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Everyone took the chance to bail
Gem said they'd be right back and the hangouts will have to wait if it'd continue so :p
I had a little troll
Who decided it was fun to mess with me while I was talking
And since we were kinda done anyway...
So embarrassing with the typo...
But NOW everything runs exactly as it should ^^
Proves that my code was working, I just had a typo in it
@SecondRikudo Didn't have much to add :)
@SecondRikudo what is that?
logs me out of all the sites?
@SecondRikudo ... do I dare?
@Unihedro Do you??
still logged into github :P
going to do it
Argghh... gmail kicked me out
totally going to
THANK GOD it doesn't log me out of my SE
^^ that
That site did absolutely nothing. I use none of these services. xD
wait, github?
But I'm still logged into my github. xD
I'm also still logged into my soundcloud.
I don't think it did anything. xD
I already knew about super logout ^^
@Unihedro I'm surprised that Google, of all sites, doesn't have CSRF protection.
For those of you who are unaware, this is a classic case of CSRF
Imagine you're logged into your bank, and a malicious site sends a request to your bank site to transfer money to their account
CSRF (or Cross-Site Request Forgery) is that kind of attack
And it's solved pretty trivially with the use of tokens
soo... IOW you manipulate the request headers?
@Vogel612 That site just hits the /logout endpoint of major services
@Unihedro I have a class MineSmileTimer enclosing a class SquarePanel. Now why don't the following lines work?
In hopes that you are logged in and that these services will log out for you
//create a JPanel containing the mines, smiley, and timer.
mine_smile_timer = new MineSmileTimer();
//create a JPanel containing squares using SquarePanel
squarePanel = mine_smile_timer.new SquarePanel();
@DonLarynx "debug my code for me"?
@DonLarynx Well, it's wrong.
@DonLarynx That's great, but why would you ping @Unihedro?
@SecondRikudo I like it.. it gets me out of stuff where I forgot to logout properly.
anyways I'm off... laters
@SecondRikudo because he told me to
@Vogel612 :P
@DonLarynx Fair enough.
mine_smile_timer is of type MineSmileTimer @Unihedro
well that's obvious
A: Instantiating inner class

MForsterI think you want to declare the HashPerson class as static. Otherwise it can only be instantiated in the context of the containing class, either in a method of the containing class or using code like this: ContainingClass container = new ContainingClass(); HashPerson william = container.new Hash...

