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sucks to be you
windows is the worst tool ever
Well it was unix
But yea I don't like the ms cmd
bash is not shell
"In computing, a shell is a user interface for access to an operating system's services." -- Wikipedia
well yeah, bash is a software
you could use systemctl stuff from bash but bash itself isn't the shell
Oh ok, bash then hehe
"Bash is a Unix shell and command language..."
whereas window's powershell is a shell
and a bad shell
Bash = Bourne again shell
ohhhhhhh burrrrn 🔥
A command-line interface is an OS shell.
two's complement ugh
it's like magic
Can I ask a question here?
Just ask it yeh :)
Would prefer an immediate answer.
Thanks. So I'm trying to assign int values to variables iteratively named "a0", "a1", "a2", etc...

I want to run a for loop that would take the value from each of these variables and add them to a sum variable. Is there a way to do this?
why are you not using an array
It's a specific use case. I know an array would be ideal, but go with me here.
so you want the sum of all these variables?
You could use reflection.
I'm not familiar with reflection @JennaSloan. Could you provide a simple example?
Also, would it be possible to loop with an iterator value starting at 0 and concatenating that to "a" to form the individual variable names?
hey the fallout boy
So you want to make the variables in a loop as well?
great game
@Hans1984 hey :)
the variables would already be declared and initialized @dipper . What I mean is to loop through the variables.
@JonathanRauscher No Jonathan. You wont be able to add the iterating value to a reference name
what's this special use case?
Yeh i was about to ask that
To be blunt, it's a challenge I'm facing to practice my skills.
So a puzzle if you will.
so it's not an actual practical use case, but familiarizing yourself with language features?
and finding the limits of what the language can do and can't do
@JonathanRauscher You could do something like this: int sum=0;try{for(int i=0;;++i)sum+=(Integer)TheClass.getDeclaredField("a"+i).getValue(null);}catch(No‌​SuchFieldException e){}
of course that's assuming these are fields, and not local variables
Yeah, they're local vars
Well I don't know what to tell you then.
I don't think this is possible if these are local variables
I'm going to just surrender the challenge and see what others did.
@JonathanRauscher a0 = x, a1 = x, ...
... is this a challenge posted somwhere?
reflection is not the tool for this, and if anyone tells you to use reflection for this, you should not listen to them
@Unihedron yes
all int
@DRich ever use hackerrank?
I've used hackerrank
@JonathanRauscher Yeah
That's where it's coming from
The second algorithm challenge
I would load those into an array
You're not actually going to see a0, a1, etc...
No way around using an array, huh?
You're going to see 19, 56, 32
you don't even need an array
Well there's no requirement for avoiding an array
you need three pairs of variables, and compare those pairs
no array needed because size is predetermined
if you want to loop them, then array
I'd rather loop through the comparison
Array it is
I don't care what you rather, I'm stating the obvious here
This will be a scrub question: How do we load local variables into an array?
what tool you use is up to you, but the requirement is 3 pairs of numbers
For(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){compare (a[i], b[i])}
no need for reflection.
I have an byte array initialised with 16 0's byte[] zeros = new byte[16]; I then use an encoder to convert the byte array to a String using an encoder. Though, when I print this to the console, it's coming out as 16 A's. How would I go about tackling that
You can split the input using a regex, then loop through that array, parse them as ints and stick em in an array. Of course, you could just do a0 = num, etc.
this is a great case where you can use a spliterator, but considering the quality of this challenge, don't bother
!!wiki spliterator
@Ungeheuer The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
!!wiki Java
Java (Indonesian: Jawa; Javanese: ꦗꦮ; Sundanese: ᮏᮝ) is an island of Indonesia. With a population of over 141 million (the island itself) or 145 million (the administrative region) as of 2015 Census released in December 2015, Java is home to 56.7 percent of the Indonesian population and is the most populous island on Earth. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java. It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the center of the Indonesian...
caprica is the bot?
is thought it was oakbot
two bots
/wiki Java
