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And I wasn't.
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3 hours later…
Hey everyone!
Hello eyeryone
I want somebody to help me in java?
Is there anyone?
transitive dependencies :X
eating sandwich in class
Hello! Can anybody help me with their javax.inject expertise?
Sorry, not me
I posted a questions few days ago but for some reason no responses yet, I'm not sure if it is because it is such a simple/stupid question or if it is harder to solve then I thought. If anyone could point me out, here is the link: stackoverflow.com/questions/32207786/…
@Perneel looks like an okay question.
not my area of expertise, though.
have an upvote :)
Q: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for url when using shopify API

gatesMy url as given by the shopify is in this format https://apikey:password@hostname/admin/orders.json So when trying to get the orders using HttpURLConnection, I am getting 401 unauthorised error. Here is my code import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.Properties; /** * Created b...

any clue?
@gates you sure you want to publicly expose your apikey and password?
~users are morons
I edited the api key and password .. the URL specified won't work
me a moron?
yes you a moron
I flagged your question for mod-attention, so nobody gets the api-credentials anymore
unauthorized moron
check your credentials
and also edited it to not include the damn credentials on the frontpage
dude, I modified them so that they won't work
I don't know what to say ..
those are not valid credentials :angry:
somebody work with hl7?
@gates you should just use placeholders instead of credentials that look potentially valid
I did it like that, so the code looks valid. Anyway lesson learnt
also "modified" sounds like you didn't change them all that much, which opens for brute-force modification attacks
@degr Health Level 7?? ~me confused
I wonder if a 401 from $propietaryAPI is a valid problem for SO...
cool! Any solution to the problem ..
/http 401
@Vogel612 HTTP 401 (Unauthorized): The 401 (Unauthorized) status code indicates that the request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource. The server generating a 401 response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header field (Section 4.1) containing at least one challenge applicable to the target resource. (1/2)
@Vogel612 yes
but I have the key and the password in the URL @Vogel612
@gates Type /help to see all my commands.
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
/javadoc   Displays class documentation from the Javadocs.
/roll      Rolls a variable-sided die or makes a choice.
/shutdown  Terminates the bot (admins only).
/tag       Displays the description of a StackOverflow tag (acts like a Computer Science urban dictionary).
/urban     Retrieves definitions from urbandictionary.com
/wiki      Displays a one-box for a Wikipedia page.

