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@Unihedron Gush!!!
I have so many lock like that, and Its easy for me to cut those chunck of bulbwires..
1 hour later…
Good Morning!
@Vogel612: is i. and ii. not the same as stackArray[++top] = j
2 hours later…
@Manish did you seriously ping me at 6AM of my local time to demonstrate your lack of ability to read??
hiya @ravi
morning, room
i know this is dumb question. but i need to clarify
i have a class and inside it, i have a static boolean
1) check static boolean
2) call a method inside class A
3) check static boolean in **different thread**
4) call the same method in class A in a **different thread**
the change that i made for that static boolean, will reflect on any thread, right?
yes, but it's difficult.
basically it may happen that one thread changes the boolean, and another thread reads it at the same time
usually the reaading thread then gets an outdated value
That's why we have the option of "volitile"
as such you should use a synchronization mechanism when changing it
volatile would be one option, AtomicBoolean another
also you could synchronize access, but that's probably more pain than it's worth
@Vogel612 nods
I'd recommend Atomic, under the assertion that your code currently has no other concurrency mechanism
because it's the easiest to get right.
volatile is ... difficult and synchronization is a pain.
does Java 1.5 have it?
/javadoc AtomicBoolean
@Vogel612 java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean: A boolean value that may be updated atomically. See the java.util.concurrent.atomic package specification for description of the properties of atomic variables. An AtomicBoolean is used in applications such as atomically updated flags, and cannot be used as a replacement for a java.lang.Boolean.
> Since 1.5
Synchronization also isn't a 100% guarantee of being threadsafe. If it matters what order the threads reach the value, synchronization won't help you much.
@JohnSnow then again if that matters you might be doing things wrong on a different level..
@Vogel612 I know, I'm just letting him know
On another note... good morning
i have another one. how can i make a boolean variable which is independently living inside my JVM ?
i mean without binded to any class + i need only one instance of that boolean
You can't...
public static boolean jobIsAlreadyRunning = false;
I have this in my class which has implemented the Jobs interface.
so, basically i have no way of check whether is there any already running instance of this same job on JVM ?
you can just access that boolean. You just can't do it without a class...
public static boolean jobIsAlreadyRunning = false;
i have this line in EzYieldQueuedProcessorImpl.java
so, any place if i call that boolean > EzYieldQueuedProcessorImpl.jobIsAlreadyRunning
that might give me what i want; right?
yes, aside from the fact that this is not synchronized or anything
so you might want to use:
public static AtomicBoolean jobIsAlreadyRunning = new AtomicBoolean(false);
@Vogel612 thank you
morn i ng
I am new to this chat room. How does it work? Do you earn reputation from chat?
you need at least 20 reputation to talk in any chat room
and since you can already write messages in here, I bet you have it laready
@sunrise76 You can earn badges but no rep
@sunrise76 life is hard. just deal with it :)
Q: Convert MD5 into String in java

bharathiCan anyone know how to convert the MD5 to String. In my case I have saved the password in MD5 in database. I am trying to retreive the password and display it in string for the editing purpose. This is what I have done for converting the string into encrypt format: public static String encr...

answers are completely irrelevant to the OP's question. except one or two
@JudeNiroshan that's because OP is a fucking idiot
hashes aren't reversible
then why didn't that question never closed ?
because people assumed best intentions and thought this was about hashing a string..
that's the only reason I can think of to upvote this
misleading ... but subject doesn't
md5 is a one-way algorithm, you can't get plain password back from encrypted one — Ankit Jul 26 '12 at 8:34
^ first comment under that post..
what are most confusing design patterns ?
@sunrise76 why are you looking at it as a pessimistic ?
I am optimistic only. I am looking at patterns and its alternatives. When I posted the question, community closed it as "vauge" and "broad" question
Q: Java design patterns - Mediator, Facade & Visitor

sunrise76I have some queries regarding design patterns. Some of the sites I have visited to gain the knowledge: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/ http://www.oodesign.com/ 1) Is Mediator pattern required since Facade serving the same purpose? Is there any specific use case to implement Me...