Java (Indonesian: Jawa; Javanese: ꦗꦮ; Sundanese: ᮏᮝ) is an island of Indonesia. With a population of over 141 million (the island itself) or 145 million (the administrative region) as of 2015 Census released in December 2015, Java is home to 56.7 percent of the Indonesian population and is the most populous island on Earth. The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is located on western Java. Much of Indonesian history took place on Java. It was the center of powerful Hindu-Buddhist empires, the Islamic sultanates, and the core of the colonial Dutch East Indies. Java was also the center of the Indonesian...
There's a language called "Javanese" - Outstanding
@Ungeheuer I highly doubt they write wikipedia articles for javastd library features.
/javadocs Pattern#spliterator
@Unihedron Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
yeah and did you know all ppl from java are perfect with java
they wrote Java while drinking Java, on Java
ho ho ho
ha ha ha
puns r fun
/javadocs Pattern#splitAsStream
@Unihedron Stream splitAsStream(CharSequence input): Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of this pattern. @since 1.8 (1/5)
(1/5)? there are 4 more? how to expand
@OakBot 2
@Unihedron Type /help to see all my commands.
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/summon    Makes the bot join another room.
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
screw it
@Ungeheuer Most likely
whats likely oakboat? will I pass this data structures? will college destroy my soul? what is likely???
/http 724
@Unihedron Status code not recognized.
@Michael you should add github.com/joho/7XX-rfc to oakbot :)
should add urban dictionary to it too
caprica has urban
@Ungeheuer submit a PR
@Hans1984 great no one cares
oh shit
!!urban Java
@Hans1984 Java A programming language commonly used as a solution to everything and anything.
!!urban donald trump
@Ungeheuer Donald Trump America's worst president. Ever.
!!urban hans
@Unihedron Hans A person who is consistently bad ass mo-fo.
lmfao. move aside oakboat, all hail caprica
!!urban ungeheuer
caprica has finally done something useful for once
@Ungeheuer No definition found for ungeheuer
still an LQ bot
!!urban Adrian
@Ungeheuer Adrian A hot ass guy that is strong and smart. Trys everything to keep a relationship from failing and is good when it comes to listening and talking (not to girls). Also know best for his abilities and experience in bed. A great friend and the best boyfriend to be with. On the other hand not the best person to mess with because he can fight. Adrian for some reason cannot hold a grudge for little things, but c(snip)
lol thats me
names are always made by the person
or someone who has a crush on them
wouldn't trust that info
!!urban ballbreaker
@DRich ball breaker someone who is giving you a hard time
I would trust that though
!!urban dustin
@ballBreaker dustin a hunky sex of a man
both are 100% accurate
@CapricaSix hah, "hunky sex"
!! urban Mike
@DRich Mike The most amazing boy in the world. He is quiet around the masses but he opens up around the one he loves. He is extraordinarily protective in the best of ways. Mike can and will make you laugh harder than anyone else. He is the most adorable, cute, nice, sweet, kind, generous, loving, caring, genuine, funny, considerate, awesome person I have ever met. Every moment of my life would be better if I could spen(snip)
hah, "boy"
That's what I mean lmao they're always written by someone who is dating them, or has a crush on them
!! urban David
Although sometimes some mean ones make it to the top
@DRich David A formidable foe to normal people. intelligent, strong forceful. a weird hybrid of a bully and a nerd. As well as the first dictator of the America and king of the new peaceful world. Also known as Timebomb and various other variations including at least TB.
!! urban C++
@DRich C++ A programming language for Real Men. Most languages try to provide a simplified way to solve specific problems well. C++ makes no such concession and tries to be mediocre at everything. It lets you program at a very high level, and a very low level in the same program. It lets you write procedural code, object oriented code, generic code and mix them all up. It makes you decide everything and provides no help i(snip)
I think myles was really funny..
!!urban myles
@ballBreaker myles The title or name given to someone with perceived supreme [intelligence]. Often [envied] for their seemingly effortless ability to be such an [ass]. They must qualify for this position with an amazingly sculpted [[buttocks]](urband(snip)
aw damnit
!!urban melania trump
I think it's in there, I'll find it
@Ungeheuer [Melania Trump](http://melania-trump.urbanup.com/10020281) [\[copy-and-paste\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=copy-and-paste)

