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I hate dreams. They just scare the hell outta you sometimes :'(.
@Hemlata have you finished the book yet?
@Unihedron No. I have finished 9 chapters yet.
/* Insert entertaining comment on how there has had less than 5 messages in this chat room within the last 12 hours. */
1 hour later…
Anyone answer this:
Q: Unit test private collection with no getter

TheCoderI have a class call ProductRegister that has a method private List<Product> products = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); void registerProduct(Product p) { products.add(p); } Bearing in mind products is private with no getter, and is created inside the class, how do I unit test this? I've consi...

@TheCoder write code.
@TheCoder if there is no way to test if the register method works as intended by using the public API, then what is the purpose of the register method?
given this class:
public class NameHolder {
    private String name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
public Product getProduct(long productId) {
    return products.stream()
            .filter(product -> product. productId == productId)
^ this verifies it i guess
you can't test the setName method using the public API of the class, but why would you, it doesn't have an effect that matters.
@TheCoder If you have that method, you should use it to test if the registerProduct method worked as intended
or rather, that both methods work as intended together
i just thought maybe register required seperate testing. i can create a test that first registers a product, then calls getProduct(), i'll then verify that the product was found
@overactor just points, thanks, that's made it clearer
@TheCoder no problem
Hey guys, what's the usual way to handle multiple configurations of an app in the Java world when building with gradle? I have seen people recommending building one artifact, single war, and assigning the environment variables during runtime. But what is exactly the runtime? The moment when the (eg.) war has been deployed to a server and run?
@TheCoder why use a stream for that? This is not really justified
Don't use streams for the sake of using streams
assume your functions become binary implementations, and if all you're doing is using a stream, then that's not a reliable implementation
it may as well not be there, let your user write the stream themselves
Hello everyone !
how are you doing today
:( why the negativity ?
there is no negativity, only sincerity
8k+ why do people work so hard for reps?
I'd like to know that myself
I lose so much reputation all the time downvoting stuff, I don't get how people net a profit on this
It seems like you find joy when downvoting other people
wow I have no idea how you got that idea
but no way
I'm just kidding. Some people just deserve downvoting
and considering that I've given away over 500 reputation in bounties, I probably didn't lose that much reputation in retrospect
Are you mainly a Java developer ? how long have you been programming ?
no, 10 years
It is sad but the first language I learned is PHP :( though I moved on
Since then I became obsessed with consistency
falls asleep
Well, I have a question for you. Why does this statement work in Java System.out.println("Hello" + 2 * 5) but this does not System.out.println("Hello" + 2 - 5) ?
@someone And you decided to move to Java? Well that's strange.
order of operations
multiply goes before arithmetic, so you have hello concatenating with the number 10
@DavidPacker No actually the most consistent language that I know of is C#
@fge what's the downside of using streams? performance?
"Hello" + 2 - 5 cannot be evaluated because the operator - is not defined for the non-numeral type string
@someone C is very consistent as well.
not sure about that but the language has like 10 keywords so I would say it's consistent :)
What irks me about java are situations like:
I don't the function naming is that consistent though
tfw consistency is defined as default constructs provided
Integer a = 127;
Integer b = 127;

a == b -> true

Integer c = 128;
Integer d = 128;

c == d -> false

But worry not, this can be configured in the JVM. Like why?
because you're using autoboxing
Integer c = 128;
// is equivalent to: Integer c = Integer.valueOf(128);
Integer d = 128;
// is equivalent to: Integer d = Integer.valueOf(128);
@Unihedron well I think the compiler should throw an error on both statements like "h" + 1 is kinda strange. I hate magic.
the (only) correct way to compare the objects would be c.equals(d) // true
@someone why?
it's not an error, and so an error should not be thrown
if you use an IDE, then your IDE can warn you about confusing statements
@Unihedron I know. It's the inconsistency that gets me. Why not just disable the cache altogether for all ints and force the devs to always use .equals on objects, rather than somehow returning same cached instanced for certain amount of numbers and not other.
Java designers had to be smoking something really strong. :D
@DavidPacker sorry, why should they force devs to use .equals when == works and does exactly what it needs to do?
In what kind of situation would you use | instead of || ?
when you need | instead of ||
Well it compares references, which is fine, but JVM returns you cached instances of Integer objects, which is the strange behaviour.
@Unihedron I can't think of an example where it would make a difference.
Computation speed?
@Pigman168 then you won't need it.
| doesn't short circuit, right?
@overactor Yup
@Unihedron I just want to know where it would be useful...
again, when you need | instead of ||
very rarely will such a case arise.
@DavidPacker "If a new Integer instance is not required, this method should generally be used in preference to the constructor Integer(int), as this method is likely to yield significantly better space and time performance by caching frequently requested values."
what's strange about this behaviour?
more like, if you're comparing references and not equality, you should expect for the match to fail when you're not reusing your objects
did anyone read "The art of computer programming" by donald knuth ?
the only programming related book I've read is JCIP...
Imagine a scenario you're calling an API which allows you to set flags of an int attribute, let's say in binary: 1b - with status, 10b - detailed, combining 11b would result into detailed response with status. Now in your codebase you really do not want to throw binary number constants at the API, you, preferably, want the request to be readable, so you define the following constants in your code:

