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Well, if no one is going to say anything, then I'll tell a very short story.
One time we were driving to the middle of nowhere, and a few minutes after we lose our radio signal, a tumbleweed rolls across the road.
The end.
No ghosts?.. No Zombies?.. What kind of story is it?
@JonahSloan That's a boring story.
Anybody else seen the movie "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"?
I haven't
I don't have anything remarkable to say about it.
1 hour later…
DOes anyone know about selenium webdriver? I have a strange problem.
2 hours later…
Fun fact: Netflix runs on Java
I knew it
Morning o/
Good morning. I'm going to sleep now.
Have a good night :)
Morn @Nicktar :)
morn tavo
Hey Tavo :)
@ItachiUchiha Can you give some solution for this?
@Zyber Sorry mate. I have no experience with Selenium
@JonahSloan Fun fact about the Netflix: Chaos Monkey randomly roams in their infrastructure, to make sure it has been built up in resilient ways.
"Chaos Monkey randomly terminates virtual machine instances and containers that run inside of your production environment. Exposing engineers to failures more frequently incentivizes them to build resilient services." :P
@Zyber about your SO question on Selenium: it could also be that the request submission on FF 45 (which you upgraded to) compared to FF 38 works differently due to some obscure framework or page logic kicking in with newer browser version.
I'm so happy I don't have to use Selenium anymore
Hi Guys, JavaFX question here
@Tavo Amen
I have a problem where the user is navigating through the application and I don't know how to manage the panes
Let's say the user is clicking on the Menu on Link A , then the User needs to choose whether he wants to navigate to A1, A2, A3
each one of A1, A2, A3 maintain a state, so if the user goes back to A and then again goes to one of A1, A2, A3, state should be preserved
@unserializable Thanks bro, If I change the request method to GET using a extension the page loads, but I want to do that automatically without my interference using some preferences or settings.
@Zyber Yw. But with problems needing solving, there is no avoiding interference... Be it by changing software versions, extensions, source code, retrieved page code, long debug sessions to determine the root cause, etc...
@Tavo d(゚ー゚d(゚ー゚d(゚ー゚d(゚ー゚)b゚ー゚)b゚ー゚)b゚ー゚)b
Aww I hate cold :(
@Unihedron not sure if group hug or legion of supporters
@Tavo group thumbs up
I'll take it
lots of doubble dagger wielding attackers in spearhead formation
Morning, Java!
Morning, Michael!
Hey @geisterfurz
Hey @Hans
@Unihedron Human chain?
@Michael human centipede actually
@Nicktar I won't take that
@ballBreaker nor that
Also, why do the guys on the left have longer mouths?
@Michael Its a hard time...
You need to step up your emoticon game, @Uni
boom headshot
lifetime ban
@MadaraUchiha is not happy?
it's just some ascii characters..
i was kidding
I don't even see what you guys are talking about
it's clearly a little gun shooting a guy in the eye
Yeah... You slid of the keyboard right?
i miss rabbit, he used to talk nsfw all the time
Yeah I tripped and fell..and landed on my .. keyboard
no problem @ballBreaker :>
me n gf's channel has 7 subscribers in one day
we are pretty much youtube famous now
can't wait til all that youtube money rains down
thats kind of hard to look at
sry bender
Man you both have my support!
No idea who you are and how your channel's named, but you got me :>
did you watch the video I linked yesterday? haha
tryin' to get that YT guap
@Michael ┐(´д`)┌
@Unihedron Mmm. Use of logograms. Better.
aaaaaand I am done o/ Bye and have a nice evening :)
Tavo u check that video out? haha
@Tavo Can ya please explain me "The spare" in the bowling? I got that if in the second ball he knocked down (1, 2 or any till 10) pins, and the sum of the first ball plus second ball is ten, then it's a spare and the player will get one more chance. Does that mean if he knocked down 6 pins then the game will end if it's last frame (frame 10)?
@Hemlata in bowling, you always have two shots. If you knock all the pins with the first ball, it's called a strike. if you have to use the second shot and you manage knocking all the remaining pins with it, it's called "a spare"
but with the last frame, it is special
In the last frame he will get more chances if it's a bonus?
Or a strike or a spare?
"If a bowler should get a strike or a spare in the 10th frame"
but with the last frame, it is special
you get a third shot
it says that in the site you linked
sorry, my internet is horrible. I can barely type and post here
Yea that means the game will continue if it's a strike or a spare, even though it's a last frame?
@Hemlata it won't continue. You get an extra shot in the last frame if you score a strike or a spare
that's it
you don't keep shooting until you stop scoring strikes
@Tavo two extra shots for a strike
not really two extra, but you can see it that way
But what if I got another shot in the last one? Then wouldn't it keep continuing?
yes really
the extra shot is the last one
there are no more shots after the extra
Yea, I mean if in that extra shot I got another shot or bonus, then wouldn't be it continue?
@Hemlata no
those are not the rules
the 10th frame goes like this:
bye o/
if you get a strike, you get the second shot as well. If in the second shot you score another strike, you get a third. That's the end of the game
if you get a spare, you get a bonus shot. That's the end of the game
the game doesn't go on forever. The maximum score in a game of bowling is 300
which would be 12 strikes in a row
If you get a strike, the bonus shots are two extra rolls, if you get a spare, the bonus shot is one roll, if you don't get a strike or a spare, it ends.
