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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

Morning @Gem
Still cannot load that 22+ million node tree
I thought of using h2+jooq later in the debugger... I guess I'll have to use them now instead
@Gemtastic impressive, eh? I asked the guy to send it to me
I kind of regret it now :p
But if I can manage that sort of trace files I guess I can manage all of them :p
@fge Indeed
Hi All
public class TimeComparator implements Comparator<MyData> {
    public int compare(MyData v1, MyData v2)
        long data1 = Long.parseLong(v1.getMy_date());
        long data2 = Long.parseLong(v2.getMy_date());
        return (int)(data2 - data1);
Do you see any problem in the above code?
It does seem that it is ordering sorting correctly.
I meant incorrectly
@CoKoder your logic is reversed
Anyway, use Long.compare(): return Long.compare(data1, data2);
This way you won't have to deal with overflows
=javadoc Comparator#compare(*)
@fge int compare(Object o1, Object o2): Compares its two arguments for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. (1/6)
@fge +1
@fge I want to sort in a way that the most recent date appears first.
@fge, Can I use return Float.compare(data1, data2); instead?
@OakBot Should I change return type of the compare method?
@CoKoder Type =help to see all my commands.
Long data1 = Long.valueOf(v1.getMy_date());
Long data2 = Long.valueOf(v2.getMy_date());
return data2.compareTo(data1);
public int compare(MyData v1, MyData v2)
        long data1 = Long.parseLong(v1.getMy_date());
        long data2 = Long.parseLong(v2.getMy_date());
        return Float.compare(data2, data1);
This seems to be working fine.
@Michael, what do you think?
@CoKoder -_-
Don't use floats to represent dates...
How do you prove Lloyd’s method is weightsensitive?
@Michael Thanks, I will use your method then :)
@CoKoder Good.
Java.. Java.. Java
@fge why use h2+jooq now?
For the web debbuger?
@ItachiUchiha no, for the "plain" JavaFX debugger
You just can't handle 22.4 million tree nodes in memory
OK, I exaggerate
22.2 million
It took nearly 10 minutes to insert those into h2 already, but then I did this in the worst possible scenarion
Undo log enabled, plus tables created with constraints already
So want to have a db for the javafx debugger?
Am enbedded db?
When the number of nodes is over a certain threshold, yes, that becomes necessary
Well, since my model is an interface I can switch from one to the other without a problem, so...
jooq rocks, I tell you :p
Less than 13 seconds to execute this over h2
(with 22+ million rows)
Not bad!
1 hour later…
Heya All
You still type sql queries
using jooq
what are the advantages @fge
Speed and robustness
I can manipulate that 20m+ entries trace file without requiring that the client has 16 GiB of memory!
And I do type SQL queries
THAT is precisely the advantage of JooQ over Hibernate and "friends"
Typing SQL queries is an advantage?
I thought it was a disadvantage and this was the reason Hibernate came into existence..
+ many other reasons
No, it is an advantage
In ORM, the most important is not the O
It's the R
And Hibernate, and many other ORMs, have forgotten it
As a result, they generate queries which are dog slow compared to what even a moderately skilled SQL writer can do
And JooQ brings this power back to you
@fge True that! But, again, you can switch to Nosql databases without the need to worry about your query
Nothing breaks in your application, when you just replace your database with another one
Nothing is incorrect, there is always something that will break
NoSQL is not a panacea either
For one, as a sysadmin, I resent the fact that they are very difficult to backup and even more difficult to restore
Second, and contrary to popular belief, they are not always faster than RDBMSes
Well, even if we talk about SQL databases, each one of them have different way of executing queries, for example PostGreSql doesn't has TEXT instead of VARCHAR/VARCHAR2.
How do you see your application handling the shift from Mysql to Postgresql?
Changing JooQ's SQLDialect and the connection URL; and using liquibase to migrate table definitions
@fge I can't comment on it. I am not very exposed to the same.
Using liquidbase is an overhead
But you use it once for migration
And then it's jooq again
+ I know hibernate is slow, dead slow. It is a beast which walks slow and takes hell lot of time to get warmed up.
how to get profile pic from database in spring jdbc template??
(disabling constraints before insert does make a huge difference; insertion rate x 2.5)
@Envious define "profile", define "pic", define "database"
1 hour later…
Do you guys have a decent JDBC tutorial which covers the basics from Java's side?
(As in, I already know MySQL and its features, looking for how Java interacts with it)
And please don't point me at the official docs because the suck XD
Are you looking for a tutorial on setting up a JDBC connection?
Or using it to persist and fetch data?
@second you must try the Standford Edu Docs <-- Plain and Simple!
Why is that that exactly zero Java documentation writers heard of CSS?
@ItachiUchiha Thanks :)
@SecondRikudo What?
@ItachiUchiha I have yet to find a Java documentation out there that looks good.
Compare it with the official nodejs docs, heck, even with the official php docs
Are we talking about the tutorial or the javadoc?
The new oracle tutorials are pretty good
whereas, there is nothing they can do about the java api docs
@ItachiUchiha link example?
@ItachiUchiha Why not?
I mean, the markup created by javadoc is deterministic isn't it? What's the problem with adding a CSS file on top of that to make it look nicer?
Oh my god, they're using frames
@Second As I have finally got a hold of ya. I had a few questions on using bootstrap. Nothing really big. Just about headers and footers
Not <iframe>s, old fashioned <frame>s XD
@ItachiUchiha I'm not 100% familiar with bootstrap, but go ahead
(Although you should probably ask in the HTML/CSS room, they'd probably be more helpful than I can)
I am just worried about the idea of whether creating a header and footer is a good idea or not
And whether I should take all my css imports to the header file
and all the js imports (kept at the end of the page) to my footer file
@ItachiUchiha in production, you generally want one CSS file and one JS file
I read few tutorials, where they have the <html> in the header file and </html> in the footer file. It made me sick <-- Is that applications are designed?
