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LTNS @fge
Evening @Tavo
hey @Michael
question, "-1 % 20" in java is coming as -1. It should be 19. What am I missing?
Python does it right too:
In [3]: -1 % 20
Out[3]: 19
Could be the order of operations.
Java might be interpreting it as -(1 % 20)
I take PayPal and Bitcoin.
@Michael I'll give you a half-rotten trout, and I'm taking a risk here
@zengr The % operator in Java is unsigned
((-21) % 20) == (-(21 % 20)) evaluates to true
( (-a)%b == -(a%b) ) && ( a%b == a%(-b) )
@JonahSloan Ah, thanks! if remainder<0: remainder += n is a workaround.
5 hours later…
I did a daring move yesterday
I asked and answered a question before bed XD
More like I was bound to get downvotes. Someone even downvoted the answer which is 100% correct
(It was a self-goal on a question I couldn't find when googling and browsing SO so I made it so that someone else can find it)
hey guys
question: when using Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1), can I register more than 1 runnable?
or the thread pool will be exhausted
You can submit loads of them, they will be eventually executed (assuming that your runnables finish eventually). Before they can be sent to the single Thread for execution, the tasks are kept in queue.
two things: why would you use newScheduledThreadPool instead of newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor
yes, you can run more than one runnable, and they will run sequentially
so if my task is scheduled to run in 5 seconds, it won't keep the thread busy
also, I could have written those three lines in just one sentence :D
As you are using scheduling and just one Thread, depending on how long the task runs take, you might consider using more Threads, to get reliable scheduling.
Otherwise the single Thread is not able to guarantee the execution at times you specify.
is this a theoretical question, or is there a practical example behind it?
ok, thanks. I just wanted to make sure my application won't crash because of exhaust
it's practical
I am a Java noob
can I ask why are you doing Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1)?
instead of singleThreaded one?
I will get lots of load
Thread "pool" with one thread does not give any advantage over just one thread though :)
I'd recommend you to use the single threaded one. It might give you the functionality you are looking for as in "running every X seconds"
@unserializable oh, 1 was just an example to make it simple to explain:D
I think it's called "scheduleAtFixRate" or something similar
I just need to delay an execution
multithreading: for when you want Java developers to discuss until sunrise
so the use case is this: I have to make an API call to some web service after an event happens. But some events can be grouped together and API call can be made only once for them
so I am delaying the execution until the rest of the events that can be grouped are received
not grouping causes the web service to crash, too much requests :D
received by whom? the webservice?
oh, no, I see
ok, why don't you just listen for the events and make the call once you know you have them all?
I don't know the amount
it can be 1-1000
so how do you know when you are done?
I don't need to, this is supposed to run all the time and listen to events
so basically batching
I see
never mind
yes, I wrote too quickly
sounds ok. But go for the singlethreadexecutor
ok, thanks
no probs
back to work
another question: how can I wait for the scheduler to finish?
my unit tests aren't waiting
Executor threads are non-daemon, so they do prevent JVM from exiting, correctly guaranteeing that submitted runnables finish. In unit tests, you want to wait for the Future completion, either via get or by polling isDone.
ok, thanks
hello everyone ! I am really stuck in bigger problems and i want to create a button i java fx and i want it to upload a file on my google drive ! I spent my 4 hrs today on that searching how to create a application from scratch in java using google cloud api ..read official site but there are very little code snippets please help
anyone here ever taken a Codility test for a job interview?
@minigeek what exactly is the problem?
double r1 = Math.random();
int r2 = (int) (Math.random() * 5);
Why here we multiplying with 5? I read somewhere It's kinda some formula, but I don't remember.
Math.random() returns a random value between 0.0 and 1.0
Yes, it does.
You multiply it with 5, you get a random value between 0.0 and 5.0
Like If I will multiply it with 10 then I can get values between 0.0 and 10.0, right?
That way I can get values between any numbers?
Um, ok. Thanks!
so no one has tried Codility?
never heared of such a thing
online coding tester.
company sends a link, I do the test, hit subit
Hi @JavaFan LTNS
The book which I am reading has an CHOCOLATE example :D
@ItachiUchiha hi ! I want to start a project in which i can write a code using google drive api and give an interface with javafx. i will do the interface thing but i cant find anything about doing a media upload code in java on google drive
@Hemlata do you like chocolate
Yes, I do.
who doesn't like them :/ ..haha choco is love
rots teeth
brushing is the solution :p
recedes gums
can you solve my java problem please :'(
But I only like Hershey chocolate, It's my favourite chocolate.
