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having issues with primefaces inputtextarea. I have a backend API which accepts spaces as %20 when I type the API url into the address bar
when I submit it from frontend, I get the url like this: apiUrl&note=sdf sdf
i need it to look like &note=sdf%20%20sdf
the api seems to be working otherwise
i get nullpointer exception upon sumiting the value from frontend
1 hour later…
"Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare...." -Japanese Proverb (source)
2 hours later…
@GokhanDilek URL Encoder maybe?
/javadoc java.net.URLEncoder
@geisterfurz007 Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
@geisterfurz007 java.net.URLEncoder: Utility class for HTML form encoding. This class contains static methods for converting a String to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format. For more information about HTML form encoding, consult the HTML specification. @since JDK1.0 (1/3)
Thank you.already done it using prepareStatements for safety
Ah shoot it would convert spaces to + anyways >.>
and replacing characters like line \n and spaces
What if you just replaced spaces? :D That would be my way I think :>
gtg again for a bit... later
3 hours later…
@Nathan777 ?
Just woah
that's all
hello anybody free to help now?:)
easy issue for sb who knows java :)
@Ramona ?
hello Itachi :)
anyone here that knows Java?
hows life, Itachi?:)
Life has never been better
Now that is a statement!
oooo...thats fantastic approach :)@ItachiUchiha
not many people are as happy as Itachi
This is retarded. The Treehouse courses for learning Java are all using the console class, which doesn't work for any IDE. Waste of time courses.
quod erat demonstrandum :P
though your avatar looks a bit serious :)@ItachiUchiha
My avatar and serious?
well, that's the way i look at this :)
kind of bossy boss ;)
I don't know
May be you have never Shinchan in action :P
anybody - how come the result of this code is 13 15 x = 6 paste.ofcode.org/vMPwi4mjBvWSpUPypTMqF9
my eyes!
indentation level 9001
never. i don't even know who is it :) @ItachiUchiha
@Ramona You are increasing y twice per loop when x>4 which lets y raise OVER9000 over 14 which will then break the loop
@Ramona what did you expect that would happen?
I can use a debugger to see every teeny tiny step the jvm takes in eclipse or any other good IDE
@Ramona Isn't it obvious?
x and y values increase simultaneously..
don't understand a thing ,will have to sit on my own... .question 'how come' in the beginner's language means 'i do not understand why the outcome is the way it is' :)
anyway.. thank you for your responses :)
you shouldnt want to understand it though
you want to throw it away
x = 1, y = 8
x = 2, y = 9
x = 3, y =10
x = 4, y =11
x = 5, y = 12 // prints ++y = 13
x = 6, y = 14 // prints ++y = 15
x = 6, y = 15 // y > 14 true, prints  x = 6
@ItachiUchiha Are you mobile currently? Before I ask a question potentially requiring more typing ;)
looking at this.. my brain is steaming :) @ItachiUchiha thank you...
@Ramona Who wrote the code that's on pastie?
@geisterfurz007 Nope..
Await your demolishment ;)
Might take a second; gotta try something out first to make sure
@ItachiUchiha from the book - head first 'java'
is it not good?
I haven't read that book so IDK
i mean the code :)
The code is ok, I am not sure what you don't understand.
so Itachi - the code in the for loop is executed 6 times?
from number 2 to number 7?
if so than to y=7 numer 6 is added, right?
which is 13
and this is THE first number from the output?
From x = 1 to 6
When x = 5, y = 7 + 5 = 12. It prints ++y , which is 12 + 1 = 13
ok :)
and then?
paste.ofcode.org/iu3zgaNn8JSpHS3YzvdkjG @ItachiUchiha If you could take a short look on that, it would be much appreciated :) I can paste the whole code (around 200 lines) if necessary. I am not yet experienced enough in multi-threading but except for the lag the functionality does it's job. More explanation in the paste :)
I have a question regarding CDI.
I get "Ambiguous dependency: there are multiple beans that match the injection point".
@BlueWizard Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I understand why its there. I have a subclass which i never want to be injected (for my unit tests).
Is there some sort of @NeverInject-Annotation?
anyway... thank you @ItachiUchiha .sorry for these basics :)
Next, x = 6, y = 13 + 1 = 14, x > 4 is true and it prints ++y i.e. 14 + 1 = 15
Now, y > 14 is also true
and it prints value of x then breaks out of loop
@Ramona I hope that does the explanation part.
Hey Itachi (and any one else), I was wondering if you could have a look at a question I posted, it doesn't have any answers yet and I can't figure it out for myself
@Dant Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
@geisterfurz007 Entire code please...
Q: Program dismisses steps when running quickly (Java)

