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@Helvijs Let us know what grade you get. ^_^
@I.d007 ask the server admin not us
If you're going to have a Thread run a task at a set interval, you should really use java.util.Timer
For some reason Java doesn't accept i+++++j, but i++-++j, i++*++j, i++/++j, i++%++j and i+++ ++j are ok.
I think it's interpreting it as ((i++)++)+j
anyone use log4j2 with syslog?
5 hours later…
morning all
does anyone here use Kafka?
I'm trying to figure out how to get a producer and consumer on different servers to communicate with each other. but all the examples only show localhost
since kafka is in java and well used, thought i'd ask here.
Franz Kafka (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was a Prague German-language novelist and short story writer, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. His work, which fuses elements of realism and the fantastic, typically features isolated protagonists faced by bizarre or surrealistic predicaments and incomprehensible social-bureaucratic powers, and has been interpreted as exploring themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity. His best known works include "Die Verwandlung" ("The Metamorphosis"), Der Process (The Trial), and Das Schloss (The Castle). The...
This Kafka?
haha thats what i was thinking too
thats the only kafka i know
Apache Kafka is an open-source stream processing platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Scala and Java. The project aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Its storage layer is essentially a "massively scalable pub/sub message queue architected as a distributed transaction log," making it highly valuable for enterprise infrastructures to process streaming data. Additionally, Kafka connects to external systems (for data import/export) via Kafka Connect and provides Kafka Streams, a Java stream processing library...
Must be this one.
Isn't "Apache" the name of a Native American tribe and also of an attack helicopter?
yeah what a weird combination
kafka the author and apache the helicopter
this apache
I think every Native American tribe has an attack aircraft named after their tribe.
A cute name which stuck. Apache is “A PAtCHy server”. It was based on some existing code and a series of “patch files”. ... The name 'Apache' was chosen from respect for the Native American Indian tribe of Apache (Indé), well-known for their superior skills in warfare strategy and their inexhaustible endurance
I don't think Native Americans use the Internet that often.
Good morning java
Good morning all =-=
you look sleepy
Yeah.... Went to bed to late and got up too soon :D college :>
man a friend of mine is a music teacher
he still has all the vacations pupils have
im so jealous of him :(
maybe i shoudl have become a teacher
never thought about vacations will picking my job
Doubt it...
who are you to tell
Teacher told all of us students in highschool that we should NOT get a teacher if we are interested in programming
well hes just a music teacher
on private base
not at a school
so he has all the benefits of a regular teacher(vacation)
but not the stress
nevermind then
oc regular techer at a school is a stressfull job
i have alot of respect for teacher its a realy difficult job
and it wears you down alot
all thes kids/teenagers
i think teaching teenagers is the worst
yeah fuck screw kids :)
all those hormones floating around
and its 30 of them!
that can turn your life into hell
Oh yeah. Except you are one of the good teachers, that is able to fixate the students onto the topic and able to bring on the stuff to learn in a way that it can be learned...
Man I have a big problem -.-
I have no aim to achieve..
No project to do, nothing bigger to learn
@geisterfurz007 What happened to JavaBot?
@JennaSloan I wonder why do Americans called the original people as "Native Americans". Black people as "African American" (who were forced to come to America) and the people who actually invaded the land as "Americans". Weird world.
@ItachiUchiha Waiting for a response on latest question
@geisterfurz007 Then pick some other project and work on it.
@ItachiUchiha That needs creativity though to find a project... Or just go on github and start?
Just go to github, find something that interests you. Fork it, start using it. Check out the issue list. Find something that you can fix. Fix it. Raise a PR.
@ItachiUchiha lol true
cat cat
@ColdFire What has the song to do with anything I just said?
nothing at all
You are weird :P
well then USA will be renamed to something USNA or something
@ItachiUchiha That's because of politics.
Christopher Columbus thought he was in India, so he called the Native Americans "Indians". Even some people today use "Indians" to refer to Native Americans.
@JennaSloan I understand the reason for calling them Indians. But, why does everyone else have a prefix?
"European American" sounds like a good choice to me :P
That's partly because somebody important convinced the colonists that they were not British, but American.
I think it was Benjamin Franklin
lol Imported American sounds cool to me
I think I should move everything to trash
If native Americans are Indians, does that mean America annexed India?
lol why?
@Spammy23 they are not
lol cat
@Hans1984 Why do you say so?
ahh nvm
if you ask then this sentence was not meant for you
because he doesnt like him i guess
But, I am the one moving messages
yeah you are the king
I am Amazing :D
wait the amazing shinchan that sounds weird
the amazing chin
Crimson chin?
@Gemtastic zz
2 hours later…
@ItachiUchiha that's a genitalia
@someFolk Oh, common on. The thing @Hans1984 posted looks more like it.
i was posting the "elbow-check"
high 5 but with elbows
pretty painfull
and you look like a retard while doing it
but hey
Morning, Java!
Hey @Hans
I swear that the only thing in the past 2 hours that has antything to do with java is @OakBot
@Spammy23 Type /help to see all my commands.
hey @Michael
what are you trying to say?@Spammy23
I didnt see you contributing anything usefull the last 2 hours ether
I know. I haven't done any Java related things, I'm not trying to attack anyone
oh ok
but look this bot can also be very off-topic
We can blame everything on @OakBot
Most amazing lecture right now
@Spammy23 Type /help to see all my commands.
@OakBot That's me
yeah we should
@Gemtastic Type /help to see all my commands.
/8ball do you want us to blame you for all our mistakes?
@Hans1984 Yes
So sleepy
@Gemtastic you're a kitter?
/8ball should I feel about being a fat cat?
@Gemtastic Are you kidding? No!
No feels given
@Hans1984 What happened to Caprica?
caprica is not here
well horse face screwed up again
and she was removed
summon? Or is there a reason she is not here?
didnt summon her here so far
i dont need her here
thats why i didnt
but feel free to summon
ah great she doesnt work here
too bad@geisterfurz007
you need to contact horse face
Sup @DRich
I still need to implement the thing that @Caprica does where she edits the post after ~1 minute so the image turns into a hyperlink.
oh wow a meow command for oak
yes i wanted to tell you about that
because right now gifs stay forever
Yeah, kinda annoying.
And maybe add a slight pause for responding to waves.
theres already almost a 10minute break
@Michael Living the dream
yeah seems like michael fell in love with cat gifs too :D
ok i see a cat scratching her head
anyone else?
@DRich If your dreams are anything like mine, then you are having quite the adventures
I see cat trying to scratch her head...
trying to scratch her head
because at caprica meow we all see different gifs
@ballBreaker Oh yeah...
so your meow command is actually BETTER than capricas@Michael
well done!
@Hans1984 One sees different gifs?
capricas meow anyone see a different gif
I did not know that
i didnt know that ether
for a long time
i was always wondering why noone was reacting the same
till i found out
But well.... Caprica references links to randomizing websites and Oakie randomizes internally and then posts a direct image link
yeah good job of michael
well once again Java is superior to JavaScript
welp both bots do different ways of randomizing
!!pizza 250 250
oops wrong one >.>
@ballBreaker The proverbial dream. As in, the American Dream.
bye o/
bye enjoy the evening
@DRich Something, something. Making lots of money?
@Hans1984 Yay! xD
@Hans1984 No, I mean create a pause between a user posting a "o/" and the bot responding. To make it seem less robotic.
@JennaSloan That's pretty racist, they live normal lives like we do now thanks to us driving them off their lands into reserves and introducing technology to them, also most of them just dispersed throughout the world and live among us, not at a reserve etc. so Yes they do use the internet
@ballBreaker Basically. Other high points include "Marry a beautiful woman" (check), "Start a family", (check) "Own a home" (check)...
still working on the "Making lots of money" portion
I'm at the "made some money" point
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Why do you say it's racist?
I simply stated what I thought was most common
idk maybe I'm native and have feelings
If I offended anyone, I am sorry
posted on April 03, 2017 by CommitStrip