and I am big fan of design patterns :)
It is too broad
Any design pattern can be a design pattern. You can make up as many as you want, but they might not be the ideal patterns :P
And there's no such thing as a general design pattern that's always right
Good Night Java
@JohnSnow Singleton is love. Singleton is life.
oh god
please don't sodomize me with singleton ogres :(
ohmigod NO .
Is it only me or Skype is just so ugly looking in Ubuntu?
Has skype ever not been ugly?
Hello Guys, again one try if someone have a solution for this problem : stackoverflow.com/questions/31652387/… - i come to the end of my knowledge but it will not in my mind that this is not possible to do with java
@JohnSnow Depends who you're skyping xD
well, even if the video's pretty the GUI isn't :P
Hi all. Can anyone help me out with Java Fork Join?
@JohnSnow hehehe. Yeah I agree
@DumbKnee I feel ya
@DumbKnee yo
Yohoho and a bottle of rum
I can't figure out this fork join thing. I would really appreciate some help if anyone is a bit free :)
I wrote the code but it's not really working
How's it hangin my man
@DumbKnee not bad. Working hard today for a change
@JohnSnow I think I'm more a right-sided man
@JohnSnow rated 18+
As long as your testies don't knot themselves it's all good
@Tavo Right on! Actually starting the day off working for once... instead if checking emails lol
@deadlydragon00 What do you mean?
Right-sided club #feels
Even my nose is right-sided that's very disturbing
I'm a left club myself, sorry guys
Ok, enough, I just wanted to poke fun at the song and the greeting
@DumbKnee Im a fan of One Direction
One Direction is good.*I'm not being sarcastic really*
I prefer Police, RS, Coldplay and the likes though
@JohnSnow they are healthy and un-bouncy today ^.^
oh god, I've seen enough south park to know what bouncing balls are like
@JohnSnow not posting any pics
But it's good that they're not cancerous
Noone wants to see, really
His GF sucked the bounce right out of them
@JohnSnow South Park pics I meant
Sounded less wrong in my head
@DumbKnee I bet not :P
Noone wants to see that either.
@JohnSnow it's in everyone's heads anyway
Lol it was supposed to be a "sucked the life" out sort of thing, then I realized how relevant it is
was that unintentionally nasty?
Yeah lol
For once
I've had aproximately 800cal today. I don't wanna eat but I should >_<
Is that a lot for you at this time of the day, or a little?
Jesus apparently my breakfast is around 600 calories lol
it's almost 4pm
it's very little
I probably shouldn't have more than 16-1800 cal in a day, but it's still barely half
I got a stomach bug the other night
Okay yeah, that's what I was thinking.. but then I think my dinner is usually around 1000cal, so with that 800 it would basically come out average.. but yeah you should eat dinner
I'm kinda not keen on food now
unless your on a calorie deficient diet
I'm not
Ohhh yeah, sickness will do that..
@JohnSnow you keep a tag on the calories you cosume? woah!
I had a few slices of melon, a glass of cider and a bag of popcorn. Not a lot of nutrition there nope.
@ItachiUchiha well, on an about
I have to, I have the fatty disease
no, that's not what that word means
I have hypothyreosis
It's the disease everyone blames for being fat
!!wiki hypothyreosis
because you have to be more careful about what you do and eat
Hypothyroidism (/ˌhaɪpɵˈθaɪərɔɪdɪzəm/; from hypo- meaning under or reduced, plus thyroid), often called underactive thyroid or low thyroid and sometimes hypothyreosis, is a common disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It can cause a number of symptoms, such as poor ability to tolerate cold, a feeling of tiredness, and weight gain. In children, hypothyroidism leads to delays in growth and intellectual development, which is called cretinism in severe cases. Worldwide, too little iodine in the diet is the most common cause of hypothyroidism...
So you had the delay in intellectual development part right?
jk jk ;)
thyroid <- I am aware of this. One of my friends have it
I hope you have a thyroid too :P
who? me?
Everyone has a thyroid
it's an organ
@DumbKnee Actually I do. I was a lot brighter before I got ill
knocked me down from 139 IQ to 135
@ItachiUchiha Yes. I wish you all a thyroid
I was always dumb
No body part to blame. Born dumb, dying dumb :D
@JohnSnow I stand corrected. Hypothyroidism.
remember that there's also a hyperthyroidism
@JohnSnow Was it just from lack of salt? Or do you have no idea
@JohnSnow what is that?
@DumbKnee Genetics probably
it's the opposite of hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism == the thyroid isn't working enough
Hyperthyroidism == the thyroid is working too much
Interesting.. The only real genetic cause of it, other then having an immune disease is a mutation of a specific strand of dna
And a whole bunch of petuitary diseases
It's actually kind of insane how many things can cause this lol
My version is autoimmune
Ahh well I'm sorry to hear that Gem
Well, me too
Gais, Java 6 File API question :<
File file = new File("/some/path/that/doesnt/yet/exists.js");
FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, contents);
Is this guaranteed to also create /some, /some/path, /some/path/that etc with writable permissions?
Gais is a football team here
on a related note... I really hope you don't resolve your path that way.
else I'd have to try and slap you, which I really would like to avoid, since I'd probably die...
Listen to the legacy coder ;P ^
@Vogel612 What do you mean?
Legacy coding?
I have a directory which I know exists, and I need to create the file under a directory inside the path I know exists.
@MadaraUchiha Why not use File.mkdirs(basepath)
@wonderb0lt FileUtils does that behind the scenes IIRC
@MadaraUchiha Didn't know that. Still, that would make it more clear what's happening
@wonderb0lt Also, do you mean file.mkdirs()?
(I'm using Java 6, remember?)
@MadaraUchiha new File(basepath).mkdirs(), sorry. It's clunky I suppose
It's a matter of taste I guess
@wonderb0lt Also, do I have a guarantee that mkdirs() inherit the writeable status of the File object?
Pfff. No idea.
@MadaraUchiha Did you read the documentation?
I'd advice you to never assume
@JohnSnow I did, no mention on it.
If it doesn't mention it it's safe to assume it isn't there, you know
@JohnSnow except that the van is invisible and there's invisible obstacles almost everywhere, in addition to the walls standing every few meters..
@Vogel612 hehe
God, this might be the best live video on youtube
Such a genius idea, they got everyone to send in their live video footage of a few tours, then supplied the perfect mix quality audio.. and then let people do whatever they wanted with it
(as long as no money was made)
Shush Dusty before the offtopic police comes to get you
I say butts too
The amount on the bill for an insurance is not the same number as agreed. It's cheaper. Then you KNOW something's up squints eyes
Did you get two difference insurances
Sometimes you'll agree on a bundle price, but it affects one over the other
example, might lower car insurance, but the renters insurance stays the same
@wonderb0lt Do you mean the thought police? lol
@DumbKnee No, I mean Benny G
No, the bundled price was the more expensive one... So we'll see what they say.
Huh, interesting
@wonderb0lt Who the hell is benny G lol
Hey @Woodrow haven't seen you around here in a long time
Hey dk
Really need some help with Fork/Join can anyone help with my code?
I'm doing something wrong but I can't find out where(since I'm new to multithreading)
@Woodrow Its Dustiny btw if your wondering lol switched names
Ah Dust! Hey dude
Heyo, how's everything going?
Life is swell
Q: Java Fork-Join not working with large ArrayList

