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learning Java and Maven packages... They look like backwards web urls. Ex: net.sourcefourge.fuzzyservices.... why is the TLD stated first?
@bsapaka Good question. I suppose one reason might be that it allows the order of the packages to be maintained when defined in a file system hierarchy.
3 hours later…
@ItachiUchiha ;P
I know what and why the namings are, but I dunno why it's specified top-domain -> organisation -> application -> content other than it makes sense
@bsapaka note that in DNS lookups, the order of naming components is also reversed
Otherwise it would be hell to research names :p
When you research, say, foo.bar.com and you don't have it in cache, the first request is an SOA on com., then an SOA on com.bar., and finally an AAAA/A on com.bar.foo.
This allows DNS to be a tree; if the components were queried in order, this couldn't be the case
2 hours later…
... missed my cakeday...
do you mean b'dE?
how can I install github.com/Telerivet/telerivet-java-client in my Java Swing Project, in Netbeans?
I am used to work with JAR file, am not sure of dependences
@Nicktar I SEE
@Giovanrich i gather, you're not using maven to build your project?
@Giovanrich just import it as a maven project
@Giovanrich if you're managing your dependencies like it's 1999, you need to obtain the jar file (either by building it (hint: with maven) or you can download it from the repository (easy access via mvnrepository.org )
Morning Java
I'm on dual monitors. I have two eclipse Editor windows opened in both of my monitors
but When I click Ctrl + (click) it always open in the same Editor window
how can I open a java file in my secondary editor window?
@Nicktar yes I am not using maven. I guess I need to obtain a jar file but am blank as to how to build it
@CrazyNinja are you having two Eclipse running or what do you mean by editor window?
I have only one eclipse opened
One project
Standard is that a new tab opens up in the "editor" window you have selected
isn't there any setting that I can say to open it in a different editor?
Beats me, I'm not sure I fully understand your question and I don't use eclipse much, but I have eclipse bindings in netbeans and intelliJ
Q: How do you split and unsplit a window/view in Eclipse IDE?

XonatronHow do you split a window/view in Eclipse IDE? I want to edit code while viewing the different code in the same file. If there is a trick to open the same file twice, this might do, but I would rather just split the one current view instead of having two of the same which might get confusing.

Looks like you got your answer then :)
err.. not actually
Why not?
I'm trying this now
A: How do you split and unsplit a window/view in Eclipse IDE?

akikhtenkoYou might want to check an eclipse plugin called HandySplit It allows to split an editor into two and move tabs from one editors stack to another with keyboard shortcuts only. That works on Eclipse Juno or higher. For the previous Eclipse versions check this out

How can I build a jar file from this github.com/Telerivet/telerivet-java-client using maven
@Giovanrich I have already answered that. Didn't I ?
<-- preparing to go to the US
@ItachiUchiha You said I import it as maven but I am not sure how that is why I am aksing
@fge again?
My bad
@Giovanrich just fire - mvn clean install
It will create a jar file inside the target directory of the project
@ItachiUchiha I hooked up the link, led me to a video, its downloading
Okay, thanks let me try that
@Nicktar Yes, I visited that link, Maven site, couldnt see Telerivet
Maybe you can be more specific as to the location of the jar file
@Giovanrich sorry, i assumed that the project was published to maven-central....
@Nicktar Okay its fine, now I am trying to build build a jar file using maven
you'll need to grab the sources from github, install maven and run mvn package from the directory where the pom.xml file of your downloaded sources are
Yes, I downloaded the sources as zip file, extracted it on my desktop,. Maven is alread installed with NetBeans 8.0.2
The challenge is on working around with maven
And I am just learning it this instant, got some links from this room and I am on it
@ItachiUchiha I imported it after extracting the zip file, now it is showing errors - import org.json.JSONObject, a red line on that, I suppose it not being seen but its along with the package I imported
@ItachiUchiha Yep, it must have worked. I fired mvn clean install command, got a jar file now!
@Giovanrich :)
@ItachiUchiha It worked perfectly! I am now able to import it as a jar file. But one more error here, in the Java example code to send SMS --> telerivet.com/api/rest/java, it is showing am error on ...(Util.option(...)), saying type option(Object...) is erronious. Any idea?
@Giovanrich I am involved into something else. I will have a look at it later
@ItachiUchiha Okay, thanks, that will be fine.
3 hours later…
Happy Friday, Java!
Hello, Java!
Happy Java, Friday Michael!
hello Java
Ey Java
I really need to stop having spicy food on weeknights shivers
You would think I'd have learned my lesson legit 2 daysa go
4 hours later…
F***ing patterns
anybody have experience with Parllec?
what is that?
its a wrapper for doing parallel pings and http gets
no idea
i used the example from their github github.com/eBay/parallec/blob/master/README.md#demos
not sure if anyone in the room can help you with it as well
i think my problem isn't the library, its not understanding java
i tried to compile the jar and got the error that i needed a main class
you will not get that error while compiling, but when you try to run it
can i post my code its like eight or nine lies?
pastebin link is pastebin.com/UmDWKny0
there is also a jar file thats in the same directory called parallec-core-0.9.2.jar
@Chris try this out
you need to wrap your code around main() which should be wrapped around a class
you also need to add the jar to the build path of the project
can you give me some help, i am totally new to java, php is my language normally
@ItachiUchiha did you post code ?
the jar is in the build path
i just triedto compile the code, i get errors
Demo.java:5: error: <identifier> expected
import io.parallec.core.*;
Demo.java:5: error: illegal start of expression
import io.parallec.core.*;
Demo.java:6: error: illegal start of expression
import java.util.Map;
Demo.java:6: error: not a statement
import java.util.Map;
Demo.java:8: error: illegal start of expression
public class Demo {
6 errors
which ide are you using?
no ide, just notepad
do I need a ide for just one program?
@ItachiUchiha i got down to one error
imports were duplicated
@Chris whether one or many, I always recommend an IDE
what do you recommend
IntelliJ Idea
ok, does it have java installed in it or do i still need a copy java
@ItachiUchiha here's the pastbin that only has one error
@Chris if you have java installed on your system, you can tell your IDE to use it
what is the error?
this is the error i get now
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_74\bin>javac Demo.jav
Demo.java:7: error: illegal start of expression
public class Demo {
1 error
the first one had a class declaration within the imports which is incorrect
@ItachiUchiha just ran the latest on still got a error
public class Demo {
1 error

