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@fge Code for what?
Hiya @Michael!
I gotta go do something though, be back later!
@Unihedro Hey Uni!
OakBot Online.
It was terminating due to a thrown SocketException.
I modified it so that it retries the HTTP request, instead.
SO Chat was probably down for a brief amount of time while OakBot was pinging the chat rooms for new messages.
Right now, I'm working on updating the HTTP status code descriptions--OakBot is currently using the descriptions from an outdated RFC document!
I also need to make sure that the descriptions are formatted in SO-Chat-Markdown.
Notably, this involves ensuring that paragraphs are separated with two newline characters, and examples are formatted in fixed-font.
I've also created my own syntax for adding links to other RFCs and other sections of RFCs.
That way, I'm not repeating the same URLs when creating the markdown links.
Fascinating, I know. xD
Anyway, off to bed. Later!
1 hour later…
GM all
Mrng~ :)
Hey Shinchan. I changed my DP
Heya All xD
Home finally
Went to sign up for some lectures I was interested in :)
You need to sign up for Lectures in school?
in gradle you can copy files in the following manner task copyFiles(type: Copy) {}
*task copyFiles(type: Copy) {
from project(':tcp-erp-system').file('src//main//resources//js')
into file('extjsDesktop//src//main//webapp//js')
the type Copy is a task in gradle
@Smrita Are you asking us or enlightening us?
@ItachiUchiha Not really, our schools doesn't hold lectures.
m phrasing the question
I am not sure why a task is being passed as a parameter in another task
@Unihedro So you are enrolling for some course out of the school.. Ah nice! skool suckz
here copyFiles is my custom task
why is the task Copy being passed as a parameter ?
@ItachiUchiha Well, it's a lecture at a university near me. The people know me, so.
I'm still studying in high school, they don't do anything meaningful here.
And programming class teaches pascal.
@ItachiUchiha Whatt ? Skool suckz ?
@TheLittleNaruto What? School does suck.
I would love to attend classes again with Uni ^^
The other uni allow people from outside the uni? That is simply great!!
so pointless and unmotivational and expensive and time consuming
@ItachiUchiha No they don't. I'm just famous, obviously.
@Smrita I Don't understand your question
Jokes aside, I wrote a letter to their open department and convinced them to have me enroll in lectures I'm interested in.
@ItachiUchiha It's probably something to do with Android.
@ItachiUchiha ditto
well a parameter is being pased to copyFiles
which is my custom trask
here Copy is another task
you can pass task inside tasks?
also i am new to closures and all
and havent learnt groovy
but have to write some build scripts
and dont have time to go thrigh gradle properly
But isn't groovy like common sense?
Gradle actually uses groovy instead of xml
perhaps for you but not for me
So instead of Task Tag In Ant, we have task Methods/functions in here
Well, Groovy inherits syntaxes of all of Python, Java and TypeScript. If you know Java, you could use that subset.
what exactly is this doing?
*task copyFiles(type: Copy) {
from project(':tcp-erp-system').file('src//main//resources//js')
into file('extjsDesktop//src//main//webapp//js')
the type Copy is a task in gradle
@uni you should keep yourself out of the league :-P
you pass task inside task
that's l;ike passing function inside function
@ItachiUchiha And what's the fun in that?
is passing f\task inside task like passing funbction inside function?
Copy is the type of the task i.e. this task can make use of the predefined methods in the Copy api
It is more like extends in Java :-P
Though I am not very good with groovy, but this how you can put it :-)
May be
Or may be not
But I am not the judge
May be @uni can judge ;-)
@TheLittleNaruto Even you may
lol, looks like OP is not interested xD
Well, you are a gradle user, why don't you shed some light on it?
turns the bulb on
Well I am. But I really dint work on defining tasks :D
Otherwise I would have helped her at first place
Good morning, Java!
morning Oleg :D
@TheLittleNaruto you should learn more
@OlegKuznetsov Morning!
@ItachiUchiha I'll for sure :D
what does this mean?
war.doFirst {
before making war
it has to execute another task?
is execute the method of minifyJs
Oops! OP comes again in action xD
get ready @Ita
whats OP?
and Another thinfg
not sure, may be Original Poster?
we can write compile project(":abc-project")
what is ':' in the above line of code?
navigating a module
does : mean that the current module should navigate to abc-project during compile time?
Wow! You swallowed the concept correctly
And that is not a project "abc-project" if you're considering it as a project
A project can have multiple modules, your app module , library modules etc.
Everytime you add a library module, then it needs to be compiled in main module's dependencies so that you can make use of the classes/resources of library module in your main module
okay thanks a lot @TheLittleNaruto
Believe me, gradle is fucking awesome. I really have got started only so I need to learn a lot.
The Task Management, You're learning is a cool feature of it.
