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Still being processed! What on earth does YouTube does when "processing" a video?
Dude you know the drill
Share the name of software for Ubuntu you are using for recording of screen
@BranislavLazic it's Kazam
@fge yay!
2 hours later…
@fge Fragment into pieces to cache around data centers in your local region just so you can watch it in peak speed again when previewing, preparing analytics and audit data, passing the audio for bot rolls to test for copyrighted material (such as music by Chipzel; their bot is amazing in catching music, even if it's BGM), (flawed attempts to) fix black bars, as well as dim antialiasing.
good morning :)
if you call it a mrng worth wishing
wondering how many of us here will be enjoying valentine's day tomorrow
we even have a hangout tomorrow :P
good morning
@sripriya heya
Do you come here looking for answers to your questions? Or to just waste some of your time doing nothing but sulking in the room?
i have one doubt i am working developer but want learn java.i plan to study is self study.self study is good or going any coaching center help me
Self Study is the best! There are loads of tutorial(and yeah javadocs) available online, go through, if you have questions, ask them here or on the parent site.
thank u so much.sure if i have any doubt i will ask here..once again thank u so much
you are wc :)
are you looking forward to learn JavaEE?
but i now working web developer
ooo... then you should start with JavaSE first, get a hold of it for few months before jumping into j2ee
ok. i am beginner in java.after two year i want well programmer in php and java.daily plan to study java.first have to study JavaSE
you got it right
thank u
can u please tell which web site best for learn java
thank you
2 hours later…
Re-watching yesterday's session without the sound problem <--- Too good!!!
@fge It encodes it in different resolutions
Actually, I have much better question: >>"svn up
Updating '.': " What's on Earth subversion doing and why is it taking so much time? [like, 5 minutes while it silently searches for changes(?)] :P
@fge And thanks for the VODs
Did you watch them?
No, but I'll either this evening or tomorrow: the week was too busy for this :(
There is another hangout on sunday
you can attend it :)
I'll try
@ItachiUchiha I know, right?! This person is talented in teaching.
Happy Singleness Awareness Day!
intellij idea or eclipse ??
not eclipse
whichever you find more comfortable
i've been using eclipse since last month or so, but in case intellij is better , i might as well switch asap.
IntelliJ works in an awesome way, but it crashes too often.
"better" is quite subjective. why not try both for some time and then decide
@Unihedro /me hugs Singleton
yeah true , i have used Pycharm by jetbrains and it was quite slow in loading up.
If intellij idea is somewhat similar , in terms of resources needed , I might prefer sticking to eclipse..
@Unihedro or even AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean! :P
intellij is more resource hungry in my experience, (and less stable like uni already said) but whether it's too heavy depends on your system
core i5-3337u , 8gb Ram , win 8.1 and pycharm is noticeably slow
I like Eclipse personally, but admittedly IntelliJ does much more in a simplistic manner. In comparison, it does give little bit less customization in terms of misc stuff that you might like, but the tradeoffs are worth business level development, given you have a great environment to run it.
Though, if you're more familiar with Eclipse, make sure not to switch until you're ready to configure stuff. Lots of stuff.
I have no idea about pycharm. never used it
i think i'll try installing it on windows first.. and see..
do softwares load up faster on linux as compared to windows?? need to take into account the OS as well
It always load slower on Windows. Windows is such a mediocre environment that caches improperly, deals with registry poorly, and
/end bash
Eclipse sucks
Hello All
Seriously, I'm so sick of it's mysterious errors in code. You restart it - and they go away
@HarshadNasit heyo!
Hello, user!
Oh hey @Sam!
Hello Sam
I'm trying out Slack. It looks interesting.
slack.com a private unindexed chat thingy for groups of people.
.. Also with service integration, much like Gitter does!
Since the Comms room is empty, does anyone have experience with configuring host URLs?
I dont have
slackbot looks like your long lost brother @Unihedro
if you see a downvote to your answer , the downvoter has to be slackbot..
@Unihedro eeh?
actually ur reply made him look a lot smarter
@Unihedro Slackbot just reminds me of Stackbot.
if you would have said Vincent , it would be obvious that it is a bot
@fge: I was replying to the question you asked.
9 hours ago, by fge
Still being processed! What on earth does YouTube does when "processing" a video?
Ah, OK
May I know what is Stackbot?
... Great.
This site doesn't even check your name thru a regex.
@HarshadNasit Lets just say it was one of ✩★✩★✩'s little "toys".
@Sam Censor the name!
great @sam
But seriously, there's a meta post about it; but you'll get a better view of the situation by searching a certain chat room.
LOL, that certain chat room though.
why doesn't compiler complain when assigning a float to double
@reversiblean because it is legal to do so; your IDE may warn you though
as it complains about the lossy conversion from long to int
A double is "larger" than a float
This is a widening primitive conversion
And widening primitive conversions are allowed
@reversiblean Because there is no compile-time error introduced from assigning a float to double.
Okay. I got things messed up. Thanks for the clarification
Where can I buy hard copy of the Java documentation?
I wonder if those even exist for recent versions of java. The standard library is huge
@reversiblean You mean JLS?
how can one reduce the startup time of spring hibernate app
JLS does exist as a book though (v 7 does, dunno about v8), but it's not where to start learning the language
A colleague here at work tells me that his pet project takes almost 10 mins to load
@Smrita Buy more RAM and processing power on your server.
no i'm referring to the tutorials
Can adding some third party dep-endencies do that
Q: HTTP POST : how to use curl command with http post request in android

JigsWant to know how can i send this type curl request from java side .for this i used HTTP POST method but getting error of 400 bad request . please have a look .where is the error in my code ? my curl command is : curl -X POST -i -H 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="--your key --", oauth...

