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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

when i call getResource(path) and pass "export\home" pas path
if i path= Q:\export\home is present in system than it returns null

if path=Q:\myAppapp\abc\xyz\export\home is pressnt in system it return value which i need.
so my doubt is do classloader dont have capability to access any resource which is outside the application ?
in this case my application is directly inside Q:\myAppapp
@hemkar no, stop right there
when you launch your application, you specify which jars to add to the classpath
If there is a jar file in Q:\, then you specify at that moment classpath Q:\somejar.jar
When you search using getResource(path) using export\home, it searches for a file called "home" in subfolder export within somejar.jar
you understand the difference?
the path isn't searching for a file, it's searching within the jars already present in the classpath
I have a lazy question. In PHP, there's the foreach loop, which I can do foreach ($anArray as $key => $value) and I'm able to capture the value at an array index. I know Java has the for (anArray : key) loop, but can I access the value in the loop definition? or will I just do value = anArray[key]; inside of the loop?
@Tiffany for (anArray : key) is called an implicit loop
that's one way to do it when you don't care about the index
the other way is to do for(int i=0; i<key.length; i++) { }
I guess it's personal preference, but I like implicit loops
much primitive
very loop
That could just be from my PHP background though.
it's generally considered better to use implicit loops if you don't require the index
I like .forEach(lambda)
I'm doing a problem on hackerrank, trying to prep for an interview
@Wietlol except that doesn't fix the problem :P
oh yeah, ThoughtWorks wants to interview me 😃 you guys helped me with that
because it is polymorphic, in chronological order and functional
the new school of thought is to pass lambdas, yes
though it's not more performant or anything. Actually the opposite, but it isn't significantly slower
@Wietlol did you ever get your LLVM compiler working? :P
@Neil though, fwiw, this problem on hackerrank passes the array's length so I suppose I may as well take advantage of that.
I need to decide if I want to delete array indices after I'm finished with them. I'm thinking it would make it easier. Maybe I can copy the array that's passed into a mutable array inside the function, and remove the indices from the mutable array.
@Tiffany you shouldn't be saving array indexes
@Tiffany almost
though maybe I don't understand the problem
My logic is probably convoluted:
get value of first array index
loop through array
check to see if any values in the array match the first array index
if match exists, add one to sock counter
outside of loop, calculate modulus of sock counter, if == 0, then assign value to some pair variable counter
I was thinking of deleting array indices at some point either in the loop or in another loop after calculating modulus, to ensure I don't capture it again
try a partitioning collect
you want to group by sock color and count each, then divide by 2 (if it's odd, it'll round down)
ideally you should make one pass
(there should be an identity function)
is there a jdk standard function for the identity function?
seems a bit silly writing e -> e
iirc, there isnt
that is why I always kept one in my super-duper-epic java utility library
I also have one in my super-duper-epic C# utility library
handy if you need everything else in your super-duper-epic C# utility library and if you're using C#
otherwise not so much
i need everything else in that lib
trust me
it contains everything that I find horrific about each particular environment so that I dont have to deal with stuff again
@Zoe is there anyone besides us that does vim around here? I think you'd be shouting in the wind, if I didn't keep procrastinating
for example, Int32.Parse uses the current culture by default
I will forget that every time and I find it stupid to use it as default
I want invariant culture
because you can predict its behavior
if you want current culture, you must explicitly specify that you want to use the current culture
@towc Don't think so.
feel free to ping me if you're nerding out about vim
helps me forget how empty my apartment is
But sure ^^
1 hour later…
posted on June 03, 2019 by CommitStrip

I don't think I get where this commitstrip is trying to be funny
is the joke that the guy is actually the hacker? (pulling the wires)
The punchline is "no internet, no hack vulnerabilities"
Beware of hacker-thief
No I mean thief-hacker
Or hack thiefer
It's more a critique than a joke.
@Zoe that's not even a joke
that's just normal security advice
@Neil it make sense now
@towc there's still a punchline
It's very scary when you hear stories about nuclear power plants and the like being connected to the internet.
The internet isn't the cute, quirky child it once was.
I'd argue it's more of a quirky child than it ever was
but cute in the same way that lsd is cute
Don't do drugs, kids.
2 hours later…
@towc if you're interested, here's my .vimrc. Now overhauled and 314159.26535897932% better than before. xD
@towc the joke is more IoT
everything now has to be connected
your fridge, your central heating, your garage, your car, your lights, your glazing operation machine
aka, SmartFridge, SmartGarage, SmartGlazingOperationMachine
@Zoe Right up until someone plugs a USB stick that they found on the sidewalk into their computer just to see what's on it.
continues to work on llvm ir generator
@JennaSloan if you find a USB stick on the side walk, pick it up, go home, and plug it into a networked, non-sandboxed computer, you deserve it.
@Zoe Good luck explaining that to users.
@JennaSloan I just did.
@Zoe I'm not "users"
@JennaSloan so?
@Zoe So what?
1 hour later…
Don't mind me, just backing up my entire website
Oh, it finished downloading already? It said "about 23 hours remaining" when it started.
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