@Hemlata which chapter are you doing?
@TimCastelijns Chapter 10
like long float double?
Yeah and wrapping
boring stuff
Kinda, but chocolate example made it interesting.
can any one help me to get month based on quarter in SQL server
for eg:i have date as 2016-nov-19
it displays quarter as 4
in that quarter we have 3 months right
like oct,nov,dec
for my above date i want to display nov as second month
but my query giving result as 11
that is the problem
it gives result as 3. 6 something like right
no 2
i am dividing the number
it is k for odd months
what about even months
it gives 0 right
@TimCastelijns can u help me
do you know modulo operator?
i know
but what about even months
when i divide 12%3 it gives 0
but the actual result we want is 3 right
so how can i get correct value
treat 0 as 3
OR Javascript
it is possible to get within single query
no clue I never used sql
okay thank u @TimCastelijns
Whats up fellas ?
@TimCastelijns One can't treat 0 as 1 when using 1-based month numbering (Jan 1 -- Dec 12) e.g. : Jan 1 (1 % 3 = 1), Feb 2 (2 % 3 = 2), March 3 (3 % 3 = 0 -- now what, 1 again?).
@Prasanthi number months from 0-11 instead of 1-12 and then sequence in quarter comes out as (monthnumber % 3) + 1
@unserializable I have no idea what you guys are trying to get at here (I just arrived and cba to read everything), but it seems like you need t = x % f; t == 0 : f ? t
I don't know either. I know nothing of sql
@Unihedron very true, that should also work
with 1 based months and all!
	Integer i;
	int j;

	public void go() {
              j = i
Why it doesn't work?
what doesn't work
It says java.lang.NullPointerException
When I print the values
j = i here's your null
it converts to j = i.intValue() because of autoboxing
and intValue throws null
also called a null deference
That means we can't assign null to an int?
But we can assign null to an Integer?
thank you very much @unserializable
i getting correct result
@Hemlata Yes because int is primitive type and Integer is a wrapper class
Just like String s = new String();
@Hemlata int is not an object, if you write int i; without giving it a value it defaults to 0
when you write Integer j;, it defaults to null
Um, ok. Thanks!
it's great @Hemlata can come here and learn
@TheCoder Everyone come here to learn.
Or to help others.
So nothing new
I didn't say others don't come to learn
I was commending the site as a resource I didn't have when I was starting out
@Hem do you remember what sucks about being an abstract method?
@TimCastelijns A scary guy with just a head but no body .
I laughed, then I asked myself, why not a girl? then I really imagined a guy with just a head on the floor XD
@MehdiB. Cuz girls don't scare others.
Plus only a guy can think of such an scary example.
String s = String.format("%, d", 1000000000);
How does this work?
ok, i stop thinking about this..
I just found myself thinking about the methods overriding it.. clones with the same head and having 1 leader, that bodyless guy.
I stop here :D
I mean how does it formats the number.
look in the docs
What should I type in?
I mean how does just one comma formats it?
String.format templates the first expression with the Varargs argument
String.format ("Your net worth is %d$", 1000000000)
will return Your net worth is 1000000000$
I didn't get
and Varargs means you can put any number of arguments at the end (they are treated as array)
and will be injected on the left expression in the order of %d %s etc..
you didn't get what?
the thing after the % is a code for the formatter
@MehdiB. I know how does %d and %s works, but I am asking about %, d. How does a comma helps it formatting?
> , means The result will include locale-specific grouping separators
Is it build in?
so for US it will show 1000 as 1,000 and for EU it shows as 1.000
yes built in
Um, ok.
@Hans1984 Moo! Moooooooo!
@Hemlata, check https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html
the section "Flags"
@MehdiB. Thanks
Morning, Java!
hey Michael
@Unihedron Nope.jpg
Local variables have to be assigned a value before they can be used.
Hey @Hans
An int defined as a class field will be initialized to 0.
