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Has anyone ever written code for the four color theorem?
whats four color theorem ?
@Unihedron that one was actually kind of funny, in the comments.
The four‐color theorem states that any map in a plane can be colored using four‐colors in such a way that regions sharing a common boundary (other than a single point) do not share the same color. This problem is sometimes also called Guthrie's problem after F. Guthrie, who first conjectured the theorem in 1852.
5 hours later…
any body help me in Hibernate I'm working in eclipse
i need to learn hibernate then hibernate connection with JSF.
I check out tutorial of Hibernate but it's not implemented properly.
and I thought you wanted shutdown /h
@HamZa any help?
@JazibBashir I can't
@HamZa ok
Inner classes are awesome!
It's soo dead :O
ControlsFX not working with latest JDK?
after Java8u20, you must use ControlsFXu20
plz give me link of hibernate tutorials.(step by step implemntation)
@JazibBashir Try to learn to google. It will be very useful !
@ItachiUchiha i search alot but when i implement according to tutorials it won't work
@Unihedron Heya !
@JazibBashir where are you facing issue ?
thanks @ItachiUchiha
@ItachiUchiha in bulidsessionfactory ( it is automatically crossed by compiler)
and it also says your hibernate.config.xml is not loading properly.
Its been almost an year since I last worked on hibernate
I wont be much help to you
you can put a question on SO
@ItachiUchiha No problem thanks for guidence
@ItachiUchiha Heya!
@JazibBashir Anytime..
@Unihedron ssup ?
Playing the kittens game, will go coding in a bit :)
I hate it when I say ssup? and people reply fine, Thank you
@Unihedron which kittens game ?
minecraft server, not programming stackoverflow.com/q/25979865/3622940
debugging help without enough information to diagnose stackoverflow.com/q/25981377/3622940
Nope, it's made in 2012 though.
there was a github game dev competition
Huh, interesting.
Very few JavaFX questions today :(
Go flag spam!
@ItachiUchiha I have one!
Is it possible to "auto align" elements in an anchorpane?
@miniHessel shoot
Autoalign to ?
the physical placement of them inside the anchorpane, so they dont stack on top of eachothers.
you always pass an anchor constraint for it
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(button, 10.0);
here button's position will be 10.0 from the top of the anchorpane
Say for example I add two treeviews to the anchorPane. So I call anchorPane.getChildren().add(treeView) and then anchorPane.getChildren().add(treeView2), the problem is that they stack on top of each other. Wouldl ike for them to place them self dynamically
Do you want them to be aligned vertically or horizontally ?
Vertically, but that's for now, so could be that I change it to horizontal
I am not sure whether they will align themselves automatically when you try to open the top tree, but you can try..
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(treeView1, 10.0);
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(treeView2, 20.0);
you may add both your treeview's to a VBox and add the VBox to the AnchorPane
Cool ! VBox it is !
The first option wont work
Another question, if you don't mind..
as the second tree will be anchored on top of the elements of tree1
shoot ...
Say I want to have a list of TreeViews, and I want the vBox to be binded to that list.. So if there's a treeView added to the list, it should automatically be shown in the vbox. Possible?
so you want, if the list has element(s) then vbox should be visible else it should be hidden ?
I want to be able to add elements to the list, and then they should appear in the vBox
Do you have a ObservableList<TreeView> ?
Sure I can, that really doesn't matter :-)
Bindings.bindContentBidirectional(box.getChildren(), list);
create a ObservableList<Node> and add TreeView to it
ObservableList lister = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
coz bindContentBidirectional() works on same kind of list
normal observableList, right?
you can however add Treeview to ObservableList<Node>
VBox box = new VBox();
ObservableList<Node> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

Bindings.bindContentBidirectional(box.getChildren(), list);
list.addAll(tree1, tree2);
something like this :)
hmm, no treeviews appearing
did you add the box to the anchorPane ?
hmm, this should work
I can run the binding in the @intialize method, right?
I have a big button inside the vBox, and if I add the binding method inside the intialize, the button dissapears o.O
and no treeviews added.
package layout;

