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is it possible to use functions on generating aliases on SQL??
2 hours later…
Good morning
Good Morning Java !
Why am I not surprised that the script I didn't make is the one that breaks?
@JohnSnow So what you are trying to imply here is that script never breaks?
No, I'm just saying that the script that broke is the one I didn't make... this time
@JohnSnow Sarcasm :P
@Vogel612 have you used git svn?
is there anyway that i can run a simple java class which runs perioditically soon after i started my ubuntu machine ?
without running any commands in terminal
@ItachiUchiha No, not really. I'm just pointing out irony
@JohnSnow hey
hey guys!
anyone awake?
@user3781180 why not?
Because it's 12:25 where I live, and I live in the Silicon Valley
so it's kind of in the middle of china/east coast US
so I speculated that 2/3 of the popular programming places must be asleep
"popular programming places must be asleep" < be responsible of what you are saying in public
@user3781180 no we're just illusions of your mind
@JudeNiroshan ever??
@JudeNiroshan heard of cron?
@JudeNiroshan Of course everything I say is limited to my knowledge though
if it's not correct in your standards then I'm sorry :(
@user3781180 it's universal truth
Anyways, was just wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to have a servlet be a client as well
@user3781180 that sounds like a terrible idea
@JudeNiroshan of course it's universal truth, it's just not everyone is enlightened about places that are techy
@Vogel612 yeah I thought so too, but I have to process api calls that my frontend tells me to do, since I have to mask the API key
@user3781180 pls NO
and also put rate limiting semaphores too, so i thought it's more convenient but haha alright
what should I do then? Create a new class to take care of API calls and instantiate it inside my servlet?
^ that would be an option...
alternatively you could hide it behind a cached service you access in your servlet, much like database services
hide what behind? you mean the API key?
@Vogel612 hey Vogel, is it a bad idea to also make the client class be a static helper class haha
honestly, using Jersey to process api calls is as static as it can get, idk why I would need to make a separate class for it
it's definitely one of the dumber ideas...
but see, the thing is
each time you would need to make an api call, you would need to create a new object according to jersey
not if you hide it behind a service class...
@Vogel612 but then that means the service class can be static right? What's the con to having that?
you miss out on caching
also you miss out on really cool stuff like keeping separate state
@Vogel612 ahh I see, gotcha
mostly about the second part, but I don't understand how you could cache a service class?
You mean save the url for later use while the instantiated service class persists?
Anyways, was just wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to have speak in more simple english as well
what does it mean 'servlet be a client'
have the servlet also call external api's
while itself being a RESTful api server
clients call API's
In 99% cases servlet must not call any api. It must only send request data into service methods, and return response. Do your calls from service methods, it will be more reusable (and may be readable).
Ah mkay, got it
Yeah, I was thinking of creating a whole service object for it
Geez... MongoDB really does suck
haha how so?
I've used it with arguable success
Ebay uses it, so its good for something
We offer this aggregation thing! Oh, you actually wanna use it? MONGOERROR! TOO MUCH DATA
Best name ever!
mongo ~ idiotic in Spanish
mongo -> a part of humongous, also a part of mongolia
i dont know what the latter means so far
Mongo is short for mongoloid here
To me it sounds like Mango :)
mongoloid... is that some sentient being from mongolia
ughhh I hate writing rate limiting things
Oh, what does it mean?
Mongoloidism is the old name for trisomy 21
Here it means a person with downs syndrome
which is the same...
Well, never heard trisomy 21
oh... LOL
oops, i apologize to all mongolians out there
i didn't mean it that way
> Down syndrome (DS or DNS) or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21,
@user3781180 In english it's not the same:
Mongoloid /ˈmɒŋ.ɡə.lɔɪd/ is the general physical type of some or all of the populations of East Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern Russia, the Arctic, the Americas, parts of the Pacific Islands, and some northeastern parts of South Asia. Individuals within these populations often share certain associated phenotypic traits, such as epicanthic folds (epicanthus), sinodonty and neoteny. In terms of population, it is the most widely distributed physical type, constituting over a third of the human species. The term "mongoloid" was introduced by early ethnology primarily to describe various...
