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@fge Yeah, I smell JavaFX @gem :D
@fge What is it about?
@fge I see. Yeah, specifications are nice for when you're gonna make something designy ;P
Today is brought to you by USS make shit up
@Gemtastic oh, it's not really about the design; it is about features
@ItachiUchiha recursive copying
@fge Well, it's still important to know the features. What if you think you want 5 buttons but then decide you want 10?
@Gemtastic this is the job of the UI designer then ;) But to be honest I really don't know what I would like a GUI to actually do; I'm too used to vim and knowing what I am doing
@ItachiUchiha interested? ;)
Sounds cool to me ;)
@fge Well I mean, what if your GUI designer made a design for 5 buttons... but it sounds like you've never known the troubles "just a few extra buttons" can do to your perfectly balanced design ;P
@Gemtastic it is not only that it sounds like -- I have never known to begin with
But, I would like to know more. Since I am new to the File Galaxy :P
@Gemtastic You are all excited to start :P
@fge Well, then I'm just telling you; adding "a few more little features" after you put the GUI designer to work can be hell to the designer :P
@ItachiUchiha I wanna code, man!
And I wanna do something with fge... I feel left out Q_Q
Guys working with @fge is honour and seriously you learn a lot of things quickly
@gem are you done with your homework?
@ItachiUchiha No homework atm
Well, I'm trying to study up on the subject of the course
But no real homework
@Gemtastic I can certainly believe it; again, I have 0 knowledge about GUI stuff
@fge Well, you do your thing and you're awesome at that
@gem you might wanna have a look at my MediaPlayer project. It can be helped with a better GUI :)
Note: It is a very poorly written project

A simple media player in JavaFX
Well, it starts off... interesting :P
Are you using stock images? @ita
what are stock images? @gem
@Gemtastic eh?
Not sure if you're playing uni-troll or not @ita
It's so bad that it's good
I should refactor the code, before you can actually start anything on it
Detecting inactivity. Initializing getActivity();
Hi Guys
Anyone know how I can change the when-clicked-background color of a JButton?
could you please clarify - is 'maven central repository' kind of default repo of maven? so if in the documentation I see 'just add this dependency' then this library should be available in this default repo?
I wanna answer you both
answer mine first :)
but since @XZen needs a li'l explanation, I will start with him
thank you
@Hellovart Yours need some code ;)
@XZen I think that is referring to the project POM-file.
@XZen In maven there is a central repository and a local repository
hmm, got it
Central repository can be any repository server, but Maven Central is the most often used repository which can be considered as a store house of all the jars that we need in our project
when you run the pom, jars from these central repositories are first copied to the local repo
which is generally ~/.m2/repository directory
and then used by your projects
Hope the clarification was clear @XZen
@Hellovart Coming back to you
show me what you have written
@ItachiUchiha, yes, thank you
@ItachiUchiha i'm developing a user interface with tons of panels its a big file
but I have a class that extends a Jbutton
is that what you want?
I need the action of the button
where you want to change the color
i think you misinterpreted my original question
i want to change the onclick background color
the default is gray
JButton, is that Swing?
like if a click and hold a jbutton
@Gemtastic yup
the color changes
@Hellovart override the onMouseClick method
I'm trying to find 'com.google.dagger' in the central repository, but I'm not able to find it and at the same time I didn't find any specific information on the official dagger-2 site.
okay ill try that
it seems dagger-2 is not ready actually to use
@ItachiUchiha Ai'ght. At least I got some things down about Swing (I should probably take a tutorial in it just to see how it works...)
Yeah, you should. It is pretty similar to JavaFX, just a bit messy, IMHO!
Yeah. From what little I've seen, it seems messy :P
Though the only thing I've actually used are the JOptionPane
@ItachiUchiha there is no onMouseClick function
Once you get the hang of it, java FX is really easy. Scene builder makes it even simpler
@Hellovart Can you show me a screenshot of what you want to do?
sure lol
@gem swing has window builder, but it is even messier
@ItachiUchiha I like the FX way
But I am a bit partial... Normally you prefer the things you know over the new things
Though i try to be objective
i want to change the onclick color as seen in the second screenshot
@ItachiUchiha com.squareup.dagger is not the same as com.google.dagger
there are two colors to a button. the color when not clicked, and the color when clicked
when you release the click it goes back to the not clicked color
i want to change the color when clicked
@Mr.777 could you please clarify a bit more how can I add dagger-2.0 dependency properly?
@Gemtastic Which pattern is it based on? MVC? MVVM?
funny i was just reading that
@OlegKuznetsov MVC
@Gemtastic I see, thanks
@Hellovart maybe set the button's background in an actionlistener
head spinning
@Woodrow but that would be the background color when not clicked
unless you mean the 'pressed down' color.
yes pressed down
@fge From this GUI stuff?
i fail to see why they couldn't have a function for it like everything else
Not sure @Hellovart
'sonatype’s central maven'
oh, now I got it
Maybe making your button into a picture would suit your needs..
@Gemtastic no, switching between @Mr.777 and @ItachiUchiha -- mind you, it is a very good exercise for me: "what you understand you can explain clearly, and words to say it come easily"
@Woodrow you should sleep
@Woodrow still don't see how that would let me modify the onpress color
I'll just settle for the default
If you press a blue button, doesn't the pressed button become like a dark blue?
@fge Well, I'm bad at explaining no matter how good I am at something XD
I mean if it's a picture, not a background
@Gemtastic explaining well is the art of pedagogy ;) This is why there are teachers and people who cannot be teachers ;)
@Gemtastic I love teaching -- in fact I have already done so
@Hellovart Why not use a togglebutton instead?
@Gemtastic it functions the same?
@fge I am definitely not a teacher then XD
@Hello I'm not a swing user, just shooting you some ideas
figured it out! you put UIManager.put("Button.select", Color here); at the top of the file
or inside the constructor for my Button class in my case
anyone have experience coding a decision tree?
For RPG games?
i have one built for my rpg game
I try to avoid christmastreeing and make it more object depending instead
@Gemtastic the decision tree will decide what material a captured image is.
@WalleCyril Hello
@BrianJ The way I structure my games I don't need a tree for that
I could solve it with a simple switch
But I dunno, maybe I'm doing it wrong?
Well well well, I have two kind gents working with me, both of whom do a fine job
What's not to like?
Did I do well or am I too tired to code?
A: .hasNextInt() in switch statement

