threde. The two that are submitted for processing, the one concatenated one that's returned. They're a few hundred characters in total roughly.

I agree with you that it shouldn't be an issue memory wise, but tis' error I'm getting.
@Unihedron fair enough. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious before I went down that road. No sense diving into the deep end just to cool off
"a few hundred characters" sounds unlikely to cause errors, I've been throwing around KB's of data as strings just fine
bye o/
@Unihedron I totally agree. Hence my bafflement. :(
I'm as baffled as you are, unfortunately I don't think there's a handy way out of this
Ya I'm sure it'll be something that comes up in a status meeting that the client forgot to include some business rule that negates this silliness, it's usually what happens. But sadly I don't sit that high on the totem pole
@canadiancreed there has to be something else; three times a few hundred of characters should not cause an OOM
totally agree. I'll have a look at possibly having the data treated as char arrays, it's the only thing I havent' tried that I know of, and if it doesn't work....well...time for a meeting. Thanks for the advice folks.
But wait
That OOM, what does the error say exactly?
There are different types of OOM...
one sec
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
OK, so that's heap space indeed
Any chance to share the code?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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