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I am sending one url to user by mail but I want to encrypt that url Because user could not see data of url..is there any good and easy mechanism?
hey i anybody is there i have one question regarding Dandelion-datatable. for jsp.
3 hours later…
Hi, I have a @MappedSuperClass BaseEntity and sub-classes extending from that. I have a @Audited on the mappedsuperclass however to my knowledge i thought all the subclasses would get Audited too as it extends from the superclass
However this is not the case i have to add @Audited to all sub-classes too.
I'm generating JPA entity claases from database.
in netbeans
But they already exist (only option is recreate). How do I delete them.
"Java is to JavaScript as car is to carpet". Does that mean JavaScript is 100 times less useful than Java?
just the opposite
flying carpet is great!
And "Java is to JavaScript as ham is to hamster", so Java is dead?
hi java people
anyone can tell me how createstatemet return statement object which is an interface
3 hours later…
Still there?
@Dhruv I can answer your question
An interface defines behavior, so the method is saying that it will return an object that conforms to the Statement interface. It actually returns a different class that implements that interface.
think of an interface like a contract. It defines an expectation, but doesn't actually do anything
And when you have a return type or any argument that is defined as an interface type, it means that you can use any class that abides by that contract.
2 hours later…
Hey whats up y'all
I have a question so if anyone is available to help me out that would be fabulous!
You can try
We're not very helpful
Ok thats cool well I hope u can answer if not thats fine.
Anyway I am going on a 15 hour flight to Israel for Christmas and decided I want a book to learn frmo during all this time
I'm pretty drunk, so it may not work
I am experienced much in Java but would like to get into Java game development
idk what that is but no thanks
Know of a good book on java game development?
Sorry, no :(
but you should totally read Ender's Game.
If I think of any before I leave for christmas break, I'll let you know
Plus... what's different about writing games in java vs any other language? Concepts are the same... you basically just need to write high performant graphics and network code :)
Plus, I hate to say it... there's no money in game development :)

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