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@Unihedron All the best :P
Good Morning Java
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I have a question which i posted in stackoverflo.
Q: How to Write/Generate CSV file from annotated java class

Dhaval PatelI have a objects filled with data. Now I want to create class with annotation that allows me to create CSV file with specified order of columns or any generic solution for it. My data representation is somewhat complex means its with list of objects. For Example: class User { public String name...

but if anyone is there to support on urgent based than it would be great
I love how people tend to ask questions only when it's urgent
can some of you nice gents unlock the above question?
Q: Storm Bolt Error Handling Best Practice

n00bJust wanted to get some ideas on some best practices for handling errors in an Apache Storm topology. There have been some good ideas from this Google groups thread; in particular the idea of splitting off retriable and non-retriable exceptions. With the non-retriable exception it'd be easy to ca...

it's a very technical question regarding stream message processing
@SQL.injection It was closed for a reason.
yes, because there are not many storm experts arround
actually, 2 or 3 persons answer storm questions
I'm pretty sure people with ~40k rep know how to recognise a opinion-based question. It ending with "Best Practice" doesn't help.
hello everyone
i have json data . I need to insert the data in mysql
for that i followed this tutorial
but am getting an issue
Data source rejected establishment of connection, message from server: "Too many connections"
can anyone help me out
@Aparna Well that error is pretty self-explanatory
@SQL.injection very technical..
> Just wanted to get some ideas ...
> I'd also be welcome to hear any other error handling best practices that others have implemented for their Storm topology.
@Aparna There are too many open connections to the database
@ItachiUchiha i closed
what is the maximum no of connections allowed to the database?
@ItachiUchiha I think that we can give on backend right
@Vogel you can read pages 89 and 90 of the book Storm Applied (chapter Creating Robust topologies). Or you can go by the experience of users with 40k rep and there is nothing that can be done...
if the question is unlocked, i can answer it. To the best of my knowledge
@SQL.injection or you could try answer a question that's not a discussion in disguise...
alternatively you could make a question that's a real question and answer it yourself
Quick question, how do you create a new file in the current directory in Java?
in eclipse?
nonono in my actual code
I want to create a file and then read/write
via File file = new File()
@cp101020304 if you're on anything above java 6 you don't do it that way
How do you do it then?
im on java 7
 Files.newOutputStream(Path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
/javadoc Files#newOutputStream(Path, OpenOption[])
@Vogel612 OutputStream newOutputStream(Path path, OpenOption[] options): Opens or creates a file, returning an output stream that may be used to write bytes to the file. The resulting stream will not be buffered. The stream will be safe for access by multiple concurrent threads. Whether the returned stream is asynchronously closeable and/or ...
interruptible is highly file system provider specific and therefore not specified. (1/8)
^ like that @cp101020304
What will the file be called?
go read up on Path ...
@SQL.injection Or create a blog-post where he can write whatever he wants...
am not getting
see guys am pasting my code in pastir.org
@cp101020304 on a related note you should read up on StandardOpenOption
to ingest the data in database
@Aparna you are aware that the credentials there are now on pastie?
also "am not getting" is incredibly unhelpful
and as long as you don't get a different error message we won't be able to help you anyways
@Vogel612 can u give me any tutorial which explains clearly of how to ingest json data into database
We're not your support line
@Vogel612 ok thank you
on a related note your code is vulnerable to SQL-injections
and you should be using an O/R-Mapper
i just followed one tutorial
@Vogel612 anyways thanks for replying for my pings
then put the site you got it from on a blacklist and grab a different
alternatively go research on SO
tip: search for "deserialize JSON to Object java"
and read up on ObjectRelational Mappers
@Hans1984 can't stop looking at that gif
its great isnt it
i love it
i love how the one cat screws up his eyes before the hit
The one being hit is dozing off and then BAM claws in your face
yes and for dozing off she has a very quick reaction :o
Mostly reflexes I guess
yes probably
enough cat-watching, I need to work.
okay here we go
push the darn cat
out of the screen
without hitting the rate-limit for chat-messages!
