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Q: Vue.js Creating Reusable Functions

RbexMy code is horrible. I'm new on this Vue.js. As you can see I have two AJAX call that needs to become a function. How I'm going to do it. I can't use for example var app = this this.allAdmissions('http://localhost/school/api/admissions', app.admission) and then in my methods I will just all...

As I could see you have typo here this.allAdmissions('http://localhost/school/api/admissions', app.admission), you are using singular app.admission but actual array name is addmissions, so It should be app.admissions
No it's still doesn't work. I used app.admissions but still doesn't work.
are you getting any error in console ?
I will update with screenshot.
If I used console.log('value.admissions'). There is no observer but if I use the app.admissions it has an observer. I think that is the reason.
Observer is normal thing added by Vue to track changes on object.
But without observer it doesn't work. If i only pass var app=this this.allAdmissions('http://localhost/school/api/admissions', app ) then invoke value.admissions this work.
If you only pass the one parameter to your allAdmissions method (url), the value during function execution would be set to undefined
Yes it is undefined. So I pass two parameters.
Yes and then as I see from your image, value is filled with data from server ? So where is the actual problem, and what doesn't work as suposed ?
The problem is I need to combined the two methods by just passing the url and the data but it won't work. If you have idea how to make it only one method and just pass a parameter that's what I want. Thanks.
The problem is it doesn't filled to my select if there is no observer. Although the data is there if no observer it won't filled up.
Sorry but I don't really understand what issue you have, and what you are trying to make...if you want we can continue discussion on chat.
okay, i'm here
Thanks. BTW . I tried to solve it by myself.
Do you use teamviewe or something like that
By passing two parameters and it won't work.
It would much easier to solve issue with that
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It has an observer but it doesn't work. It's fine Sir.
I'll just find a way how to do it.
Thank you so much.
as second parameter
try to pass only admissions
I think I make the mistake here
so don't pass app.admissions, try with addmissions only
Still it doesn't work this.allAdmissions('http://localhost/school/api/admissions', 'admissions', app)
don't pass it as strinf
as string
It gives me an error.
vue.js:1454 ReferenceError: admissions is not defined
yeah..I think you can try to bind app on debounce method and remove this stuff with context
Yeah but I can't create a single one. Thank you Sir for your time.

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