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/me takes off invisibility cloak
Phew, he's gone.
1 hour later…
@aliteralmind The tests pass on my machine. I'll look into it later, thanks for pointing it out.
@Michael Thanks. Implementing Codelet into ez-vcard is a big priority for me. Would appreciate a bit of hand holding to get past these initial hurdles.
Implementing Codelet itself is the easy part. Just feed the required system property into JavaDoc and make sure the config files are set up. Both very easy.
I should say "installing" Codelet is the easy part.
The next step is to make whatever examples that are only in documentation, compilable and executable. I can't imagine it being too difficult, since I think it's safe to assume that your examples actually work. I'm guessing I'll only have to deal with a bunch of "unknown symbol" compilation errors, which will be solved with the proper imports.
The last step is to put the taglets in the correct spots.
Biggest unknown for me, aside from the content of your project, is Maven. I've only used Ant.
Anyway, thanks again for letting me do this.
Good night.
9 hours later…
Let's try that again in English...
Hello all
How is everybody today?
I am good, don't know about others :D
I'm still trying to wake up...
being awake is over-rated :p
Good morning.
Tell me about it.
My 75 year old neighbor called me. Wanted help...
Havn't had breakfast yet...
I'm out shoveling, raking, carrying bags of dirt...
I'M NOT AWAKE YET!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning, Java!
@aliteralmind Have you tried running "mvn test" on ez-vcard?
Hey guys, got a problem here, I'm trying to create a new text file, with the same contents of another file that I read with bufferedReader. The problem is the new text file only contains the last sentence of the original text file. Any help?
@Eggy Must be overwriting every line, so only the last is appearing.
@Michael Log: pastebin.com/5dyZxxRB
One failure in HCardPageTest, and one in XCardWriterTest
@aliteralmind Thanks.
I wonder if it's a Windows newline issue.
@Eggy It's likely that all lines are being output properly, but each line is overwriting the previous. Would be helpful to see some code.
@Michael: What platform you on?
@aliteralmind Mac.
i'm passing the read file as a string to a method btw
@Eggy I bet you're creating a new Writer object every time you read a line.
That would cause the file to be overwritten.
hold on I'll give u my code
static void modify(String in) {
String fileCopy = in;
try {
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("Eggy/Desktop/Hello.txt");
} catch(IOException ex) {
@Michael There are quite a few places in the source code where \n is hard coded. Should it be changed to System.getProperty("line.separator", "\r\n")?
@Eggy Try to figure out if you can tell the FileWriter to append to the end of the file.
@aliteralmind Like where? I've tried to use the local system's newline sequence where ever possible.
@Eggy If this function is being called for every line, that might explain it...assuming FileWriter(String) is set to overwrite.
@Michael For instance, in the two classes in which the tests are failing:
src\test\java\ezvcard\io\html\HCardPageTest.java(429): adr.setLabel("123 Main St.\nAustin TX, 12345\nUSA");
src\test\java\ezvcard\io\html\HCardPageTest.java(467): vcard.addNote(new Note("I am proficient in Tiger-Crane Style,\nand I am more than proficient in the exquisite art of the Samurai sword."));
src\test\java\ezvcard\io\xml\XCardWriterTest.java(340): Note note = new Note("This is a\nnote.");
src\test\java\ezvcard\io\xml\XCardWriterTest.java(362): "<text>This is a\nnote.</text>" +
src\test\java\ezvcard\io\xml\XCardWriterTest.java(377): Note note = vcard.addNote("This is a\nnote.");
@aliteralmind I think those cases are OK.
In those tests, the newline character is treated like any other character. And in some cases, changing it to the local system's newline sequence would fail the test.
thanks for the feedback, but what do you mean to 'append'
@Eggy Append means "to add to the end".
One of those lines is exactly the line that's causing a failed text:
Failed tests:
  HCardPageTest.create_then_parse:295 expected:<...n Tiger-Crane Style,[]
and I am more than ...> but was:<...n Tiger-Crane Style,[
and I am more than ...>
  XCardWriterTest.write_prettyPrint:601 null
Not arguing that you're wrong. Honestly don't know if it's coincidence or not.
@Eggy Take a look at the Javadocs for FileWriter. See if you can figure it out: docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/io/FileWriter.html
hmm ok that worked but it's not printing the file in the same format as the original. all jumbled up together. Will the link you sent me help solve that too?
Could you add this line above line 601 and run the tests again? System.out.println(actual);
@Eggy When you are typing text on the keyboard, what do you have to press to create a newline?
If you are creating a String in Java, do you know how to represent a newline?
@aliteralmind Ah, I see what the problem is with HCardPageTest.
When it creates the HTML page, it replaces all "\n" characters with "<br/>" tags.
