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83 hours 12 minutes
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jchatexchange	35 hours 49 minutes
throwing-lambdas	2 minutes
That was less than I expected. :/
It's the summary for February. xD
3 hours later…
is it possible to make .exe file from java with out 3rd party converter
Sure, but why bother?
@Md.ImranChoudhury Depends
Good morning, Java!
@ItachiUchiha I have found the solution to your archive writing problem
Hello. I have a question.
I'm using Swing and inside my form I have 3 different JComboBoxes
@fge Ohh, is it?
@SJD what is the question?
The point is that I use a "DefaultComboBoxModel" for all of them. So let's suppose I have the following content for my model : "test1", "test2", "test3"
@ItachiUchiha devise a "poison pill" which you submit to the queue to signal end of operations; when the archive writer receives it it just flushes all remaining files into an archive
now, If I select test1 in my first combobox then all of the rest comboboxes (combobox2 and combox3) will have the same selection.
poison pill?
do you know how can I unlink them? (permitting to have the same contents - to update if I add / delete) but to keep unsynced at selection.
Do you mean some kind of flag which shows the end of operation?
@SJD They should be unsync by default. Why don't you use three different DefaultComboBoxModel?
@ItachiUchiha because I use the same for syncing data, I need them to be updated if I add / delete/ update.
@ItachiUchiha you can see a demo here : postimg.org/image/rcapjy29x
@ItachiUchiha no, not a flag; just a specially crafted instance of the class you normally process but which would just be passed as is to the archive writer instead of processed
@ItachiUchiha is it possible in eclipse or netbeans
@SJD update them separately
@fge specially crafted instance of class? Can you spread more light on it?
@Md.ImranChoudhury Nope.
@ItachiUchiha A poison pill is a special (usually mocked) object with a centralized reference to it. Usually when a queue is subject to finishing, instead of manually killing all the threads loading, a poison pill is pushed into it.
@Unihedro o_O
Each observers of the queue will then peek the queue before every operation. If it's the poison pill, it dies.
Ahh, I see!
That's still more efficient then to implement killing.
Well, in this case there will only be one real observer: the ExecutorService which accepts tasks
@ItachiUchiha big thanks.:D
@fge How do we maintain the queue in these Tasks?
@ItachiUchiha just define and implement a poison pill, can be either native or stubbing or just a dummy object
User POISON_PILL = // do something
I am not talking about the POISON_PILL
What are you talking about? xD
@ItachiUchiha you don't; the ExecutorService does
Just submit the requests to it coming from your servlet and when a shutdown is ordered, inject the poison pill and .awaitTermination()
Try and TDD it, it's actually pretty simple :p
but seriously, I need help on that PR. >:|
@Unihedro I have a situation where I create Threads. Each of these threads accept stream of data(which are files), write these files to an ouput stream (archive file). Each of these threads have a queue size(nothing but the no of files to be present in one archive). The threads need to wait until the queue is full to close the buffer writer and the archive file is done :)
@ItachiUchiha I already explained how to do otherwise, didn't I?
Have two executors; one for the threads which process data, another, single threaded, which writes the archives
@fge Did you? :O
@ItachiUchiha He did? On the other hangouts?
I mean, wouldn't he? xD
@fge But how can I have single threaded Executor for archives, when I have multiple threads running for each(different) type of file?
What different types of files? This is yet something else you didn't tell about
@Unihedro We didn't discuss about the approach on the hangout. It was more of discussing the problem statement.
@fge I told you yesterday that I have a Routing Type on a file. Didn't I?
No, sorry, I didn't understand that part; I thought you were using different threads only because you didn't know how to use an ExecutorService
Well, in this case it is even more simple
Don't create one centralized dispatching instance
Have the servlet make the dispatch
And route to a given ExecutorService which will handle one, and only one, type of files
In fact you may not even need threads; after all, each servlet instance will run in its own thread to start with, the servlet engine does that for you
Because the math is wrong. — erip 5 mins ago
A++ best comment of the year
Or if it isn't a servlet, there is yet something else you didn't tell -- in fact, what did you mean by "shutting down the servlet"?
