I would say it is superior to the accepted answer, please explain how you go to this answer and where it is better than the the OP code. — konijn2 hours ago
@Vogel612 class DerivedClass extends Thread{} DerivedClass obj = new DerivedClass(); i did not override run(). here obj is pointing to an instance of DerivedClass and nothing more than that. when i say, obj.start(); then a second thread apart from main thread gets launched and executes the stuff available in run() method of Thread class. am i correct?
@Vogel612 class MyRunnable implements Runnable{} Thread obj = new Thread(new MyRunnable()); here obj is actually pointing to an object of type class MyRunnable and when i say obj.start(); the second thread gets launched and run() method of MyRunnable{} gets executed, but where is composition here?
@Vogel612 i did not get the word composition here: "Yes: implements Runnable is the preferred way to do it, IMO. You're not really specialising the thread's behaviour. You're just giving it something to run. That means composition is the philosophically "purer" way to go."
@Vogel612 you mean: when i say Thread obj = new Thread(new MyRunnable()); an object obj of type class Thread is created which also consists of a reference that points to object of type class MyRunnabe. this is composition right?
Composition over inheritance (or Composite Reuse Principle) in object-oriented programming is a technique by which classes may achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by containing other classes that implement the desired functionality instead of through inheritance.
Some languages, notably Go, use type composition exclusively.
== Basics ==
An implementation of composition over inheritance typically begins with the creation of various interfaces representing the behaviors that the system must exhibit. The use of interfaces allows this technique to support the polymorphic behavior that is so...
@Vogel612 i think this is not polymorphism, because target possiblly has reference to MyRunnable object. so target.run(); is pure composition but not polymrphism
Scenario: say you have a Foo someMethod() annotated as @Nullable; you attempt to inject the result into otherMethod(@Nonnull Foo foo); IDEA will warn you: "foo may be null"