Thanks Danke Herr Vogel
the cat needs to go!
@wonderb0lt we had that discussion alread
don't call me like that
@Vogel612 Sorry
I'll just ping you needlessly then :P
You and Uni :D
wanna become the new unwanted no1?
remeber, we're still at level three
Nope. I quite enjoy the people in this chat.
@Vogel612 I'm reading the Path documentation, but I don't quite get how to get the path of the current directory
Even though I don't have much time for StackOverflow itself recently
stupid retargeting...
@cp101020304 try Paths.get(".")
remeber that Paths are immutable
Or System.getProperty("user.dir")
@wonderb0lt that's something different
. is the current directory
user.dir is ~, right?
Or no?
I thought it was whatever the pwd command would've given when the JVM started up
I did this before:
File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))
but im doing what you suggested Vogel
Go with what Vogel says
^^ Always the safe thing to do
Also, with the newOutputStream is there any way to specify what to call the file?
ahhhhhhhhhh got it
just had to add /filename.txt after the "."
What happens if the file already exists?
@cp101020304 It may be appended to or overwritten, you can control what happens using the StandardOpenOptions
/javadoc StandardOpenOption
@wonderb0lt java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption: Defines the standard open options.
@wonderb0lt Okay thank you.
Now I'm looking at reading and writing an arraylist to this file
a quick search came up with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/16111496/…
Can I still achieve this with the way I created the file?
@wonderb0lt that's not correct
@cp101020304 did I tell you to read up on StandardOpenOption?? Why don't you check the javadocs?
Another Vampire found!
it's all in there?
@neferpitou it's not 300 messages yet, but ... a little
@Vogel612 Phew, I thought I made another factual mistake ^^'
@Vogel612 I already smell the blood
@wonderb0lt actually you did.. a little
it's the OpenOption... that controls it
StandardOpenOption extends OpenOption
but there can be more options than those that StandardOpenOption allows
Yes, that's what he passes to newOutputStream, I hoped he remembers that
Fair enough. I should just shut up, I'm not on top of my game tonight ^^
@Vogel612 I wrote to the file using a ObjectOutputStream, but when I try and open the file I get this error in gedit:
The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing this file you could corrupt this document.
You can also choose another character encoding and try again.
> The objects can be read (reconstituted) using an ObjectInputStream.
so there's how you can look read them.
hi guys - i had an open question since over one week and still finding no solution. But i need one :/ - maybe you can have a look on this question ? stackoverflow.com/questions/31652387/…
So there is no way I can see the content of the file by just opening it up in file browser? @wonderb0lt
may be you like to upvote it that it will be shown again in the actual question list :/
@cp101020304 No. ObjectOutputStream writes binary data. You need something that can display binary data nicely if you want to look at it.
@MrT Are you seriously begging for upvotes?
or you wrap your stream into something that knows about encoding
/javadoc OutputStreamWriter
@Vogel612 java.io.OutputStreamWriter: An OutputStreamWriter is a bridge from character streams to byte streams: Characters written to it are encoded into bytes using a specified charset. The charset that it uses may be specified by name or may be given explicitly, or the platform's default charset may be accepted. (1/7)
@wonderb0lt no - i want a solution :/ it will not in my mind that this is a problem where no one has a solution for. I help other guys on SO und begging for help ;)
damn oak you really could use tell
@Vogel612 is that available on java 7
@MrT how the crap is that -3 answer not deleted yet??
@MrT I find your Germanisms amusing.
@Vogel612 i dont know
@cp101020304 it's in the java.io package... that stuff's been around since ages
@wonderb0lt yes sry for my bad english
java.nio is since 7
@MrT Well, that's nice and all, but the system doesn't work that way. If someone thinks your question has merit, they'll upvote it. If someone can answer, they will.
