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What's up, young's?
that should have read "young'un"
What is Ender's Game btw?
and what is the difference in writing in java for gaming vs others?
Well a lot actually
Not so much the writing but the compilation, performance, and the way it is actually running.
Yeah, but that should be stuff that you do regardless of the language/platform
Since Java has a poor use of memory and runs in a virtual machine of its own per program.
Yes stuff you do, but in Java you can't really take control of the memory in any way.
Although I think its a fantastic place to begin programming and game development but if you want to make a more complex program or game a language elsewhere is going to be much better.
So.. you're saying that you're better at writing memory management than the people who wrote the VM, the JDK and the HotSpot compiler?
I think that you'd be very hard pressed to convince me of that
Definitely not at all I am just saying that in Java you cannot take much control over how the memory is used
Yeah, but if you're not as good as they are... why would you want to?
They're much much much smarter than we are
And they write better memory management code
So why not use it?
I am saying that in languages such as C you can do things with release pools and such so it takes care of the memory for you as necessary
That's a common misconception btw (that java is bad at managing memory)
Yeah, but most people do it very poorly
Java was written in C but not in such a way that it has a well use of memory
That doesn't make sense.
There are few functions for releasing unnecessary memory in java
it just sits there
in its own virtual machine loading up
and when this occurs the computers ram will have a tough time working through this
Java frees memory itself
via the GC
Yes ik but not all memory
some of it has to be done manually
which Java does not offer
No, it doesn't.
although some objects d contain flush() methods
which somewhat is useful
Show me one example of when you must free memory manually as opposed to using the GC
I honestly couldn't really say because in my programming experiences I have only had the experience of using auto release pools instead of having to do anything manually so i have a poor understand of when memory should even be released.
Eg. Objective-C with the fantastic autoreleasepool{}
as oppose to its older versions of when you literally had to take an object and flush out the unneeded memory as specific times.
I have to say this: Unless you're writing something that's specific to the guts of a piece of hardware, you are very ignorant if you think that Java can't be as performant as C/C++. In addition, unless you have many multiple years of writing memory management code, in any language, you'd be foolish to try.
And that's speaking from 20+ years as both a C and Java programmer, writing super-high performant applications
And in all honesty I only know from what I have read and heard so I am not a valid source of this information. I have heard Java has a poor use of memory although these articles and people could be wrong or possibly I have a mis understanding of what they are trying to say.
I would say that they are probably old (Java did have issues when it was released for several years) Or they are building on misconceptions.
Do u think Java now has a performance as well as most any other language?
I've written software that is used by hundreds of millions of people.
Wow I am much impressed.
I think that in the vast majority of cases, Java is as or more performant than most languages.
I wonder why Java is always looked so down on then for performance and even the language itself.
Maybe its because of how it use to be when it was newer?
There is probably a slight advantage to C/C++ in some cases, but it is much more difficult to write fast and reliable code in C/C++
It's possible.
So do u think choosing to program larger games in Java is not much different than using something such as C++?
performance wise
I gtg in a min to study for a test tomorrow morning btw
I think it depends. Language choice for games is largely dictated by the platform you're targeting
but I know that there are lots of games that are made on Java
The largest computer game in the world is so
it does have somewhat of performance issues when your not running it on a very good computer although I suppose that would be the same for most any language
7 hours later…
Hi all :)
1 hour later…
Hi guys,
O'Reilly JAX-RS book says that you should not put @Path on abstract class. Why?
We can put @Path in interfaces
1 hour later…
IS there anyone who can help me on jersey and server sent event ?
I have deleted a directory from netbeans project
now it says "this folder already used in project" when i want to add it back
anybody knows how to do that?
1 hour later…
[Netbeans] Help. I get this error, despite having javax.persistence.EntityManager under libraries in netbeans:
error: package javax.persistence does not exist
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
1 hour later…
The editor doesn't display exclamation mark by this line
only when I run the project
I get the error
2 hours later…
@Rok Is that package on the classpath when the program is executed?
All classes that are used within a Java program must be on the classpath during compilation in order to compile successfully.
However, classes can also be used via reflection. Classes used in this way do not need to be on the classpath in order for the compilation succeed.
However, if those classes are referenced during runtime, and they are not on the classpath, an error will occur, despite he compilation having been successful.
One common example of reflection being used in this way is the instantiation of an application's database connection.
The database's JDBC driver is initialized via reflection using the Class.forName() method, and then the connection is established with a JDBC connection URL.
The database driver does not need to be on the classpath for the compilation to succeed. However, an error will undoubtedly appear as soon as the application is run if the driver is not on the classpath.
3 hours later…
Mmm classpaths.. and stuff.

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