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00:00 - 17:0019:00 - 00:00

I'll sign out of my system, and sign in to bed now...
bed mode...
sleep tight
thanks... :-)
1 hour later…
It's your birthdate today
Not yet...I'm almost 10PM the night before
well, the event has already started
And it's been your day for well over 4 h now here ;P
2 hours later…
hello all
@NoopurPhalak heya
@Joe'sMorgue Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday!!
Hey there....happy bday...
Can anybody solve my problem about threading...?
I am facing one problem where I am taking image from camera and then it should be saved in database using swing
@Gops shoot
@ItachiUchiha what ?
What do you mean by shoot ?
ask your question
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// other complex code
This shit doesn't works for me what to do ?
well where have you written it?
if its inside a swing application
it will only work when you close the window
Ok i m pasting it
try {
TakingImage takingImage = new TakingImage(customer);
Thread thread = new Thread(takingImage);
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(thread);

System.err.println("Waiting for thread to complete..");
System.err.println("Thread completed..");

InputStream inputStream = takingImage.getCustomer()
"Customer image captured and saved.");
coz you have joined your main thread with t
so eventually t will be executed only when main thread finishes execution
But its doesnt works....
Look at my updated paste
Even I am writing to join thread it shows me thread completed even second window is open
Obviuosly it will show you thread completed
Why ?
System.err.println("Thread completed..");
is getting executed by the main thread and not thread which you have created
Hummmm it completes even i am writing thread.join()
thread here is executing TakingImage
Can you tell me why it happns ?
so if you want to see when thread gets completed put System.err.println("Thread completed.."); inside TakingImage
pastie.org/9633054 Here is my full code...
Hey guys ? wat's up ?
@Gops Go through this and let me know if you have any doubts...pastie.org/9633080
@mlwn heya
It means I have to add ex.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(
These lines are complsry ?
Does the code makes any sense to you ?
the execution of threads?
Sorry dude but not getting any ideas...
how first main was completed -> then thread you created -> atlast the awt thread
how first then thread is completed -> main was completed -> atlast the awt thread
this is the order
since join is used
main thread waits for thread to complete
@ItachiUchiha Man Everything is written I am not getting any ideas...why its not waiting util I close window of child thread ?
@Gops can you create a MCVE for your question ?
2 hours later…
Meanwhile, everyone is busy coding.
@LilSweden Hello!
I can ask questions here, right?
So how do I know what's an appropriate "chat question" and what's more appropriate for an "actual" question?
When it's off-topic for the main site, you can try asking them here. Such as what's the best library to handle websockets; When it's on-topic for the main site, and it's difficult for chat users to help you with this small box, you can try asking them on the main site. If it doesn't get the attention it deserves ([java] is decent traffic tag, so wait for at least a day) you can link to it here.
@Unihedron alright. If I need a quick answer/it's a minor question, can I post it here? I could always post the answer as a question on the main site after I have it?
Probably, as long as it's (even slightly) roughly on-topic for the room. JMS, JSP, JavaFX, etc.
Whenever I add a button to a pane in javafx, the pane changes color to gray. I've set my scene and the pane to black, and even tried setting the button's background fully transparent. Any idea what's up with that?
Can you drop in your code ?
I still can't make up my mind whether to use Github or Bitbucket. Have you voted on the poll @ita?
@Unihedron If you need private repositories, go for Bitbucket, else github
In bitbucket you can upload documents/data in the download section that can be downloaded directly by the users of the repository
Yeah, they host downloads.
Yo :)
@LilSweden use the CSS to make the background transparent ? -fx-background-color: transparent;
@ItachiUchiha If I want the List<String>.Contains method to ignore case sensitivity, I should just override it, right?
@miniHessel he needs a black blackground
@Unihedron If you need more socializing, you will get in on github
@ItachiUchiha try to set the background black in the CSS and see what happens
the effect should be same
Spirit of downvoting!
A: Empowering tag-badge holders part II - let's look at silver?

