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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

Found the answer after 1-2 hours, thank god.
ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation() did the trick.
I was just about to say that.
Haha well....
jk xD
I just exported the plugin (.jar) file and tried it in a real java program in eclipse. It only gave me the workspace :'(
lol, I am laughing my ass of reading this:
The bloke is trying to get help (same thing I am looking for) but they want him to find the solution himself lol

> Dear Ed,
> Do you know how to get the name of the selected project? Or do you not?

Some people don't understand that the people who answer questions on forums are volunteers.
I have an application where occurs multiple version of JAX-RS, one of that via Jersey, and other that via RESTEasy. I guess that a reasonable way to solve that is using modules from Java 9. You have other ideea? Where I can found an example with multiple modules build in single project?
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