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@gloriousCatnip smack them in the face. some fools just need a good beating to get some sense into their head
if your code works then it works, anyone who nitpicks on useless details as if anyone's life is better off doesn't deserve to give instructions
well that's one solution
but is there any preferred way to do it?
@gloriousCatnip That depends on what "it" is.
when you have a method that is supposed to be used to print a String
is it better to return a string, or just print the string from the method itself?
> used to print a String
@gloriousCatnip print
anyone on?
@gloriousCatnip Is the method supposed to supply the calling method with a String to print? If so: return stringObject;
thats the only way to do it, unless they have some weird specs
@Ungeheuer you
@Unihedron I feel attacked
can't help you with that
don't ask questions you don't need answers to
I'm offended by that.
where's my reaction meme for this
You have reaction memes? lmfao
el em ef ei eh
2 hours later…
Hmm... 25 GB at 1.6 MB/s... that's a little over 4 hours. I guess I'll sleep now then.
Don't leave me in the room all by myself
sleep is for the weak
@Ungeheuer I tried that a few times; ended up getting sick.
I've had 8 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours, and I feel great
you filthy casuals
I've had less than that.
last I slept was on wednesday
Really Uni?
I actually had a question if you have a moment
yes and if that's your question please don't waste your quota like that
@Unihedron I think your lack of sleep makes you a bit more irritable.
That wasn't my question
@JennaSloan right? I ain't doing this sober
I have a generic class like so: RangeTree<T extends Comparable<T>>
if I have a private data member: Node<Point3D<T>>, I am saying that the T in Point3D<T> will be the same T that RangeTree will hold?
no i'm fairly sure they only refer to what's declared when new is called
T is the type parameter name and refers to what's used in scope
in fact, there's entirely no need to bundle your implementation with RangeTree's implementation altogether
Okay. So that would then apply to formal params: findMedian(List<T> pointList), I'm just saying toss me a List, I don't care what's in it?
where is <T> declared?
You mean where do I pass a type?
if you have public static boolean <T> is(T x) then naturally the method doesn't care whether the type matches anything outside of it - as long as it's extends Object, then it satisfies
That's what I figured for methods
if you have class <T> then the parameter is supplied during new invocation such as HashSet<Integer> and doesn't matter outside this one HashSet
I haven't passed a type yet. This is resource class, and I'm working on defining methods for it right now.
you're passing a type specification when your member is declared, and it's supplied when the member is called
you shouldn't bundle the specification based on other factors unknown at compile time
so passing: ArrayList<String> bob = new ArrayList<>();
supplying: bob.get(0);
look at the source code for ArrayList.
A wild message appears!
who tf owns this bot and can't even own it right
!!urban psudo
@JennaSloan psudo the first two letters of [super] and [dope] together,used as a way to say, "super dope"
but...the p...
@JennaSloan GET OUT
!!urban pseudo
@Unihedron pseudo Something false or counterfiet; fake or lame.
be that way if you want
how do i find the ArrayList source code?
I've got terminal open and did locate ArrayList.java, but nada
i straight up typed that search, in duckduckgo as well
great minds think alike.
what should i be looking for glorious leader? @unihedron
It should be in a directory like this: /jdk1.8.0_102/src.zip/java/util/ArrayList.java
supplying: bob.get(0); <- this method
tell me where E is declared
Oracle has more comments in the first 24 lines of any java source file than I do in my entire project.
//TODO add more comments
i'm smelling a strong smoke of sin
it smells blue
@unihedron I see E being declared as the return type of get() in the method signature
how can you smell a color? hell if I know
@Ungeheuer yes, and the code doesn't care what E is
@Unihedron That's a psychological condition.
types are erased in runtime so to the actual running engine it's just Object
except that instead of returning String, it returns whatever it has
type erasure is fun
what does this mean: you shouldn't bundle the specification based on other factors unknown at compile time
because type checking for type parameters are only done in compile time
and then types are erased at runtime
@Ungeheuer compile errors are fun?
you could have a Queue that stores something of type X and a List of type X but it's pointless to create a type X and then force another type to use "whatever type this has" instead of X
@JennaSloan failing midterms is far more fun.
new Queue<F>(); new List<F>(); ok
new RangeTree<F>(); new Node(type dependant on RangeTree); don't
okay. example make brain comprehend
you shouldn't bundle the specification based on other factors unknown at compile time <- this
also known as LSP
LSP, ive heard that abbreviation before
liskov substitution
i know that term
kind of
if node depends on rangetree then you're just building blocks that fall on top of one another
unless you're a master stacker, it won't be a good game
Note: Psudohuman isn't actually in the room, but is still displayed as in the room.