I'm just saying what it means here as in my country
Ahh I see, gotcha
I feel sorry for the Japanese girls being pointed out to have short legs
That's probably the meanest thing you can say to a japanese woman
@JohnSnow :/
I've never actually heard of that
hey guys, quick question about synchronicity
and multithread fuckups
if you have a function that is being invoked by multiple threads at once, will assignment of global variables have a chance
to be changed before the next operation is occured?
for e.x.: globalVar = newVal; if(globalVar == newVal) dosomething()
this is such a pain LOL
That's why you synchronize them OR make a better design
There's no other design to rate limit though
It's all just blocking multithreading from occuring until the time limit is up
then you don't need concurrency to begin with
why is that?
@Unihedron I have a problem. I know! I'll solve it with concurrency! Now I have two problems...
Sounds like you've made things needlessly difficult
@user3781180 Because your task does't require concurrecy.
well, okay I'll explain my situation then
Ok, this is suspicious, a bug is miracolously gone! wat
I need concurrency because I need to limit the rate of calls to an API, I have no idea how many users are going to be on the client side requesting it all at once
@user3781180 In the future, please do that from the beginning
@user3781180 wrong
of course the client side has to be multithreaded(creating new instances is too taxing)
@user3781180 nope
orly? what's an alternate solution?
Use atomic variables.
Increment an AtomicInteger, for example.
make the calls to your API in a sequential manner..
that is what I'm doing
and just allow one running API call at a time
use a shared instance
@user3781180 then it works, done in five minutes and you can go home already
so just make all of the api calls pass through a function that's synchronized?
and to prevent client-blocking you could use some simplistic ThreadPool
right okay I know all these methods, but I'm trying to
/javadoc AtomicInteger#add
@Unihedron Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
be a little more efficient than just making a whole function be synchronized(that's why I'm making a lock object)
/javadoc AtomicInteger#increment
@Unihedron Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
@user3781180 synchronized is efficient
I'm locking after the atomic integer gets to a constant
yes it is efficient but it could be more efficient if some parts of the function do not need to be synchronized
@user3781180 no
@Unihedron ? why is that?
Unless you're using hardware from 1900, modern hardware simply doesn't queue async io
what's queue async io mean?
@user3781180 because it isn't
I'm stating a fact, I don't have the interest to give a history lesson
Can't you scale it a little more than only one API call?
Threadpooling is great for that
@Unihedron wait I just didn't know the definition of "queue async io"
@JohnSnow and yeah, jersey's client automatically creates a threadpool for new threads
those threads go out and call API's, but I need to also keep them in check somehow that's why I'm writing the synchronous function to block them if they reach the rate limit
but yeah, thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it
Why? The tread pool only has n amounts of threads...
I'll just stick to synchronize keyword
@JohnSnow I don't really know the technicalities but servlets also = threadpools and yet it can handle millions of threads, maybe it dynamically increases capacity? I don't know
If it creates new threads or not is up to the settings. There's always a limit to it. It may be at 11 millions, it may be at 50
I daresay they usually don't scale on your own but don't trust anyone blindly; read the documentation
@user3781180 bananas. Servlets are executed in a static context.
there is only one Servlet executing at a time
@Vogel612 Hmm? I know there is always only one servlet executing at a time
isn't it a container for threads?
And yeah, I'm pretty sure servlets are treated like singletons, but my point was that it hosts threads like a threadpool
Well, static kinda practically turns it into a singleton, but a singleton is a design pattern so please don't refer to static objects as singletons..
In hind-sight I regret falling for the temptation to just lift in that script... It's so inefficient and I just wanna re-write it all :/
oh yeah im aware of the small minutiae between singletons and static
hence "treated like", but yeah, still not appropriate I guess :o
Yeah, but be reminded that when you use the wrong term, it doesn't sound like you do
right, my bad :P I have that problem sometimes
Hey all.
Is there something similar to .insert() for String?
just substring and add a character in between
or use stringbuilder
Which one is the simplest?
Okay looks like StringBuilder is the simpest
hey @wonderb0lt didn't see you coming
/javadoc String#insert
@Unihedron Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
/javadoc String#insert
@Unihedron Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
@nTuply insert() what?
Basically the user inputs a file name
e.g output.txt
I need to generate 2 outputs with 2 different file names, output_serial.txt and output_parallel.txt
I did it already it's fine. StringBuilder is the way to go
Anyone knows why I'm getting synatx error with that
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
Basically org.apache is the error highlighted
I'm not sure I even have the org.apache.commins.io.FileUtils package
@nTuply STFW, will ya?
Why? Does the question bother you? if yes, don't answer it.
