While you're still learning, never ever copy-paste. Your fingers need the practice of writing it. Even if you copy it straight off syllable by syllable, still write it manually.
I really appreciate the help you and other give here. I'm doing an unsupported (no lectures etc) online degree and when it's just you and a book, a few minutes of help makes a massive difference.
@ASR it is possible that you can get better answers in the webdeveloper chat, since they specifically work with it regardless of language, there migth be a java fox in there
The JS landscape is vast and growing constantly, which doesn't help
I quite like angular; its "HTML" files look to be purely declarative, a little like FXML
But then I'll start with it only next week; right now I have another task to do which is more important ;)
@SecondRikudo have you played a little with the debugger? In particular, have you tried and opened a zip which is not a trace file? This is some behavior I'd like in the web interface too
I want to create a new entry into my certifications table. That table only has two columns and a unique constraint on them. No primary key in the shape of an ID
That's why the MVC approach is strong, you can make the model throw an exception if the file isn't valid, and the JavaFX view will interpret that into putting a popup, and a web view will interpret that into responding with an HTTP error code :)
@JoelSeah Just connect the clients to the same server socket and let the server share the messages. Default connectionlimit would be 50 but you can change that.
@Juce so in a P2P chat system, the host can only accept 1 socket connection whereas in a client/server chat system, the server can accept more than 1 socket connection?
@fge ah ty think i got a clue now ^^ it really just accepts a connection. But 1 more question. If i close the server socket all clientsockets that were accepted until now aren't affected correct?
Hi I have a small question. Can someone throw some light on it? The question is...Does DriverManager.deregisterDriver(Driver driver) callled in one web application cause the jdbc drivers registered by other web applications deregister?
In my application I am calling the aforesaid method. I doubt that DriverManager is per JVM. So it might affect the other applications as they are running in the same JVM(tomcat)
@BRS This call happens in the webapp level classl-loader and not at catalina level class loader, so there is very less to no chances of that happening.