WITH_STATUS = 1 << 0;
DETAILED = 1 << 1;

And then when you call the API and you want a response with status and details you call it with the int requestFlag = WITH_STATUS | DETAILED flag.
Many people are saying it's a must read for programmers, but I never had the time to. maybe someday.
@DavidPacker it's the bitwise operator?
What else would that be?
I think it's based on the same bit from C++ (or maybe I messed it up and C++ doesn't have this), but the logical operators && and || can be replaced by & and | to get a non-short circuiting version that always evaluates the expressions on both sides
for example, true || expression evaluates to true without the expression evaluated, true | expression evaluates to true and the expression is evaluated
I'm aware of the bitwise operators (^, &, |) but it wouldn't match the context of comparing it with ||
What does this mean "ehetr rae hsignt htat iownkgn onw't od uoy nya gdoo for"
It's a riddle.
I'm not going to give you the answer.
Really ?
Your page looks creepy similar to cicada3301.org
@Unihedron It can be used in conditions and yes, it won't short cicruit, because it's bitwise or and as such needs result of both left and right operands. It needs to evaluate both parts before being able to do the bitwise or. So this may be used in situations where you need both parts of a condition to run and need the result of the expression to be considered true only in some cases. But I think this only leads to unreadable code and have yet to find usage for it.
Although I have used bitwise or for flag combinations to a great extent.
@DavidPacker I read everything you wrote here, and I'm surprised I didn't tl;dr it. Also, that's just a glorified way or what I just said: very rarely will such a case arise.
It's also more clear to just write res = expr; res2 = expr; res || res2 instead of doing res | res2
and you'd be doing yourself a favour
@Unihedron Exactly.
bitwise operations are the true heart of good code
the kind of good code that I hide in a treasure box and occasionally take out to look at and weep
@Unihedron I tried to reverse it but still unreadable. Is it in a different language ?
@someone you need english and a good sense of logic and decoding to solve it
"there are things that knowing won't do you any good for" is not the answer
Oh, I thought you were simply supposed to read it.
I wouldn't waste time on it if I were you
I will try to solve it. Maybe you offer a path toward enlightenment too like 3301 :)
I am not an organization with high morals and clear ideals like 3301, merely a narcissistic individual who connected chains while he had too much time on his hands
but whatever floats your goat man
I probably need to make a proper website one day
if only I have 36 hours a day and not just 24...
Me too codeinternals.com still a black home page
I was hoping they start a puzzle for 2017 but still no news
I only knew about them in late 2016
@overactor performance may turn out to be a factor, yes; the main problem is the sheer abuse of them (again, using streams for the sake of using streams)
@fge what about using for loops for the sake of using for loops?
@overactor bad
I know people who are mad about doubly linked lists
and they always use doubly linked lists even if the task is suited for an array and they won't listen no matter how many times I tell them
don't be like them
@overactor not sure what you are trying to say; any construct can be abused, but it is particularly true of streams
"Yay, Java gets functional, let's do functional" -- NOT
Use it when it makes sense
I always use ArrayLists, this is probably not a good thing
most of the times when you need a List, you build an arraylist, it's kinda natural
if you don't know any other List, then that's a different problem and not an urgent one
I know of other types of lists, I just don't know when to use another type of list
Then you've never had the need for them; that's not a bad thing per se
I don't know how to put this politely
so I'll just say it in another way
mathematicians use topology to solve non-topology problems when the need for topology in non-topology problems arises
every other time, topology is basically useless
@Unihedron I just watched a few 3Blue1Brown videos, so this speaks to me
every other list implementation aside from arraylist is like that, they're obscure and have a specific contract, and works best when you need that implementation specifically
sometimes you don't even want a list, you can replace sorted lists with priority queues and other constructs that CS has designed
        .filter(i -> i.isWanted())
What if I think that's really expressive?
Though admittedly, Java does sort of discourage it by having you call .stream() and not having a .firstOrDefault().
for (Element el : someList)
  if (el.isWanted())
    return el;
return someDefault;
be careful with those missing curly braces
there are no blocks here, all statements except the last are single-line
now what if I told you it's:
Element el = someList.stream()
changes nothing
you can't do the return
unless you extract it to a method of course
then don't use a return.
@Unihedron can you give me a hint ?
@someone english, logic, and decoding
these are not keys, but qualities you need
Element elem = someDefault;
for (Element el : someList)
  if (el.isWanted())
    elem = el;
Or would you do it differently?
Well, you need if {} for that one since there are two lines, but otherwise it works so it's good
@Unihedron That's my point though, you've now got a local variable that can't be declared final and you've added two lines to your line count, just because you don't want to return the result but instead save it to a variable.
That's what I like about the streams way, it's an expression, so you can just write it whereever you like.
of course performance and readability are legitimate concerns.
Aww I will be alone on this Valentine 😢
@Hemlata happy singleness awareness day to you too
@Unihedron Yeah 😭
@overactor Something like