@SecondRikudo Bootstrap has its own css + fontawesome css as well. There are a few dependencies :P
@ItachiUchiha You should have a build step that packages all those files into a single CSS and JavaScript file.
Bootstrap provides the LESS sources for that reason
@SecondRikudo Never heard of this step. Can you link me to a tutorial?
@ItachiUchiha Java has a compile step
Yes, it has
Where you take your source code and compile it into executable binaries
JavaScript's build step is technically optional, but I require it on every project I have.
The build step is similar to the compile step in the way that it takes your source code, lints it, compresses it, packs it into one file, and writes it to a target or dist directory
You then serve from there.
Ahh, got it! Sounds like a step that dev's should follow
@ItachiUchiha have a look at both Grunt and Gulp, they're both build tools (that do pretty much the same thing, I favor Gulp) for "web technologies"
As for your earlier question
CSS files should always be linked at the head.
JavaScript files should also be linked at the head. If you have DOM manipulation you need to do, you just wait for window.onload (or in jQuery's case, $(function() { ... }))
I have this navigation bar on top, which is similar on each page, except the class="active" on the link. So I wanted the code (<div>) for the nav to be be on some external file. Is creating a HTML file, without the <html> declaration, a good idea?
^^ @sec
@ItachiUchiha are you using some sort of templating tool/language?
What are you using for server-side?
Server -> J2EE
So doesn't Thymelead supper including/multifile templates?
If you're asking whether you should use it, yeah, certainly.
Markup parts that are repeated throughout the site should definitely be factored out into their own files
Same as Java methods and objects.
and creating a header.html without a <html> or <body> tag is good?
@ItachiUchiha the end result, that the browser reads must be a valid HTML file.
yes, that will be a valid html file
However you divide it on your server makes no difference to the client that needs to understand the end result
Ahh, I was just confused whether it is a good designing technique or not!
So in short, yes it's okay to have snippets of HTML server-side to be included in a template and create a larger valid file.
Thanks, for clearing the cloud :)
Good morning, Java
good morning
good morgin
mrng everyone
Woot! I had an enjoyable afternoon
@Unihedro as in how?
@ItachiUchiha I removed that Platform.exit().. if you have anything else, tell me now, please ;)
Morning, Java btw.
Morning all!
@Vogel612 The rest seemed OK to me. I already cleared the cloud about the Executor not getting shutdown
kk then I'll be pressing the big green button ;)
Go Ahead and Launch the SpaceShip :)
launch completed
but I still hate github's way of doing this...
I should switch to command line merging
because then I don't have to put up with these goddarn merge-commits
soo... I fixed almost all the stuff commented on in the JavaBot PR...
@Unihedro you want to press the green button?
@Vogel612 Hold on, let me take one more look just in case.
I approve, ready for takeoff :P
3... 2... 1... TAKEOFF!
I think the help-command is bugged...
What's the invocation pattern?
**help [command name]
Everything is broken.
@Gemtastic Debugging at production has revealed things breaking.
Bugginess as usual?
no worse..
we join a chat.. and we send a message to it..
but we didn't join it
which is... problematic
grabbing a tea (and doing some dishes) be back right after for proper debugging
If I was a coffee drinker I'd so put my brewer in here
have you all used lambok?
if so how's it?
Never used it
@Gemtastic I already had a coffee today so...
I do have a coffee brewer, and I occasionally drink coffee, but cleaning after the machine after making some is a PITA.
It's not like someone else will do it for me, since I don't hire anyone to do housework.
@Smrita You always come up with new technology... Wow You are awesome
@Vogel612 That says nothing
@ShaU tell me something new :P
@ShaU I am planning to use it
apparantly getter and setter looks too mesy to me
at times
@Smrita A somewhat decent IDE would enable folding, which makes getters and setters simple.
@Unihedro yes but the code is still there
@Smrita I thought the problem was that it looked too messy? By folding, it no longer looks messy.
@Unihedro yes But I wana try lambok
this tym
but m not sure how good it is
hence wanted to ask
It's something you would learn, and throw away.
@Unihedro whyy would I throw away?
Because it doesn't stay with you.
*thow it away
Have you tried it?
You won't use lambok anywhere where you won't need it, which happens to be always.
@ShaU Then you're stuck with what you have. There are workarounds, but you do not have the skill set for it. Fin.
well I have to generate a lot of getter setter in my project
@Unihedro As in? What workaround i have to use?
10 messages moved to Trash
@ShaU Ugly hacks.
@Unihedro I know i am not much SKILLLED like You.
@ShaU Exactly why you're stuck with what you have.
@ShaU what happened?
@ShaU can I help you?
You decided to give compatibility with IE, now you are stuck with broken stylesheet attributes.
In other words - you made the bed, now sleep in it
@Unihedro You are such a RUDE guy
@ShaU hey I wonder why people are downvoting your question
@ShaU yeah that's uni's style
@Smrita Because it sucks. It's asking to achieve compatibility with non-browsers. It won't help future readers because sane programmers won't do that.
@Unihedro isnot stack overflow a place where people put forward their questions
I am not sane
@Unihedro IE is just fine.
I might sometimes run into same problem as @ShaU
Everything is relative anyway
@Unihedro I found the bug. The problem is in main.
You've been kicked from HTML / CSS / WebDesign.
You've been kicked from JavaScript.
Anyone else?
@ShaU Sure.
@ShaU no you havenot !!
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 20:00

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