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Q: sync and async status of Operation and OperationQueues

Jean-Luc GodardI am reading docs on OperationQueue. I have this doubt, what is the sync and async status of the operation, BlockOperation and OperationQueue we are creating. As I am understanding it, it will run as sync operation, but in case we want to run it in async manner we have to dispatch it it in asyn...

What do you mean by the "sync and async status"? What status do you mean? And note that OperationQueue and DispatchQueue are different tools. Both support sync and async execution of code.
May be I should phrase it correctly but I was asked in an interview that , when you are executing operations with 1) single operation 2) block operation and 3) operation thread, will those operation be a) sync or b) Async ?
Depends on how the operation queue was setup.
But as per doc , Operation objects are synchronous by default .. right ? and also When you add an operation to an operation queue, the queue ignores the value of the is​Asynchronous property and always calls the start() method from a separate thread.
So can I say , single operation - > sync , operationQue -> Async , By default?
Actually, I may be confusing the issue here. I'm thinking of concurrent versus serial which is different from sync/async. Everything in an operation queue is normally async since you use addOperation which returns immediately. The exception is the use of the addOperations(_:waitUntilFinished:) method where you can wait which makes it sync instead of async.
so , addOperation --> that means in the case of BlockOperation and OperationQueue right ? Still going by docs Single Operation will be executed in Sync manner and also we can tackle single and concurrent with maxOperation flag . Am I getting it right ?
Yes, using maxConcurrentOperationCount allows you to make the queue either serial or concurrent. But that is independent of whether a given block or operation you add to the queue is done sync or async.
Yes , Fine but this .. addOperation --> that means in the case of BlockOperation and OperationQueue right ? Still going by docs Single Operation will be executed in Sync manner is also true right ?
addOperation is a method of OperationQueue. If you call two addOperation calls one immediately after the other, they are both async. Your code doesn't wait for the added operations to actually run. It doesn't matter what kind of operation you add. I really don't know what you mean by "going by docs Single Operation will be executed in Sync manner".
Okay , I am referring this link ,
in this , Asynchronous Versus Synchronous Operations section , it is written that , Operation objects are synchronous by default , So If I define a single operation and call start() , it will be a synchronous operation directly from the code .
Read the very first line of that section: "If you plan on executing an operation object manually, instead of adding it to a queue". And then near the end: "When you add an operation to an operation queue, the queue ignores the value of the isAsynchronous property".
right , so without adding it to a queue , it will be a sync operation by default . if that is a single operation . right ?
That's what is says. The best way to learn this stuff is to try and experiment. You'll learn way more than posting a question here.
Yes , That's true . Thanks anyways buddy , Mac was unavailable so had to post here to make it clear in my mind :( . Thanks a ton for the discussion :)

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