A flat file database is a database which, when not being used, is stored on its host computer system as an ordinary, non-indexed "flat" file. To access the structure of the data and manipulate it, the file must be read in its entirety into the computer's memory. Upon completion of the database operations, the file is again written out in its entirety to the host's file system. In this stored mode, the database has no structure which can be seen external to the file and thus is referred to as a "flat file."
The term has generally implied a small, simple database. As computer memory has gotten cheaper...
This would be what you're using if you use an ordinary file.
Throw it all out and start over again. The single responsibility principle (of SOLID) states that each method should only be responsible for one task. You're breaking it.
You're probably overengineering a method, which only makes it harder to build upon, to document, reuse or to make working. It's also where bugs float from.
Throughout my life, no matter how many obstacles and resistance I have to go through to succeed in my career of choice, I wish to experience its entirety and feel worthwhile. I don't ask for fame or riches, I just want to survive if I could and be able to recognize myself in the mirror that I'm still me, the person trying to make things happen. I don't get why this order of self recognition is so rare now. Maybe it's just me. Bye for now, then.
My thought behind it is that I have X2 2D String arrays populated from the same database table with the same information. One table will remain unchanged, the other will be manupulated. These will then be compared and the editable one will be used to overwrite the table. I know it would be much simpler to edit the table directly, BUT this is an on-the-job learning task
I already regret it lol, I can't use anything from the Collections class for editing, so removing a row means creating a new 2D array and iterating over it, adding each array to the new one but the specified row
I'll try to illustrate my problem in the following simplified example:
public class DataHolder<T> {
private final T myValue;
public DataHolder(T value) {
myValue = value;
public T get() {
return myValue;
// Won't compile
public <R> DataHolder<R super T> firstNotNull(...
He was wearing a jacket similar to the one the people working with administrative work around fires do, so I thought it was someone related to the fire that happened last week Z_Z
@Unihedro boolean contains(Object o): Returns true if this list contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this list contains at least one element e such that (o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)).
http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/03/09/coders-childhood-when-you-absolutely-need-free-space/ CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers Coder’s childhood : when you absolutely need free space CommitStrip 1425924579
Step 1. Try to get a relevant title; most people will look at the title to decide if they even want to look at it. 2. Write a well formulated question with as much relevant information as you can get, show your own attempt and be clear about your actual question. Good grammar and spelling helps. 3. Tag your question properly. More versed users sort questions they see by relevant tags. No tags, no appearance in their sorted lists of questions they may be interested in.
(Not to anyone in particular...) I just learned something. Studying up on multithreading. When you call a synchronized function, then all synchronized functions in that class are locked against use, until that one function is exited...because the class instance itself is the intrinsic lock.
All functions are locked while any one is called? I get that it protects the object's state, but it's a little shocking. Makes the decision to use synchronized pretty important...
Where and how much to use it, I mean. Not to be taken lightly.
synchronized methods are mostly locking the class because its primary purpose is to ensure its state does mot experience thread racing while these methods are called.
@Unihedro interfacejava.util.concurrent.locks.Lock: Lock implementations provide more extensive locking operations than can be obtained using synchronized methods and statements. They allow more flexible structuring, may have quite different properties, and may support multiple associated Condition objects. (1/16)
@Unihedro classjava.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock: A reentrant mutual exclusion Lock with the same basic behavior and semantics as the implicit monitor lock accessed using synchronized methods and statements, but with extended capabilities. (1/9)