UnihedronI have a different suggestion - (to) Allow silver and gold badge holders to downvote answers on questions with the tag without the -1 reputation penalty. Since silver and gold badge holders scores enough to sufficiently prove their knowledge, they should be trusted to be sane enough to cast downv...

is there no way of just extending List, not ArrayList?
@miniHessel Of course there is, the interface is public!
I can't extend list, just array list.. :(
public abstract class CustomStringList3 extends List<String>
Error.. Netbeans suggest changing to implements instead of extends
Netbeans' problem. I can work it just fine.
but you wrote implements and not extends..So guess that's what netbeans is telling me
@miniHessel you can implement it, not extend :P
Sorry, List is an interface, not a class.
6 mins ago, by Unihedron
@miniHessel Of course there is, the interface is public!
Got it
Jus getting com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper cannot be cast to javafxapplication30.CustomStringList3
Runtime or compile time?
What are you trying to do ?
@miniHessel What does that have to do with the exception?
FilteredList<CustomStringList3> filteredItems = new FilteredList(data, e -> true);
@Unihedron Just showed what I tried to do :-)
@miniHessel your case can have two approches
1. create a List<MyString> instead of creating a List<String>
public class MyString {
    private String myString;

    public boolean equals(Object o)
        //your approach
        return false;
Will that work? Cause I do List.Contains(
So you're really just creating another String wrapper class to consume the heap and make the GC busier.
2. Create a MyList where MyList extends ArrayList and overrides the contains method
The second approach was what I tried to do
public class MyList<T> extends ArrayList<T> {