mention   Sends a reply message when someone mentions the bot's name.
> 401- API Request is not valid for this shop. You are either not using the right Access Token or the permission for that token has been revoked
there is your answer
But postman gives me the response .. problem with Http class I believe
yes :|
their documentation is a joke
then compare what postman is sending and what you are sending
is there a way I could check what headers I have sent
the problem is with the header I guess
@ItachiUchiha Most likely
@Vogel612 Tnx :) Hope someone will respond soon
Hi everyone!
2 hours later…
3 messages moved to Trash
Wow, thanks.
@HassanAlthaf this is not the 2nd monitor
stop pasting CR questions in here
@Vogel612 It's related to Java.
on a related mattter... stop pasting questions
It's spammy promotion of your questions
stop it
no need to restate the obvious, just trash it
@HassanAlthaf It's crossposted, like we accept whatever crap related to java
What does that mean?
@Unihedron meh. if it comes to the worst, I want to be able to point at this saying "I told em, don't blame me if they don't listen"
I have a question on transitive dependency, what do you think... If A has a dependency on project B and B on C. Later, I see A needs to use some methods from C as well, do I need to explicitly add C to the classpath of A?
@Vogel612 Redundant.
@ItachiUchiha conditionally
@uni can you be a little descriptive?
@ItachiUchiha the answer is "it depends"
that's about as good as it can get
someone else can do the honors, I don't really have the mental energy to go into the depths
if you need the C only in combination with B, then you don't need to add it again
if you need them separately you should add C.
also, scope
@Vogel612 combination? I thought it was only about scope..
If you need C in scope higher than you have declared the scope of B, e.g. test vs compile, then you'll want to redeclare
@ItachiUchiha if removing B from your project automatically removes the dependency on C, you should be good not redeclaring, if there's no scope issues
<3 highcharts presentation
@Unihedron Looks nice
sure does
@Vogel612 My project A breaks if C is not added in its classpath, although the scope of C in B is default.
@ItachiUchiha What if B doesn't need C anymore at one point? Explicit is better than implicit.
As long as A including C doesn't break anything...
@wonderb0lt yeah, as a prevention stuff, I agree.
@wonderb0lt you need to update B's declaration to exclude C as it's provided..
usually happens automagically though
But I do not understand why does it breaks in my case
3 hours later…
@Vogel612 PHP?
@MadaraUchiha ;)
where is @fge from last couple of weeks?
Hi everyone!
for some odd reason, i could come only for SO chat rooms !!! Yeah!
@MadaraUchiha nope, Java, which only makes it harder to bear
but today's the last day, so.... ~phew
Maybe I should just sit here, keeping my mouth shut
15 more days here o/
The word 'Phonetically' doesn't even start with an 'F'. Crap like this is why aliens fly right by our planet.
Talent lost can never be replaced. At best, emulated, but usually poorly.
wonderb0lt has changed the room title to "Joe's worldly wisdom and tidbits"
@wonderb0lt what the heck are you doing on the RO list??
I want somebody RESPONSIBLE
I am responsible :<
(V) (°ww°) (V)
why not zoidberg?
inb4 "wonderb0lt removed Vogel612 from the list of this room's owners."
wait, he's not actually an RO
I'll do it instead
@Unihedron You don't say ;)
hey @fge, what type of JOOQ jars are you using? the free ones?
Has anyone here ever tried to iteratively delete rows from SQL using a cursor?
none of us are morons
hey @DumbKnee, my gf just left me.. she wasnt able to handle my stress from my 2 work
@Unihedron meh lol
@LeeJeong Oh jeeze man, well.. problem solved I guess? lol
But yeah, if anyone has any valid input to my question that would be nice
But I realize it's a rare circumstance ^^
@DumbKnee Was it you who was into chillstep?
A decent bit, it was @user380...something who was into it more though
1 hour later…
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Fixing a bug when the whole world seems to be against you
Hello Java
Quick question
Can an ArrayList be used instead of BlockingQueue ?
ArrayList keeps the order
and it is much faster
@nTuply sorry dude. I have no idea about BlockingQueues. I told what i know :)
BlockingQueues is thread safe. It's fine that's what I'm supposed to use :)
Just had to get that off my chest
Back. What was on your chest? :3
hahah I swore a bunch at SQL and declared how I made it my biotch
For the past days I've been doing really convoluted logic on tables because it was easier to do in SQL than in VBA
and im crying over my gf who left me..
Aww man
You'll find other girls who are less crazy! Don't worry man
I know its hard when you love someone
And I'm crying because:
1.My assignment as due 3 days ago.
2. I have had this imaginary gf since high school and she decided to leave me :(
Stay strong brother
her innocent happiness is precious
3. I have no friends :(
@nTuply you have a friend here, @DumbKnee is extra people-friendly..
1 being the most problematic right now :S
hehe :P
@nTuply I don't think your pillow counts as imaginary ;) hehehe joking!
@DumbKnee Cool. Cuz I love that pillow with all my might :D
I have a report to type. Be back later.
Good luck man
this so hard...
its good that Uni is not here though... xD
It'll get easier
i dont know if the 30 day cool off still stands.. im starting to hit other girls, but it feels so off
30 day cool off?
Like just being single for 30 days to cool off?
From what you've been saying, I wouldn't suggest dating anyone for a while lol
just 'see' people but not exclusively
2 hours later…
Hey Dumbknee!
@DumbKnee I sent you a facebook message, did you catch it?

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