@fge the servlet container
@fge I have just one servlet
@fge Do you remember this? sketchtoy.com/64610439
Yes I do
And I believe you must not do it this way
Given your "file dispatch" stuff you should have the servlet do the dispatch and not use a singleton
Do you understand something from this sketchtoy.com/64619774
And it is the webapp init code which should create the writer instances, and dispose of them when you close
Yes, and this shouldn't be a singleton which does that
Use a lookup mechanism of some sort
Also, again, no need for threads here, since one instance of the servlet will run in its own thread anyway
Each of AR1, AR2.. are archive files
The process in fact is dead simple: you receive a request, you select the writer, you send data to the writer; the writer processes it and writes the archive when enough files are present; on shutdown, you just order all writers to finish what they are doing, and that includes writing archives even if the required number of data instances are not there yet
@fge Each of these class (extends Thread) has its own OutputStream, which opens when the first file comes and closed when the last file arrives. It continues
Since all of them will run in their own thread you need not even worry about thread safety
@fge hmm, got it. Let me try building an app over it :)
THe most important point here is that each instance of the servlet will run in its own thread
That is a requirement of any servlet engine
I cannot have multiple servlets, since all the files hit the same link to get uploaded :D
No, you don't understand
Each request to your servlet will trigger the creation of a thread in which the servlet will run
Is it?
Well, otherwise scalability would be pretty poor, right?
Why do you think you have to configure thread pools in servlet engines? :p
Here what you do is 1. request received, 2. select appropriate executor service, 3. submit data to it
Well, rather than "executor service", the instance of the class which handles this or that type of file
Now, how you actually process the data depends on how long a piece of data needs to get processed
If it's short lived just use synchronized
Good so far. Just one thing which I am not able to decide. The task which we need to submit to the ES, it writes to the archive. But how do we control the creation and completion of a new archive file?
@fge care to hangout today about the criteria for 1NF, 2NF and 3NF? (and the other NFs if you want?)
It's an interesting topic I knew from experience, but never knew it has an actual name :P
@ItachiUchiha It's up to the class which encloses the ES, really; didn't you tell that it was dependent on the number of items submitted?
@SecondRikudo maybe there should be a poll first, to see how many people are interested...
Well, let's see
Candidate for next session: basic theory of the relational model; description of 1NF, 2NF and 3NF (first, second and third normal form); examples and counter examples. Schedule to be decided
^^^ Can this be pinned?
@fge If @Michael had made at least one of us into ROs, we'd be able to :P
Now we need to wait until he or@Unihedro wake up.
@fge We can star it :D
@Gemtastic Morning
I missed the last parts of the discussion yesterday (because I see the spreadsheed has changed)
Did you come to an understanding?
@SecondRikudo Morning :)
@SecondRikudo Went for a fifth and sixth opinion at CR. I was lucky to be tutored by a guy who's actually working with this stuff. Do note that he has yet to have a say about the current state of sheet 2 so any faults in there are mine not because he taught me wrong
It's really interesting to have a go around and hear what a lot of people are saying
@SecondRikudo I wasn't sleeping, I was at school.
@Unihedro I see no distinction between the two.
I mean, I still am.
@fge if you think what I wanted to do was adding a lot of data I wasn't paid for, you should have seen what that guy wanted to do; Put in ALL the data!
There are two states for @Unihedro. Either he is here in chat, or he isn't. When he isn't, he's asleep.
The preposition was incorrect, but other than that, A++ for awesome grammar.
Heck, for all I know, you people disappear from existence and become gamma radiation until the next day where you spontaneously return to being entities on the internet.
Ugh, TMI.
@Unihedro Until you prove me otherwise, that's the hypothesis I'm going with.
@Unihedro Do you even know what TMI means? XD
Quite shocking to think of souls as ionizing and therefore biologically hazardous rays.
@Unihedro I didn't specify what happens to your genitals during the transition. That would be TMI.
@Gemtastic TooManyItems (beta)?
