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I drink so slow lol
@ItachiUchiha Typically not enough to be drunk...
@Unihedron Ok. How is life? And school?
ugh now its two of those corny faces next to each other
i feel like im some kind of anime chat
I graduated high school a while ago. And life is normal.
@Hans1984 FOR THE HATS
@Hans1984 Three
@Hans1984 your hat doesn't really match your avatar though
i know
but its a trophy upside down
how cool is that?
But mine does lol
nvm I can't rationalize it
@MadaraUchiha 4
was going to talk it off as a wineglass on top of your eye or something
@ItachiUchiha everywhere
i already have a hat
one of us
thats why they gave me a trophy instead
@uni where did the jumping fox from your profile go?
@ItachiUchiha He is at a better place now.
Is anyone doing adventofcode?
@Unihedron @Hemlata might be interested
I think I linked it here last year.
nvm I didn't.
@Unihedron Do they have jus 25 questions?
@Hemlata There are tasks unlocked every day, just like a christmas advent calendar
(two tasks :) )
21 questions
@Unihedron Oh, I see.
i got 99 problems but the vaadin aint one
Looks interesting
It starts off easy and with the first 3 days you could probably finish them under 10 minutes.
I'm at about day 9 and I'm also about to enter a drunken spiral.
drunken spiral
sounds fun
@Unihedron yes i did
but not anymore
@ColdFire how far did you get?
well i only did till day 2 :(
havent started day 3 onwards yet
eclipse was getting quite irritating so i dropped it
I did most of advent in JS.
i see
i dont know JS :(
In the browser console.
I was going to use Java originally, but the compilation takes so much effort I was getting ticked off.
same for me eclipse ticked me off
use js
script languages are ez
yeah but i havent written a single word in js yet
@ColdFire good time to start ;)
JS is incredibly easy
i guess when i have time i will do for sure
@ItachiUchiha can I say string is a constant since it is immutable ?
use js scripts stolen from /r/adventofcode
stealing code is ez
doesn't even need to learn js
i already have scala, java 8, swift and kotlin under pipeline to learn
@FlyingGambit constant doesn't mean immutable, it also means final.
@FlyingGambit Nope
@ColdFire why do you need kotlin?
@FlyingGambit nope
@Unihedron for android
@Unihedron I find it better than Scala ;)
Then what does it mean when I say something is immutable ?
@ItachiUchiha Yep. The only thing scala is good for is letting me pretend I'm writing code.
I'm gonna do: projecteuler.net/archives from today :)
Gonna take a while to complete
@FlyingGambit It means no mutation can happen to any of such objects.
@Hemlata Nice ;)
Though I have already completed first 10 or 12 but I will start from scratch
If we look at class Holder { int number = 0; }, this is mutable.
@Unihedron Is it?
If we look at class Holder { final int number; Holder(int init) { number = init; } }, this is immutable because every "detail" doesn't change.
@Hemlata Yes, because you can "mutate" the object, like with
@Unihedron static final int x = 5; is also immutable ?
@uni Have you registered at an university yet?
Oh yea
@FlyingGambit nope its immutable :) (I read it as mutable)
Holder value = new Holder(); value.number = 10 // mutation
@ItachiUchiha I'm not going to university. :P
@Unihedron Are you happy at university? Or, still the same complains :P
@ItachiUchiha it's mutable cuz it's static?
@Unihedron I am not getting it
I am poor at Java
hello..i'm building a web browser in swing using WebEngine in jfxpanel...but how i can support other languages init?
@ItachiUchiha Lol that's what I though cuz it's final
@ItachiUchiha that means constants are immutable
@FlyingGambit All constants are immutable, but not all immutable instances are constants.
@FlyingGambit yes, but not the opposite.
@ItachiUchiha Not "always" the opposite.
Strings are also immutable, right?
@Unihedron Bingo :D
@ItachiUchiha Oh, I'm not happy at university, but it's not the "same" complaints.
@Hemlata Strings are immutable, but they are not necessarily constants.
@Unihedron No gf yet? :P
so if I just consider this string literal "hello", this is immutable which means it cannot change in the string pool, which means it is a constant ?
@FlyingGambit The immutable part is correct. The constant part is not.
Are Numbers mutable? It can point to Float or Double or Integer or did I misunderstand smth (bet I miss something...)?
@geisterfurz007 Wrapped Integer is immutable.
@geisterfurz007 I think not, its a wrapper class
Dangit... Would have been to easy lol
This is also why after you do something to an integer, you need to assign it to the variable.
Mutable objects tend not to be reassigned.
What would be an example for a mutable Object?
@ColdFire not an object
@Unihedron not a typo , sure ?
@Unihedron oh yeah its not a object
@FlyingGambit look at this
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" days");
We don't write sb = sb.append unlike how you will write str = str + " days" if we were to use a regular String.
This is because the state of StringBuilder changes when you use .append and can be reused as is.
@tavo @FlyingGambit @geisterfurz007 everything went well
Mutable objects are therefore usually stateful.
But the implementation then be something like this+=arg; or something like that or not?
@wonderb0lt Nice! Congrats!
What do you mean "inner code"? The implementation?
@Unihedron Okay I understand mutability part
@Unihedron Yeah
@wonderb0lt nice congrats
@wonderb0lt Congrats! :)
I highlighted the part where the implementation changes the state of the stringbuilder, but yes.
@Unihedron Eclipse?
@wonderb0lt Congrats! What went well?
Ok incoming question
In the case of String immutability, for example