GemtasticThis code will blow before it even begins if the user did not enter a number as the while required kb.hasNextInt() to be true (have a number) to even run. What I do is that I usually put the validation around where I receive the input: int choice; Boolean retry = null; while(retry == null) { ...

@Gemtastic don't use scanner
It is rotten to the core
@fge I normally don't
But it's just some example code
I prefer to use console
I prefer to use .nextLine()
(over Scanner)
Because with a String, I can parse it the way I want, and .nextLine() will have eliminated those dang OS dependent newlines for you
What is more, when Scanner fails to parse a token, it throws an unchecked exception
hey, have a question related to javafx.
does anybody know how can I do automatic switch in a TabPanel?
Like, I'm active on "REGISTER" tab and would like to see if DB connection still exists, and if it doesn't, then to move the "Action" to "LOGIN" tab
so... programmatically to switch tabs..?
Sorry, that I don't know
problem solved. thanks anyway:)
Well, I'm off the computer now. Night
@Gem have you worked with git?
@Mr.777 I've worked with git. Did you have a git question?
@ElliottFrisch Yes
I have done something terrible as usual :D
Let me explain the scenario
I have a forked repo
I create a branch let's say tempo
I was working on tempo while I committed something and then reverted back
Did you edit the history?
I wanted to remove those two commits and i did git reset --hard HEAD~2 ( i thought it will remove those two from my branch)
but it pushed my master back 2 steps
I then did git reset @HEAD{2}
And I don't know what happened :D
Now my master is 5 commits behind original
Try git switch tempo, then follow stackoverflow.com/a/1186549/2970947
Then push the branch to master and it should be resolved. You should also be able to follow those directions to resolve your master branch.
@Ellio I want to keep my master with the upstream master. How can I do this?
I tried git pull upstream master (but it doesn't work)
@Mr.777 Try git checkout master
@Mr.777 What does git remote show origin show?
This is my forked repo
and you can see the master as well
I want to be synced with master
Just clone master again.
This is what it shows
should i delete it first or do what?
I'd clone master again in a different directory, then you can merge in your changes from your local branch and unfork it.
@ElliottFrisch That sounds like a very very terrible idea
@Mr.777 Or create another branch for your correct changes. You haven't really explained what you're trying to ultimately achieve, beyond undoing some commits you've already made.
Okay so here is what I want: I want my master to be exact replica of the original master.
@Mr.777 edit your .git/config
@fge Ehmm?
Change the name of the remote in the [branch "master"] "section"
Change the name of the remote
Or git branch --unset-upstream master; git branch --set-upstream-to=<theremote> master
Well, then change the name of the remote for the master branch; or just create a branch for upstream/master: git branch -t upstream upstream/master
This is what happens when I do git branch --set-upstream-to=https://github.com/fge/java7-fs-more.git master