@Unihedro Too many Ions
@Unihedro Didn't you know? Having a soul inside of you slowly leads to your death.
@SecondRikudo Isn't it water? Statistically speaking, 100% of people die before age of 180 after their first cup of water.
@Unihedro Warning! Marriage is the #1 cause for divorce! Approximately 100% of all divorced couples used to be married at one point.
@Gemtastic Well, if you tried not taking in oxygen, it would kill you within about 7 minutes :P
@Gemtastic You've realized too much. Oxygen is on the way. xD
Schh, don't ruin it for the guy who made that meme. He thought he was smart.
When the truth is in front of us the whole time. xD
Also, the world actually is flat
> > In 2004, 583927 people have gone through the divorce procedure in the USA.
> Not to offend anyone's religion or something but... shouldn't that number be even?
Some people have married and divorced inanimate objects
There's a story of a women marrying a wall.
> I can't stand you anymore! Why don't you ever talk to me?!
True story. Great romance.
@Unihedro Still a better love story than twilight.
@SecondRikudo ... Well done.
@Gemtastic TBF she kinda looks like a wall herself.
The only question is... which is a worse love story; twilight or 50 shades?
Isn't 50 shades of grey a trilogy?
@SecondRikudo SHUT UP! I'm a brige in a woman's body!
@Unihedro so is twilight
@Gemtastic You didn't marry a wall though
I've seen neither.
@SecondRikudo I mean that she said that
@Unihedro high five o/
@SecondRikudo \o high five back
I'm more like a barn wall; big and wide
@Gemtastic lol
Who needs that level of movies when you have asdfmovie? xD
@Unihedro Me neither 0/
Who needs abusive relationship when you can be single and free?
@Gemtastic Or marry a bridge.
TBF I heard surprisingly little feminazi hate about 50 shades of gray
@SecondRikudo I can totally see her saying "Honey, I feel like our relationship isn't going anywhere... Nothing moves you!"
@SecondRikudo Real feminists are livid
Because the nature of the movie isn't about BDSM
@Gemtastic \o
REAL BDSM is about respect and rules. The submissive one can ALWAYS control the situation by calling safewords.
50 shades is just... Abuse.
@Gemtastic I'm sure. Nothing demonstrates better the hypocrisy of those people than staying silent about this movie, but raging endlessly about a guy's shirt on the best day of his life.
@SecondRikudo People ARE raging about it. They're even writing about it all the time in the newspaper.
@Gemtastic Yeah, it didn't get nearly as much attention as that shirt though
Feminazies aren't feminists though, so yeah they are just as hypocritical as the misogynists.
@Gemtastic Yeah, that's what I mean
@SecondRikudo You know, the coverage IS about the same, just because you haven't noticed it, it doesn't mean it isn't happening. I didn't notice much about the shirt thing at all. I only saw the aftermath when real feminists apologized to him
@Gemtastic I guess vOv
But neither has been as big as that mo-fo thing going on right now. I'm not even gonna mention it by name because I don't want to contribute any more to it than I already have.
@Gemtastic Hmm?
It starts with a D
and it's not a penis
Doesn't ring a bell
Well, be happy then
Uni has already contributed to the conversation several times
It's about an optical illusion
And that's all I'm gonna say.
Oh, that
I still didn't get the point of that
I don't get what that is, but if Gem thinks it's OTT it probably is extremely OTT. xD
I mean, who the f*** cares?
Feminism supposedly has a great implication on our society and blah blah blah
Who cares about that crap though? XD
Hey, it's not like seeing sexist TV commercials is good either.
@Unihedro Wasn't it a photo posted on tumblr or something?
I'm not familiar with the background
@Unihedro No it's not.
@SecondRikudo ... ?
@Unihedro It's gone
@SecondRikudo Exactly
@fge Ok, got it! and what is dependent on the number of items submitted?
I prefer NetBeans over Eclipse and it is a good choice for JavaFX: netbeans.org/features/java-on-client/javafx.html and youtube.com/watch?v=EGEONliKWDka_horse_with_no_name 3 mins ago
Education hammer please.