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_74\bin>javac Demo.java
Demo.java:16: error: class, interface, or enum expected
1 error
did you check the number of braces?
Lesson 1 - Download and use an IDE
@ItachiUchiha, just did it know
and fixed it, still get an error, different though
Demo.java:6: error: cannot find symbol
ParallelClient pc = new ParallelClient();
symbol: class ParallelClient
location: class Demo
Demo.java:6: error: cannot find symbol
ParallelClient pc = new ParallelClient();
symbol: class ParallelClient
location: class Demo
Demo.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
.execute(new ParallecResponseHandler() {
symbol: class ParallecResponseHandler
location: class Demo
4 errors
now these are compilation problems because they cannot find the jar in their classpath
the jar is in the same folder as the progam and javac
you still need to explicitly say javac command to include the jar in the classpath
ioh, so the javac is look libraries and jars in some other location, how can i see what the location currrently is?
i didn't get you..
i just did the following: echo %CLASSPATH%
and got nothing back
@ItachiUchiha, are you going to be here for a while, got to pick up my wife back in 1/2 hour
I am not sure, but there will be people around
2 hours later…
I created my own example of a plugin maven, and I followed the pattaent ArtifactID
{your plugin}-maven-plugin
but doesnt work when I use the shortness command
however it works with the long command
So internally the pattern doesn't work
1 hour later…
@Sayros You should contact your Congressman.
I found the problem :p
I actually helped? xD
haha I always say thanks for help or not help
thanks for staying alive even
Anyone here done any JSON parsing with Gson or other Library, and apart from parsing Objects, have excluded Arrays from getting parsed?
Q: Using Gson to parse JSON with Objects but needing to exclude Arrays

kaderudI have a need to parse a JSON string containing Objects, but there can also be Arrays in the JSON, which I don't want to parse, and it's currently crashing with: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY If I remove all the...

@kaderud see my comment
@Vogel612 answered :)
@kaderud I daresay that most C# JSON libraries don't come with preprocessing raw JSON directly...
Perhaps I need to look at rewriting Gson and not crash when Arrays occur and just ignore it, but bet it's not that easy? ;)
that sounds like a really dumb idea... what are you gonna do with the data?
dynamic jObject = JObject.Parse(JSONString);
foreach (var entry in jObject) {
if (entry.Name.StartsWith("tags_")) { continue; }
Present it in an app with statistics and stuff ..
That's all that's required in C#, unfortunately Java doesn't have the dynamic & implicit typing .. if so life would've been much easier.
@kaderud you should be able to do something like that... but I think you'll have to dig into custom deserialization for that
I've never used JSON or GSON with any "funny" things, but this here should get you started
@Vogel612 Therein lies the problem, I think I've read hundreds of posts and QA's but I haven't been wiser by it :)
I'll check the Gson link

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