This is normal
It expects the upstream reference to be of the syntax <remoteName>/<branchName>
But what you provide is a URI to a remote, not a name
You can see the names of your remotes, and URIs at the same time, with git remote -v
1 hour later…
How did they get those numbers? Java and PHP shouldn't be that high on the scale.
Why, is Java not good enough to be that high?
@ItachiUchiha Yep. It actually runs really well. It usually sits around 1GB of used memory while running Chrome and Eclipse.
Frankly Pascal is a language of such incapability to follow OOP structure essentials and has terrible graphics support, I'm surprised it isn't last.
It must mean it's pretty popular.
Java should be #1!! xD
Of course @DemCodeLines, Java sucks in many ways, while PHP is just terrible. Those two languages slides really far when compared with other languages. Java and PHP are mediocre, even if famous.
@Uni I want a hat! :(
How is Delphi even it's own language?
Go downvote 5 posts in one day, gives you imitation crab
Q: Naming convention for Stack Overflow chatrooms?

ItachiUchihaSome time back I came across a chat room created on Stack Overflow Chat named as Java Sucks. I wanted to flag about the name of the chat room, but didn't find any way to do it. Nevertheless, I thought that some moderator would come across it and eventually it will get blocked. Today, after few m...

@Unihedro lol
@dem ^^^
Vote on a post on the day.
There's a time buffer allowance of several hours to accomody time zones.
I just did!
Wait a minute or two, it takes some time for the caching to fix itself.
It's December 15 where I live.
Ah, ok.
Unihedro, Earth, Alpha Centauri
5.9k 9 22 45
16 hats! The crab is my favourite to wear :)
Aww, you're lucky.
It took a while.
Well, you gotta go where the jobs are right?
Just because it's not the greatest language of all time, you can't just ignore it. After all, it seems so popular, so I'm much more likely to get a job
I don't know, never has a proper job, been randomly writing regexes and ship code to random people for money.
not sure if serious
No employer wants to hire a 16 year old, so.
Best ways to make money online:
1. Jobs.
2. Gambling. // Only if you are already super rich
Are you still living with your parents? If so, then you don't have anything to worry about. Doing random programming jobs online will help you build a portfolio.
Just remember to keep track of what you've done, and save code samples.
Yay open source community!
I got a hat! :D
Let me try relogging.
@Dem Yes, I am serious.
Test one two
It takes a few moments to appear in chat 'cuz caching, you also have to wear it first.
Argh, sh*
No raw OutputStreams for uploads, even though the HTTP connection theoretically gives access to it
/me wants to avoid pipes
Mario would disapprove.
That sucks.
@Unihedro Yeah, well for the jobs part, you need to actually be capable. For the name of it, I know a ton of different languages, but am I master of any? Nope.
@Mario I summon you! ^^^
Yesterday, when I came here asking for good books to learn Java from, I was told Effective Java
You should try to master one or two. Java is a good one to start with, though I found cpp and actionscript more constructive.
However, it targets an older verison of Java and is pretty old.
Sorry, that's what I meant.
^ has free resources page
@DemCodeLines uh, its value is worth it, believe me
We need our own as well, please contact [email protected]. If you want to compile a list :P
@DemCodeLines its lessons are timeless
I gotta head to skool.
@DemCodeLines that's the same story with JCIP
It may be old but you are humbled when you have read it once -- and you'll want to read it again

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