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i am trying to configure a server using the weblogic but i am getting error that local host not found, i have followed the instructions given in google
can any one help me i just wanna learn servlets and jsp techonologies
When you need something during the summer lull
public List<BakerFile> bake(Map<String, Object> parameters) throws BakerException {
  return bakers.stream()
    .map(baker -> baker.bake(parameters))
I love lambdas. So nice.
@MadaraUchiha Thank God(Sage of Six Paths), you have started to love something in Java!
hello every one !
@ItachiUchiha Yeah, the part they took from JS :D
I'm kidding
I actually like the Stream implementation better than JS's Array.prototype functions.
They do a lot better for large collections.
@MadaraUchiha I would have said C# :P
Guys, question: I'm trying to extract interface and rename class, I select the new name for the class, and the methods I want to extract, but when I hit either preview or refactor, it just closes the dialog and does nothing.
@ArifNoumanKhan Hello!
@ItachiUchiha I would have said Lisp vOv
@MadaraUchiha IntelliJ?
@MadaraUchiha Haskell :P
it does for me madara
also try doing one at a time
"One at a time"?
What do you mean?
I'm going to try to invalidate caches and restart
@MadaraUchiha Thats weird. It should work :)
Which is going to be fun waiting for 15 minutes for the reindexing...
i am using studio and it works
i mean do one action at a time
O Intellij, why must you torment me so?
like refactor
@ColdFire This is a single action
"extract interface and rename implementor"
It's under the "Extract Interface" dialog.
i see yeah it is single
you have to change the class name
for that
also as i said it works for me
@ColdFire Yes, I know that, that's what I'm trying to do.
WTF, even after Invalidate Caches and Restart it still doesn't work......
@MadaraUchiha 15 mins is a little too much. How large a project do you have?
@MadaraUchiha can you show me a Screenshot of it
@ItachiUchiha Far, far, too large.
@ItachiUchiha @ColdFire
Without choosing to rename, it works fine
Clicking "Preview" does the same thing
@MadaraUchiha It just works for me :D
Welp, I don't have the time to deal with it
I'll just do it manually.
works for me too
ok great
The advantage of automated refactoring, is that you can be relatively confident that nothing broke.
2 hours later…
Morning, Java!
1 hour later…
Good, France's men handball team is making mince meat of the host country
As expected
@fge 'Good' or 'God'? :P
@Tavo "good"
This is France's men handball team we are talking about
Host country? Pah!
just asking. A typo there would have changed your sentence entirely ;)
you might have been sorry for them
What? Brazil?
hey, they are people at the end of the day
so tempted to resign today lol
trying to just take deep breaths
@ballBreaker take it easy. You won't be there long
@Tavo they may be, but I resent the Brazilian spectators booing each and every athlete who is not theirs; partiality can only go so far
oh, I didn't know that
fair enough
You may call this a pesky revenge but this is mine :p And France's handball team is no novice to that kind of setback
@Tavo yeah im trying to calm myself down
So, the question I have, and not really suitable for a question I think because it might be too broad/opiniated.
I've been programming java since java 2, and i'm "catching up" to modern times, and i'm looking for reasons to use lambda's. In my used to the traditional java ways, lambda's look clunky and "off" but they also seem like a cool new tool. But unlike the rest in java, lambda's are hard to grasp intuitively. functions with no parameters have to be cast to Functions<A,B>, things have to be prepared, processor functions written etc... Which seems to me to be a convulated way to obfusc
@MichaelDibbets You're right - very broad, opinion based. However: There's lots of good places/reasons to use lambdas. In a lot of ways they're very powerful. The ability to create anonymous functions and pass them off to consuming code is very useful. The lambda streams and collectors are also (IMO) very powerful.
yes, I read that everywhere, but what does it entail in practical terms?
I think it varies depending on what you're trying to use. If you're doing things like processing collections, then that's a great place to use them. Are you really trying to say "Where should I start thinking like a functional programmer instead of an OO programmer?"
well, basically yea
I do a lot of work with collections, lists, and hashmaps
so hence my encountering of lambda's more and more heh
Sure. So let's take a contrived example
you've got a.. Customer object that has a bunch of fields, one of which is double outstandingBalanceOwed
and you need to get the list of people who owe more than $10K
normally you'd write a for-each loop, compare each one, create a second list and stuff all the matching ones in it, right?
normally i'd use an iterator for that
something like:
List<Customer> deadbeats = new ArrayList<Customer>();
for(Customer c : allCustomers){
if(c.outstandingBalanceOwed > 10000) {
1 sec, formatting code
no problem, i got time, i've been looking into lambda's for 2 months before asking this question heh
    ArrayList<Customer> deadbeats = allCustomers.stream().filter(customer -> customer.outstandingBalanceOwed > 10000).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList<Customer>::new));
And yes, that looks like a handful to start
yes it does
But the really nice/powerful thing is that in a lot of cases, the lambdas can interact
like, logically I can follow it, but it doesn't read as "natural" as the first one you wrote
so in this case, I've created one lambda:
customer -> customer.outstandingBalanceOwed > 10000
this is an anonymous function that returns true or false
based on whether a customer is a deadbeat
a predicate right?