for (Element el : someList) {
  if (el.isWanted()) { return el; }
return defaultEl;
@MadaraUchiha I don't want to return the element though, I want to use it in the same method.
@overactor So you delegate to a method that does return it, and use that...
That's what I'd do anyway
@MadaraUchiha probably not a bad idea, depending on the actual use case.
Often feels like it's a bit excessive though.
Isn't there a (List<T> list).find(Predicate<T>): T method?
@MadaraUchiha There should be if you ask me
Seems like there isn't
while we're on the topic
Why does contains() on List<T> take an Object?
@overactor Because you compare objects
I read up on it a bit, it seems to hinge upon the ability to save a List<T> as a List<?>
A list requires an object IIRC, you can't use rawtypes
Partly because of the methods the type needs to implement
@overactor all objects of a list are rawtyped and erased in runtime; the only thing the list knows is that they are objects, so it uses the only thing it can use for comparing objects: .equals
this means that whatever you pass in contains() is used to drop in that .equals() function, and equals() takes Object
@Unihedron That's a good point, but for the user it doesn't make sense to pass in anything besides a object of type T, does it?
@overactor then pass in an object of T
you're quite a pragmatic person
@Hemlata come to the Java room and hang out with people from around the globe ;)
I'll be writing a test on JPA this valentine
@ItachiUchiha Lol
Morning, Java!
Can someone help me with this problem. The link is given below stackoverflow.com/questions/42186684/…
@Michael morning Michael
@Unihedron Correction: All objects.
Hey @overactor
To the Java Bytecode, everything is either an object or one of the primitives.
@MadaraUchiha o/
@ItachiUchiha \o How do you do?
I am good. How is weekend treating you?
@ItachiUchiha It was nice while it lasted.
Alas, we work Sundays here in Israel.
@MadaraUchiha if you take that reasoning to the extreme you might as well not bother with any type information beyond primitives and Object though.
Are you kidding me?
(I know that's not what you're saying)
Is Friday off for you guys?
@overactor Java's typing is purely in the compiler.
They don't extend to runtime.
That's all I'm saying.
I am aware, my response was more to @Unihedron
you were just providing additional context, not really arguing a point
@overactor You replied to me though, and didn't ping @Unihedron :P
as far as I could tell
@MadaraUchiha mea culpa
While writing test cases, is it advisable to write modular test methods which are dependent on other methods? For example, if I have a class which has create() and delete(). I can write a testCreate method and then testDelete for testing the logic of create() and delete() respectively. But, this means that I cannot run testDelete alone. Is this an advisable approach?
cc @MadaraUchiha
@ItachiUchiha Wouldn't that mean that you test create() and delete() in every test?
Or am I misunderstanding?
No really, I can test creation alone.
But, for deletion I need something to delete
Ah, I see what you mean.
Every test involved bringing "the world" to the state you need it to be before you can test an output.
You can't really test delete() without testing create(), so you'll have to with one test verify create() works and given that that works, you can test delete() and use create() without needing to worry that it might not work.
That's how I see it.
Ideally, that first step is trivial. In your case, it sounds like you need to use create() or some other means (injection?) to get your object to the state you need for the test.
It's not 100% optimal, because you have one point of failure in two tests, meaning that if you screw create(), two tests will fail, not just one.
But I suggest you follow the rule of 3
Wait for 3 instances of a repetition to think up an abstraction.
What's rule of 3?
If you see that create() is a major part in the initialization of every test of that class
Then think of something up (like moving the create() to the buildUp method or whatever)
OK, makes sense
When did this room change names?
It keeps changing
That's weird
lol the room title
20 hours ago, by Unihedron
room topic changed to Java // NOT ANDROID OR JAVASCRIPT
i see uni got pissed again
@ItachiUchiha lol
It was about time it changed
@MadaraUchiha I personally like to do all my scripting in JAVA
@overactor Who hurt you?
@MadaraUchiha Brendan Eich :(
I like to design websites using servlets.
I'll just leave that there
I like to synchronize Java via PHP
@overactor Friend of mine compiled a massive brush library in C to web assembly and demonstrated how he uses that C library to make an online version of some paint tool.
@MadaraUchiha How did that work out?
@overactor Pretty well
He made a talk about it too, emscripten
> The quest for strong typing
Dude, if you need strong typing in the browser, go with TypeScript. Seriously.
Not only is the typesystem stronger than Java's, you'll get actual JS you can debug, and not some assembly blob.
Is good debugging not something planned for webassembly?
I have no intention of using either TypeScript or Java for webdev in the near future by the way.
I've heard some good things about Elm as well.
@overactor It's made under the assumption that sourcemaps work well
And they don't.
will they ever?
Maybe, I don't know.
1 hour later…
anyone who fights me in a custom, modified game of chess and beats me gets to decide what to name this roon, it's official
You just say that to get someone to play with you
1 hour later…
Can anyone tell me if the solution of this task is crying out for a know design pattern?
Continuation to "programming music" topic: Write in C
@TheCoder not sure what the problem really is; how are you supposed to handle a buy order spanning more than one seller?
It doesn't say, for one, which seller has the priority
3 hours later…
@unserializable Proof C is dead.

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