It's that simple.
I post a question after googling a lot. I don't just come here and ask it.
@nTuply Does the question bother you? If yes, then warn the user and if they don't act up, kick them.
It's that simple.
Was just replying to the STFW part. The thing is I searched first before asking. So I don't see what's wrong in that. Pardon me if I'm wrong and I apologize if I am/
tbh, I fail to see what the problem with the question is
or even if it's a question at all :P
Anyone knows why I'm getting synatx error with that
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
I missed the ? @Tavo lol
But yeah, I'm not sure why org.apache isn't there.
so what did your google search get you to?
because that chat message looks like "Oh there's a red squiggly line in my IDE, halp pl0x"
Google search got me to javadocs
Where I saw how it's used.
Then I tried to use it, and I got that squiggly line.
I googled why is there a syntax error and apparently I have to import it. Which I did since it's the import that's the problem
Then I decided to ask here and you were like nop I didn't Google. It's fine though I fixed it.
yea when the import is getting a syntax error that's a new syntax error, you know?
Yeah. I just came to know about this today. I never used packages before.
Did you try download sources?
@nTuply I know, it's dangerous advice, but try to use maven.
Yeah. I finally realized I had to download commons io and use it
Works now :)
Gradle is AWESOME
Yep LibGDX uses that
libgdx sucks though
It does/
I hate that thing.
I don't know why this is needed to make tetris
@Unihedron colours, programming and few other things
everyonne does
It's just pointless
we know
@Tavo fifty million alternatives
@Unihedron I doubt that's true
Statistics says it's false.
I trust statistics
@Tavo I was always here
since the world was turning
Double.MIN_VALUE, I hate you
I'm sure it doesn't like you either
why double?
Double stink
remove double
2 hours later…
Cool I think I shot eclipse...
I switched to IntelliJ, best decision I ever made
> An internal error occured during "Requesting Java AST from Selection".
> An interal error occured while showing an internal error.
oh really great job
Fuck you. lol.
Hey now
No need for hostility
I don't get this weird bug Q_Q
They're called house centipedes
kill it with fire!
even more so, set your house on fire
hahahaha in my university house we used to have a bunch of those
Everyone fuckin flipped their lids when they found out I let them live
But they're carnivores !
did you go to University in the middle of the Amazon forest?
They're uber fast, and can glide which makes them sketchy as hell, because they can stick to any surface and just glide where ever they want
...including into your mouth
That looks super cute
That's less cute
from Wikipedia:
> The bite of larger centipedes can induce anaphylactic shock in such people.
from Wikipedia:
> eating peanuts can induce anaphylactic shock in such people
it states small children in the list. Not going to copy the whole wiki page here
"Stings are generally no worse than a bee's sting, with its venom causing redness and mild to severe swelling."
> a bite to an adult human is usually very painful and may cause severe swelling, chills, fever, and weakness
there you are
Are you looking up the common one or the amazonian one
Centipede > Ecology > Hazards to Humans
Scutigera coleoptrata – one of several species commonly known as the house centipede – is a typically yellowish-grey centipede with up to 15 pairs of legs. Originating in the Mediterranean region, the species has spread to other parts of the world, where it can live in human homes. It is an insectivore; it kills and eats other arthropods, such as insects and arachnids. == Morphology == The body of an adult S. coleoptrata is 25 mm (1 in) to 35 mm (1.5 in) in length. Up to 15 pairs of long legs are attached to the rigid body. Together with the antennae they give the centipede an appearance of being...
That's specifically which one I'm talking about haha
Man it's been forever since I've used sockets, and now I'm planning a project for this weekend
I'm going to have a java program that opens TCP/UDP sockets, anyone know a good place to host it?
AWS is a decent choice, not too expensive, easy to setup.
eek stop it pls @DumbKnee
Ideally I'd want to set up CI and such but maybe that's a bit too optimistic
@Nexion EC2? What about port forwarding? Can I configure that?
I think I'm misunderstanding port forwarding nvm
@AnubianNoob There's no such thing as port forwarding, but you can restrict which ports are reachable via a security group
@wonderb0lt Oh ok thanks! If I just go to server:port it will just direct traffic to that port, unless I explictly block it, right? Port forwarding is just referring to the default port for traffic sent that doesn't explicitly specify one, right?
@wonderb0lt hehe :D
@AnubianNoob Yes you can, kind of.
