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I might need some help with the update of the db but I'm not sure. We'll see tomorrow
@fge Are you joining the sonarqube dev team?
@ItachiUchiha no, that's not my job ;)
But what I do can certainly help others, so I talked about it to my employer and he agreed --> publishing a first version this weekend
Hmmm... As I expected; updating the database didn't go so well squints eyes
@ItachiUchiha would you be willing to modify the debugger so as to use RichTextFX instead of the current TextFlow? ;)
Is there a reason for why this shouldn't update the database?
                    .set(CUSTOMER.FIRST_NAME, customerUpdate.getFirstName())
                    .set(CUSTOMER.LAST_NAME, customerUpdate.getLastName())
                    .set(CUSTOMER.GENDER, customerUpdate.getGender())
                    .set(CUSTOMER.EMAIL, customerUpdate.getEmail())
                    .set(CUSTOMER.DATE_OF_BIRTH, customerUpdate.getDateOfBirth())
                    .set(CUSTOMER.PHONE, customerUpdate.getPhone())
@fge I am already evaluating the API, you will get a pull request in few days
I like the fact that the statements contained in JooQ are pretty readable
@Gemtastic this is overly complicated
You have a CustomerRecord object created, right?
And why this won't execute is simple
@fge Yes
You didn't tell JooQ to
Well then just use it
You get a CustomerRecord given an id, right?
Well, how do I tell it to execute?
If then just update the fields which needs updating and call .update() on the CustomerRecord; although this is a little magical
As to how to execute, well, .execute() your statement above
But try and only set the fields which are actually updated
There are events on JavaFX widgets; use them
well, .execute() worked wonders.
@ItachiUchiha yup, that's but one thing JooQ allows ;) The other is to create pretty complex column/table expressions seamlessly
@Gemtastic good :p One thing is that JooQ does generate SQL for you but you do need to tell it to actually execute it; your statement above without .execute() will just generate a POJO which is basically an SQL statement ready to go, but you do need to tell it to go
Same goes for queries
<-- needs to go to sleep
@fge Can you mail me a trace file before going to sleep ? :P
@fge I see :)
I need to sleep as well >_<
Night both of you ^^
@ItachiUchiha a trace file, you mean?
@fge I said the same thing, didn't I?
Depends on how large you want it :p Some traces are too large to even send by mail :p
I want a small file, just for the text to be shown on the TextFlow
I now have a trace file with 34 million nodes
so that I can experiment
OK, hold on
I have one, now where should I send it?
"Need to sleep" and "going to bed" are not necessarily the same thing when it comes to programmers ;P
Can you tell an interface that the constructor will accept any amount of arguments?
@ItachiUchiha just sent it
@Gemtastic var-args?
@Gemtastic you don't "tell" interfaces anything about constructors
I mean the methods of course
Well then yes, that would be using an ellipsis; however, what is it that you want to do, really? Why do you think you need an ellipsis (or varargs)?
OK, well, now I'm actually going to act on that need of sleep
Have fun!
Thats strange
still no mail
Did it leave the outbox? @fge
Anyways, we will see it later
Night ^^ Sleep Ti8~
Ugh... why won't it accept public void create(CustomerRecord customer) but public void create(Object o)?
The interface looks like this:
public interface CRUDServices<T> {

    public void create(T t);

    public T read(int t);

    public void delete(int id);

    public boolean update(T t);
But it doesn't accept the method looking like this:
    public boolean update(AddressRecord address) {
        boolean success = false;

        return success;
@Gemtastic It should
I think so too, but it's red :(
what does the compiler say?
I closed it down now. I have to sleep now
Maybe it's just my computer being a mess from over work :P
Good night!
Night ^^
1 hour later…
A: Convert boolean to int in Java

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersenboolean b = ....; int i = -("false".indexOf("" + b));