And when it parses the HTML page, it replaces all "<br/>" tags with the local newline sequence.
hmmm, sorry I still don't know what to do
@Michael: Am I correct that everything should be compiled after mvn clean install?
@aliteralmind Yes. When you run the "install" phase, it also runs "compile", "test", and "package".
So mvn compile is an alternative?
Running "install" will package the application and copy it to your local repository
If you just want to compile, then yes, just use "compile".
If you want to run the tests, you can just run "mvn test". It will automatically compile any files that changed.
Yeah, should've just tried. I need to download the jars your project depends on. I can't compile individual files unless I have a locally installed file.
Hold on...
Maven will automatically download them for you.
Are you using Eclipse?
TextPad, baby.
Oh ok.
If you're trying to compile the files with something other than Maven, you'll have to add the dependency JARs to your classpath.
Doing that now.
Your local repository is located in ~/.m2/repository
You can reference the JARs from there.
xmlunit and mockito are dependencies in the pom, but are not in your "with dependencies" download. Getting them now.
That's because they are only used for unit testing.
@Michael Maven does not locally store the jars. It just gets them, compiles, then discards them.
Ah. That makes sense.
@aliteralmind No it doesn't.
michael System.getProperty("line.separator")
@Eggy What about it?
System.getProperty("line.separator", "\r\n")
worked, thanks for the help and thanks for not giving the answer directly to me
Default to be safe
ok ty guys <3
I love you too, Eggy.
You're welcome! :D
Got to go, laters
Just downloaded the jars. About to add to the classpath and add that System.out.println(); you wanted.
@Michael. Please let me know what that <BR> / \n thing is pushed.
Thanks for helping.
@aliteralmind Cool thanks. :) I'm wondering if the "<?xml" header thing is printing differently on your machine.
And yes, I committed a fix for the <br> issue.
Ok, now I really gtg. Cya.
Wow. I go AFK, and conversations start. :(
One question please:
Is there a command that compiles everything including all the test stuff?
After mvn clean install, still some test io.* classes aren't compiled.
That's odd.
It should compile everything when you run "mvn install".
For instance.
I'll manually compile. Go. I'll tell you more when you get back.
They should be getting compiled, because "mvn install" runs the unit tests (I think).
I was wrong.
I didn't notice the test-target folder
I should say, test-classes
Ah, ok.
Ok, cya.
Talk to you later. Making progress.
Cool, thanks.
Michael, Hi
Hi @Karl.
(I'll be your Michael for today.)
Tell me something good
Something good: Muppets Most Wanted is my third favorite Muppet movie of all time, behind The Muppet Movie and Muppets Take Manhattan. It should have done a lot better at the box office. All five of the original songs are all as good as the two songs in the previous movie (Life's A Happy Song, which should have won the Oscar, and Man Or Muppet, which is hysterical, but not a "great song" per se).
And here is me singing Man Or Muppet.
So there's that. :)
"It should have done a lot better at the box office." No...It tanked. It should have "not completely bombed."
Muppets show was the best they ever did
Chef was cool...
The guests, MOST of them showed sides nobody ever saw before...
The jumping rope! LOL
For the first time, I need to work with two CLASSPATHs :( ez-vcard uses an old junit function which does not exist in the newer version I have in my classpath.
"My name is Alice. I live in a palace."
I like the Ork-egg in your profile pic.
Seems the only choices are "use an IDE to manage it for you" or "set up individual javac commands that are specific to each project".
Given I've only ever done development in TextPad, both options are pretty stressful.
Why don't you port the ez-vcard to use the new JUnit? Michael would probably thank you
since you're working in there already
Actually, I just updated the function call (was newFile() now newFile("TEMP")).
I can't deal with the every-project-must-have-its-own-classpath issue now. Fundamental change to my environment.
I'm sure there'll be something else, but pretending that was the only issue, it should only be a matter of updating the version number in the pom.
@Michael Here's the result of adding those System.outs at line 601 in XCardWriterTest: pastebin.com/uQtbyDmd
And FYI: I had to change all instances of [tempdirectory].newFile() to newFile("TEMP"), in order to work with my more recent version of JUnit.
@Michael: Added System.outs before the failing HCardPageTest as well: pastebin.com/uiH0M3Xh Failing differently now.
The parser was off by 1
"ustin, Tx" instead of "Austin, Tx"
@Kylar You familiar with Maven?
so-so. I used to use it frequently but not in a while
I'm in over my head at the moment. Was trying to figure out where maven downloads dependency jars from. I think the answer is Maven Central.
Registering my projects there now.
What do you build with?
I exclusively use Ant.
hy! Is it possible to catch a page event fron jquery mobile on android (like pagecreate2, pageshow2, pagefeforecreate) os that on that event I can display ads?
@AlexStanese: Sorry. Unfamiliar.
ok.. theres so less information about jquery mobile and android communication

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