    public boolean conatins(T o)
        //your approach
        return false;
@Unihedron Please suggest any better alternatives. We are open to suggestions ;)
the second approach is what I have, and I get the unable to cast error
how are you using MyList ?
FilteredList<MyList> filteredItems = new FilteredList(data, e -> true);
try to extend it with ArrayList instead of implementing List
coz I guess there are other methods of List which you need to implement :P
Or even AbstractList...
You know what's clever?
When declaring an abstract object for a library, implement public int hashCode(), but have it final.
I tried arraylist as well @ita . Same error
@kiheru might help you with this @miniHessel
So it's just not me being stupid ? This is actually something hard ?
@kiheru what according to you is a better approach when you need to have a custom contain() for a list
I would personally just rebuild a Stack instead of implementing the list.
Question: Will args ever be null in system invocation of public static void main(String[] args)?
Through my testing a zero-length array seems to be passed in.
It will always have an initialized array
yes, length may vary :)
Cool thanks
What's the trouble in overriding contains()?
ObservableListWrapper cannot be cast to javafxapplication30.CustomStringList3
does not say much without seeing the code :-/
I'm on it
this is the override code
odd, the same code compiles fine for me
where do you try to do that cast, and how? the pasted code does not look like it's a problem
FilteredList<CustomStringList3> filteredItems = new FilteredList(data, e -> true);
well, yes. CustomStringList3 is not an ObservableList. You''ll need to either implement that, or extend a class that implements it instead of ArrayList (I don't know what is the best choise. I'm not familiar with javafx)
How are you today?
I found out about something new today. It's called an index, and it made my environment compile files 20 times faster.
Hi @HamZa!
@kiheru You know about an index, right?
Oops, afked in chat. Gotta go now anyways.
@LilSweden Bye bye!
@kiheru Tell me something good...
@Unihedron hola
Hey Ham
@Unihedron leave it
@ItachiUchiha What?
Hey @ItachiUchiha
6 hours ago, by ItachiUchiha
user image
Thank you!
An index is an indirect shortcut derived from and pointing into, a greater volume of values, data, information or knowledge. Index may refer to: == Business == Index (retailer), a defunct UK catalogue retailer formerly owned by the Littlewoods group and known as Littlewoods Index Index Corporation, a Japanese video game developer INDEX, a market research fair in Lucknow, India Index fund, a collective investment scheme Stock market index, a statistical average of prices of securities == Publishing == Bibliographic index, a regularly updated print periodical publication that lists articles, books...
My wife is in the hosp for a minor issue that got infected. Not exactly a HAPPY birthday... Took her in late last night.
I know what an index is
I wanted to know about it made my environment compile files 20 times faster
like what did you do, how did you implement it in your code etc.
I'm not sure if you actually understand which index I'm referring to. Basically I've created indexes for C drive and now it loads that much better.
I'm thinking about installing Ubuntu in this computer, but the HDD is full, and I don't want to wipe and re-install Winders. Can Ubuntu resize existing partitions?
I'd think it can, but I suppose you can resize the windows partitions in window too if you want to be sure
The Winders on this cannot do that...
ok. fedora installer could do the resizing, so I'd think ubuntu can do it too. May need defragging immediately before that so that the end of the partition is not in use
@kiheru so implement ObservableList doesn't work either.
CustomStringList3 implements ObservableList<String> {
@Neil Hey user!
Checked the drive, It's got SERIOUS empty space at the end!
@miniHessel The error probably is not the same anymore?
ObservableListWrapper cannot be cast to javafxapplication30.CustomStringList3
exact same
@Unihedron hi ^,^
i have a question
@miniHessel What is the type of data in your constructor call?
I want to store a callback in HashMap<event,callback> . so that i can call it whenever i want . Is it possible?
What are callbacks?
for example , new myCallback() {}
Why is the type in camelCase? Java types are semantically in PascalCases.
new myCallback{
public void onEvent(){
//developer code goes here
And to be honest, new isn't a good keyword to overuse, you don't want to clog up the GC.
@miniHessel The constructor is: FilteredList(ObservableList<E> source, Predicate<? super E> predicate); If you want a FilteredList<CustomStringList3> you'd need to pass it an ObservableList<CustomStringList3>. But: do you actually want a list of lists
Pusher library uses something like this
@kiheru the variable data should be a list of lists
and the filtered list should be FilteredList<List<String>
@Unihedron what they do is define a hashmap like this Map<String, List<PusherCallback>> mLocalCallbacks = new HashMap<String, List<PusherCallback>>();
@miniHessel OK. Then you'll anyway need to pass the constructor an ObservableList<CustomStringList3>, whatever way that is created
What's Pusher?
but i dont understand how would they call callbacks
ah, thanks great.
@kiheru tried that: String cannot be cast to javafxapplication30.CustomStringList3
@Unihedron It is a library for making realtime apps using websockets
@Unihedron lolz, I thought you somehow implemented indexing in your code, which made your java compilation faster :P
@miniHessel a String is not a list, quite obviously. The constructor needs as a parameter an ObservableList of CustomStringList3s (assuming you want the result to be FilteredList<CustomStringList3>).
@kiheru Hmm, okay
@kiheru thinking real hard
When I serialize an object through ObjectOutputStream, will static fields be written or should I transient them?
@kiheru So what you are saying is that I should send the constructor a list of CustomStringList3s's right?
@miniHessel Yes, an ObservableList<CustomStringList3>.
Yep. so I should do : FilteredList<CustomStringList3> @kiheru
@kiheru but as I do : FilteredList<CustomStringList3> I already do what you say? A filteredList is an observableList docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/collections/…
@miniHessel It is, but if you want to create one using that constructor, you must pass it an ObservableList<CustomStringList3>.
So my customstringlist should be public abstract class CustomStringList3 extends FilteredList<String> { ? @kiheru
That's strange, because if I don't use my custom list I just use FilteredList<List<String>> ?
@miniHessel That I do not know, since I don't really know what you're doing. It could be a FilteredList, or it could extend another class that implements ObservableList, or something else
shouldn't it basically just be a list?
Since all I want to do is replace the List.Compare method
FilteredList constructor needs an ObservableList
This is what I had before trying to create my own CustomList. It works great:
FilteredList<List<String>> filteredItems = new FilteredList(dataen, e -> true);
and, dataen is of some type that matches ObservableList<List<String>>, I think
if you want a FilteredList<CustomStringList3>, you must adjust the parameter type accordingly
I don't know how you create those; you can probably simply replace List<String> with CustomStringList3 wherever you create dataen
Then I get "ObservableList<String> Cannot be converted to CustomStringList3
as I previously had ObservableList<List<String>> dataen I guess it should be CustomStringList3 implements List<String> {
That sounds like you're trying to do the conversion at a wrong place. ObservableList<List<String>> should become ObservableList<CustomStringList3>. There should never be any ObservableList<String>.
I haven't
I only have ObservableList<CustomStringList3>
the error is btw where I do the add
Then I get "ObservableList<String> Cannot be converted to CustomStringList3
ye it's in the add method, found it now.
but yes, sounds like extending a list is the correct thing to do. I thought earlier that the data parameter was a CustomStringList3, so I got confused, sorry
ObservableList<String> row = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
then I do data.add(row), and then there's a problem
I really do not know what you're doing. Is that List above, actually an ObservableList too?
and data has some type too. The added items must match the type specified for it (data is some sort of list, I think?)
Sorry, for the unclearness
The list row is an ObservableList of strings ye.
dataen is an ObservableList<List<String>> dataen = FXCollections.ObservableArrayList();
Basically, you have a bunch of collections. Their types must match in the sense that if you change the parametrized type of one, you can expect that you need to change the others accordingly. Just changing one will get compile time errors, that's the expected result
@kiheru If it makes you feel better, I do not know what I'm doing... :P
so @kiheru I need to create another constructor that defines what row is or?
@Joe'sMorgue that just worries me when you have questions to me :-P
since ObservableList<String> row = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); isn't a list of lists it can't be CustomStringList3 neither..
Like "What is an int?" is not a question that isn't normally asked 75 times... :P
It's just a list of string, not a list of lists
An int is a list of string, got it! :P
Exactly, so why can't it just accept it ! :(
I am trying to import a library but, the project has not lib folder inside WEB-INF. I am getting error: package does not exists.
package name: org.apache.commons.fileupload.*; i added commons-fileupload-1.3.1-src.zip to Libraries of project (using IDE)
@miniHessel If you want to add row of that type to a list, then the list must be parametrized for that type of elements
any solution?
@M.S. import an existing library instead?
Yes i imported existing one but i am recieving error that package (belonging to that library) does not exists.
@kiheru ye, true dat..
so row should actually be CustomStringList3 row = CustomSTringList3 ?
If you want the rows to be of type CustomStringList3
(why such an odd name btw?)
I don't know :P
I want the rows to fit in to dataen, thats all :(
so I tried to have CustomStringList being an ArrayList
then I made Row an CustomStringList
Dataen a ObservableList<CustomStringList>
FilterdList a FilteredList<CustomStringList>