That means score should never go more than 300?
what @Uni said, but taking into account that the game ends after the bonus shot
@Hemlata correct. 300 points is called a perfect game
@Tavo bonus shots
Um ok, thanks! :)
@Unihedron whatever
@Hemlata np
it's that last frame that f**ks up everything
I wonder who came up with that point system...
and how
that's why tenpin bowling isn't the system I use
Yea but that's the intresting part which ya gotta code lol
@Hemlata all the carry over is the challenge :)
Yea :)
@Unihedron my wristwatch is tenpin based
@Tavo 10 hours a day?
1 message moved to bin
@Unihedron you might be surprised, but some French revolutionaries wanted to switch from sexagesimal to a decimal based system to measure time
I'm not
it didn't last long
probably the same people that changed the calendar into the revolutionary one
a much better idea though
there's no point
the chinese uses a lunatic (moon-based) calendar because it's a nation that grew up with heavy influence to farming so they still use it and that point still matters
good luck getting anyone to care about some ancient revolution
the calendar proposed during the French revolution was lunar as well. It named the months after the events that would happen in the fields (seeding, plowing, growing...). Also, it removed the names of the saints from it. It wasn't a bad idea. It died with the revolution though
the Gregorian calendar does not make much sense astronomically
I didn't know the french was an agricultural nation
Wines and cheeses and delicious animal meat :)
I figured all first world nations were at some point agricultural
Just by the nature of the progression of civilization
"France has historically been a large producer of agricultural products. Extensive tracts of fertile land, the application of modern technology, and EU subsidies have combined to make France the leading agricultural producer and exporter in Europe (representing 20% of the EU's agricultural production) and the world's third biggest exporter of agricultural products."
huh, interesting
why didn't I learn this in geography
@ballBreaker duh
@ballBreaker all developed countries were at some point developing yes
@Unihedron Yeah, well you said "was" an agricultural nation
implying that it never at any point was one
Hence my comment
well I'm stupid and didn't think it was one at any point in the past that's why
Well then, duh
what you read from France is basically true for most European countries
Spain is great producer of agricultural products. So are the UK and Italy. And I'm going to venture and say that most of the land-extensive countries in the EU
not so sure about the production/consumption ratio of countries like Switzerland though
In fact, countries in the EU have the potential to produce a lot more than what they do. In order to artificially preserve prices, every country in the union is given production quotas. Farmers are given subsidies if they have lands they don't cultivate to not exceed the quotas
that goes the same for other basic products like milk, meat...
where I come from, the nobility still own most of the land. They don't use it and receive a ton of money from the EU subsidies
and that's the end of my history/sociopolitics lesson for today :P
One more last question. Let's say I got a strike in 10th frame and then I got 2 more shots, now I got one more strike in 2nd shot then I will get the last shot, and in that also I got a strike. So total is 30 and I have 200 score in frame 9, so total score is 230, right?
@Tavo gets up and leaves lecture hall
And if I didn't got a strike in 2nd shot, instead I got 4, so 10+4 is 14 and plus the score of frame 9 which is 200, hence the total score will be 214, right?
Why ya removed it?
I found a bowling score calculator: bowlinggenius.com
Oh that means it's not 10?
damn it, I don't remember how it works anymore
yes, it's 30
Aww why ya removed it?
That means I was right?
no, it's 300
@Unihedron What?lol
90, 90, 90, 30
Where those 90, 90, 90 came?
damn, I need to check that
I don't remember anymore
it's 30
for every strike, the score is that roll (10) and the next two rolls, so since all your rolls are strikes it's 30 (10 and two 10's)
But I will not get the third shot if I didn't got a strike in 2nd shot, right?
I'm talkin bout 10th frame
the strikes in the frames 1-9 all score 270 and three strikes in frame 10 is 30
so you get a perfect score of 300
@Hemlata hem yes. you were right
Let's say I got strike in 10th frame, then I will get two more chance and I got 2 in 2nd shot, and 3 in 3rd shot then score will be 15, right?
@Hemlata yes
That means I will get atleast 2 more shots (if I get a strike in 10th frame) it doesn't matter if it's a strike or not, but I will get those 2 shots?
Cool, thanks :)
Now I can code lol
How long did ya took to code it?
a weekend. Some 25 hours
What? Does it take that long to code?
does anyone see sth wrong in my query statement?
String query = "INSERT INTO "+ParamString.DB_TABLE_PROCESSES.getString()+" (identifier, server_ip, p_id, date_time) VALUES ("+processidentifier+", "+simulationServerIPAddress+", "+processid+", "+starttime+")";
well, I refactored the code a few times
@motaa yes
and had proper test coverage
you're using string concatenation
use a preparedstatement
I will also calculate the time I took to code.
so yes, it takes a while
anyway, enough for today. I'm off
@Unihedron thats not the problem because it gets executed like this:
SimServer.this.manager.execute(query, SimServer.this);
and that execute methods creates a preparedstatement
thats the exception that is getting thrown:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "D" Position: 93
Well I am on the right track but now the error occurs somewhere else >D
great got it sorted out
forgot the "'inet '" and the '' around strings
Any suggestions on API design what status code to return if a resource is temporarily not available. e.g a daily limit has been reached - come back later
hold on I forgot the one for rate limiting
it's 429
I think
Not rate limiting though
like, a resource is being used by others and will be free at a given point in time
"Request Time-out
The server timed out waiting for the request. According to HTTP specifications: "The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without modifications at any later time.""
Interesting, thanks @Unihedro, I think I'm going to claim 419 - Come back later with the return time in the error message
2 hours later…
Anyone on here ever been to Bermuda?
Anyone on here have experience with Jersey?
1 hour later…
@ballBreaker bermuda triangle?
2 hours later…
So why does InputStream have a read() method that say it returns a byte but the return type is int?
Hi All
Can anybody see if he can help with this JavaFX question ?

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