nTuplyI'm pretty new to parallelism and concurrency and I'm trying to implement a median filter algorithm using Fork-Join in Java. Basically I read an input file into an ArrayList and use that list to generate a new ArrayList of the filtered medians(including the first and last element of the original ...

That's excellent :D
Would really appreciate some help on that. Been breaking my head too much :(
I get the feeling that no one in here knows the answer currently lol
Multithreading is that hard. I don't know why made second year CS students do that
And we cover it in 3 weeks. Now we have to like survive. Meh
you read my mind dust haha
nTuply, you might be interested in this; udemy.com/java-multithreading
@Woodrow hehe paradise brothers!
For sure! I'm working for it :)
Yeah I'm going to start saving up for it soon actually, but right now my focus is on paying off student loans, and my car
@Woodrow great source thanks. But I don't think they have Fork-Join explained? Or do they? :D
Nice, sounds like good progress. I'm learning a bit every day for the time being
I guess probably not since it isn't in any lecture titles.. lol
@nTuply In your question you should define specifically when you say "It does not seem to work" because that's very broad
I'm gonna have a garden too.
@Woodrow Not too bad actually! Getting there :D Just gotta stop partying all the time and I'll be better set towards it, but what's life if there's no fun in the now
@Woodrow I was thinking the same thing! Get some fruits and veggies growing, be somewhat self sustained, and do a lot of fishing and (possibly) hunting depending on where it is and how much land there is
@DumbKnee Just edited with the Errors
It's a shittons of errors it scares me since I barely know Fork-Join
Do you guys think it's wise to post the errors like I did on the post? It looks a bit too much and I don't want to get downvoted because of that.
Reminds me of that Gandhi quote; but ya, always have to live in the moment, otherwise it isn't really living at all :)
@nTuply No keep it, it helps understand. It's just a normal looking stack trace, it doesn't seem to be too much to me
Alright :) Thanks
Ahh someone else commented the same thing haha
Yeah, including this really helps figure out the issue, as I had no idea it was an index out of bounds issue
Great, I think self-sustennance is good; and gardening is peaceful.
I thought you read the comment and said the same thing here with the assumption I didn't read it @DumbKnee xD
Oh, no hahaha just by chance
@Woodrow I agree man, also home-grown food is always, always, always better than buying it
I really hope someone helps me fix this today. I have to submit that tomorrow morning. Been struggling for the past 4 days and decided S.O was the way to go since I can't think anymore I have to act xD
And so is home-made food :3
Okay, what number are you inputting?
To get this index out of bounds
I have a file with 2MM lines
I read it into an ArrayList elements
Now I am passing that elements ArrayList and filtering it using the sequential method I posted in the first art
Okay, because when you initialize Parallel, the element list size is 0
I invoked a fjpool in my main class
Brb in 15 minutes. Dining hall gonna close and I'm gonna starve :O
Campus life is real. I miss my home food :(
Hmm well I was thinking that it's possible your exceeding some sort of limit on arraylist
Is the compute() class good though? I'm pretty sure the whole thing is wrong
I have no idea, I'm just focusing on the errorcode at the moment
When you come back add a print statement before the new Parallel to check the arraylist being sent in
brb lunch
Hello boys and girls
ummm hi
Uh hi
errrrrr hello
I'm back btw
put the println in and see if it's coming in populated ornot
Where do I put it?
Yep it populated and it printed like a hundred times
before and after the error lol
What line is 44 ?
and which is 57
44. Collections.sort(tempElements);
57. rightArr = right.compute();
The only thing I can think of then, is that the tempElements is somehow not being set
for(int i = lo; i<filterSize; i++){
That break statement is probably hit
Instantly somehow, causing the for loop to eject, and no tempElements are added