8 is mostly streams and some minor changes to the api elsewhere to accomodate
what wonder said
@wonderb0lt i know! it was only an idea to make this question again attractive. Sry that i tried this
Big feature in Java 10: Java Newer New IO 3
So if i wrap my OutputStream into the OutputStreamWriter, I'll be able to open up the file and see the contents?
@cp101020304 well you should specify an encoding...
but yes, that should help getting stuff done correctly if you're writing text
read the damn javadoc
@MrT It's okay. I understand your frustration with the issues you're facing.
@wonderb0lt the hardest thing is that i found a solution (with a SocketServer) but cannot use it cause oof the policyis in the company!
@MrT Tell me about pointless corporate policies. ;)
@wonderb0lt ;)
I know just how you feel man and I hope you'll find a way around it :)
@wonderb0lt I hear you leave at the end of this month?
@Vogel612 Next month
muhahah4h4h4h4h44h4 I'm outta here end of this month
@Vogel612 nice one
It's the "Java<> getting out of their shitty jobs" weeks here at SO chat
no more ant, no more tomcat, no more servlets!
no more compiling less files manually, no more PHP, no more in-house databases!
in-house databases?
local database ... versioned manually... with quadruple-daily backups on live server
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough
then again you're stuck why mysql for PHP
I wish
I WISH I could work with mySQL
wait... you got a self-built database??????
3 mins ago, by wonderb0lt
Oh no, I've said too much
NDA, eh?
can you delete that message up there where I mentioned that?
I can't...
Oh :D
well then
you could've
yes a few minutes ago
you could flag for a mod
then again "we have that self-built db system" is not something a mod would consider for deleting I think
it's aight
oh god fucking DAMMIT
Let's not focus on the past. I'm definitely looking forward to use systems and tools I'm familiar with in the future :)
oh boy, sounds like your team isn't ready for devops
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/25178704#25178704 <- moreover, industry standard tools. Industry standards are there for a reason
the application is from back in the day when JSP and servlets were a new thing
A blast to the past O.o
unfortunately nobody had the guts to say to our customer the thing's gonna get more and more convoluted if we don't clean it
@Vogel612 That's the normal way of life, isn't it?
did I mention I can't even change the arguments to a static method call without redeploying the whole application?
@wonderb0lt guess who resigned too.
@LeeJeong :O
From which one of the jobs? The dubious one or the one that actually sustains you?
why not both?
They're not mutually exclusive
that smells very very fishy
@wonderb0lt You'd be too upset to be resolved to only talking to me in one location instead of two. I know it. I feel it.
@DumbKnee I liked the one with the wanted poster better
@DumbKnee Yes, it's always about you House.
wow. I added a single utility method to prepare dates for the view.
been using it for a day
already got 10 different classes I use it in, which makes ~20 references
and that without replacing all the old crap
@Vogel612 Yeah me too but it didn't one box
@DumbKnee totally..
but it takes ages to load...
Ahh just had to remove the v then eh
the v just says "video"
which gets you the oneboxed video player
yeah its less laggy on the imgur website
but then the one here is fine I think since it preloads it
My favourite is the cat prostitute
Dangling the hankerchief haha
How bad practise is it to use multiple frames in a Java application?
Depends on what you need
I have one frame displaying a map from esri and at certain points another frame pops up to display certain information
I can see how it isn't the best practise has been a bit of a pain..
You could just have the other information as pop ups but that might be dirtier
sup guys
Wondering if anyone knew how to make two JFrames simultaneously close with one button press
you got references to the frames?
send them the "ON_WINDOW_CLOSING" event
I have a current frame, in which I'm creating the second frame
The button press is going to be in the "second" frame
Not too sure how to get the current frame reference into the second frame
if you construct it you can probably ... depends a little but you may need to override some things..
no, you'd have to decorate your JFrame...
