Anyone recommend a good course for java / webapp development for an almost n00b on both counts? Must be in europe, preferable sweden or neigbouring country and be in english
Yeah I have some books, but employer is willing to pay to "get me off the ground" so to speak. What I have learnt is a bit from here, a bit from there with understanding a lot of the ground concepts
need to log off for a while .... but will read responses later - thanks in advance!
well if anyone has a bright idea I will be glad to hear them! I was thinking that I could go with a framework based course such as spring, but it would still leave some gaps
Hi everyone. Im java newbie, so are my questions) I'm writing a testing system and i all i want to do is to count how many seconds had user spent on this question. i.e. i print question(standard System.out.println), then wait 5 seconds and if within these 5 seconds user answered(through standard input), i want to keep this value.
If user hasnt provided an answer in 5 seconds, it must skip this question and continue.
The problem is - im reading user answers via Scanner object, and something line in.nextInt() is uncontrollable, i suppose.
@Anton You can record the system time when you print the question and the system time when the user submits an answer, and subtract to find the difference.
@Anton Perhaps you could use sleep(5000); for that, but I'm not sure how much you want to get involved in threads.
@LordTorgamus The problem is that the Scanner (in reading from the input stream) will block on that thread while waiting for the user's answer, so you have to have a monitor running separately that can notify the waiting input thread. Otherwise it won't be able to continue until after the user inputs something, which I believe is not the desired behaviour.