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Have you compiled anything?
@Unihedron Yes :P
So, a service should not be splitted in other subclasses?
@korima Depends, what different entities you have to deal with
@korima That's a design thing. Depending on what you're doing, it will be better to split classes into subclasses or refactor them into interface-dependency classes.
The problem is that I can't put a real example because I'm a man that when I study something, I always look for the case more unfavorable
Well, take arraylists as an example.
ArrayList<T> extends AbstractList<T>, which implements List<T>, which extends Collection<T>, which extends Iterable<T>.
Ohhh man xD
You killed me X.X xDDDD
What's so incredible about that?
Think about it for a second. I didn't even have to pull up any resources or even my IDE for that, it came off top of my head and I don't even know if it's wrong.
Then, in that cases, as they are entities differents, they should be in splitted classes no?
But even if it is wrong, the most would be that I missed an interface somewhere.
The thing about ArrayLists are that:
@Unihedron Are what? xD
1. It implements Iterable at the end of the line, which is why it has .iterator() and can be used in enhanced for loops. See what I mean by design?
2. It is a list, and there is a list interface that allows all lists to implement so that lists all include specific methods which will be used. It's silly to have different methods for every list.
3. It is a collection, therefore a Collections class can exist to hold utility methods used to manipulate with such collections. Collections is not a List because Sets also exists, and sets are not lists. Therefore, Collections exists as to provide a
If ArrayList was just a class on itself, then consider that the utility classes would include methods for each list type specifically. Then Collections.sort(List) would become Collections.sort(ArrayList), Collections.sort(LinkedList), et cetera.
@Unihedron I think I understand it...
That's all gone to good design. Those three interfaces were just right, and even if anyone rebuilds the Java API, that's probably the approach they'd go as well.
My advice:
7 mins ago, by korima
The problem is that I can't put a real example because I'm a man that when I study something, I always look for the case more unfavorable
^ Ditch that.
Jajaja ok
@Unihedron Nope, that wasn't trivial ;)
Can I make other question?
It is trivial. Anyone who's written a Java library would be able to pull out something similar from thin air.
Sorry, guys, maybe I making stupid questions but as I can't find a answer, I prefer chat with someone
There's no problem with asking questions. If anyone's busy or doesn't want to answer, they can continue watching and enjoying popcorn or whatever.
Jjajajja, ok, then I go with that
Are you going to ask or what?..
It's a question about desing. As I said before, I did a service that retrieves me a resource from internet. Like I want that it returns me in some cases a bitmap, in other strings, in other a document, I thought to pass to her method "download()" an interface that makes the conversion.
I have a interface, called IConverter with a method convert()
Then, I have some implementations of that, having classes like, StringConverter, BitmapConverter, DocumentConverter
So, that interface, I passed it to the download method to get the resource in the format I want
I'm not sure if I have explained it well
That case is well designed?
And service that receives a interface as parameter?
I don't know, are the classes indifferent?
Yes. My service download the resource in a concrete format. As array of bytes. Like that bytes I must convert to other formats (string, bitmap, XML document), I decided to create the classes with the code responsable to convert arraybyte to the concrete format
Is it more clear?
I will have, BitmapConverter, that transform the basic type downloaded by my service to the Bitmap format, DocumentConverter, that transform the basic type downloaded by my service to XML document...
As I repeat I convert process, I thought that I must to create an interface
They may be well defined, but I'm not sure whether they're well designed.
What would be the right way? If I need that my service returns me the Internet resource in differents formats, how I desing it?
Build a Web Agent, then send all the work converting the bytes to a factory?
Thats has sense...
And to my factory what passed him to indicate the kind of format?
A constant like a int?
Or to avoid a switch statement in the factory body, I passed him a class responsible to convert process?
If they're constants, use constants? enums?
magic numbers?
And my very last question xD If my folder looks like as /services and inside webagentservice, where I put the factory class? I create a package for webagentservice and I put inside the service with the factory?
If your application isn't too big, why not all within the same package altogether?
It sounds like a small one to me, at least
in services/ put all? but if i have other services whould it not be some confused?
... ?
(primary package).servicename(optional: .artifactname) package?
For example, com.gmail.inverseconduit.tictactoe.utils
Ok. I was thinking on ..myapp.services.webagent
and inside but service and factory
But maybe to face of reusability is better put all in myapp.services
Viewing that I think I abuse too with nested packages but for fear to mix things
Sometimes is too difficult giving names to be good
Above all with views. For dont mix her components I tend to create subpackages for each windows/screen of my app
@Unihedron Thanks for all. I really appreciate all your help :)
@korima One of the hardest tasks as a programmer is to name things.
And so much...
That and implementing a feature you don't agree with.
FYI I am Trevi 2.0
all fine ?
I am mlwn
the whistle holder
hey.. you're awake bro ?
@ItachiUchiha yooooohooooooo
do i know you?
I guess not... how would you know me ??? :)
@ArielHenryson, helloooo
what about it ?
Is it a public gist?
I don't know.. I worked alot with swing.. never with javafx
do you want me to download the libraries >
and try to compile ?
No I just want to know if you can view the code?
I can SEE the code
when i use my eyes
U have ten times my points .. y must be like a HONORABLE to me... /l:P
can' t u see the code..
Its my code, obviously I can view it
hehehhee.. i know
but why did u ask if i can see it
u want it to be prvate ?
well.. I don't know what to say
drink some beer.. it would help.. lol
So where are you from?
heheh.. is that important '?? u might hate me if you know... (knowing that hating me is not the best feeling you could have for me)
why would I hate you? I am not biased to Location/religion..
I am from the Hidden Leaf Village :)
ok.. i am from the middle east.//// Lebanon (if you know where that is...).. but due to economical situation, I live/work in Africa... Ghana
what about u ?
what's nice ?????
your location
4 mins ago, by ItachiUchiha
I am from the Hidden Leaf Village :)
u mean my origin ?? or the place i stay ???
I keep getting AssertionFailedError: expected:<[]>
what the heck is that supposed to mean?
It means that your Test Case is failing
Here is the test case:
public void testCheck() {
        int n = 0;
        String expResult = "";
        String result = RentalCar.check(n);
        assertEquals(expResult, result);
and this is the check method:
public static String check(int n)
    RentalCar[] cars = new RentalCar[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cars[i] = new RentalCar();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i = i + 2)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i = i + 3)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i = i + 4)
    return RentalCar.numAvailable() + " " + RentalCar.numRented();
The error I get is: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<[]> but was:<[1 1]>
and i'm clueless about what's wrong
I am not sure, but assertEquals will always be false
as you are comparing the generated String with ""

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