String a = "Apple";   // "Apple" gets added in the string pool = ["Apple"]
String b = "Banana";  // "Banana" gets added in the string pool = ["Apple", "Banana"]
String c = "Apple";   // "Apple" does not get added in the string pool = ["Apple", "Banana"]

Instead it uses the exisiting one, does it not make the string literal "Apple" a constant ? If not then in what context is this immutable ?
@MadaraUchiha Interview with a prospective customer who wants to hire me through my company
@wonderb0lt Nice
Congrats :)
@Unihedron So basically in its implementation everything has to be immutable but an object is called imutable if it has not to be reassigned?
@wonderb0lt WooHoo Congrats Bro
@FlyingGambit "Apple" is a literal. We are concerned about a, b and c here :)
@FlyingGambit It's immutable in that once the reference in a is set, the value in it cannot be changed without the reference changing also.
@FlyingGambit The string [0]"Apple" in the pool is a "literal" (not for the literal meaning of literal but for what Java calls a literal) constant. c = "Apple" itself isn't a constant.
@geisterfurz007 An object is called immutable if no mutation can happen to any of such objects.
Implementations in immutable objects can't change its state.
@MadaraUchiha That makes sense to me. @All Thanks guys I understand it now
I think I have to learn more about this stuff to get it... I have not even been at university yet :/
But thanks for your try to explain to me @Unihedron :)
I have never and will never go to university. :)
@geisterfurz007 When an object is immutable, you can safely determine if two objects are different using ==
@Unihedron You hate university?
@Unihedron does that not make someVaribale = anyValue; immutable ?
Which I cannot do with Strings who are immutable as well @MadaraUchiha
@FlyingGambit I think it depends what type of variable it is?
@FlyingGambit If myValue is a mutable object then it isn't.
@geisterfurz007 You can know an object has been changed with ==
If it is a number or a string then it's immutable.
If you have a Person object with a name and age properties
Any of those properties may change, and you can't detect that change with == on the Person object itself.
I was thinking of the case where I assign values to a variable like int a = 5;
Because the reference remained the same
But in the case of an immutable object, the object can't change unless the entire reference is changed
Therefore, you can do newObj == oldObj to quickly determine if an object has been changed in any way
So somePerson==somePerson.setAge(12) would always give true?
@geisterfurz007 With a mutable object, and assuming setAge returns this, yes.
Here's a dummy implementation of a mutable object:
Whereas if I **had** to go with


would give back false always as it is a new object...
class Person {
  private int age;

  public Person setAge(int newAge) {
    age = newAge;
    return this;

Person p = new Person();
System.out.println(p == p.setAge(5)); // true
Here's an immutable implementation
@geisterfurz007 In your this example, setAge doesn't return this. If it did, it would give true.
aaaaaaaaah confusion O.O
@Unihedron you are lacking practice :P
@ItachiUchiha More like I'm used to real markdown. ;)
class ImmutablePerson {
  private int age

  public ImmutablePerson(int age) {
    this.age = age;

  public ImmutablePerson setAge(int newAge) {
    if (newAge != age) { return new ImmutablePerson(newAge); }
    return this;

ImmutablePerson p = new ImmutablePerson(5);
ImmutablePerson p2 = p.setAge(6);
ImmutablePerson p3 = p.setAge(6);