SO doesn't care, the web client adds someone to the room as long as there's a chat event from them
you can even star / unstar a room you're not in
messages in, sorry
okay. So having data member Node<Point3D<T>> does NOT imply that Point3D's T type will be the same as RangeTree's T type?
becuase I have to have a root node, and I don't know what Type the points for the root will be, e.g. Integer, Double, etc
however if it is constructed as the type is the same, then it can be used like it is
like Queue<String> and List<String>
So if my constructor takes in an ArrayList<Point3D<Double>>
I pass the same ArrayList<Point3D<Double>> to a buildTree, which returns Node<Point3D<T>>
the T for Point3D is would be supplied by the type contained in ArrayList right?
sorry for all the questions. I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
You could have a HashMap<String, Queue<Stack<EnumSet<E> > > if you really wanted one.
7 hours later…
Morning, Java!
6 hours later…
Good evening, Java!
~JavaBot at your service
~going down
Hello World
Anyone know how to negate a number using bitwise operations?
o/ Java!
whats the mathematical term for one number being close enough to another number on the real line?
@Ungeheuer sufficiently close?
The language of mathematics has a vast vocabulary of specialist and technical terms. It also has a certain amount of jargon: commonly used phrases which are part of the culture of mathematics, rather than of the subject. Jargon often appears in lectures, and sometimes in print, as informal shorthand for rigorous arguments or precise ideas. Much of this is common English, but with a specific non-obvious meaning when used in a mathematical sense. Some phrases, like "in general", appear below in more than one section. == Philosophy of mathematics == abstract nonsense Also general abstract nonsense...
lets find out
I'll have to ask my discrete math professor. I have an idea, but I need to ask him some stuff first
Ignore that.
OakBot Online.
Ha. Now OakBot can shrug too. xD
/help learn
@Michael Teaches the bot a new command. Syntax: /learn commandName output
trash bot
/learn srhug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Unihedron Saved.
/learn srhug ¯(ツ)__/¯
@Unihedron A command with that name already exists.
ok how do you unlearn it
/unlearn srhug
@Michael Command forgotten.
/learn srhug ¯(ツ)__/¯
@Unihedron Saved.
/learn insult "I hope your stack overflows"
@Ungeheuer Syntax: /learn commandName output
/learn shurg ¯__(ツ)/¯
@Unihedron Saved.
Hmm that's a bug.
whats a bug?
@Ungeheuer It didn't recognize the double quotes.
oh it doesnt recognize tokens set off my quotations?
/learn insult 'I hope your stack overflows'
@Ungeheuer Syntax: /learn commandName output
And spaces confuses it.
did you make this on your own?
/learn uni worst RO ever
@Unihedron Syntax: /learn commandName output
/learn uni worst_RO_ever
@Unihedron Saved.
@Ungeheuer Mmm hmm.
cool bot michael
Thanks! :D
/learn insult UnihedronSucks
@Ungeheuer Saved.
@unihedron /insult
/unlearn insult
@Ungeheuer Command forgotten.
Shutting down. See you later.
OakBot Online.
@Unihedron Saved.
/learn yay I see spaces now!
@Michael Saved.
I see spaces now!
/unlearn yay
@Michael Command forgotten.
/learn reflection Are you seriously considering to use reflection for your code? Just don't..
@Unihedron Saved.
I feel like it should be privilege-limited
but whatever I don't care about bot abusers
Hmm maybe I should make it so only admins can make commands.
We'll see how it goes.
@Unihedron Made you an admin.
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/learn     Teaches the bot a new command.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/shrug     Meh.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
Anyway, off to dinner.
!!is OakBot cool?
@JennaSloan Indeed
no one cares what cap thinks ¯_(ツ)_/¯
tf is wrong with this chat
the arm escaped
@Unihedron that happens sometimes.
can....can....can I be an admin... :/
@Ungeheuer no.
Can I make a enum of enums?
@JennaSloan ew. why?
can I be an admin? I'm a nice guy, and my pointers for new coders are never null.
wait did I hear null
get out
/learn null You're doing something wrong. Don't.
@Unihedron Saved.
but null is useful for going through trees
i wonder if that works if you insert it into a sentence
but /null is useful for going through trees
boolean hasRoot(index)
guess not
Optional<E> getRoot(index)
how do you index a tree? preorder, postorder, or inorder?
@Ungeheuer a tree composes of nodes, which references its roots typically with a linkedlist-like contract
yes. a singly linked list. Node would have a right and left child, but no reference to its parent
Well, I made an enum of enum classes
So you can't do something like Dairy.Cheese.Cheddar
well that'd just be inner classes, not inner enums
but then again enums are just objects so no difference
1 hour later…
If someone were to say C was better than Java, how would you react @Unihedron
@Ungeheuer who the fuck gave you my contact information

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