@DRich bahaha thats good
"Marry a beautiful woman" (:c), "Start a family" (:c), "Own a home" (:c), "Made some money" (:c)
Happily looking forward...
@Hans1984 caprica sucks and trying to compare any bot with it is a waste of time ;)
shots fired :fire:
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Apply cold water to burned area
sorry I only accept first aid from the person who caused the need of the aid
pours a bucket of cold water over CausingUnderflowsEverywhere
CausingUnderflowsEverywhere is an idea. I am not sure how a bucket of cold water is relevant
chill your ideas, add ice, stir, and remove the ice before it melts
then pour your beverage into your idea and drink
also, if you add vinegar to your opinions, more cents come to you
My computer says "PhysicalDisk: _Total: % Idle Time: 100.177"
er cents? I guess those will work if I save them for a century well nah stuff will be too advanced to tell a real cent from a 3d printed one
computers don't say, programs can invoke displaying however
has a program invoked to the display some misleading information?
... should I explain the joke? I don't want to kill it for those that did get it though
Can aynone try to answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/43181576/… ?
@JennaSloan Amazing! Your computer generates time...
hey gei o/
@ballBreaker crab crab hello
@geisterfurz007 Yeah, that's Windows for you.
Hey CF :)
Halt and Catch FIre Assembly?
@JennaSloan lmao
CausingUnderflowsEverywhere lmao that name
@geisterfurz007 Those are just works in progress unless you do the opposite
So don't marry an ugly woman, try not to end any families, don't lose a home, and try to stay out of debt
I've got a poor, vague question about GC, so I'm testing it here. I'm running a long running batch job on a Glassfish server (many hours) that adds a bunch of records to a database. It's using the G1 garbage collector. I'm using VisualVM to monitor things, and I'm wondering if the graph shows something I should be worried about
The GC graph shows a running job that has been running for a couple hours. It rather rapidly climbs to max heap 8GB before running a big collection that runs it back down to 1GB
I guess I'm just wondering if this is "bad". Application performance isn't great, but I'm thinking it's database bound. One thing I don't like is that when it runs these huge garbage collections the Glassfish instance hangs and other instances in the cluster think it's dead. They re-register it and things carry on, but I think it's a costly operation
I'm thinking if I post this on SO I'll rightly be flagged for "Unclear what you're asking" :-\
yeah it might be unclear
can we re-write the batch job to re-use allocated memory rather than leaking it?
I'm thinking...
I don't have any comparable experience here, so I don't know what to do to "fix" it if it needs fixing. It's not technically a "leak" in that the memory can be recovered when a full GC run occurs, as shown by that massive downward spike. Also, if I click the "Perform GC" button in VisualVM it drops off to 1GB, so that memory is recoverable...
My manager is asking if I can just put a few calls to "System.gc()" in the code to smooth it out
Hence my eagerness to understand this behaviour a little better
I suppose the thing I'm most surprised by is that the garbage collector lets it get to that point. When it runs that massive collection, the whole application stalls. Why not collect more often to avoid the huge stall at the expense of latency?
here's a possible scenario, you have a class and declared some variables without instantiating them. then you have a method in that class.

