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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

... Im lost Im going to need some code review
Do you need code review, or do you need help on a specific problem? Those are different things ...
I've been listening to this song for at least 7 hours
I need help too
Log : IP Provided
Log : 2 is the first index of .
Log : 0

String IP = "";
log.error(IP +" IP Provided");
log.error(IP.indexOf(".") + " is the first index of .");
String[] expanded = IP.split(".");
log.error(expanded.length +"");
why is IP.split returning an array with 0 length if there clearly are periods in the string? I've use .split on other occasions with the same format, is something wrong with the regex in this case?
Pop quiz: What does . mean in regex?
ooo - puts hands into ground - -doesnt know regex- xDD
does it need \. ?
. matches any character.
Yes, try it with \. -- in this case, in Java, you'll need to write IP.split("\\.")
. Any character (may or may not match line terminators)
See, what happens is that each of your characters is being treated as a delimiter.
All delimiters get struck out of the result.
Leaves you with an array of empty strings, but trailing empty strings are also struck out of the result, according to the docs.
Ergo, you end up with an array of 0 length
you are very knowledgeable. thank you for being on the java chat this morning
yup \. yields illegal escape character and \\. does not
Java string utils aren't very good about being clear which ones take regexps and which ones treat the input as a literal string.
I guess we need to escape the \ so that it's put into the string literally
Like indexOf(".") is fine, since that's treated as a literal string.
But split(".") gets you unexpected results since it's treated as a literal.
You have to read the docs to be sure
well it was pretty clear and I knew that it was taking a regex I just didnt know much about regex

because the .split method's parameter is (String regex)
`public String[] split(String regex) {
return split(regex, 0);
Depending on you IDE, the name of the parameter (regex) doesn't always show up.
oh true cause my IDE performed decompilation of the class file to get it?
I'm thinking more that the method could have been called something like splitOnRegex(String s) and then you could also have a splitOnString() or whatever.
that's a good idea
Your IDE may have pulled down the source code, or the javadocs, or decompiled (although I can't recall if the JVM distributions include symbols)
sometimes I have brain farts and wonder what I should do when I need two different types of a method or more even. I forget I can just name it something that reveals what type of parameters it should take haha
I've been learning Swift lately, and there the method could have been written as split(regex: ".") -- parameters are (usually) named in Swift. Very nice.
then you have a method that describes what it does AND what parms it takes
But you can also have unnamed parameters, which lets you write methods like add(5, to:7) and it reads almost like English.
oh hohho I just a silly mistake I made in my other regex
I meant to split on spaces however
What if there are tab characters? Do you want to split only on spaces?
@dcsohl Are you sure about split of string, about "." ?
eehh? Don't you get autocomplete for method params? in intellij you press ctrlQ if PC is too slow to tell you what you need/could enter as params
. Any character (may or may not match line terminators)
and java source is pretty clear about what it does
in most cases
oh yeah only on spaces, well unless you want to provide me some special regex that splits on spaces or tabs haha.

(the current thing thats sending the input doesnt support addings tabs, I guess it might eventually but whatever my input verifier should be smart enough to detect if someone decided to replace their spacebar with tab and send an error LOL)
Not sure what you're asking. Docs are pretty clear, "Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method with the given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are therefore not included in the resulting array."
@RaduStefanPopescu And then later when you're looking at the code and it just says split(".") are you clear on whether that's a regex or a plan ol' String?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere The regex \w matches any "whitespace" character. Space, tab, newline, etc. (And remember, in a Java String you have to escape the backslash so it would become split("\\w"))
doesnt netbeans decompile class files?

private LoggerFactory() {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Compiled Code">
/* 0: aload_0
* 1: invokespecial java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
* 4: return
* */
// </editor-fold>