WTF answer
5 - b.toString().lengthkennytm Sep 25 '10 at 15:26
@Unihedro so, how about boolean b = true && false;
@RandykaYudhistira It doesn't "convert boolean to int".
The straightforward method is obviously bool ? 1 : 0, but merh.
@Unihedro Mrng~
@Unihedro btw, why he give negative in int i = -("false".indexOf("" + b));
@ItachiUchiha Morning again! Working on anything?
@RandykaYudhistira Because indexOf returns -1 when it's not found.
And if ""+b is "false", then indexOf is 0 - it's matched on the 0eth index
and if it's "true", it's -1
-(-1) -> 1
oh i see
Just peeping into the RichTextFX
Dry running without even consuming mental energy ftw. xD
How is your work with JCE?
Can't work on it right now, @ school
same with if b= true && false, then his method wont work?
I'm trying to revamp my "about me" boxes of my Stack Exchange profiles.
Ahh, you get a lot of time @ school to chat in the room :P
@RandykaYudhistira ?
Good night!
@ItachiUchiha Affirmative
@Gemtastic Night!
Why is @gem back in the room? :O
... ask her :p
if i use int i = -("false".indexOf("" + b)); and b is true && false
what become of i?
@RandykaYudhistira true && false -> false
"" + false is "false", "false".indexOf("false") is zero
-zero is zero
then the b in int i = -("false".indexOf("" + b)); will become false, not true && false?
!!> var b = true && false; -("false".indexOf("" + b))
@Unihedro "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable b"
@Unihedro 0
@RandykaYudhistira ^
what about yours about 5-b.toString().length()?
is b= false
!!> "".prototype.indexOf
@Unihedro "TypeError: \"\".prototype is undefined"
or b=true && false
its java btw, not javascript
@RandykaYudhistira I'm well aware.
Logic is language agnostic. Failing to understand logic means you will fail both Java and Javascript.
@RandykaYudhistira He is trying to make you get the logic
he already said that :P
in 5-b.toString().length() if b=true && false;
!!> 5 - (String(true).length)
b will become false or still true && false
b is boolean
@Unihedro 1
!!> 5 - (String(false).length)
@Unihedro 0
ooh, it will become to false
@RandykaYudhistira What?
how to make a boolean still in its value?
i want to make a boolean b = true && false;
Define "still in its value".
so, b.toString().length() = 13?
or b.toString().length() = 5?
!!> String(true).length
@Unihedro 4
@RandykaYudhistira How many letters are there in "true"?
And "false"?
There's your answer.
what about true && false?
What does it evaluate to?
string(true && false)
!!> String(true && false)
@Unihedro "false"
oh i see, then it automatically become false
You know what an expression is, right?
yes i know, i just want to make b still tru && false
dont change it to false
Define "still".
still is, the value didnt change
i think i will use string to store that value instead of boolean
The value never changed. true && false has been an expression that is evaluated to false since the beginning of the universe.
You know what a boolean is, right?
yes i know
i just want to get b.toString.length() = 13
not 5
There is no boolean value with 13 length when applied toString.
=javadoc Boolean#toString
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. java.lang.Boolean#toString(boolean)
2. java.lang.Boolean#toString()
@Unihedro String toString(boolean b): Returns a String object representing the specified boolean. If the specified boolean is true, then the string "true" will be returned, otherwise the string "false" will be returned.
yup, i just want to change it to string then
string b = "true && false";
And now you're stuck with a string because there's no eval in Java.
Brb, heading home.
1 hour later…
Good Morning to all
@aniket mrng~ :)
today i got certification key from client
1 hour later…
Good morning, Java
Good morning :)
Mrng! :)
@Vyncent new here?
Yes, arrived yesterday
7 answers in 2 days, not bad !
Try to do my best, Stackoverflow helped me so many times. Tme for me to give it back
hey anyone_
anyone online
Is that legitimate question?
Well, i guess some are online, ;)
I had a doubt
with the size that int takes in memory
I had a understanding that it takes size depending on the arch of os
but is it same in java of is different
int in java always takes 32 bits of memory
I don't think I heard of any programming language making the sizes of their datatypes dependent on the OS arch
int is 32 bit, but the actual memory usage is not specified. It may take more due to alignment
@Vogel612 Otherwise known as 4-byte heap. Actual runtime representations may vary due to alignment and optimization.
@Vogel612 C
uni.... 'nuff edits
If only my keyboard would behave, sure.
hmm.. kk
@Vogel612 I guess you should see C docs
@RohitRehan C docs are a lie.
You should see the C compiler.
at least he doesn't lie??
@Vogel612 All humans lie. Trust none.
Should i trust you when you say all humain lies ? you may lying being an human :D
That's almost English. Assuming you're meaning what I expect to mean, negative.
hey guys
2 messages moved to Trash
2 messages moved to Trash
Thx my eyes were starting bleeding
Why my message? T_T
can anyone help me
@NTK88 Use pastebin or similar for long code snippets
@ItachiUchiha It's obsolete.
you need your eyes to become more resistant then @Vyncent
You know i'm young here. I'll adapt for sure
Since obsolete commets are flag-worthy, obsolete chat messages -> trash
> I just love this song
I need a new keyboard.
or you need to be more careful
@Vogel612 No, the "s" "n" "c" "space" "u" "~" keys just randomly kill themselves.
@Unihedro Me too :(
I'd grab and swing the laptop around and it works again for a short time.
@Unihedro okay, accepted..
I have 3 class and in my main class i have 3 scanner but i want to scanner in keyboard class
Maybe it's overheating.
can anyone help me
@NTK88 Then do just that?
do what
Use the scannner in the keyboard class? You just said that.
i got error
i cant fix that
Fix it then.
A: How to keep a laptop cooled down

MoosemanVacuum the vents The fans are designed to keep the components of your laptop cool. When the inside gets inevitably dusty, the fans have to work harder to be less effective. In the worst of cases, it'll look like this: In most laptops, using a vacuum from the outside will be strong enough to g...