System.out.println(p == p2); //false
System.out.println(p2 == p3); //true
Its a shame that SO supports it partially
@MadaraUchiha It's missing a semicolon after private int age.
probs not important though
@ItachiUchiha what markdown?
price markdown
@ColdFire yup
sales skyrocketing
@MadaraUchiha ayy
@MadaraUchiha Is that you with the belly :P
As you can see, there's no way to change any of the values in ImmutablePerson without getting an entirely new object
i see
Immutable <-
So if == is true, you can be sure that the object hasn't changed since your reference point.
stop posting private pics@MadaraUchiha
Immutable people are like clay people, mutable people are like lab rats.
No two lab rats are the same, clay people can be.
@Hans1984 rofl
@MadaraUchiha This is immutable because it does not create a new Object if the age is the same... If it is though it returns the same object... got it... I think :D
It is immutable because all the properties in it can't be changed once it's declared.
@wonderb0lt yay!
@geisterfurz007 It's immutable because you have no way of changing it once it's created.
You can only get a new one.
@MadaraUchiha ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
Now I get it!
Or reuse old ones, which is what happens with string literals.
There's no way to get from p to p2 without getting a brand new object
* unless you use reflection (don't)
let the same thing or get a new one -> immutable
can change the same thing *or* get a new one -> mutable ?
@geisterfurz007 Let's put it this way
Java lets you do too much, many answers to "can this be done" is often "don't".
Person p = new Person(6);
int ageBefore = p.getAge();
int ageAfter = p.getAge();
If it's at all possible that after someMethod, any of p's fields were changed, it's not an immutable object.
@MadaraUchiha You people type very fast, I was still trying to understand this code. I am not getting this part System.out.println(p == p2); //false why is it false ? p and this should be same in this context ?
If it's at all possible that ageBefore and ageAfter are not the same, Person is not immutable.
@FlyingGambit p /* age: 5 */ .setAge(6) returns a new object
@FlyingGambit setAge returns an entirely new object if newAge is different from age.
So == will not return true.
  public ImmutablePerson setAge(int newAge) { // newAge: 6
    if (newAge != age) // 6 != 5: true
      { return new ImmutablePerson(newAge); } // reached
    return this;
oh this part return new ImmutablePerson(newAge);
cleverly hidden :D
yeah the formatting isn't the best in that throwaway code
@MadaraUchiha aye! Got it! Because p will stay the same thing ever and someMethod would have to assign a new person to another variable. But what if someMethod(Person pers) would do this:

p = p.setAge(6);

@geisterfurz007 Then the outer p would still not be changed.
That's how scoping works
Inside the function, you'll have a completely different p object, sure.
But the original object remains untouched
And is being referenced elsewhere
Think about it like this:
Okay quick question, == just checks its type or references ?
@FlyingGambit references, doesn't compare different types
int i = 0;
// i is still 0 here

public void someMethod(int i) {
  i = i + 1;
  // i is 1 here
@FlyingGambit Only reference
then how is p2==p3 both of them are different references of the newly created object
@FlyingGambit Because of the condition
@FlyingGambit They are the same object.
int i = 0;
// i is still 0 here

public void someMethod(int othername) {
  i = othername + 1;
  // i is 1 here
"Reference" in Java doesn't mean actual references, they're still pointing to the same object so it returns true.
p2 is an ImmutablePerson with age 6, and setAge has a condition that if you try to set the same age, it just returns this (a.k.a. the same reference)
Immutable objects are a really powerful concept
wait wait
ImmutablePerson p = new ImmutablePerson(5);
ImmutablePerson p2 = p.setAge(6); // okay not 5, so returns new object with age = 6
ImmutablePerson p3 = p.setAge(6); // okay not 5, so returns new object with age = 6
OH I thought it said p2.setAge
@MadaraUchiha Mostly because they make everything thread safe ;)
yeah it should return false because there's no caching pool
phew thats a relief
@MadaraUchiha why isn't there a cache pool
6 mins ago, by geisterfurz007
int i = 0;
// i is still 0 here

public void someMethod(int othername) {
  i = othername + 1;
  // i is 1 here
@Unihedron its left for you to add :P
Whats with that? ^^
@geisterfurz007 ??
The one above :)
Is i still 0 then?
In that code , if it was like this , then it would have become an example of mutable object ?