static void reset() {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Compiled Code">
/* 0: iconst_0
* 1: putstatic org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.INITIALIZATION_STATE:I
* 4: iconst_0
* 5: putstatic org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.GET_SINGLETON_METHOD:I
* 8: new org/slf4j/helpers/SubstituteLoggerFactory
Shows generated source file. No sources are attached to class' JAR file.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Eww, netbeans. No idea. I know that Eclipse does not, not out-of-the-box, anyway. You can get Eclipse plugins that will decompile. I'd imagine NetBeans is the same way?
well the stuff like String in java is the actual jdk source file
nope it's out of the box
can't figure out how to find usages of a method in eclipse
doesn't ctrl + lmb work?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Right-click on the method and the contextual menu has something about finding references
it mgiht've been something else then xD
what is more powerful about eclipse vs netbeans? (I did use eclipse when I first started but then I learned things in netbeans I couldnt reproduce in eclipse)
There probably isn't any significant difference. I used to use NetBeans back in 2002-04 and at that point, there were significant differences, and I found Eclipse more to my liking. They have each added a lot since then and you can probably do just about all the same stuff in either of them.
intellij is pretty nice imo
and community edition is free
why does that sound familiar I think my friend uses it xD
you don't get integration with spring and such
ewww eclipse? use that if you want to get mooned each time you try coding.
Paid intelliJ has some really nice stuff. I'd imagine the free version is probably roughly equivalent to eclipse or netbeans
it's less than eclipse
but i always had problems with eclipse crashing/bugging out etc
well I cant have a crash while im coding.
I remember either netbeans or eclipse had an autosave feature.. lol I dont even use it
eclipse has a lot of integration with a lot of frameworks for free. you need to get paid intellij for that
my RAM pages are so stable
but if you use only java/android/maven/know your stuff using other frameworks
THANKS \\. fixed my code
I'll admit, Eclipse can hang sometimes on Windows... I've found Eclipse to be far better running on a Linux machine (which is my preferred dev env for many other reasons, anyway).
and it has exactly the kind of stuff dcsohl was talking about
and \\w broke it haha but not your fault
The eclipse ecosystem is pretty amazing. You can find a plugin for nearly anything you'd want.
I have to use it on both windows and Linux cus "compiling to native" requires to run native
DARN I dont think I can use \\w. I need to do well I guess I dont.
What was wrong with \\w? What was the unexpected behaviour?
I mean, it sounds like " " will be fine, at least for now. I'm just curious.
instead of doing if (indexOf("\\w") != -1 Ill do if array.length == 0

Well basically the \\w is for parsing command and if you noticed I had "" as the splitter before... that somehow let me use command with no parameters. but now the ones with no parameters dont work xD

I just need that check
Hi, I'm an idiot.
It's not \w you want.
You want \s
\w means word characters.
\s is for whitespace.
Sorry about that!!
I never learn regex properly
Every time i need it i go to Pattern doc
I have to go look it up every time as well. I thought I was certain this time and I was wrong!
one day i'll prolly take the time though
but really regex is really something i rarely use
if java pads string with whitespace \\s might work without a check?
most of the times i just cut trailing whitestuff
It's not really worthwhile to learn regex since each environment (POSIX, perl, java, etc) has a slightly different set of valid expressions.
by that logic it's not worth it to learn SQL
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere You should probably be in the habit of calling trim() on your Strings, unless leading and trailing whitespace could be significant.
I read something about trailing whitespace in java strings dont remember what because it was late and I wasnt looking for that particular thing, I was searching for something else and they happened to mention that
I guess so
@RaduStefanPopescu you shouldn't call it "whitestuff"
@RaduStefanPopescu Not really what I meant. There are a certain common set of functionality to all regexes, like there are in SQL in all RDBMS. But the fancy stuff? Why bother?
\\s fixed it
it's a good thing you caught that or else I would be left scratching my head
I know [...] and {...} and + and ? and . and *, and where to look for anything else. ;)
@dcsohl is this what you mean? imgur.com/tVA5M9k Java doesn't have it, it's an IDE thing really, IJ has it
Oh, and ^ and $ and [^...].
Hey, I need a sanity check.... Using the reflection API during annotation processing will find what classes; Only classes already compiled, all classes including those in the javac Abstract Syntax Tree, or something else?
Are regexes in Java the same as the ones in Notepad++?
@JennaSloan Mostly, but not entirely. Like anywhere else. :)
Notepad++ docs say they use PCRE (perl regexps) except for a few very minor differences.
Wikipedia has a chart of the differences between different regex flavors: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression#Character_classes
either way we all know Java has the best regex
because we love java?
@RaduStefanPopescu Except for the annoying double-escape thing, yeah. :)
does anyone here know about kademlia distributed hash table? I'm stuck at one question which needs to be answered in my thesis
hey, if you load the strings from a properties fiel
i think you don't need to escape them anymore
@RaduStefanPopescu That actually makes it worse -- sometimes you escape them and sometimes you don't!
also writing them anywhere and then pasting them in the IDE
will auto-add the escapes
that's why i usually go on closest website that does java regex to test stuff live
without having to write a new main function
and then ctr-c -> ctrl-v
@dcsohl Inconsistency! Java has the worst regex system!
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds
duuude, you can't diss java in a java chat :p
Oracle Java is not fully compatible with Oracle MySQL, you cannot insert bytes into SQL.
eh? wait?
what do you mean?
Well, I know you can insert byte[] into Oracle DB, so it must be MySQL's fault.
there's sql types for byte probably
like there is sql.Date and util.Date
idk how MySQL is connected to OracleDB
they are different projects
Oracle owns both of them (as well as Java). Otherwise, they aren't connected.
try ps.setByte(1, (byte)200); //where the byte in the DB is unsigned