someone who copies other peoples work, and pretends it is their own
johnny looks over billy's shoulder and quickly scribbles down a few lines, then heads for the teachers table, and claims his star.

by karen May 13, 2003
where are the mean ones?
!!urban Caprica Six
@DRich No definition found for Caprica Six
There used to be one that was like Myles: "To take a shit on someone's windshield and let the windshield wipers spread it around" -> "Yo I just totally did a myles on that guy's car!"
quick question about java
If I want to bound the possible types a generic class can hold, and base that restriction on use of an interface
do I have <T extends Interface<T>>
or <T implements Interface<T>>
I would guess the latter, but I don't actually know
Yeah I would guess implements
Also as far as I remember...I think only interfaces can extend interfaces..no?
I have extends right now and it compiles, but my gut says it should be implements
I don't seem to remember <T implements Interface> being a valid syntax
guess I'll just try
Well Radu said to use extends
I also haven't used Java in about a year now
So my memory is shot for this stuff
It's extends.
it does not like implements
Also I doubt Interface<T> looks right.
well in this case the interface is Comparable
Oh, sure.
I have a 6 question midterm on data structures, iterators, recusion, Big O, etc on thursday.
gonna suck
no, tough.
he started off assuming we knew what he was talking about. We didnt
going afk
Hi, You are welcome here: stackoverflow.com/questions/42933038/… :)
Is there a data structure which acts like an array but only allows unique entries? Sort of like a LinkedHashSet but with random access?
@Shazz you could make it
Hey guys
Heyyyyyyyyyyy friends Im not dead yet so yeah
any one know a way to transform a SQL query into as if I was sitting behind a console using mysql >
basically I want to do a query and just have it spit me out the results as a dirty string like the commandline mysql would
resultset.tostring spits out the class info not the result set converted to a string :(
You could (if mysql is savely installed on the target system) invoke the commandline and fetch the output of that
I don't know how to use those database-y things.
mygoodness geister
do you understand what java is
Just used it for about 6 months now
But I guess Java is some kind of lawn mower, right?
it is the portable operating system that runs everywhere. we cannot have these native calls hanging everywhere we look
@geisterfurz007 It's a kind of coffee beans.
or that, you're right. I guess we can have stuff hanging
thanks for the suggestion mate :D but...... I suppose so thats actually pretty clever :D
it isnt important enough for me to implement a new method though XD
I guess you should be able to do Runtime.getRuntime().exec() and then using a bufferedReader to read the output
Not sure though
I read that read operations on Stringbuffer/Builer are expensive compared to those of Strings, why is that so?
cuz magic
Ist halt schade wenn Deutsche keine Ahnung haben ;)
I mean that always is what happens right? I write some nonsense text into a window, hit a button and boom magic I got a program
@Felix.C sprechen die Englisch.
lol you are German as well @JennaSloan ? :O
@geisterfurz007 No, I just know a few words.
Ah ok :D Would have been reeeeally surprised ^^
I probably had a great-great-grandparent that immigrated from Germany.
I see :)
@geisterfurz007 Java is an island in Indonesia. I thought everybody knew that?
@Felix.C Ich habe viele Ahnungen mensch. Aber nichts ueber Two's Complement.
Und nichts ueber Mathe
what's a lawn mower?
@Felix.C It really depends on what sort of String / StringBuilder operations we are discussing. In general, for "read" operations (you just want to know what's inside, you don't want to alter it), String will be better, but for many "write" operations", StringBuilder will be better.
device dedicated to cutting grass @CausingUnderflowsEverywhere
@geisterfurz007 Or zombies.
Or zombies indeed
When instantiating an instance of LawnMower, You do not need to specify the type that it will be acting on.
Grass is easier to mow than zombies.
Function is independent of type acted on
what is grass and what is the operation cutting?
what is sigh mean?
why is it slanted letters?
!!tell CausingUnderflowsEverywhere urban grass
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere grass Marijuana
!!urban pot
@Ungeheuer pot A term for mariujana of any sort.
!!urban bernie sanders
@Ungeheuer [Bernie Sanders](http://bernie-sanders.urbanup.com/8529569) Old rich white man in the democratic party. He's about to give Hillary the fucking of her lifetime. (No offense, Bill).
Also second cousin to poultry mogul Colonel Harland Sanders.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere [Noob](http://noob.urbanup.com/2568674) A. INTRO
I. What is this?
II. Defining 'Noob'

I. Noobish
II. Where to find noobs
III. Behavior of noobs
IV. Noob religion
V. More about noob habitats

I. Make sure you aren't one
II. Major noob avoiding strategies



I. What is this?
This guide is designed to give you a better understanding of what a noob(snip)
!!urban grass 2
@JennaSloan grass to tell on/tell over/rat out some-one
!!urban Computer Science
@Ungeheuer computer science The study of making porn more readily available, to make it easier and faster to download, and to make what you're looking for easier to find.
oh my lord
That should be an official SO tag
I know JS is frowned upon, but this is too good not to share
Mozilla Bug Of The Week (and it’s only Monday) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348902 https://t.co/a2xTgK9OUo
!!urban bug 3
@JennaSloan bug A fault in a computer system or any physical entity including humanoids.
Lmao the website has been wrecked
@Ungeheuer Yes, Mr "I wasn't hacked in 15 years" has glaring SQL injection vulnerabilities.
I have no idea what any of that is, but I bet in 3 days I could write a more secure site
This song always gives me a woody
@Ungeheuer you are very innapropriate for my liking
@ballBreaker uhm sir that is innapropriarte
There we go, fixed it
how bout this song always reminds me of trees
Tree is Mara jew anna
We can't have that here
!!urban Stackoverflow
@Ungeheuer [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.urbanup.com/5997436) A programming Q&A site, where users get upvotes for good questions, answers and comments, and also get downvotes for bad answers, questions and comments. The votes determine your rep (the highest I've seen there is 300k Skeet Skeet)

The users don't play around better not fuck with them. And don't post silly questions, answers, and comments except your Jon Skeet (He has a lifetime supply o(snip)
!!urban Jon Skeet
@Ungeheuer No definition found for Jon Skeet
!!tell Ungeheuer sandbox
@JennaSloan hehe good call
@Ungeheuer Please go and play in the Sandbox
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Just wondering, but how old are you

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