@Poteito Also; I'm quite busy grasping the concept of functions inside of functions. The concept is a bit wat to me but I hope it'll let me understand callbacks a bit more.
@Unihedron It is. I give the user enough information to solve his problem, but he has more information ready for him if he wants to investigate this further
@wonderb0lt Answers like "your answer is in another castle" are off topic, but if you explain it as much as necessary and provide links for in-depth reading it's kinda ok, but try to avoid it. Especially if it's outside of the site.
An answer library is kinda useless if the answer is a link to a resource that's been altered or removed
But I'll try to keep this in mind the next time. Won't remove my question now though since the OP discussed stuff further in the comments and also MUH UPVOTES
Run a regex with /'([^']*?)'| /, then iterate through matches for your target string; if group 1 is undefined, push it to result array; otherwise take group 1 and push it to result array.
@Gemtastic ^ pseudocode here
Java supports this tiny regex
Though, change * to *? for proper matching, which I failed to
Run a regex with /'([^']*?)'| /, then iterate through matches for your target string; if group 1 is undefined, push it to result array; otherwise take group 1 and push it to result array.
Not to mention, I wouldn't think it was fun to be called or implied that even as a joke... "treat others as you would have wanted to be treated yourself" and all of that.
@Tavo I dunno. Isn't the one-way tickets to mars all sold out already?
@Vogel612 It's a brand new install of the newest version, I've run into this in previous versions to with plenty of memory. I try to modify a file, and Eclipse just locks up and dies.
This doesn't make sense for a binary search anyway. For an array 1,2,3,4,5,6 searching for 2 your code immediately skips the correct index which is array[1]
If you hold down a letter that has accents for a few seconds, a window will appear that lets you use the number keys to enter in said accented characters.