then see what happens when you try to extract your recorded byte :]
ps = PreparedStatement
Java's treatment of bytes is such a PITA
I don't know how to use MySQL, so I just made my own database.
@JennaSloan lol
you'll need to make your own database and database driver
Java byte should never have been signed. That was a dumbass move.
and the driver needs to correctly convert signed bytes into pretend byte shorts
idk how Java stores numbers
there's a few ways
i know it's always signed
@dcsohl ikr?! if someone's using a byte in how many cases would they need negative numbers.. most often you'll be using data thats 0-255
i think there's a way to insert bytes as a series of 0 and 1
@RaduStefanPopescu char 's are unsigned shorts
Java uses two's complement negation
ok, aside from chars
byte nybbles = 0b0010_0101;
But if you have a byte that is equal to 0xC8 ... once you get that, your PS should work, no?
my jdk install froze :((
Thing just is that 0xC8 isn't 200 but rather -57 (I think).
Or -56?
uhm problem is the setByte takes a byte in, and byte is signed so if you put in 128 it becomes -1 right? or something, so that -1 goes to the sql statement, then sql sees it negative and pads it to 0 instead since my byte is unsiged
@JennaSloan we bullied Unihedrion to change name of room
so in all my methods, I call them bytes but Im passing around shorts
you can parse javascript in java and call java methods with javascript did you know that
Yeah, i heard that
never used it nor do i know how
there's also Jruby too
And Jython, and ... and ... and ...
oh no, Jelphi
I'm more intrigued by things like Scala and Clojure and Groovy -- not trying to reinvent the scripting wheel, but having new compiled languages.
J++, J#, Jandroid
No Talking ABout JS!
Ain't nothing but a heart ache, ain't nothing but a mistake, I never wanna hear you say "I want to javascript".
ye, true, we all know scripting is for kids, programming is for big guys
you calling me a script kiddy whenever I write batch?
that and bash are accepted as well as w/e you use for proj dependencies
i assume
no no Im talking about a windows command script
you know for daly use
The aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and historical ones, in alphabetical order, except for dialects of BASIC, esoteric programming languages, and markup languages. == A == == B == == C == == D == == E == == F == == G == == H == == I == == J == == K == == L == == M == == N == == O == == P == == Q == == R == == S == == T == == U == == V == == W == == X == == Y == == Z == == See also == Lists of programming languages Comparison of programming ...
What the fudge?!
my server just trolled me and decided to not free up an orphaned port
why kick orphans
actually your compiler incorrectly implicitly casted orphan to instanceof Human , where as I specifically declared it as instanceof Port
@JennaSloan Very disappointing to see INTERCAL not on that list ...
alphatbetical? what if theres a language ina lagngauge that doesnt support A-Z
what if my language is called "♥" and there is no corresponding A-Z letter that can describe it
and dont say heart because heart is not a letter it's a word and my language is a single symbol aka letter
A good point - I note that ><> is not on that list either.
@dcsohl That looks like a fish
@JennaSloan Yes, most people call the language "Fish", but the name, as I understand it, is ><>
ObjectPal is not there either
><> neat
@RaduStefanPopescu Please refrain from swearing in our humble chat.
There are thousands of programming languages. These are listed in various ways:...
Apparently there's lots of lists.
Anyone here ever apply for a Scala job?
so i need integration between functionality of a Java implementation of an Interface and a class from another Project
not sure if this is a bad idea or not, but i was thinking about implementing the Java interface, wrapping the implementation and extending the class from the other project
so i can get access to certain method overrides
ofc in most places i will have to copy the wrapped implementation in the interface functions
do you think this is k?
what do you mean wrapping the implementation?
CachedTable extends Table implements ObservableList<Record>{
private final ObservableList<Record> records = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
@JennaSloan There are indeed lots of lists.
This is a list of articles that are lists of list articles on the English Wikipedia. In other words, each of the articles linked here is an index to multiple lists on a topic. Some of the linked articles are themselves lists of lists of lists. == General referenceEdit == Lists of academic journals Lists of important publications in science Lists of unsolved problems == Culture and the artsEdit == === LiteratureEdit === Lists of books Lists of 100 best books Lists of banned books Lists of The New York Times Fiction Best Sellers Lists of The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers Publi...
neah, this is no good i need to handle change and invalidation events properly, i'd end up reimplementing it
I have my life to re-implement
make sure you deprecate your current life
ah that must be what I was doing wrong this whole time
And write unit tests for your life so you know the new implementation works.
why is there no immutable marker interface?
probably because interfaces are already immutable
Is that a correct statement? It seems correct to me
oh thats just wonderful haha
my first set of code fails completely and the second set decides to work but still incorrectly
what happens when you cast a long to an int in java?
lets say I got long = 50000