class ralph {

Object bill;

public static void whatever() {
bill = new IoBuffer(50);
... do some stuff

If bill is truly being assigned a new IoBuffer of size 50 every single time, and your class is synchronized, bill can be assigned an IoBuffer of size 50 during class instantiation or if whatever() is static, it can be staticly instantiated. bill can be cleaned up before the method exits so the next call to the method can be clean.
otherwise you're creating and throwing out a new iobuffer of size 50 each time that method is used.
something similar is happening in your case. resources are being allocated and then immediately thrown out instead of being re-used
Im pretty sure you can configure the garbage collector somehow..

calling system.gc might just put duct tape on the screaming monster's mouth haha. but why not. just keep in mind that you did that and introducing more sloppy code might start slowing the application down
try to find what method in the batch's source code is being called pretty often then look for new statements and research that object. maybe it can be reused instead of making a new one every single time
I really don't want to put in System.gc() calls, no. Frankly I'm a little depressed my manager suggested it. :-\
I'm reading what you wrote but it's gonna take me a couple reads, one minute.
So in your example @CausingUnderflowsEverywhere you're suggesting I reuse the IoBuffer instance, e.g. maybe call something like bill.clear() when whatever starts. I realize this is just a suggestion and an example, but thanks for the advice, I'll watch out for that when I dig deeper: I'll run the memory sampler
yeah, I guess doing bill.clear first would be better rather than last incase that method throws an exception and leaves bill in a state before exiting. good point
2 hours later…
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Starred for sarcastic coding
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I thought non-static variables could not be referenced from static contexts.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere The "bill" field has to be static for that to work...
Lol. Ninja'ed.
I definitely wouldn't go the System.gc() route -- that's only going to mask the problem. Indeed, there's a school of thought that says when you run into problems like this, you should reduce system resources (JVM heap size etc) and see where/when you really run into problems.
howdy folks, does anyone have a technique to do a wholesale write from a java.sql.ResultSet to a table?
Thanks @dcsohl. Agreed. It's a big code smell in my book, maybe even a developer-smell...
Does anyone know how to create custom annotated event handlers?
Like @EventHandler
That's a bit vague, I think. Usually that sort of annotation is supported by a framework, and to implement custom ones you need to follow some convention. What framework are you using?
I'm using JFrame... And actually, I just realized I don't need to know about handlers yet :P

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