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@CrazyNinja I'm fine thanks. Just busy.
@CrazyNinja @uni is busy fixing issues with lichess :)
@ItachiUchiha Yeah administrating that, and I'm trying to finally work on a project instead of focusing on none and getting nothing done overall. :P
What project?
I'm writing a book and developing a game, those are the main projects I'm working on right now.
The game is a web app while the book isn't about programming.
Just to get that out of the way. :P
Book which ain't about programming, this makes me curious.
Is it about "Life of a teenager who spends too much time on the internet" ?
3 hours later…
@fge No matter how many times I read this, I enjoy it every single time!
> FileNotFoundException, aka "the most useless exception to ever grace the JDK".
Only second to NPE :P
NPE should be the first one :)
Is there any inline final? or any alternative to "lock" fields
@someFolk "inline" final?
@someFolk just use final before the field?
final int i = 1;
@MadaraUchiha i meant applying final when i need to
@someFolk That doesn't really make sense.
The point of final is to let the compiler know that "this variable does not change values"
If it already changed values before, it's not final by definition.
right, but is there anyway a field can be locked and not changed once again?
@someFolk final int i = 1;?
@MadaraUchiha i want thinking about private int i; i = 5; i = 3; final i;
@someFolk Yeah, I told you, it doesn't make sense.
2 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
If it already changed values before, it's not final by definition.
yeah i know it does not
Any particular reason you need this?
Yeah, it's a public static field which i need it to be final
(98% of all variables I make are final, so I don't get your usecase)
but it could not be initialize properly that way
@someFolk final lets you initialize the variable once if it's uninitialized
This is valid:
final int i;
// Sometimes later

i = 5; // now it's frozen.
it has to be static though
@someFolk Irrelevant. final doesn't care if it's private, public, static, instance, local to method etc.
^^ that
Note that like this, you may only set the variable once.
@MadaraUchiha you can't declare static final field wittout initialize it on the spot
for example public static final int i
@MadaraUchiha Yes i read all the links
you have to initialize i when stated
@TahaDhailey So what is your question?
@someFolk Seems like you can only initialize it within a static {} block (wtf Java?)
I think a better question to be asked here, is what are you doing with a public static variable?
Ha. wondering the same here.. It's game engin which use public static variables like Window, Graphics, Input and such
i need to make sure it doesn't get overriden
btw, is there any advantage in performance when declaring variables final? Or is it just for a better code style?
@someFolk This is because static final variables are initialized when the class is loaded.
@ItachiUchiha that's my point.. i was wondering if i could declare it final once it's constructed but it seems like it's not possible
@someFolk why don't you just declare it final, without static?
@Ercksen performance advantage, I don't think so.
@ItachiUchiha it has to be constructed by config file
@someFolk so?
@ItachiUchiha i need to read the config file, make some adjustments and then pass it to Window constructor or what ever
@ItachiUchiha a side question, when declaring a couple static fields does it gets constructed one by one so i can relay on previous constructed static field?
@someFolk still doesn't explain why it needs to be static
@someFolk I would say yes, but I am not sure.
@ItachiUchiha it has to be static because some of the utilities rely on those objects, for example Graphics has all texture assets, animation and what not that get used pretty often whereever needed
it's an easy solution i know
@someFolk still doesn't make sense to me, can you write some code?
@ItachiUchiha i could but it's pretty hairy, I'll try to explain and if you still could use code samples it's not a problem. the Graphic object hold all textures, animations, world and many more crucial elements of the Game.. instead of passing it's reference around as a subject i made it static so i could use it where and when i need to
@someFolk Why don't you make the class a singleton?
@ItachiUchiha it's an option i was trying to avoid.. why? thats how they taught me
The way you are to use things now should be avoided as well.
good point
@MadaraUchiha I'm starting Software Engineering on Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, any thoughts ?
@ItachiUchiha you have good understanding of awt and swing? i have to make sure i made my code valid even thoguh it is working properly
@someFolk I mostly work with JavaFX. The man you are looking for is @Michael
You can also put it up on CodeReview
@ItachiUchiha Nah, although I highly doubt anyone would read anything like that. It sounds crappy.
Also, it sounds like you. :P
@Unihedron Don't tell me you are writing a RomCom :P
@Unihedron me? Are you kidding me? I am not a teenager any more :P
@ItachiUchiha No chance in hell. :P
room topic changed to Java::chat ><> & Chips: Room dedicated to the Java programming language and yummy food. And no, Android is NOT Java (does not use the Java VM, runtime environment and base SDKs differ, etc). And no, Javascript is NOT Java either. -_- Neither are chips. [fun] [its-always-friday] [java] [jvm] [my-code-is-compiling] [no-copyright-infringement] [out-of-context-stars] [serious-business] [type-erasure]
the story and the legend guy, hope i could ask him when he comes online
@MadaraUchiha around?
I'm curious about this read-only warning I get - apparently re-assigning a deleted getter by property access gives me an IDE warning, while re-assigning the deleted getter by property name doesn't
Both works in my console though.
(commenting out the first return statement doesn't clear the "Property is read-only" warning.)
NVM I should finish reading before I comment on code
@Unihedron Sounds like a bug in Intellij
But then again, I'm always weary of using the delete operator.
I normally opt to set to undefined and let the garbage collector do the work
@MadaraUchiha is there anyway to to redirect to a blade.php file from a inner php class ?
it's like, Http request -> Controller class -> business logic class -> home.blade.php
@CrazyNinja As long as you haven't output anything, you can use the header() function.
kk. thanks. i'll have a look
Or are you talking about rendering a template?
@MadaraUchiha yes, I mean, in laravel, redirecting the Http request from Controller to view
@CrazyNinja Well, in that case, at the lowest level you need to require() the template and have the proper variables in place.
Normally, you'd have some sort of TemplateRenderer instance in the view that can call the correct template with the correct variables
@MadaraUchiha but the problem I'm having is,.. (is it ok to talk here PHP).... mrh
(You could just ask this in the PHP room)
2 hours later…
today, lecturer asking students to watch Scorpion TV series
All the technologies which they take are there in reality... doubt on that
folks please provide answer to the following query
Again, test with multiple SimpleDateFormat objects as outlined in duplicate. Don't use regex for this. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 27 mins ago
Q: Elevation works on the designer, but fails at runtime