and I'm using it in conjunction with the Java 8 streams functions so that I don't have to write
if(c.outstandingBalanceOwed > 10000) {
and the Collectors.toCollection is a form of casting?
re: "read as natural" comment - I felt the same way. I have been a java programmer since '99, so this was one of the places where it took my brain a little time to adjust
then you know where my "confusion" comes from heh
i've been coding since '96
but the more that I use lambdas, the more places I find they make my code easier or simpler.
everything takes getting used to I guess
I don't ahve to define abstract classes as much
I'm just finding it really hard to wrap my mind around translating it
I usually "execute the code in my head" and on lambda's i'm just drawing up static trying to figure out the program flow
Collectors.toXXXXX says "collect all the results from this stream" into some form of collection. You could make them into a map, or a set.
Yeah, I totally get that. the paradigm shift from OO to functional (or partial-functional in java's case) is rough
but worth it
Also, I read a lot of parralessism, but what it actually means evades me since everybody who writes it just expects you to undersatnd what they mean by it. Does it mean the lambda's execution get threaded among multiple threads/cores?
it can
Well no
I take that back
the threading model for lambdas is the same as just executing any method in the VM
The executing thread will do it, unless you do something 'clever'
but the streams api provides that cleverness
okay, so that's a reason to use streams
Any gotcha's I have to keep in mind concerning memory leaks/management when using lambda's?
or streams heh
Streams are generally a bit slower, but in my real world experience, there's not enough of a difference to matter.
well speed is of an issue for me
my program loops only have a 5ms slot i allow them to run in
re: the streams API:
if you stream something, instead of calling stream() you can call parallelStream()
5ms is an eternity
I know, but I have a LOT that has to be done in that time xD
sometimes stuff like writing 200.000 records to database, and about 5000 other processes that need to run in that slot
and there has to be a lot added to that too xD
I get it :)
so yea, eternetiy granted, but any speed improvement I can maintain I have to maintain lol
the thing with lambda's and the collectors I have against, is the new instantiations of things and then have to be discarded.
or am i wrong in understanding that the lambda will each time when called instantiate a new anomynous class with the methods?
because I've decompiled compiled code, and it looked like this
@MichaelDibbets that is a misled interpretation indeed; recall that there is the JIT
@Kylar be aware that simply calling paralellStream() will run the tasks in a single application wide pool
... with 10 threads max
The code that you see is, in most cases, not the code that is actually run
Something foo = someMethod( new Predicate<T>()
My understanding is it basically gets mapped to a dynamic static method
@MichaelDibbets I suppose you are aware of lambda expressions, right?
So it makes a new method in the class on runtime?
/compile time?
@Kylar if, and only if, the lambda is independent of the context
@fge right, if it's a non-capturing lambda
what's the difference between the two?
@MichaelDibbets it's more complicated than that; all this has to do with JSR 292
The difference is obvious when you do this in a method: final Runnable r = () -> System.out.println(); vs final Runnable r = () -> System.out.println(someVar) /* someVar is context dependent */; and then you do r.run();
a "non capturing" lambda only uses the variable in it's lambda scope. Otherwise, if it uses other variables defined in the class or method, it's considering a 'capturing'
because it needs to have context from outside the lambda scope
okay, so I can "scope" variables into a lambda expressioN?
You can, yes
okay, that's good to know
And what is more, the JVM will optimize the code for you in any case
what's better in performance? capturing or non capturing?
or doesn't matter?
Just write code that works; the JVM does the rest
It is true, it has always been true and it will remain true
until the jit compiler makes wrong branch predictions xD
@MichaelDibbets caputirng incurs a cost, of course; but then if your code is isolated enough it should not be a problem ultimately
okay than :-) I'd like to thank all of you for enlightening me.
@MichaelDibbets that is a pathological case; it is no less than theoretically proven that it is so :p Also, the inlining mechanisms when it comes to lambdas never rely on such things anyway
Only the code in the lambda may trigger BPB; the capture site never does (at least in Java; but then JSR 292 has a broader scope than just Java)
@ItachiUchiha what does this have to do with the discussion at hand? I'm just explaining some of the mechanisms of the JVM :p
@fge Did I say it has anything to do with the discussion? ;)
time to continue to experiment with lambda's then i.imgur.com/MUoxwMu.gif
@ItachiUchiha indeed you didn't :p
@MichaelDibbets define "experiment"; ie, what do you think a lambda is in Java?
well, i'm reading this very enlightening spreadsheet right now oracle.com/technetwork/java/jvmls2013kuksen-2014088.pdf
lambda might for me be a way to easely interact with certain lists I have to handle
Note that it is nothing like lambda calculus
And you have to handle them how, exactly?
for example, get a list of chests in a 100x100x100 radius, which each have a list of items, which have to match certain criterea, all in all it's a set of roughly 200.000 items to loop through in worst case scenario and return all locations where certain items appear.
right now i'm iterating each list seperately, and i'm looking in ways to make it easier/more parralel, and all my researches point me to parralelstream, but that almost always coupled with lambda's so came my interest into researching lambda's
I see
And what are those "lists" "separately" exactly?