I'm just following that. The error is "cannot find symbol SquarePanel, location JPanel" so that gives me a hint. hold on...
SO style
The line private static MineSmileTimer.SquarePanel squarePanel; fixed it
Quantum physics is really fascinating
any one know anything about logging into an oracle database?
<-- watching videos about Bell inequalities and quantum entanglement
is user -> schema a one to one mapping?
@TheCoder not with Oracle, no
If a have schema A, many users can log in?
Not even with PostgreSQL for that matter
The login process is not dependent on the schema
My question is this:
You have users in Oracle which have no schema at all
I have a schema in my work
I can log in using 2 logins:
Hey, hold on; you realize that there is a StackExchange site for RDBMS related questions, right?
Yes but noone is chatting and I'm a bit desperate :(
My bad
My app is a java app thiugh.
Why are the methods crossed out sometimes?
@Gem Deprecated
@fge are you going to answer?
5 mins ago, by fge
Hey, hold on; you realize that there is a StackExchange site for RDBMS related questions, right?
Can I ask a general programming question?
It's not about tech, its about dealing with a condescending, superior colleague
Sounds more like an HR question...
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, 15 secs ago, by Unihedro
You just jumped through 4 different, sky-far distinct topics, just ask you were originally going for :P
mm, is that a no?
@TheCoder Just ask it.
I have recently joined a bank. I amworking closely with another dev who has been there 5 years. He's perm, I'm contract. He is very knowledgeable. I'm very impressed with his knowledge (of domain and tech). But he (in a joking manner) condscends to me. I am nowhere near as good as he is but I'm ok.
He once jokingly said 'who hired you?' when I hadnt heard of dynamic proxies
I think he realises I'm nit as good as him and that he probably cant learn from me.
I am a contractor so maybe he expects me to be a whizz
I've spoken to another contractor and he told he he is the same with him. Patronising, etc. I must stress, it's always done in a joking manner, but that in itself is passive aggression.
Eh... That sucks.
Heh, so Max Planck named the constant associated with him h because it's the first letter of German Hilfe, which means "help"...
He's a nice chap otherwise. We get on pretty well actually.
@fge help is on its way
@TheCoder well deal with it, it's politics
My confidence has taken a hit. The new role is so overwhelming. My last contract I was very good (I think)
@TheCoder as with any new position, you'll have to deal with the vets
I now fear he might have input in my renewals
To be frank, there's nothing you could do about expectations.
I have signed a 6 month renewal so maybe I'm doing ok.but my confidence has taken a hit. He is leaving the team in 2 weeks but will have an advisory role.
so I#ll still be asking him questions.
I'll ask about getting access to applications and he answers as if 'how does he not know this'
you stink of fear
really you do
Yes, but only because its my first forray into finance
@TheCoder um actually
@TheCoder watch the video
I want it to work out
there's nothing you could do about expectations.
@Unihedro his expectation of me?
@TheCoder "How fear is the cause of anger and frustration". Stop everything. Watch the video. I fear for you.
If you take their jokes too negatively, then it will definitely not work out - eventually your colleagues will notice the impact, and while they may apologize or try to act more respectfully, you still have to finish the job
And from the implication, the job isn't easy.
theres a lot to learn yes.
steep learning curve.
Really. Of course, that happens with exciting domains.
@Don I'll watch later.No headphones
I'm open to admitting that I know nothing of importance, because I believe that to be true.
How do I restart a JFrame?

"You'll have to code the restart of the frame."

Although captain obvious, I'm just like fuuuuuuuuu
Constructors and Destructors in Java Swing are completely different from C++
There are no destructors in Java
If you learninh swing, dump it.
Yes there are Itachi
one sec pls
If you generalize, it's like destroying all previous data (and reinitializing)
thanks for all your help gents
i'm off to rid my ass of fear
@TheCoder did you not forget the ladies?
@don there are no destructors in java
:( sorry ladies!
@ItachiUchiha fine, but i like to think there are in javax.swing. see the pic.
thats bad thinking :(
@DonLarynx Your pic is of a Windows UI. That's disgusting.
@Unihedro visual studio ya?
only reason why i got it
and the fact that a mac was $400 more expensive
Oh, .net for C#?
@uni i have one of the pics posted by you which had windows ui.
@ItachiUchiha That picture was taken before I eliminated any form of Microsoft technology in my home.
The Lifehacks comment timestamp proves that.
I'm going to bookmark that conversation about how Mac sucks for future generations.
Wait, that was iOS.
I feel like this would cause a stack overflow:
if (e.getSource() == restartBtn) {

    new GameFrame();
never mind
> That is, the resources for these Components will be destroyed, any memory they consume will be returned to the OS, and they will be marked as undisplayable.
Off to lunch. Later @all.
Hi guys :)
... Hi
=javadoc BigInteger#pow
@Unihedro BigInteger pow(int exponent): Returns a BigInteger whose value is (thisexponent). Note that exponent is an integer rather than a BigInteger.
@Unihedro Winner .. Where ..??
@RakeshKR somewhere outside this universe
@Unihedro :)
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
CMS or Custom?
=javadoc Collectors
@Unihedro java.util.stream.Collectors: Implementations of Collector that implement various useful reduction operations, such as accumulating elements into collections, summarizing elements according to various criteria, etc. (1/9)
3 hours later…
@Michael I don't understand, I can connect to the chat's websocket in JS but not in Java
and it is doing exactly the same thing
Gonna make that bot in JS then
@Unihedro CMSs have the same problems as frameworks.
They're big, clumsy, and they aim to solve too many problems.
1 hour later…
22485468 eval bot
@crl 3.141592653589793
\0/ Now I only have to write the documentation and I'm done!
@Gemtastic \o/
now the question is... how to I send the database along to my teachers? :S

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