How do I vacuum the vents without a vacuum cleaner?
@Unihedro Create a black hole. Easy-peasy.
@OlegKuznetsov meh. you'd need to make it too small.. it'd just radiate away instantly.
use edit-functionality, and also 404.
@ItachiUchiha Seriously what?
Is this your laptop setup?
and it has windows installed :/
There's another computer in the background, btw. :P
@NTK88 I can only see a interface
@RohitRehan Really? All three links leads to a 404 page.
@Unihedro last one works
@Unihedro WFM
@OlegKuznetsov What with whole foods markets?
@Unihedro haha my company policy denied this link :(
@Unihedro works for me
Doesn't work for me.
neither for me btw.
clear cache may be that issue
anyways since the question is incoherent...
@RohitRehan I'm not using a browser.
It's not like it matters whether we can actually see anything or not.
I'm using Chrome now, and 404.
The request returns "error". xD
sorry then I can't help
can two layer class loader be used to hot swap java byte code ?
@Unihedro try it through anonymizer
@zinking Affirmative.
@OlegKuznetsov Thanks for the tip, but I don't want to invest any more effort in trying anymore. It's not my loss, rather the inable ones.
@Unihedro +1
@Unihedro then is hot swap equivalent to inserting / updating java classes without restarting jam
Define "jam"
Define "inserting" and "updating".
AFAIK inserting is not supported
and updating depends...
@Vogel612 It depends on what you mean by inserting.
If that's purely behaviour, you can do it through reflection.
then what is hot swap
morning @fge
@zinking It is how it is defined, no more, no less.
@fge Hiya!
@Unihedro insert (new) into..
aka: add a new class....
Can't you already do that with a composition source class, JavaCompiler compilation, then loading.
@Unihedro , so you agree with @Vogel612 ?
@zinking I agree with Lisa Zyga's established theory on that black holes do not exist where space and time do not exist.
which is somewhat unsurprising....
Untimingly asked question, unproperly answered response.
I should had used "improperly" instead.
Q: What should I do if I get conflicting answers?

joehot200Yesterday,I asked What is better? Lots of small TCP packets, or one long one?. At first, the answers tallied with what I thought the answer would be. "" However, as the question got more and more views (How on earth did I get 1000+ views in a day??), I got more and more conflicting answers:...

Ugh, can't downvote on gamedev.se.
@Vogel612 so , two layer class loader can't be used to hot swap code
what is the problem with it
@Unihedro tough luck...
... Yet.
... No, seriously, I'm writing an answer now.
There's a lot of easy opengl questions. xD
Eh, screw it, I have more productive things to do.
We use ReviewBoard for managing our core reviews. Unfortunately, it accepts only changes in one project at time, while the team often needs to make changes in 2 or more projects at the same time. How would you process it?
dump the tool, get a better one
Bad grass is bad grass.
Current system (which sucks hard, imo): person creates review request, then he creates diffs for all other projects and attaches it to the original request. Need to update a diff? File it in the same request!
That's horrible.
Indeed. Unfortunately, only one teammate agrees with me :(
I'm going to try to convince the Oratio devs to use Bosun.
(The open source management software made by SE devs)
File successfully parsed
You didn't sleep enough, did you? :/
well, I think I did well, 3:30 am to noon.
Now I just gotta wake up and keep bashing code. I'm seriously considering coffee
Well, if I get hot water from that machine thing, I get tea. If I get coffee... so be it I assume :P
Coffee brewed from boiling water tastes sour.
Who said anything about boiling water? I think I got coffee...
oh well.
Any ideas as to why this one isn't accepted: https://github.com/Gemtastic/GemtasticCarShop/blob/master/src/main/java/services/CustomerCRUDService.java
When its interface looks like this:
https://github.com/Gemtastic/GemtasticCarShop/blob/master/src/main/java/services/interfaces/CRUDServices.java ?
@gem Your class definition should be
public class CustomerCRUDService implements CRUDServices<CustomerRecord>
@ItachiUchiha OF COURSE! duh on myself Thanks Ita ^^
what is it
where am i
Into the world of mesmerizing Java
@Andremoniy You're in the java world now
Should I create new class?
Welcome, new hero, to the world of Java! The constructor is private, find another way to begin your adventure.
One class, one responsibility
Better start with an interface :P
Sorry about "advantage", better not chat while playing chess. xD
I'm casting "reflection" spell and calling Creature.class.newInstance()
As I said, the constructor is private. As you did not call .getConstructor().setAccessible(false), you get a SecurityException in the face.

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