or you just encapsulate it into a presenter and use that instead
then you can control the API at will and it becomes trivial
think something like this
I did it like Vogel said
awful lot of code for some trivial functionality hahaha
@Joe'sMorgue lmao what the hell is this joe
@cp101020304 Usually you want a view->presenter kind of hierarchy anyways
Just some good music
I would like it more if it wasn't gospel-y
@DumbKnee I wouldn't call myself an experienced programmer so I'm not quite aware of what that entails
novice to say the least
It's about it happening in a church, it kinda HAS to be gospel-y
Model–view–presenter (MVP) is a derivation of the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern, and is used mostly for building user interfaces. In MVP the presenter assumes the functionality of the "middle-man". In MVP, all presentation logic is pushed to the presenter. == Pattern descriptionEdit == MVP is a user interface architectural pattern engineered to facilitate automated unit testing and improve the separation of concerns in presentation logic: The model is an interface defining the data to be displayed or otherwise acted upon in the user interface. The view is a passive interface...
@Joe'sMorgue Yeah I get that lol
AHH I love that video haha
CLASSICAL music...well...
Their trooper one is awesome too
THIS is GOOD orchestral music!
this is probably a stupid question... but can you refresh two frames at 30fps each in java?
I can refresh them at 1fps each is fine, 10 fps each is fine... anymore it starts to go wrong
as in two different java frames in canvas
is it to do with CPU limitations? screen limitations?
as i said likely a stupid question
I wonder how the SFSO felt about being in front of THOSE kind of people, and getting the typical METAL reaction to their music
hahahaha who knows, they were probably into it
@Joe'sMorgue damn you GEMA
I'm trying to remember the name of this one composer... he does comedy
An english dude..
@Joe'sMorgue there is a certain organization in Germany.
A conductor..
they say "we check that every artist gets their money"
so they license all art (mostly music)
The conductor wrote the orchestra's part of the music
and if they say "we don't want to sell X to youtube at these terms" they file a pseudo-DMCA-Takedown notice
I think he's talking about an institution similar to .... I cant remember the name
and youtube has to block the vid for germany
Damn that's lame
is it similar to the "This video is unavailable in your country" things?
YouTube pays based on views...
@DumbKnee yes, it's exactly that
@Vogel612 Ahhh Canada get's that occasionally too, but it's only for TV shows on the channels websites usually
Like trying to watch daily show on comedy central
Never on youtube
yet another reason why google sucks
Ahh the dude is Rainer Hersch
That's who I'm thinking of
Search for and watch Metallica One (S&M) and One VEVO
Both are different than the song on the album, and superior to the album version
I wouldn't be surprised, Metallica sucks lol
They are Metallica...Just improved over the album...
Then thanks, but no thanks!
The best song...Tells a powerful story!
The entire song is about a guy who cannot move, see, speak or hear...TRAPPED with his own mind...
The video makes it clearer...
@DumbKnee Ever listen to country music backwards?
that's oddly specific
country music is boring and algebraic
Try it!
Your wife comes back, they find your truck, you get your job back, and your dog comes home!
@Unihedron I think I got that one from you
Just shows how algebraic country music is :D
@Joe'sMorgue I have not actually!
I really really dislike country music, but maybe backwards would be slightly more enjoyable lol
nah it's stupid either way
It's hard to be a drummer and like country music at the same time.. The beat is just.. the same.. always
inverting chptunes are amazing though
Can you do that on youtube or do you need to find one already done
use an audio editor
Ugh too much effort at work lol
youtube html5 player allows switching speed by speeding up and down but not inverting
@DumbKnee five clicks tops, a stroke to select a file at max
I would have to download an audio editor which would be...
not allowed
Oooo new Sabrepulse album wooot
just use a proxy #easy #tipsthatgetyoufired
Hmm new Sabrepulse album is meh so far.. cmon SABREPULSE WTF
Too modern sounding
Almost clubby -_-
Uni want to invert this song for me
I know you do
Of course I do, but I'm busy
Fair enough
That song brings me back a good 7 years nostalgia
Wait wtf, he came out with TWO albums this year? WTF have I been doing to not notice this
Steve does his BEST entrance I've ever seen...
Do a barrel roll!

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