Why does Eclipse's console think that it's the most important window and tries to pop-up from any position? Eclipse sucks.
@OlegKuznetsov It is because you don't know how to handle eclipse. Anything which you can't handle will suck.
Would had loved a correct sentence pattern, but other than that, A++ for awesome grammar.
@ItachiUchiha facepalm Ok >_<
[it shouldn't be default option, really]
@Unihedro Is that your new meme?
@Unihedro I don't get it
@Gemtastic I have nothing better to say. xD
@OlegKuznetsov It's a laboratory!
@Unihedro A for effort!
@Unihedro You iz in mindjail
@CapricaSix You didn't have to point that out, duh.
@fge Now that I can use Java 8, can we have that hangout about how to handle my file/process problem from earlier?
(setup file with some text from database, open file in editor, wait for editor to exit, read file, do something with result)
@SecondRikudo sure but not right now; is an hour from now OK for you?
I'll probably be at lunch by then
1:30 from now?
Since when are you in mindjail?
@SecondRikudo 895174 (?), 1355043 (?), 1858108 (?), 10 (?), 1005250 (?), 1941949 (?), 990192 (?), 2428683 (?), 1455016 (?), 2645256 (?), 2664200 (?), 3350338 (?), 3106345 (?), 1800668 (?), 1593459 (?), 2509223 (?), 3586251 (?), 3517363 (?), 2959554 (?), 3141603 (?), 2249815 (?), 91696 (?), 2272617 (?), 4155172 (?), 4463826 (?), 598637 (Pheonixblade9), 324516 (?), 3622940 (Unihedro), 3967621 (Nordehinu), 998328 (Carrie Kendall)
!!unban Unihedro
@SecondRikudo Unihedro freed from mindjail!
@Unihedro try not to kill the bot please
The bot can ban a user from the room? :O
@ItachiUchiha Why shouldn't it?
It could scan for certain word patterns and issue warnings
I though only moderators can do that :O
And if someone says 'tits' it can reply "you're fired!"
@ItachiUchiha The bot user has to be a moderator then
@ItachiUchiha The bot's ban list is for the bot to ignore certain users. It's not a suspension.
@Unihedro Got it :P
To prevent bot abuse?
@ItachiUchiha room owners can kick users from the room as well
yes, they can kick but they can't ban them
@ItachiUchiha there's a "boot"
it's a timeout.
@ItachiUchiha When you get kicked, you can't rejoin immediately.
@SecondRikudo One important thing to note is that when the bot mentions a room owner, it really means room owners of JS.
1m after the first kick, 5m after the second, and 30m after the third.
which is very small
@Unihedro Yes
@ItachiUchiha The point is to slap a disruptive user to shake him back into non-disruptiveness.
yes, but ban makes your reputation as 1, you cannot talk in Chat room, can't vote and many things follow.
It works relatively well.
@SecondRikudo the second will automatically raise mod flag if kicked from same room in two times in 10 mins, and three total kicks from any rooms will automatically raise mod flag and lift room creation and invitation bans.
@ItachiUchiha That's a suspension.
@SecondRikudo Are you interested in a bit of rant related to a disruptive user in the room right now? xD
Ok, so Ban has a different name :P
@ItachiUchiha Bans refers to chat suspensions. Main site suspensions are timed suspensions or to be short suspensions. :p
Bans are lifted when a mod flags a message of yours.
@Unihedro I'm assuming we're thinking of the same user. In which case I'm not worrying.
He'll be released from suspension only to be suspended again soon enough.
Unless he drastically changes his behavior.
Eek! New SO profile layout!
1 hour later…
@SecondRikudo ping?
@fge pong
Had luch yet?
lunch, sorry
Yeah, you ready to go?
I am; who fires it?
Feel free
@SecondRikudo here
Huh, you can use weird IDs for hangouts. xD
Sorry, I didn't record or anything
Meh, the Spanish guy really wants me, huh
WTF is this...
@ItachiUchiha ??
I just answered a question and this comes on top of my answer :P
@ItachiUchiha I get it too
Ugh. Poor design!!
no offense mister designer, but
Hey look!