and I go (int) long
is it still going to be 50000
ah thats what testing is for
okay cool it's still 50000
what did you expect?
well something is bugging out somewhere
can I just quit life
Im supposed to do something else now but I just want to finish this java stuff before proceeding
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere do you need exception handling on your life?
yes and I need them to be thrown
if you do threading
you need to manage it in the thread as well afaik
so odd
either I broke something somewhere
or I need code review for my 5 different classes involved
5 is not so much
there's a stackoverflow place for code review
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere lmao
I need multithreading in my brain.
i don't think brain works like that
brains work on more than one thread
one hundred percent
But also I think even using the word thread is misleading
Wow, finally I can chat. Rep is really annoying.
Want to add an useful comment to an unanswered question? Oh bad you need 50 points!
i guess you can always use google to solve the problems of people who were too lazy to use google
Doing just that to get 50 rep ;)
"how to write regex that matches each word in literals..." uuugh
Yeah, that's a pretty bad question
>to add the newline i tryied this but didn't work String bigstring = "Balls: " + balls + "Strikes: " + strikes %n; – branedge 2 mins ago
looking at newest in stackoverflow java is like looking at reddit new
I am using Jenkins on my job and am not sure what it's job is. Can someone tell me if my understanding is correct?
To build the app:
I commit my code and push my branch to my remote repository.
Jenkins sees my commit and triggers off a build (possibly using maven install).
Jenkins runs all the tests and if all pass, a war/ear is created.
This artefact is pushed to nexus.

To deploy to an environment:
A reply script in my branch contains steps to reply the app to, say, Tomcat.
Jenkins goes to Nexus, retrieves the latest artefact (built above), and deploys this app to Tomcat.
Other steps in the reply file shutdown and restart Tomcat as necessary, possibly testing to make sure the app started and is ready
i need to access an IO resource from multiple threads. Is it okay if I associate the resource with a mutex?
not sure what common practice is
@RaduStefanPopescu Couldn't you just make it synchronized?
my class is from a library that uses a RandomAccessFile
the implementation is already done at byte level
so i did this.
    Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
           try {
               atomicTable.table.recordIterator().forEachRemaining(record -> Platform.runLater(() -> records.add(record)));
           } finally {
u can kill me now
I didn't know what a mutex was, so I looked it up...
A: What is a mutex?

XetiusWhen I am having a big heated discussion at work, I use a rubber chicken which I keep in my desk for just such occasions. The person holding the chicken is the only person who is allowed to talk. If you don't hold the chicken you cannot speak. You can only indicate that you want the chicken an...

Apparently a mutex is a rubber chicken.
or a mouse
but apparently that one got eaten by his cats
I don't know if there's a common practice, but the code you got looks like it should work.
I thought stackoverflow.com/questions/34519/what-is-a-semaphore?rq=1 was a troll question because semáforo means traffic light in spanish \shrug
semaphore is mutex that lets more than 1 thread access resource
Heard it for the first time.
ye, u can let n threads gain a lock
but when n+1 comes... nu-uh
Luckily I never had the (dis)pleasure of working with multi-threaded things :)
@CarstenHagemann The Spanish word probably means "an apparatus for signaling", which would include a traffic light
Just looked it up, yup
Kinda sad I can't use spanish/catalan when coding. Haven't got a use for it, sadly. Used to live there
Coding for a non-english language is such a pain in the ass
in English it's BatMan batMan.. suppose I want to use instead of Bat a different word that has no equivalent in english or would be confusing otherwise
I was going to make Java in Spanish, but it was beyond my skill level.
I rather wanted to say that a programmer doesn't really have to do with natural languages^^
There should be a programming language that only uses emoji.
normally the way i would have to say it translated in English would be The Man Bat
And you need enough crying laughter emojis or it wont run.
ExectuorService would become ServiceExecutor
and many times I need to use native words
@JennaSloan I think it would be a very complex language:)
It's already bad enough when professors write "int groesse". The word is Größe :/
because i need to comply to native language documentation
and mapping facturiLivrariServicii from documentation to ServiceInvoices is a huge pita when you got hundreds of such mappings
We can be happy that every language has english keywords, at least
i'm glad most dictionaries can handle Groesse tho
camelCase be triggering germans?
since they use uppercase first letter for anything Substantive
or however they call it
i guess it's minor
btw, what if I ask about javafx/gluon for android, is that still death ;)
seems like a loophole
I only tried with Windows and Linux Mint
but if you run on mobile i assume integration with OS becomes a lot harder
Oh yeah, I don't want to use it but I have to, atm
javafx/gluonhq crossplatform stuff
i don't even use their scenebuilder :P
Best Java IDE?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens IntellIJ Idea
@DRich Thanks!
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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