    public ImmutablePerson setAge(int newAge) {
       this.age = age;
        return this;
then, when?
@FlyingGambit It would create a syntax error because this.age is final and cannot be assigned.
@ItachiUchiha Versus the one of @MadaraUchiha here
Morning, Java!
@ItachiUchiha was talking about this code chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/34721796#34721796
@Michael System.out.print("Good Morning Michael");
Oh, then it would be fine.
int i = 0;
// i would be 1 here

public void someMethod(int othername) {
i = othername + 1;
// i is 1 here
But it still doesn't do anything because it assigns age to age and doesn't use newAge.
return "Morning @Flying";
@ItachiUchiha omg why ?
@Michael morning micheal
@FlyingGambit because i is an instance variable and not final. We are changing its value inside the method.
^ In other words, scoping.
When you write i = i + 1, the code "sees" the i in the parameter.
@ItachiUchiha so if I say, this.i = othername + 1;, will it make a difference
When you write i = othername + 1, the code "sees" the other i.
What if i was not int but Integer? Then someMethod is able to do something that i has a different value after :/
20 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
If it's at all possible that after someMethod, any of p's fields were changed, it's not an immutable object.
You're still only assigning to p, not fields in p.
so with that I am not assigning any fields in i but the value of it... Got it :)
@ItachiUchiha @Unihedron ok, I understand , my tiny blurry eyes missed the int i = 0; instead read it as int i =1;
I need to go through my Java book once again. T_T The Pain
Bye guys, have fun, gn
and Thanks :D
I have a problem :), Is it possible to return HttpStatus 403 in a Spring controller method (public String changePassword) ?
@FlyingGambit bye and thanks to you as well. I did not know about all that stuff :D
Hi I have what I imagine is an amazingly stupid question but I hadn't touched Java till this morning.
@geisterfurz007 o/
Amaze me.
@Hubington Go on :)
I pulled down a project that someone who used to work here did for us and tired to build it but they didn't put half the stuff into git. I've got the external jars registered but when I compile I get an error telling me it couldn't find a property file in edu/stanford/nlp/pipeline which isn't in the jar I have found it in the compiled version that's live though and if I attach that jar file it runs
what I need to know is how to take out just that properties file and add it to the project so that it can see it and I don't have the previous versions jar in the project also needlessly
lol I am out xD
Hey @Cold
Heading home an hour early :) cya all o/
1 hour later…
@Hubington did they use any build tool that you don't use?
@Hubington other than that, a jar is basically just a zip file. Any zip-tool should be able to handle it
bye ppl
In Java spring I have Client extends User, when I use findByEmail in the user repository and return it in the controller I can see fields from the Client class. Is that normal?
@Waterscroll What do you mean?
In the controller, the json returned to the client has fields from the Client class, but I am using the User class in the controller.
birthdate is a field of the Client class, not User class, but is presented in the final JSON
@ballBreaker Was that a salute?
well done
I'm trying to find another job
How's that going?
And why?
It's uh
It's not really going
I'm trying to avoid doing it
And I need to find another job because my current contract is about to expire
I have no income beginning in February
Ahhhh okay I see
Yeah, I know that feeling
not a fun feeling
I'm trying to get a job as a web developer
when I've never been a web developer before
Oh.. yeah, that's tricky.. do you have any experience at all, or knowledge?
When I was applying for java positions, the web development part is what screwed me in all of the interviews since I knew none
or the "front-end developing" I should say
Now I'm learning Scala at my new job.. it's pretty sweet so far
I have zero experience, and only the knowledge I've gained trying to build my own site
I've successfully deployed a 3 tier web application locally
I've leveraged the Spring framework and implemented a very basic (like, almost "Hello World!" level) instance of Spring Security
I think in terms of getting a position, I'm slightly more attractive than a recent college grad with a BA in classical literature
Why not go for a Java position that dabbles in front-end then, and work your way towards web development?
Might have more of a chance, and less time without money in February
oh, I would take a Java position over a web dev position
... probably
Java's more fun that JS
Just not enough openings in your area?
Just confused why you're going for web at all
Because it would be very beneficial for me to get that experience given the fact that I'm trying to build my own website
Ideally I'd find a job working with a small team to deploy simple web applications that have a Java-based application layer
Also, if you can do "full stack" you'll be more appealing than someone who can only do "back end" work.
Something that uses JSPs would be ideal
Yeah, I would rate myself as a 1.5 on the front end, 2 on the application layer, and 1.5 on the back end
so pretty even distribution
but low, unfortunately
(Scale is from 0 to 10 btw)
That's on a 0-100 scale, right?
yeah, not quite 0 - 100

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