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeView;
import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TreeViewsInAnchorPane extends Application {
Check this out !
I am doing the same, only different is that I am doing it in code run time.. So dynamically.
This one has a button
can you show me what you have written ?
ObservableList<Node> lister = FXCollections.observableArrayList();


public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
Bindings.bindContentBidirectional(vBoxWithTreeViews.getChildren(), lister);
so your button did not dissapear?
where have you written this statement - lister.add(treeView); ?
@miniHessel Nope ;)
In a method, which gets callled when the user opens my wizard and he presses a button
Is this button a part of the same FXML ?
The button in the vBox is the same as the vBox. So the button should be there. When the user opens the wizard to create a new TreeView, the FXML is not the same.
How can the Button be there in the same VBox and yet in a different FMXL ? o_O
Ahh, I get it ! The button is designed in the FXML
well, you can't do that !
you need to separate the button from the VBOX
Sorry bad explanation. I have one VBox with a button inside, in my main FXML. Now I launch the program with the binding in the intialize method, and the button dissapear.

I also have a different FXML which also has a button inside it. When the user clicks that button, I try to add a treeview to the list. But this code isn't called before later on, so can't understand why the first button is gone!
your button is gone, because the when the fxml loads, the list is empty, so the vbox.getChildren() which is binded to this list, gets empty and you get to see nothing inside the VBox
ok, and when I actually add a treeview, I do it when Im inside a stage with a different FXML, so it wont work?
@ItachiUchiha thank you!
@HamZa for ?
@miniHessel it will work
you just need to separate the button from the VBox. Try it !
But I still dont get treeviews o.O
@miniHessel show me the setOnAction() of the button
there's a lot of code in that method :P
Ill show you the relevant, so your eyes wont get damaged
shuts his eye lids to save eyes from the bright light coming out of miniHessel's code
TreeView treeView = new TreeView();

TreeItem<String> treeView2Root = new TreeItem<String>("MYSQL");

for (Kolonne kol : tabellen.listofColumns) {
treeView2Root.getChildren().add(new TreeItem<>(kol.NAVN));
May I ask, where have you written this
ObservableList<Node> lister = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
Please don't say, inside the setOnAction()
At the head of the code ofc
public class MainFXMLController implements Initializable {

VBox vBoxWithTreeViews;
ObservableList<Node> lister = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
any bdy know about the passing velocity template from database and set in header session variable to recusively use that same code every time?
@miniHessel It should work ! I am not sure, you might have to debug the code, to find the problem
I hope there is no stackTrace
You may also create a MCVE for me to check and tell you the issue :P
pastebin.com/Kci6HiEZ It aint that big.. By the way, ignore the variable vBox, thats another vBox not related.
pastebin doesn't work for me. Can you use pastie.org
What is the easiest way to make a workflow out of existing several classes, each takes input, keep updating its status while executing, and finally give some output?
hi am on Windows, when I run java -version in cmd it says
java version "1.7.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-b19)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.60-b09, mixed mode)

When I check in Add or Remove programs it shows Java 6 Update 38 installed
how is this difference?
2 hours ago, by ItachiUchiha
I hate it when I say ssup? and people reply fine, Thank you
@Mahesha999 : reinstalled jdk 7.0.0 only you will never get some kind of issues regarding to this types
didnt get you
@miniHessel I see you are using lister.add() inside createTableViewWithData(). But where is the method called from ????
@Mahesha... you need to uninstalled all the jdk from you system and installed only jdk 7.0.0
Its called from the other FXML wizard I told you about. Its basicly a new scene where the users enters information and clicks a button
@Mahesha999 You must have two instances of Java installed on your machine
@miniHessel How are you calling this method from the other controller ? How are you creating an instance of this already loaded controller ?
mainFXMLController.createTableViewWithData(tab); from the controller belonging to the Wizard FXML
yeah got it
mainFXMLController is created by ?????
MainFXMLController is the file I sent you.
how are you creating the reference ? ?? MainFXMLController mainFXMLController = new MainFXMLController() ??
MainFXMLController mainFXMLController = new MainFXMLController();
this wont work :P
it works ! :D
just the damn treeview that doesnt appear
the TableView created inside the createTableWithData() works fine ! :) But if it's poor design I would like to change it. What do you recommend?
@miniHessel It works coz the TableView is added to the vBox, created inside the same method and it is updated to a Tab that you are sending as a parameter
hit the head in the wall..
but whats the proper way then :P
@miniHessel you must use Italics in this statement :P
@miniHessel One quick question why is createTableViewWithData() inside MainFXMLController instead of WizardController ?
I gotta leave, ttyl !
Cause the method create the teableview inside the main FXML
Bye @ItachiUchiha!
nooooo <'3
@miniHessel thats what my question is.. why inside Main FXML ?
when it is not used anywhere inside it
I have moved it to wizardController now
but should I create lister in wizardController and write Bindings.bindContentBidirectional(vBoxWithTreeViews.getChildren(), WizardController.lister); in mainFXMLController then?
yes you have to
   WizardController wizard = new WizardController();
    Bindings.bindContentBidirectional(vBoxWithTreeViews.getChildren(), wizard.lister);
Okay @ItachiUchiha , I did it like this instead, is that ok?