More dependencies, more startup load time.
how can I reduce the startup time any idea?
@Unihedro more enterprise!
@Smrita 10 mins?? what does he have during context loading, a dinosaur?
@ItachiUchiha haha
@Smrita Stab them in the face.
So any suggestions?
Check what is taking the most time (it may be due to a slow database connection). Find it and then try to think of solutions.
I think its because of some third partyu dependency that's added
@Smrita JavaSE? JEE?
You can't just suggest to decrease the loading time, without knowing the root cause.
@Smrita which 3rd paty library?
I think he told me that its because of a library async or something
java EE
its a hibernate spring project
Oh, snap
then ask him to find out why is the library taking so much of time. Ask him to create a POC with just the spring + 3rd party lib and check the time.
Java EE is type of hibernate project
I am Java Web developer
It goes like this -> Find the culprit -> Cure him, if possible. If not, Kill him!! -> All is well !! :)
I too suggest profiling first. Speeding up things is not useful unless you know what part of the code benefits from the speedups
@HarshadNasit and you call yourself a web developer ?
@kiheru i was looking at it when you post it : ) yeah, it has quite similar content
hey thank you guys
will ttyl
> Java EE is type of hibernate project
@Unihedro : brother ,if you don't know the sol'n then don't down vote any ones question ..
^^ The most lamest sentence I have heard in a long time
@ItachiUchiha roll eyes
@Jigs Don't worry, I didn't only downvote the question.
ya i get it what you did
@OlegKuznetsov You are rolling eyes to the wrong person :P
@ItachiUchiha nope, 'coz I agree with you
Good monring to all
Afternoon ;)
Good Afternoon
where r u brother ? @Unihedro
@Jigs if i were you , I wouldn't argue with or question unihedron over downvotes..
Not that it's worth the effort, I already did a battlecry for close votes.
Call of the wild Unihedro :D
how to import one spring application context into another spring application context?
I have tried the following..
<import resource="classpath*:**/sample-applicationContext.xml" />
@Swordy : brother ,i accept you guys have more knowledge then us but for the manners you guys should not down vote any one's question ,who just looking for solution ..thats not a proper way guys ..
But, the beans defined in that application context are not getting injected.
@Jigs i did not downvote your question
i m not bleam on you ,dont take it personally
and btw I am new to Java as well . So i wouldn't do stuffs that I ain't supposed to do.
yeah , i'm not angry :)
its ok bro ,cool . not an issue :)
dekh bhai :P
what does revani mean?
you are form where?
@Jigs ... I disagree with your premise. Stack Overflow is not about getting solutions to problems, it's about building a repository of best solutions to every programming problem.
a hm ok
"Find my problem for me" is off topic and therefore closeworthy.
By posting that for the second time after your blatant spamming, you would had wholeheartedly expected that coming.
"revani" means "rahengi .." total meaning is "Dekh bhai ,takliiff to rahngeiii .." :) @Swordy
@Jigs do you see the red crab on unihedro's avatar ?? That is the crown for downvotes...
its ok bro @Unihedro
ohh thnks..
forget it :) i ll make sure next time
Take a tour.
Hey people !
Hey person !
Since when is this channel this active
Since... Forever
Come on, Java is the best language, of course its channel is active :D
Q: How to send Multipart form data with restTemplate Spring-mvc

ManiekI am trying to upload a file with RestTemplate to Raspberry Pi with Jetty. On Pi there is a servlet running: protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter outp = resp.getWriter(); StringBuffer buff = n...