Actually looking at your stacktrace, it seems like the this.elements.get(i+counter) is empty on that pass through
You know what, I'll sit down for a few hours, learn multithreading from Udemy and re do it
Maybe I didn't really understand the Multithreading well
Fair enough, it's hard to debug something like this without sitting infront of the entire thing too
So probably a good idea lol
I can send you the codes if you keen :)
Any help would really help me at this point lol
I was going to say I haven't really dealt with multithreading since 5 years ago as well (when I was also in second year) so I dunno if I would be of any help lol
35% of my class mark is pracs
SMH :/
Well if you feel like you remember some stuff:
Like assignments is what your saying? and I remember nothing from it lol, I was just taking a pure syntax/logic approach to the exception your getting
@DumbKnee The solution of multithreading is to not use multithreading.
What Uni said, but you have to add wherever possible
@nTuply Name one scenario where multithreading is needed.
Operating Systems
I'll give you five bucks if you link genetics to multithreading in any sane way possible.
Anything that needs massive computing resources needs multithreading
Molecular Dynamic Simulations lol
You solve my problem instead of 5 bucks? :P
Genetic Sequence Analysis
And cryptography is a study, not its implementation.
Is one that comes to mind, as I had to do it a few years back
My Multithreading lecturer has a PhD in Genetics -_-
Well I would appreciate if you guys could take a look :)
main: http://pastebin.com/ViFFswBA
Serial: http://pastebin.com/mDKUhkD4
Parallel(Problematic one): http://pastebin.com/3CCt6PCS
It's 3 simple classes :)
Just need help with the parallel
Ugh, pastebin.
What's wrong with pastebin? You preferred that earlier if I'm not mistaken
^ that's what I prefer
Pastebin has a crappy API, a crappy interface, crappy syntax coloring and has ads
@nTuply Which Java version is this?
Java 7
I agree that hastebin is better but I want the code not listed and deleted in 1 hour(since it's an assignment) :S
I'll try to help but I'm playing cs go at the same time, what is your program doing in a sentence ?
@nTuply The code is still yours and you retain copyright, so there's nothing your mentors can do about it.
I see @UNihedron
@Ced Academic tier prototype of an algorithm implemented via multithreading.
@Ced Median filtering. Grab an input file of 2MM lines and output the filtered one.
I basically read the input file into an elements ArrayList and then do the filtering.
Any updates for me? :(
I'm going crazy I can't fix it. Meh
Someone said this to me earlier today "Wow your moving like you never turnt up before" wtf is wrong with people lmao
In complete seriousness too lol jesus christ
xD People turn up every thursday and Friday here and I can't since you know CS, Maths and Stats are crazy courses to major in -_-
The funny thing, is that it was in the middle of an argument
and I party way harder than this kid, but the fact that he even said that, makes me want to slap the crap outta him
XD I partied so hard first semester this year I scraped a pass in my algorithm class
Basically it's an Algorithm, Database(everything that needs to be learned in 1 semester) and lexical analysis in 1 semester
I learned 1300 slides in 10 hours
And I looked back on my life and regret partying lol
By partying I mean going out a lot (not always partying)
I find it's one of those things that you just gotta go with the flow man! I did a year long thesis in 8 hours, passed with an 80
in total probably graduated with around a 75 and got hired.. but about a twentieth of work in compared to the average student, got a better job than most of them lol
It helps that I'm naturally smart, but still I dunno, everything is relative I guess
lol. I got hired as a web developer contractor for a company in Denmark
I showed him the very first page I ever designed and he was like, I love your coding and it looks awesome.
I don't regret not doing more work, because what would I have gained from it in the long run? Nothing. Exactly nothing
Exactly nothing ;)
My friends get pissed off at me for this reason.

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