DantI am running a tool that runs an external Java program several times in its operation. The external tool starts with opening a JOptionPane inside a JFrame. Here is a test script I wrote to try to solve my issue. import java.io.File; public class Test { public static void main(String[] arg...

it does :) now i will write the explanation next to this code and will hammer into my head :)@ItachiUchiha
@ItachiUchiha Alright
@Dant My Swing knowledge is a little rusted. So, I am afraid, I can't be of any help.
Alright, no problem, thanks for having a look anyway
paste.ofcode.org/JrcjjhZiaBzAYAcCuVrSpC @ItachiUchiha I hope it is not too messy
Actually, if it's not too much trouble @ItachiUchiha , would you mind another check? I just remembered from writing my test script that its most likely either the date-formatting part or the file-copying part that is causing the issue. The JOptionPanes are really only still there to check if the issue is occuring.
@geisterfurz007 Why different threads?
@Dant Sorry, a bit busy right now.
May be someone else can have a look
One to read over the bytes and at least one more for the Scanner thing
Ok, no problem
Read the bytes from the music file?
Actually the player when created in start() would run on the FX Thread, right?
@ItachiUchiha No from the list
@geisterfurz007 Yup.
@geisterfurz007 What list?
I want to have the music running to hit return to get the bytes at that position of the song.
@ItachiUchiha bytes
The one passed when creating the byteThread
@geisterfurz007 This is getting confusing. You have the byte array to read the bytes from the file so that you can fast forward a song. Is it?
No :D I want the bytes of the song at a specific position. For that I want to hear the music. In another thread the bytes are read from the list. When I find an interesting point I wanted to hit a button (currently Return with a scanner) and that would print the current bytes of the song
Why byte and not time?
Because I am interested in the bytes for later use in my project.
And what might be the later use?
A graphical application that would react with colors to certain sound patterns
I want to hear through some music, get the bytes of the patterns I am interested in so I can try to find an algorithm that will find these.
Now, that is an interesting use case.
Ye it was an idea I had almost 9 months ago but never had the time nor motivation to start it. Now I have a week left at work during that I have most of the time free for me and decided to take a look at java audio. (Horrible idea now that I am looking at it :P )
Haha, yes :P
Screw it... most of the time. Field service is calling. Thanks for your time though. If you have any ideas thanks in advance. Later o/
Later o/
1 hour later…
how can i see the most starred message?
here i can see all of them but i want to sort them by the number of stars
i also wonder what the algorithm is for showing the starred messages ->
@Wietlol you could manually look at each of the 40 pages, or you could write code to find it
1 hour later…
Still laggs in there -.- After a time it runs smoothly, but the values I get are all... Seemingly random... There is no real algorithm behind it that I can find q.q
I think it shows them is order of most recently starred
Not always. Sometimes they land further down depending wether it is very old or not. If I star a message from half a year ago, it will not appear here I think.
I really am on the edge to giving up >.>
giving up on what?
This audio thing I am trying to do...
ow, i thought waking up
I am awake for 11 hours now...
im awake in 11 hours from now (approximately)
At least I found something interesting today... I can completely ignore one freaking list of bytes completely...
Because it contains noise for 99%
i can ignore much more than that
yesterday, by Wietlol
Hello, I am new in Java and need your help regarding the following problem:
@azharbaloch Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
I have 4 classes in four different files ( class Shape is abstract which contains only one method area(), and other two classes circle and triangle extend it).. How will I run my files through cmd?
"How will I run my files through cmd?"
You don't.
we live in 2017
not some 1930 shit
use a proper, Java-supporting IDE and build a jar out of the source files
then you can run that one
even from a cmd if you really want that
"The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle." - Joe Armstrong
can someone explain to me which of the two are blind?
either me because I dont know what the heck i am doing
or Joe Armstrong because what he says has never been a problem whatsoever
2 hours later…
@blauerschluessel Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
Does Cookie Authentication only require a valid combination of username and password, if one wants to make http Requests via REST Api?Are there other possible factors?
6 hours later…
picks nose
@OakBot plis
@Wietlol Type /help to see all my commands.
I'd rather not

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