error: javafxapplication30.CustomStringList3 cannot be cast to javafx.collections.ObservableList
and where that happens?
maybe it's here pastie.org/9634154
So much pain just to only check for lowercase instead of case sensitive..
"can not be cast" sounds a compile time error. It should be very clear where that happens
Cannot be cast is a fishing error!
hahahahaha, I laugh my ass of right now..
added this, now everything is perfect
spent a day on making this idiotic CustomFilter class, when I could have just added toLowerCase
haha, ok. A custom class would have worked too, but simple solutions are nice
haha, thank you though @kiheru
Sometimes I make myself blind..
@miniHessel Did you know, if you hit the up arrow, you can edit a comment you made in here? You can add to it, or just change words, or delete stuff. You just have to do it soon after you said it...
Sometimes you make it more complicated than you need to~
@Gemtastic NOW...
@Gemtastic I was just scratching my head over why my classloader didn't work, your random message enlightened me to redo a simpler, actually functional approach. Thanks!
I'm too newly woken up for sarcasm XD
No, I'm serious. xD
But mini just said something similar, I just wanted to join the conversation XD
That's something that is very common. Once you get an idea how to implement something, you tend to pursue that path even if that turns out to be over complicated, instead of reviewing the strategy
@Gemtastic NOW, it's actually my hatch-day...
@Joe'sMorgue I know. Conhatchulations on your emerge. ;P
I like it!
@Joe'sMorgue I know :)
Ugh though
I wish I was a little bit more socially apt
Lol, happy hatchdate @Joe'sMorgue
The event still says "Karl" though :)
I guess we should have a party, albert minimal due to the amount of people on?
You don't have to does that...
My wife is in the hosp...
Mind is much there...
Ah. :( I forgot.
Ouch, that's not nice. I hope she gets better soon
Random question #3 (despite no one answering my last two) If I want to check whether C is child type of P and I have Class<C> and Class<P> from .class, is it Class<C>.isAssignableFrom(Class<P>)?
I'm pretty sure it's minor
Or Class<P>.isAssignableFrom(Class<C>)
My money is on Class<C>.isAssignableFrom(Class<P>)
otherwise you check if C is the parent to P
Don't P on your parent....
most of us probably have though
    static class Child extends Parent {}
    static class Parent {}