can you please help me?
What a good thing fge isn't here atm
Or is it? squints eyes
@Maniek Ugh, Jetty.
What's wrong with Jetty?
@Unihedro Because Jetty works best on Raspberry Pi
Singleness Awareness Day... isn't that tomorrow?
or is it the 14th in HK already? (it shouldn't be from how I learned Timezones)
btw. Hello Java
@Vogel612 It's 13th in HK, but it's 14th here on my local clock.
tell me how that makes sense, please ?
@Unihedro Does this mean you're gonna skype with your crush?
8:33 PM
Friday, February 13, 2015 (GMT+8)
Time in Hong Kong
Is your clock off by 4h?
@Gemtastic .. maybe
silently wonders how many will blame it on being friday the 13th that their crushes turned them down
@Gemtastic No, I don't run on Earth time, my clock is dynamic!
@Unihedro Does it also account for when the earth skips a second?
Yes, it also automatically goes forward when I stay up too late at night so it increases my motive to sleep, and listens for several of my favourite feeds and slows down when there's a lot for me to go through
Are you talking about your biological clock?
Because then it wouldn't be strange if it's not running on earth time :P
@Unihedro Are you from HK?
@OlegKuznetsov I live in HK when I'm on Earth.
Meh, I am, uh, writing tests again
Technically he's from his mom...
in other news, he's from Alpha Centauri
wonders whether people having attended my session now look at their code differently, if only a little
@Unihedro did you see my comment on github?
I find it kinda hilarious when people put out job ads and they don't know what they're asking for. Front-end developers in my country earn a real shit-wage since there's an overflow of them, but as soon as you even start sniffing the back-end, you have to pay up. These people want a front end developer who knows this:
Photoshop and Illustrator
A feel for layout, design and animation

Average wage for front-enders is at €1900/month before tax.
Would you take that job? ;P
Uh, no
I suck at frontend development anyway
I just had an interview today... for a Java / Scala web-dev job
I said: 2.3k€ / month (before tax)
and I think it's reasonable, even though I have no programming experience in Scala...
@Gemtastic um... yes
@OlegKuznetsov Really?
@Vogel612 That's for web developing as a whole I assume? Web front-end do not deal with back-end
@Gemtastic Depends on how expensive they pay.
@Unihedro I already mentioned the wage
most probably as a whole, though I'd probably be preferrably placed in the backend
... no you didn't, you just mentioned the avarage pay
(my js and css are less than mediocre)
If you're lucky you'd get €2400/month before taxes, provided you have at least 4 years of documented work experience
Wait, 1900 pounds per month?!
I'll definitely take it!
It's several dozen times of the average pay over here.
@Unihedro Sweden is a lot more expensive to live in
(Then again, the rich-poor gap is kinda massive over here.)
<-- is going to see a drop of wages in his new job but he expected it
After tax you'd get about 1300, rent for a one room apartment in the city hiring costs about 700
if you're living on noodles, you'd pay about 100 on food alone
Why rent instead of owning one?
Then we have electricity...
meh @Gemtastic make it 200
@Unihedro Ownership in sweden isn't true ownership
Ugh, this is so complicated
if you eat 3 times a day, and drink water not coming from the sink...
@Unihedro lodging is freakin expensive
You collectively own a complex with as many people as there are apartments. Then you pay a monthly fee to that collective
then adding in at least 350 for electricity, water and heating
I give up
and you've got 50 € budget left
Life is tough, I concur
@uni for the skills mentioned in that application you coould easily demand €5k/month
I don't know anymore.
^^ that
btw: this is the job I applied to...
might be that the required qualifications are in german only though
if you want I can give you a quick summary
- finished formal education
- practical experience in dev work
- extended knowledge of JAVA / JSP / HTML / CSS / JS / AJAX
- in the best case: Scala knowledge
- Knowledge of modern architecture, dev-methods databases and SQL
- softskills: ...
Sounds reasonable for a developer
@Gemtastic Wait, "before tax"? Then no :P
Or may be...
how harsh is swedish tax?
In Germany about 1/4 -> 1/3 are going into instant tax
and about everything else you buy includes either 19% or 7% "Mehrwertsteuer"
@OlegKuznetsov Tax is at 33% here
Also... You could, as I said, easily demand €5k/month for that job
It's just that the people hiring don't know what they are asking for and are only willing to pay a front-end developer's wage
many HR people don't know the difference between a front-dev language and a backend dev-language
@Vogel612 yeah, and the frontier blurs (what with node.js and whatnot)
don't remind me
@Gemtastic I was joking. For a junior (which I'm), €1.3k (with 30% tax) is ok. And due to current crisis, now it's a lot
hmm.. Russia..
youre living expenses are lower, though, right?
Yeah, but salary is also lower shrug
Inflation is weird.
that's why I'm asking..
You couldn't pay rent and living expenses for a one person flat with 1.3k before tax around here
@Unihedro Actually, it's inflation and devaluation
@Vogel612 sure
well you could if you lived somewhere further from a big city as stuttgart
@Vogel612 I couldn't do in Moscow too
@Vog: I missed when you posted that chat message, but yes I did see your comment.
soo... what are we gonna do? You're the regex guru of us...
@OlegKuznetsov if you know all of those things, 1,3k is not alright. You'd be grossly underpaid and there are tons of jobs for you paying a lot more. Back-end developers have a entry-level on at least 2,5k
(and that's if you only know one language)
@Gemtastic I know more languages than the brands of coffee I've ever drank.
@Unihedro Well as do I since I only drink boil-coffee and that's not often either ;O
I can't think of a proper metaphor.
@Unihedro And I've told you; you are the kind of immigration we love here; competent work force which will integrate well and earn us tax. I have a room you can rent if you get a job here.

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