Hello Everyone Today i got chat rights
chat is the best
Hello Tim
:) Hi
if company X wants to send data and expect data back from us and if there are various ways to do that, preferably via webservices is it then ok to say this :
Yes, our system is compatible with dynamics and there will be no requirements from our side to enable the link between our platforms. As it is a java-based tool and considering our 10 years of experience we are confident about the a smooth and swift integration. There are various interfaces possible with dynamics and our preference is the web service.
you should ask your boss instead of strangers on the internet
i am the boss
then you decide
you know how to communicate with your clients, we do not
its about the info which is in the body
wanted to know if its correct xD
Ok to be true I am not the real boss haha :p
you have 10 years of experience, shouldn't you know? XD
sounded 'cool' to say that
you should ask a PM if you guys have one, they know how to use the correct words
as these kind of communications usually involve commitment and responsibility
but honestly (with my 4 limited years of experience) I have never saw an email bragging about how easy it will be
"Our system is written in Java and your system is written in Java -- so they are 100% compatible and making them talk to each others will require $0" :D
this is usually said on the sales period
yes its for winning a client
you might want to say a bit more than those 3 lines
Do you maybe have some suggestions XD
also I'm a programmer and I am not sure what your email is about - is it something specific to java "dynamics"?
no the client has an ERP system
which has for example orders
so it's Microsoft Dynamics
> our system is compatible with dynamics
don't know what that means
What they want to know, if they send data to us then how : via File sharing, via webservice etc.. And which we prefer and if there are any requirements needed for setting up a connection
Our system is easily pluggable with Microsoft Dynamics through the RESTful API that Microsoft Dynamics offer.
something like that?
it very much depends on what they send you, what they need back, how they need it back, when, etc
hard to say indeed
and you could also add all the pre-requisites you'll need for this integration to go smoothly
".... assuming ....."
they use SOAP webservice
you'll need your 10 years of experience with you in this case XD
it doesn't matter what they use
I have now this
Yes, our system is compatible with dynamics.
There are various interfaces possible with dynamics and our preference is the web service.
For this we require a set up documents with end-point URL and authentication information. Currently one of our clients is migrating to dynamics,
meaning that we are already in the preparatory phase.
I think this will be OK for a sales tenderrrr xD
btw, "yes" is the answer for what question?
Is your technology solution compatible with dynamics system? What will be the requirements to enable the link between the two platforms?
"preference" also means that it's only a preference, but could be anything else
Yes, our system is easily pluggable with X through the SOAP webservice intergration that they offer
or, through the SOAP webservices exposed by X
As requirement: For this we require set up documents with end-point URLs and authentication information
isn't SOAP supposed to have everthing on a WSDL file?
what endpoints you're talking about?
good afternoon all!
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to add debugging information (esp line numbers) to a java file compiled JIT
Good morning!
it is being run with something along the lines of "java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8010,server=y,suspend=y -Xms1200M -Xmx1200M FILENAME.java", but when I connect to the remote debugging session it complains about not having line numbers
I'd prefer not to have to modify this script significantly if possible, though I could probably add a javac call to precompile that file with the -g option, perhaps. Much better if I can include it inline in the "java" command
The line number information needs to be compiled into the .class file that is loaded in the JVM that you are accessing with remote debugger. Cannot have the debugging support without compiler javac.
I think you have to compile FILENAME.java first
I'm really confused, because the script is passing the .java file into "java", there is no javac step
which I would have expected
2 hours later…
@EmileVictor Java is not an interpreted language; why is this a surprise at all?
posted on February 13, 2017 by CommitStrip

2 hours later…
Why can't I have a public <T> Iterator<T> iterator() method in a class that extends AbstractCollection?
@JonahSloan might it be because the generic type T belongs to the class and not the method?
It says "Name clash: The method iterator() of type MyCollection has the same erasure as iterator() of type AbstractCollection<E> but does not override it"
and that makes you have
public class MyAwesomeCollection<T> extends AbstractCollection<T> {

public Iterator<T> iterator () {
I don't like type erasure.
what's type erasure?
Type erasure is the worst part about Java
public class MyCollection extends AbstractQueue<Boolean>{
public <T> Iterator<T> iterator(){
Turns out Java doesn't like that ^
why would it?
as Overactor said, the generic belongs to the class not the method
you should be iterating over Booleans not Ts
I'll just remove "extends AbstractQueue<Boolean>"
MyCollection doesn't need to extend Collection
it can extend any collection, except if you wanna code it from scratch :D
@Michael how is this different from what I just said?

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