EminemI'm trying to use elevation in my project, following the material theme tutorial from Xamarin. I've followed each and every step in the tutorial, but for some strange reason, elevation still does not work at runtime. Here is the designer: And at runtime: Clearly, the elevation fails at runt...


This question already has an answer here:

How to parse dates in multiple formats using SimpleDateFormat 5 answers

i have the below method signature in which there are two different parameters out of which there is one parameter named dateStr, now inside dateStr variable there can be multiple date formats for example following are the values that can be inside dateStr variable

2016/12/26 (YYYY/MM-dd) ****//check this pattern format *******
2014-JAN-04 (YYYY-MMM-dd) ****//check this pattern format ********
Morning, Java!
@Michael Evening
@Michael hi there
2 hours later…
I don't understand one thing about swing timers
What is the problem with them?
When I like set my timer to repeat and length of it will be random value will it every time pick difrerent values(like 1st time 2 2nd time 10 3rd 6 ....) or will it pick at the beginning one value(like 8) and then every time will be duration 8?
I didn't explain it right
The timer uses the delay it has been given, and that's an int, not an expression it would evaluate every time
so how can I make it random duration every time?
You could call setDelay() in the action listener, I think
could you explain it a bit more please?
I don't know how. Basically change the delay time when the timer action is fired. I don't know for sure if that works - it could be that the new event is scheduled before the action listener is called. Another possibility is simply using a non-repeating timer, and create a new timer instance in the action listener. That I do know works.
@kiheru thanks. Okay I was googling a bit and I found a solution but I ran into some errors and I'm trying to fix it now
Thanks for the help anyway
hmm I get this error but I'm not sure what it means:
Local variable malikTimer defined in an enclosing scope must be final or effectively final
Oh I just created in outside the method
5 hours later…

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