I dont know how it works though. :D
me neither
i trhink it is
I wana learn it too
but dont have time
so many things to learn at once
its like i have switched my job
But in short, It is kinda dividing task among the team
so have to learn a lot of different technologies
Welcome to the ocean then ^^
thanks :/
No need to worry or being sad. We have got too many blogs and experts to help us :)
Never forget that: You're on internet :D
Internet...?? is it somehow related to those underground wires?
so there's this problem that i am facing currently
whatever you mean , Droid
i have these bunch of js files(this project use extjs)
and whenever I change anything oin any js file
the whole project gets built
i wonder how to change that
Yes, it actually synchronized with gradle
am using eclipse
I thought you're using IDEA intellij
@TheLittleNaruto do you have any idea
no not using intellij idea right now
they are using eclipse
If you're working for a company they can pay for it
yeah but we are using eclipse
Best IDE for Java Dev
so yopu know that could be a future possibility
but for now
have to fix this problem
i change anything in js file
the whole project gets built
You dont want to do that ?
i dont want to do that
Check this :
killing adb process not working, its recreate itself automatically. why?
i dont want to uncheck it
All you need is to uncheck it :D @Smrita
Ouu! Poor gal! Why you're being silly ?
no i dont want to uncheck it
@Shamitabh Yes that command will actually restart it
i want my project to be automatically build whenever anything in my java file changes
but not when any changes are made to the js files
I dont know if Eclipse provides that much intelligence
@TheLittleNaruto which command
adb kill-server
i am ending process through system monitor
well i know that we can define inclusion and exclusion patterns
i dont know if that's gonna help though
Well then you can teach me that
@Shamitabh Whatever Uni said , you should respect that
guys he (@Shamitabh ) means tjhat he doesnot wana type but want the code to be written automatically
pretty nice way to ask for help
I don't need and never ask for help :P just want to clarify adb process in this situation
ok, correction...nice way to ask for clarification
@Unihedro lol, 8 months exp on SO you have, btw I don't have time for meta participation, I have a lot of work in development
@Shamitabh "Only eight months"? I'll prove you wrong, looky:
@TheLittleNaruto now can you discuss on issue
@Unihedro I never ask to do prove
How many helpful flags do you have?
@Unihedro lol, I said I have lot of works in development, don't have time for flagging topics on SO
@Shamitabh That's no justification.
See, the fact is that since you have lots of work in development, you wouldn't know Stack Overflow that well then.
Therefore, your "I know more of this site than you because I signed up X months earlier" attitude won't get you anywhere.
I am driving bikes since last 8 years, but I am still not a racer...any clues?
exactly but i know more than you :P
I even have more badges than you do, experienced Stack Overflow user.
...and I am a better actor than Morgan Freeman
see...typing things never cost anything...
I can type anything
Hey, I like Morgan Freeman.
lol, I banned in SO chat more than you :P
now go away and learn baby
but I am better than him so you should like me instead
where is @TheLittleNaruto
he is in room and I he think would have already helped if he wanted to
^ @DroidDev
We help (I assume to speak for the rest of us) because we like helping, not because it's our job.
Gaurav is helpless
bye lunch time
@Unihedro I know your job, just flagging and collecting badges on SO from last 8 months :P
see you after an hour
Nobody can say such word for a baby.. A baby cant be helpless.
Is there a way to convert a public T arbitraryName(@Nullable Foo parameter) into Supplier<T> which passes null as the parameter always?
Actually a baby cant be helped xD
@Shamitabh If you have a problem with that, you are free to post another "omg meta police sux i m so 1337 1111112123" on reddit, I don't really care if you do though.
@Unihedro Not worth it. Having illusions also don't cost anything, let them keep them and live with them
In short...ignore
@DroidDev It's not like this costs much of my time. With my 92 WPM, I was able to code while maintaining engagement with the conversation with little influence.
@Unihedro haha, ok
For some weird reason he reminds me of The Wannabe Developer With Golden Promises
Something interesting, busting a misconception about throw Exception being expensive:
> In fact, you can pre-allocate an exception and use it as many times as you want. One JVM benchmark a decade old (named “jack”) uses this technique in a parser to implement backtracking. The Hotspot JIT can optimize a throw of a preallocated exception into a simple goto, if the thrower and catcher are together in the same compilation unit (which happens because of inlining).
@TheLittleNaruto @Smrita Always start with the terminal :)
i am using minfyjs to minify my js as follows
minifyJs {
source = file("src/main/webapp/js/App.js")
dest = file("build/app-min.js")
closure {
warningLevel = 'QUIET'
in my gradle file
what exaclty does closure {warningLevel='Quiet '} mean?
anybody here any any idea?
Q: Gradle Logging Output Levels

SS44In my project classes I've used java.util.logging.Logger and added various log output's throughout my code, using various log levels ie. src/main/java/Run.java import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class Run{ public static void main( String args[] ){ ...

closure.warningLevel = 'QUIET', 'DEFAULT' (default), or 'VERBOSE'
that basically is settingf the log level in gradle?
the documentatiuon for js plugin specifies that closure warning level can be quiet , default or verbose
is it same as setting log level?
@ItachiUchiha So there is a way to do that ?
do you know anything that's like trello
but opensource?