http://pastie.org/9587586 (MainFXML)
http://pastie.org/9587589 (WizardFXML)
byte[] bytes = a.getBytes(Charset.forName("cp1252"));String b = new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
if a = "numéro" then b= num�ro AND if a = numéro then b = numéro byte[] bytes = a.getBytes(Charset.forName("cp1252"));
String b = new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); I want output as "numéro" in both cases either "numéro" or "numéro"
Please suggest how we can do this to generalize
in java
@mini i am online through mobile, so cant check out the code. you cannot use new keyword. The problem that you are facing is related to the question whose answer you are awaiting (about two scenes)
okay, I basicly removed the binding and did this instead: c.hBoxWithTreeViews = hBoxWithTreeViews;

then I can just type hBoxWithTreeviews.add(treeView) inside the WizardController
what is c.hBoxWithTreeViews and what is hBoxWithTreeViews??
ah sorry
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/View/WizardFXML.fxml"));
WizardController controller = new WizardController();
Parent root = (Parent) loader.load();
WizardController c = (WizardController) loader.getController();
c.tabPane = tabPane;
c.hBoxWithTreeViews = hBoxWithTreeViews;
is the WizardFxml getting launched from MainFxml ?
if yes you can do this, but try to use getController() instead of setController()
again you just need to share data from one controller to the other
ye, the wizard is launched from main
i will get back to you later and explain stuff, until then you can use this..
Good morning, Java!
Hi guys
Hi @HamidSamani.
@HamidSamani Heya!
byte[] bytes = a.getBytes(Charset.forName("cp1252"));String b = new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
if a = "numéro" then b= num�ro AND if a = numéro then b = numéro byte[] bytes = a.getBytes(Charset.forName("cp1252"));
String b = new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); I want output as "numéro" in both cases either "numéro" or "numéro"
Please suggest how we can do this to generalize
in java
Morning @Michael!
@user2577756 You can't, not with that approach.
Hey @Unihedron
um�ro to numéro
how can i do that
Including hacking out "n" out of thin air?
num�ro to numéro... i mean in java
ummm... when you declare a string literal, it's already in UTF
so it depends on how you have "num�ro"
actually i want to know if my input is proper or not "numéro" is proper however "numéro" is not
hey guys. Is it possible to make FileWriter static? Problem is I have a method which receives message from a server, in the method I declare a new filewriter, which writes the message received to the specified file. However, as I receive a new message a new Filewriter is created for each message received
@user2577756 use regex
@Eggy Very high potential for resource leak on failing to clean up!
lol yeah, doesn't help that i'm receiving like 2 millions lines of data a day lol
Depending on how you run it, keeping it in a special reference and keeping it alive would work...
But you have to kill it very carefully.
I think i figured it out
I declared an @override method which receives the messages, and I declared the filewrite outside of it
yeah that's workin
thanks you your help!
Yeah! Great work! \o/
4 hours later…
dead chat ?
best way to describe a woman you dont like - big old fat cow
@ItachiUchiha meh, I was more like wanting to start a game like the other day, check it out here
@ItachiUchiha btw your profile picture is totally unrelated to your username. It's a shame on Itachi
hello everybody, I posted a question few minutes ago, can anybody help me with that.
Anyone know how to use Apache Lucene FuzzyQuery? :I

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