Q: What is the new "Answer similar questions" feature for?

davidismI and a few others in chat are noticing that we get the following message after answering a question: Thanks for contributing! Have more to say? Answer similar questions Clicking the button for that post took me to this search page listing "similar" questions to answer. I guess that's ne...

I don't think this is required at all
@SecondRikudo again, do not hesitate if you have any questions
@fge I have one!
Can I nest declarations in the try-with-resources try header? Like this:
try (
  final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(nioFile);
  final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fis);
I guess we can.. why dont you try it?
cuz me lazy
@Unihedro yes you can
You can declare as many resources as you want as long as they are autocloseable, and they will be closed in the reverse order in which you declared them
And you still get all exceptions; if both resources throw on close, the exception thrown by r1 will be suppressed/attached to the exception thrown by r2 etc
Of course, exceptions thrown within the try block always have the priority (well, only one will ever be thrown from it of course)
Ah, another important thing
Closeable is idempotent
AutoCloseable is NOT required to be
And, that about covers it all, really
Less is more.
@Unihedro Add XKCD to the room's feed [like folks in C# did] ;)
@OlegKuznetsov Actually, it was added to the Tavern before C# added it to theirs.
Grrr, Sonar's API is very poorly documented
It's snowing outside and I'm almost out of Mt Dew. Life truly is suffering...
@Unihedro what does this have to do with Java?
preparing slides for the next session
@fge because life?
truly suffering
@Unihedro Is she sarcastic?
That's how I read it.
@Unihedro I try and separate, you know, life from the Internet; even though Internet is part of my life
@fge when doing git add -N file && git add -p
Can't I split into smaller hunks?
@SecondRikudo yes, nothing prevents you from doing so
Hum... coming to ask a thing about Java I didn't expect to find here so many people I'm used to see in the JS room...
@fge When I try I get the help text and the same hunk
(note that git add -p can take one or more argument(s))
@SecondRikudo well, git add -N only adds the "filesystem entry" to the index, not the contents of it; not sure what you mean?
@fge I create a file with text
git add -N the file
then git add -p
I see the hunk and the "what do you want to do?" input
(The entire file as one large hunk)
Well, you select 'e'
And you edit the hunk
Why? There's s that should split the hunk into smaller hunks
Yes, but that is only relevant if there are actually separate hunks, that is, there are context lines between hunks
If it's an entirely new file, there won't be any
Java masters, I'm here to learn. What IDE in 2015 ? Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition?
IDEA! IDEA! IDEA! (biased)
If I remove lines in that case, will it be intelligent enough to know in the next commit where to add the lines I didn't add?
@dystroy I also like IDEA.
@SecondRikudo yep
@dystroy IntelliJ! IntelliJ!
Just kidding. Use Netbeans.
You can edit hunks as much as you want as long as your edited hunk does not trigger a conflict with the rest
OK... What's better in IDEA ? Is it less buggy and heavy than Eclipse ?
Less cluttered; much better refactoring capabilities; better syntax highlighting; among others
@dystroy Nope. It's the opposite.
IntelliJ IDEA crashes 4 times more than Eclipse used to!
Screw stability and huge plugin supports, every plugin I could find and download from the IDEA repository are incompatible with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 14.
Except IdeaVim.
@Unihedro curiously I have the exact opposite experience
@fge I know. My computer isn't a general purpose computer.
Well, mine neither
I use it pretty much only for development
I am more annoyed by bugs in Ubuntu than bugs in IDEA
Mine's a gaming computer :P
:21860226 ooh!
I mailed you
Good morning, Java!
(Which means I trust you with my real name, try not to share it too much :P)
@Michael Morning
@Michael Morning!
@SecondRikudo I won't ever do what you just did so you can trust me ;)
Yeah, sorry about that :P
It's ok
Am I supposed to wait for the UK HR to get back to "us" or should I contact someone?
@Gemtastic She'll get back to me
So keep waiting for now :)
Thank you so much :)
hey guy
is it ok that im super paranoid with threads that i put synchronized everywhere?

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