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hi....is anoybody can help me on SWing or Awt topics???
@Kylar @Michael @RokKralj @JigarShah
?????????????Plz reply
@NeetuChoudhary Yes
thanks @user2423959 for reply...i want to print a awt page in hardware printer but my page printing only one elemnt of page not whole page??? will you like to look at my code...???
Does anyone aware of how to install new Spring?
there used to be jar files available..but now there isnt like that
they have changed it.. and i am a new bee to it...specially to Spring
@NeetuChoudhary yes sure, can you please share it

Plz see it...

import java.awt.*;;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.print.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;

class print extends Printer implements ActionListener,KeyListener,Printable
JTable table,stable;
JTable footer = new JTable(1,6);
JTable table2= new JTable(11,2);;
JPanel panel,panell;
String data[][] = new String[100][6];
JLabel labelf[]=new JLabel[7];
JFrame f;
public static void main(String[] args)
i'm unable know how to get it done
sorry but can give you two references that might help you try http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20515531/java-swing-not-printing-complete-page and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/750310/how-can-i-print-a-single-jpanels-contents/750462#750462
i have got the following error:Error: Could not find or load main class javax.xml.registry.samples.SaveOrganizationTest. can any one help me? i recently added javaee.jar file to my project after onwards i am getting the above exception for every project when i compile java code.
Thanks @user2423959 .but it not helping me overall........
hey , i have an issue. can i have a seperate chat as my issue is a bit long ?
i am unable to compare values from a text field and a variable
tried hard but still its printing nothing. can any one please help ?
1 hour later…
Just a wild guess... did you use == instead of .equals()?
anyone worked with google app engine?
threads are very limited in google app engine and can only be done in a (http)request and when the request is done it dies
is there anything else that can give me the power of threads?
How to update list of objects from hibernate sql query, List list = session.createSQLQuery(...).list(); can I some how update/refresh that list with hibernate?
7 hours later…
Any java game developers here i have a question

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