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It is actually working--weird. Really weird.
I haven't been home for hours, it wasn't working at all when I left, now it works fine
Eh, good luck! I'm going to head to school now. Bye!
@Unihedron May you live through the day without hurting someone in sheer frustration
Hi, I was actually wrong.
It's not throwing a error, but it's not writing to the out stream.
8 hours later…
I have an application with a gui and jdbc connection
i made classes so one handles the jdbc connection and another to handle the input/output to the gui
so how do I connect the jdbc class with the gui one?
If I have Java 8 JRE, I will be able to uninstall Java 7 JRE with no problem running applets and such, correct? 'Cause I'm going to remove that since I have a Java 8 JRE now.
@Unihedron depends on how well the installer is done
But why a JRE if you develop? Go with the JDK, full stop
So I should ditch Java 7 JRE, Java 7 JDK, Java 8 JRE and keep Java 8 JDK and hope for the best?
@Unihedron well, that's what I would do but then again I haven't used Windows in 15 years
No, more than that, even
Nearly 20 years
hello every one
i need small in IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5?
is any one working on it .
any one alive here ....??
@Goku Not really.
@Unihedron i need small help in WAS v8.5 ?
I want to configure New Connection Factory
ok ...
hey.. how you doing @Gemtastic,...
kinda just woke up X_X
so I'm sleepy
and you?
am fine... was in the jungle for the past three days..
visiting some gold mines..
sounds like an adventure
so, practically, didn't sleep well... I slept in the car one night.. in a stupid hotel the second night... and in a local's house the third night
didn't shower as well... yakkkkk
but now am better
came back to the big city.. lol :p
and showers! :P
Glad to hear your back @mlwn :P Hope your adventures were fun, sounds remarkable
@Unihedron it was work-related.. there is no fun in work... though, I got stuck a couple of times in the mud.. and I had to call another car to pull me at some point..
offroad is cool.. yes
@mlwn o_O
Adventurous work :P
Hi guys!
Anyone here familiar with Spring Data MongoDB?
I'm not unfortunately, I have a bit of experience but not enough to do anything magnificant.
Q: MongoDB and Spring Data. Get size of array in entity

Ilya ShatravkaI have such entity. @Document public class Entity{ @Id private String id; private Set<Integer> ids; } I need to get size of array ids How it can be done using Spring Data aggregation framework? I'm trying something like this : AggregationOperation match = Aggregation.match(where...

Need to get size of nested array
Seems like i need to use aggregation framework
ids is not an array. Period.
why not an array?
Cause it's not an array.
private Set<Integer> ids;
From Java side it's collection, but from Mongo side it's array, isn't it?
@Unihedron am i right?
@IlyaShatravka dunno.
nvm, forget
hey @Unihedron do you know of a file rollover that can serialise the log? log4j you have to implement your own appender which I have no knowledge of :S
@Adz What you mean?
but which can work with file size rather than midnight
for the rollover
wrong link sry
Hm, I have a quick question.
I am using eculid's algorithm for finding the GCD. However, shouldn't the GCD of 12 and 14 be 2 instead of 12?
brb guys
@Jun-GooKwak it is 2 indeed, which means you must be implementing the algorithm wrong
@fge Alright, thanks. I'll look at the implementation.
@fge You were correct. I did not redeclare my variable to the the return value of the method. So it was always printing out the input. *facepalm
afternoon :) *
Morning :)
21:46 here, quite a morning
@Adz G'day to you
So quiet~
I just had this conversation with someone by email:
Them: I found out the script "foobar" isn't working correctly. Can you check it?
Me: Can you provide more information? How to reproduce and what did you expect?
Them: We see it is only running for 1 second and didn't change the servers.
Me: Could you explain how to reproduce?
Them: We did it by 1) Login to the server, 2) Open task scheduler, 3) Run task "foobar", 4) In the log you see the job runs 1 sec.
Me: I'm afraid I'm still lost. What server are you talking about? How do I know it worked?
So aggravating.
1 hour later…
jProghressBar1.setSize is not working
I need help
@TusharTushKhush Size is normally determined by the layout manager
first let me tell the problem
there is a jLabel in my From
Anyone know why a DatagramSocket wouldn't be actually sending the packet?
user sets text on it
according to text size it should update the size of the progress bar
but its not working
do you know why?
@TusharTushKhush Impossible to say without knowing more. How should the progress bar be resized according to the label size? What kind of layout do you have?
@kiheru can I show you the code?
If it's not very long. You can use pastebin
@kiheru When I call this line jProgressBar1.setValue(chk2); it becomes the preferred size
In what thread is the code running? If it's in the EDT, then there's no chance of redraw as the code is in the loop. If it's some other, then you're modifying swing components outside EDT, and that's not safe
if you don't see the label text changing, then you're most likely simply blocking the EDT
label text is changing excellent
no problem with that
let me show you some picture
Anyway, if you're modifying the components outside the EDT (as you likely are, if you see the label change from 2 lines above), that is definitely not thread safe, and weird things can happen
Anyway, the code soes not show where the progress bar is inserted to the layout
You might get away by setting the preferred size instead so that the code would appear to work. But that does not fix the threading issue. You'll get in problems with that sooner or later
I drag and dropped all the component by netbeans
OK, so most likely it's using GroupLayout (unless you explicitly changed it to something else). using setPreferredSize() instead of setSize() likely works. You still should fix the tread safety violations too.
let me try
@kiheru thanks a lot
its working
yw, but really fix the thread problem too. The program may appear to work now, but you will inevitably stumble to some obscure bugs
hello 2 all
2 hours later…
Is anyone on here?
Hey Guys...
ot too many on it seems
Q: TCPClient - Send & Receive Response

Destiny DawnI'm connecting to a remote TCP Listener that receives a string, and responds with a response. Going from my Windows 8 Phone App, to a Java Jar. The Jar IS receiving the message, but the Windows 8 Phone App is not getting the response. C# Code outputClient.Connect (/IP ADDRESS/, /Port/); ...

Hi, could you please help me with my question? Any suggestion what is going on? :(
Q: Sending SOAPMessage through sockets

peter55555I try to send soap message from client written by me to server also written by me through sockets. I'll try to paste only important code that should do that (communication between server and client is ok - I can send String object): // Client /* Soap */ MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory....

I am a beginner :( I spent many hours for this problem. It's quite simple I guess.

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