What the hack is that ?
i mean i have googl;ed and found out some softwares like trello
just wondering if ypu've uised something like that
I dint
But why did it come in your mind all of a sudden ?
@Smrita If something as good as you described does exist and I know of it, I possibly won't be sharing. :P It's too good to be true, and too much to share. Duh.
What the heck is Trello?
Trello is a free web-based project management application originally made by Fog Creek Software in 2011, that spun out to be its own company in 2014. According to Trello, it uses a paradigm for managing projects known as kanban, a method that had originally been popularized by Toyota in the 1980s for supply chain management. Projects are represented by boards, which contain lists (corresponding to task lists). Lists contain cards (corresponding to tasks). Cards are supposed to progress from one list to the next (via drag-and-drop), for instance mirroring the flow of a feature from idea to i...
@ItachiUchiha stfw
@Unihedro too Lazy :P
@ItachiUchiha I'm not concerned. I hope you're happy with having me yelling at your face whenever you ask a one-click-duckduckgo-able-question-with-no-good-faith-assumable question though.
Ah! @Uni Dont keep being rude. Calm Down boy!
@TheLittleNaruto Hey, I am calm, but I reserve the rights to yell at 1cddgaqwngfa questions.
It's not like that's a lot of work to begin with.
@Unihedro What is the fun, if you don't yell ;)
I must say, you're aging fast, Uni
One day my mental age will surpass my maximum physical age.
At this rate he may be old in next few years (physically & mentally)
When that day comes, I want a light sabre.
Why would you want that ?
To fight :P
to whom ?
I am worried for you xD
Ugh, thank god I live in an advanced city.
That's gross. I've always been against child marriage, most of them are forced and no laws exists in those places to prohibit that.
There is a law against it at least in my country
9 <-> 62 o_O
The kid even doesn't know what he is doing
It is similar to marrying your grandma
@ItachiUchiha Generally, it is considered that a person gains the ability of cognition at around 14-20.
Not very surprisingly, it happened to be around teenage.
Hi, i need help finding a framework. It was testing framework, which was designed to help you refactor classes without unit tests. You ran it on original implementation and it remembered all the values returned from that class and after refactoring you could check that the class still return the same values. Any ideas? Thank you
@DominikM this thing sounds awsome.
Morning ;)
@DominikM all values? How does it do that?
It randomly injects whatever it feels like, or you select which values to send?
Uh, I'm not sure I like SO's new layout
@fge You wrote calls to the methods yourself and it remembered it through some proxy (maybe) i don't know details. I tested it 2 years ago and there were two frameworks but i cant remember name none of them
Hmm, I see
Never heard of such a library...
<-- prefers to refactor the code so that it be testable :p
Anyway, if you can collect the values yourself you can easily make a TestNG's @DataProvider out of the collected values
(with JUnit it's an horror to do parameterized test, with TestNG it's a breeze)
Everyone is back! :)
@fge meh.. you can write your own dataProvider for Junit
It's not that much of a nightmare as you put it
@Vogel612 yeah, right, you need it to be static, etc etc
An horror
??? no?
Oh really? And then will it run one test per value and not one test for all values?
How do you iterate over a Collection<?> with for(<what here?> e : collection)?
@Jefffrey Object?
Or, considering you used ? on the first place, you might like an Iterator<?> from collection.iterator().
@Unihedro Thanks
in Lounge<C++>, 43 secs ago, by FredOverflow
@Jefffrey ? is shorthand for ? extends Object, so for (Object o : yourCollection)
43 seconds ago? Dammit, I was shooting for 42 seconds!
@Vogel612 like I said; one test for all values, which means you don't know whether several values will fail
@Vogel612 that is unlike TestNG where, if you use a @DataProvider, it will run one test individually for all values
@fge hmm...
And you'll know the result for each of them
json-schema-validator wouldn't have 5800 tests otherwise :p
@Vogel612 That syntax coloring scheme is giving me eye cancer.
@FredOverflow why?
@Vogel612 Because I'm used to the way Eclipse does syntax highlighting. Does it even use color? :)
It does, but only 3 or 4 different ones. Mostly black.
the only thing that's giving me eye-cancer is the .entrySet()) { on a serparate line
@FredOverflow this is eclipse...
I just customized it a little to get even more information from coloring
You should write a plugin that converts a .png image to source code based on the color of the pixels.
How much market share does Eclipse have in the Java IDE space? More or less than 50%?
@FredOverflow If you asked the question a few years ago, you were close. But, in the past few years its demand has decreased, specially after Android Studio hit the market.
and IDEA is also grabbing more and more
So, uhm.
Here in the docs it says that add is optional. Then why is it complaining that "Matrix.Stripe.Iterator is not abstract and does not override abstract method add(T)"?
@Jefffrey that's not "optional" as in "optionally you can implement it"; that is "optional" as in an implementation may or may not perform add(), and if it does not, it throws UnsupportedOperationException
The choice of word may not be ideal, for sure

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