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        System.out.println(Child.class.isAssignableFrom(Parent.class)); // Printed false
        System.out.println(Parent.class.isAssignableFrom(Child.class)); // Printed true
celebrate good times, C'mon!
powers the server unit
WOW! I thought my eyes were going bad….
Since Joe isn't in a mood to party, let's crack into the Pentagon to order us free pizza instead!!
Sounds good!
Can we have a few naked women dance for us while we do it?
No, because sex and intimacy is off-topic for both Stack Overflow and chat.Stack Overflow.
Fine, send them to my house…123 any street, mytown, mystate
The close reasons are "primarily opinion based" and "too broad", I suppose
I'll take the midnight train going anywhere :D
I'm driving!
32-bit Ubuntu wouldn't be that much different from 64, as far as from a learning perspective…right?
@ItachiUchiha miss you..
How to establish a CallerSensitive method?
No one orders pizza without me
I was dancing, now all in sweat
Oh, you're back? I've made no progress on getting us free pizza yet.
Ahh! that z bad!
I will order for everyone :D
Just ping me your abode's location ;)
Yeah!!! Eagerly waits for pizza
I'm in .minecraft/worlds/myWorld!
The pizza delivery boy is on its way :P
I want pizza Q_Q
That just made it worse Q_Q
I need to step out.. :(
have a stupid meeting..
will be back soon..
@Unihedron Pizza cannot be delivered, Invalid address!
I'm back!
No Pizza for my h-day :(
Dead chat....
we're too famished from lack of pizza to chat
So much to do, so little motivation...
same here
hay guyz what is a boolean?
The opposite of a boofat
dis makes no sense to me?
It's a binary
@LiamWilson94 It's a data type.
In most computer programming languages, a Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false. Related to this, Boolean (named after George Boole) may also refer to: Boolean algebra, a logical calculus of truth values or set membership Boolean algebra (structure), a set with operations resembling logical ones Boolean circuit, a mathematical model for digital logical circuits. Boolean expression, an expression in a programming language that produces a Boolean value when evaluated Boolean function, a function that determines Boolean values or operators Boolean model ...
Search The (word) Web
Also related to RTFM, reading the manual
I actually knew that one
but thanks for teaching me.
I have so much lingo to pick up on :')
---Best search engine ever: bing.com--- Google is evil. Search with duckduckgo.com instead!
Hi guys, does anyone here knows greedy search and A* search? :)
doesn't look like it
What's greed?
a sin
I can think of more fun sins... :P
yeah, gluttony
I was working on my vanity yesterday and the day before, so today I can't walk Q_Q I'm both cursed and blessed with my calves; they are easy to workout, but because of that they strain too
Hi guyz, could someone please help me making a new multi-dimentional array out of two simple arrays
At least, just show me a lead and I'll continue xD
@Gemtastic, will check it thks <3
Good luck :)
00:00 - 17:0019:00 - 00:00

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