What container are you running your app in?
Regardless, all you have to do is allow traffic (inbound or outbound) on whatever port it's using in the VPC that you place your instance in.
But I would personally set up Apache and redirect your traffic through there.
I don't have any container. In the past I've never got past local testing or I've written programs that used UDP broadcasts and direct local connections
It's going to be using many ports, right? One port socket per client? Or can I have multiple sockets on one port?
Or multiple endpoints to a socket?
Oh ok so on the server (assuming TCP), I'd have a ServerSocket bound to a single socket, and then a client would connect to that, and then on the server I'm given a Socket instance pointing to that client
So the traffic would be routed through the ServerSocket port?
Without ever trying it, that sounds plausible
I haven't futzed with sockets in a while, but I think you can filter it through one port.
Which is why I suggest Apache, because you don't want to have all the ports you need visible to the world, let Apache route shit for you, that way you just go to port 80 and be done with it.
(more to it than that, obviously, but in the broad sense that's what it's doing)
I've had good results using
in the past
> It allows a J2EE/JEE developer to support legacy socket clients in an easy, standards compliant way
This looks useful but that's not exactly my use case, is it? I just want to hook up a TCP client to a TCP server?
Hmm yeah maybe not, I use it to transfer data from a host to a client/server
Basically to send test data for a particular class from my computer to the application server
@wonderb0lt there is port-forwarding..
but it's on OSI 3 and not 5 ...
@Vogel612 :O EC2 does that?
well I always learn new things
AWS is ridiculously powerful. Every single web dev in the accelerator I'm in uses it, and they all learn from each other and become super good at it. I'm just leeching off lol
@wonderb0lt meh. don't know about EC2, but I figure they at least get you into 21, 22, 80 and 443
probably also 23.
My next job will entail building on top of AWS. I'm looking forward to get back to it
leech buddies
can a room owner remove that, that's disgusting :<
Ok so I just wrote a quick test... If I have multiple clients connect to a server, the local port on the server is the same
@wonderb0lt on a related note, whenever you NAT, there's some portforwarding involved
@DumbKnee how about no.
@wonderb0lt lmao I removed it just for u
Gotta make sure it's actually routing all traffic through one port though
@AnubianNoob the outgoing ports should be different...
@DumbKnee thx. People at work probably also look weird if I got some dudes legs on my PC
it was arms..
I think
It was, and one of them was a girls arm
preg_replace('some dudes legs', 'various body parts', $s)
First is server, second is client. It looks like multiple clients are getting routed through the same server port
@wonderb0lt this ain't php

Here's a better formatted version
the second column is the remote address
you can see the ports are different
@wonderb0lt well it definitely wasn't a penis we can agree on that
@Vogel612 I'm sorry, my PHP work is starting to get to me
you can still listen on the same port, but the outgoing sockets are required to run on different ports
which is just fine
# Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -aon | grep 7464
  TCP               LISTENING       7464
  TCP    [::]:9999              [::]:0                 LISTENING       7464

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -aon | grep 10108
  TCP   ESTABLISHED     10108
Yeah the remote ports are different. Each of those will be on a different machine playing the game. But it looks like I only have to open up one port on the server, right?
shoot me if I start saying that '20hello' is the same as 20
@AnubianNoob correct.
or if I start saying md5('240610708') is the same as md5('QNKCDZO')
Not counting the times you just said it, right?
or rather.. depends a little on how you accept messages on tha t port..
~grabs a gun
@AnubianNoob every HTTP server only listens on port 80 / 443
This isn't gonna be a http server though. Just raw TCP sockets
user image
@AnubianNoob yea I moved the malformatted one there
it stung in my eyes...
You should change your name to oscar the grouch
lol I don't blame you
Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it <3
My flight leaves in an hour, let's see if we can write an example and get it on an EC2 instance before boarding starts <puts on sunglasses>
Only douche bags wear sunglasses inside
My coworker legitamately wears sunglasses while working
@DumbKnee make an exception for epilepsy-patients
Because between 11 and 12 the sun comes through the window behind his desk into his eyes
Of course, that's only if he shows up by 12 :P
Lol, what
why not just close the blinds
Ich kann nichts sehen, alles dunkel, doch Sonnenbrille im Club ist... leider geil.
oder auf der Arbeit...
"I can not see anything , everything dark, but sunglasses Club is ... unfortunately horny ."
Google translate right there

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