ArrayList<TileEntity> ArrayList<ItemStack>
so basically it's
Don't they have a common subtype?
no, chests contain items
You lost me
i'll type up some sample code
To me it looks like your items should have a projection and the filter applied on this projection
sorry, something came up, email server is full and I'm the one having to fix it because the boss is on holiday
2 hours later…
Is anyone here familiar with Java keystore?
sort of
i've been trying to make this application where i store passwords and encrypt them with a "master password"
Is keystore an appropriate tool for the job? Someone recommended it to me and I've been struggling to understand how to apply it
I used keytool to make a store and a key with an alias, but it doesn't seem like i can get the password
Using a two-way cipher algorithm to store a password is a bad idea in the first place
It means that you need to be aware of the private key to both encrypt and decrypt passwords
This is why you should preferrably use hash algorithms with salt; in the store, you store both the salt and "salt hashed password", with a predefined hash algorithm
if something is encrypted it implies it can be decrypted
hashing = one-way function
salt = guards against mass rainbow-table style attacks, forces attacker to focus on cracking passwords one by one
unless the salt is static (e.g. some really long string that is the same for all passwords) then all you're doing is buying time for the attacker to recreate some rainbow tables and then mass-crack the passwords again
I apologize, I'm not incredibly well-versed in cryptographic concepts, so I'm a little lost - what do you recommend, and is there a Java library I can use?
Also, just want to make sure - it is possible to run a .jar from the shell, and return a value from the code to be passed to the shell script? Like maybe through a pipe, and grabbing input through System.out.println?
@Luiserebii a jar will be launched by the java executable, and unless instructed otherwise, it will reuse all std{in,out,err} defined by the os; and speaking of System, it is precisely why you have System.{in,out,err} as well
So, System.out is in fact the process's standard output
Therefore, grabbing input from System.out, being the process's standard output, into the bash shell is feasible?
If you execute cmd1 | cmd2 at the shell, whatever cmd1 and cmd2 is, the output, ie stdout, of cmd1, will be fed to the input, ie stdin, of cmd2
great, thanks! Also, are there any Java libraries that would allow me to do what you suggest? Sorry, I'm just really unfamiliar with hash algorithms and cryptography in general
If you can afford an external library, I'd say to go with Guava; it has a very convenient set to do what you need
(of methods etc)
Hashing, Hasher, HashFunction etc
It takes some time getting used to but once you get the hang of it, it's priceless
@fge you hear about this? news.uci.edu/research/…
@ballBreaker yup... And although my skills are far from being up to par, I am skeptical about this so called 5th fundamental force
My point of view is, sort out how gravity works at the "quantum level" before making such claims
And speaking of this, I am still curious as to how the discovery of the Higgs boson and field influences gravitation... Since this mechanism grants mass to elementary particles, there has to be something in there
Yet, I haven't read anything about this -- or I haven't searched in the right places
Sort of unrelated, but some years ago, it has been demonstrated why mercury is liquid at room temperature and pressure
It is all a consequence of general relativity, and the fact that speed gives mass (to electrons, in this case)
Hmm, seems interesting. What do you think of Jasypt and BouncyCastle, by any chance?
BouncyCastle I know about; Jasypt I've never heard of
Also, are you aware of the difference between encryption and hashing?
Not really, only somewhat
From what I understand
Hashing algorithms take text and produce a hash, correct? Then, if the program wants to check a password, it will hash the text and compare it to the hash?
OK, so, if you have some data and you encrypt it, it means you expect to be able to read it back
This means you need to have the necessary information (say, an encryption key) to read it back
Ahhh, that makes sense - and so, hashing means you don't expect to be able to read it back? I think I remember hearing that about hashing before
This is a bijectiion: given an input data, and an encryption function (dependent on the key you are aware of), then you are able to turn this input data into an encrypted blob and then read back this input data from the encrypted blob
If we call f the encrypting function and f^-1 the decrypting function, then you have f°f^-1(x) = x for every x
Hashing works differently
A hash is NOT a bijection
If you have a hash, you are virtually unable to find back the original
The only way to check the input is to compute the hash from the hashing function again and check the match
The salt is only there to add randomness to the hash function
Therefore, typically, in a database where you do not want the passwords stored in clear text, you will store two elements: the salt and the result of the hashing function
What hashing function you use is irrelevant; it can even be made public
I see, that makes sense
I think I should provide context for my application - I am looking to write something which will facilitate logging into multiple instances of a particular application easily
Nowadays, this is the most secure way to store password; ideally you will select a strong hash function such as blowfish, SHA256 etc
Since I will need to grab the password data, as the password comparing will ultimately be handled by the application I am logging into, seems like I will utilize encryption
Thank you so much for the detailed information, I will keep track of this for future use
2 hours later…
hi, I have a method getList(String a, String b, List<String> c, ServletRequest req), could some one please guilde in how to write a main method for getList with the above params? Thanks in advance

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